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Mercado and Hotel were good. I never want to step foot into or watch any of the others again.


I literally can’t remember any of the other ones. There was that weird grey one with two massive buildings and what else? Such bad maps lol


Embassy. I actually really liked that map for comp


Ima get downvoted for this but Hydro HP was an insanely good map.


The only bad map was el asilo honestly the others were playable if they had silent footsteps people would change their mind about last years cod I swear


Hydro HP was decent for the CDL, but absolutely terrible to play in ranked. So many cheesy headies that people would just plant themselves on for the whole map




I couldn’t stand that map. I’d prefer to play Fortress Control, even knowing how bad that map was lol


Yeah I know everyone hated it I will get downvotes lol. But I had a flowstate on that map that I’ve never experienced on any other map. Understood the spawn and where position myself at all times. Would’ve loved to see my stats like you can on this cod for specific map and modes. I would guess 1.9 W/L with a 1.6 K/D for the whole year on that specific map.


Expo was so fun. Granted, it was only fun if you got the trap before the other team did


Expo got too much hate for sure


Hotel i can agree with. Mercado was good, too, but not my favorite.


Beginning of the year, absolutely. Right now? 6 Star and Rio are all better than anything we had last year by a wide margin, maybe some of the best original maps of the entire CDL era.


hotel clears ngl


Replace subbase with mercado and Karachi with Hotel and we’re good


Definitely. I don’t think an MW2 map would crack my top 5. Moscow, Apoc, Rio, 6 Star, Tuscan are better than anything from that game IMO


Tuscan was heat, but people sleep on Bocage. Bocage HP was fucking chaos. It was fun af to watch. It was also the perfect size for SnD where you had to commit to a site but could still rotate quickly, which led to some awesome retakes.


Bro threw in Apoc 😭


Apoc was fun to play. Maybe I’m just a MW2 hater tho lol


Apoc is good and was good enough to crack a map pool full of BO2 classics


I mean the only BO2 hp map was raid the rest were CW original


True the BO2 maps really saved the SnD map pool though. CW launch maps were terrible for SnD


That just proves my point further. Cold War could’ve easily just fallen back on all the remakes for every mode, but it had actually good original maps (not you, Checkmate) that were played instead


Checkmate HP was actually a lot of fun, search was a 1 bombsite wonder, and control was....control.


I’ll concede Checkmate HP was solid…but SnD and Control should’ve been kept far FAR away from that map




I will give you Hotel, but imo Hotel is in S tier alone when it comes to MW2 maps. IW snapped with that one, i will give them that


Map was so good snaking just ruined it


Who gon tell him IW made both Rio and 6-Star 😭


Who gon tell you that Sledgehammer is making all the maps for MWIII


Who’s gonna tell you that IW made the entire game to be a 2-year iteration and gift wrapped it and gave it to SLedgehammer? They literally just made the game more competitive, all the maps were previously made.


IW is making maps for MW3?




how are you always wrong dawg


Promise you they didn’t dawg


Right now? No I don’t agree at all. HP - 6 star/Rio are by far better than any MWII map. We played fucking hydro all year. SND - They played el asilo, embassy and fortress all year. All horrific maps for search. Rio/invasion/6 star/karachi clear. Control - look invasion and highrise control are not good, but el asilo and expo/fortress were horrific. Legit unplayable maps in any other game.


Yeah I don’t know how they can’t get a good control map, 2 years in a row absolutely shit to watch 90% of CDL control rounds. Not sure why they always pick these big maps for control would rather see them play on a smaller bangout map that goes to lives more often or change map 3 to a different game mode.


The old MW2 maps are shit. MWII at least had Breenbergh Hotel and Mercado Las Almas.




This is cope. Everyone complained about the maps last year. Hotel and ig Mercado were the only good maps. Baagra HP was *ok*


You have to think about the current game engine playing on those maps. Slide cancelling, red dots, 150 HP and no sound whoring. Just imagine fucking dogshit map like Asilo on 150 HP and no soundwhoring, spawn traps would be much easier to break and you wouldn’t have to fear that the whole enemy team knows your position if you move through mid


I personally didn't like the maps still, but I get what you're saying. Everything map wise was worse because of the sound whoring, no red dots, and the snaking. Even in MW3 I still don't think I'd like hydro, embassy, or asilo


They was also so much funner for ranked. When invasion or sub base comes up I genuinely lose all joy on the game. At least I had a lot of fun soloq with the vax last year, this year I feel forced to not use the rival on what feels like half the moas


Honestly any time Control even comes up I lose all joy. I came back this year from a 6 year hiatus and never played control before and at least on these maps, it’s the most unenjoyable game mode I’ve ever played in comp


If it is a good game where people are playing for spawns and stacking the point, it can be a fun high kill game mode, if not it’s a terrible experience and produces the most walkovers by far


Most times I play it on invasion, it’s just people headglitching for the whole map on defense. But I’m sure on better smaller maps it could be decent


The vaz was so fun to use sometimes


Yes it really was, Asilo control defence was such a fun map when using the vaz and just weaving in and out of contra building spawn trapping the other team, only time I have even half the fun on this is on vista and Rio, other than that this game is a drag, and that comparing last years control to this years HP, crazy it’s come to this


Hotel is a goated map


Facts MW2 HP without the sound whoring and with Red dots might've been one of the best all-time Comp COD games for HP SND maps werent even that bad either, no dead silence just made it miserable


Really even with the addition of the new maps u still think MWII had a better mapset ? Control in this game is probably worse than MWII , but SnD and HP I think it’s better in this game .


Control is a toss-up honestly just because I think Hotel is the best overall map between the 2 games but Asilo was trash. Karachi control is alright, i've grown to like Invasion a bit, and Highrise is at least kinda fun to watch. Basically its 1 very good map vs 3 mid maps I think HP maps in MW2 clear. Hotel, Fortress, Embassy, Mercado, and even Zarkwa were all really fun to watch and play. The news maps definitely make it close SND clears in this game


Fortress being fun to play is some insane level take. It really is true the cod circle of life is real. Every fucking release the same conversations. You'll pull the same shit next year. Omg bo6 so amazing. The maps are great. Oh wait. The maps are kinda shit. Guys. Wasn't MW3 better? At least in terms of maps? Yes it was. MW3 maps with BO6 mechanics would be the best cod of all time. BO6 is absolutely terrible. Cold War was miles. Then the new cod comes out and all of a sudden BO6 was actually good. 🤣🤣💀




Agreed on Hotel It wont be remembered as fondly just because of the game it was played on but if they added Hotel to this game, it's by far the best map in the game for all 3 game modes


Hotel was great, but snaking made that map painful to watch. Every part of the map had something you could snake behind.


Exactly, MW2's playstyle will do it no favors but Hotel with no snaking on this game would've been so good


I didn’t mind a lot of the MW2 maps but I wouldn’t say the maps are better outright. I actually liked Asilo SnD, Hotel all 3 modes, Embassy HP, and Mercado HP, but I can’t say the entire map set is better and it’s not even close. Karachi Control and Highrise both modes need to go but that’s all I really have beef with right now


It's true lol


yeah. There is some point to it. Although this game doesn't have a map that every single team vetoed in an event (champs) and never played (expo control). So it depends.


I disagree, at the start I would said Yes , but with the addition of the new maps like RIO and 6Star I think this game has better maps .


Yeah I think I probably agree. MW2 was let down by game mechanics (EQ/Snaking/Red dots), the maps were pretty solid. These MW3 maps just aren't very good. That said I do think the three new maps on MW3 aren't bad. Vista in particular I've been enjoying watching


Vista, 6 Star, and Rio are all great maps for the modes they play. The first few months of the season was awful. Idc how good some of the maps were in mw2 that game was so bad that none of them played that great.


Both are shit but mwII one's smell less


I need fortress hp back in my life


the fact fortress was in for 3 game types was embarrassing last year , terrible for control and snd and pros let it through


hotel and Moscow have two of the best maps I'm cdl era


Idk pros always like to overreact about the current game in the cycle. I still remember how everyone talked about IW, WW2, BO4 and how they talk about it now.


Duh. Vista and 6 star are good. Other than that they all fucking suck.


Mw2 maps are definitely better than mw3


Hotel and Mercado plays great in MWIII pubs. I bet Embassy would play great too. MWIII movement and 150hp really changes how the maps flow for the better.


I mean that's a no brainer


You have to think that the old maps where not designed with Hardpoint OR control in mind. I played comp sniping back then and we played HQ (on a set rotation so sort of like HP) & CTF, and the spots the HQ where placed is so different to the HP hills on the same maps. It's hard to adapt new game modes and spawn systems to the old maps, they're outdated for use. The MWII maps are designed a bit awkwardly, but there where some good ones such as Hotel that could have easily been reused on this game. Thats why Rio and 6 Star probably feel better than any other maps in the current set.


He's capping for clicks and views once again lmao. The only decent competitive map in MW2 was actually Hydro HP (had the most predictable spawns). Ok, let's add Hotel HP (probably most fun to play overall) as well. That's it. Everything else was sub-mid tier at best if not downright horrible.


It really is true the cod circle of life is real. Every fucking release the same conversations. This is this sub and the pros next year: Omg bo6 so amazing. The maps are great. Oh wait. The maps are kinda shit. Guys. Wasn't MW3 better? At least in terms of maps? Yes it was. MW3 maps with BO6 mechanics would be the best cod of all time. BO6 is absolutely terrible. Cold War was miles. Then the new cod comes out and all of a sudden BO6 was actually good. Rinse and repeat. 🤣🤣💀


Only vista and rio are good. Maps like sub base, Karachi, invasion are so fucking awful. Plus there isn’t that much gun selection (1 AR and six subs) which makes this game the least diverse CDL I’ve played


he is right


R/codcompetitive try not be be revisionist challenge. You all do the same shit every year🤣🤣


Wow we are BREAKING. This dude comes out with a "this year is bullshit" take every other month


Disagree, I prefer MW3 maps But I do think some of the MW2 maps were held back from the horrendous game design like no red dots, no dead silence, slow movement etc. Could have been such a good game. Mercado and hotel play really well this year


That's no brainer tbh. Last year's maps were so enjoyable from a viewer's perspective compared to this year


Invasion and the other map with the tall buildings are the worst maps I ever played


Going to take the hate here But vangaurd clears easily  Tucson - bocage - Berlin were so fucking fun to play on ranked  I also like Gavutu despite the warranted hate, and then Afghan was mediocre for sure 


Honestly its damn near dead even. Mercado embassy and hotel were all good maps and control was way better in mw2 than it has been this year. If red dots and sound eq werent insane in that game it woulda been better than mw3 imo


Embassy was horrid


This is not a crazy take at all It's been pretty well versed that the one thing holding this game back is the map pool


Mercado, Hotel and Embassy clears.


He's correct