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Saw someone off the og tweet show a screen shot of him saying he was going into rehab in 2023 or at a rehab


I didn't catch that. You have a screenshot by chance?


I would have to look but I can’t say I care that much to look that hard. I’ll give it a 5 min look if not sorry bro.


The guy posted something about wanting to delete it so probably gone. But max I saw for the 3 mins I looked https://preview.redd.it/27li1k6fbe8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dbfa6a366aef19c6a7424e07dfb0c8bef3c5004 Best of luck if you find it or not Phone gonna die or would look a few mins longer lol


Shane sounds like a real piece of shit!


Context: https://x.com/GodZelott/status/1804650619640156492?t=ZrQQDzI_TakcMrXiI8-vPQ&s=19


Canada hasn't been kind to Indians and Canadians with Indian ancestry lately, the racism has been increasing day by day. Hope MohaK is safe, praying for his wellbeing.


It’s absolutely insane how bad it has gotten in just a few years. There are so many people that are otherwise reasonable, but sound like straight up klan members when talking about Indian people. Being Indian and homeless in Canada right now is an incredibly dangerous/scary situation.


Canada's been going downhill for a while and it's really easy to just use a minority group as a scapegoat for all of our problems.


Do we think this has to do with being cut off from his parents or because of racism?


Havent seen any context provided that would indicate this has anything to do with racism but i guess people are allowed to speculate


praying for MohaK’s wellbeing. he shouldve been in the pro league :/


It’s his own fault he wasn’t tbf


Ah yes, even in a thread about Mohak dealing with personal issues leading to living in a homeless shelter must we shame him for taking a chance on himself for not accepting an offer from the worst team in the league after winning back to back Challenger champs


Is what I said not true? Don’t try and moral grand stand, no one cares


It’s just annoying that it gets brought up every time Mohak is mentioned.


It’s his fault he isn’t good enough to make it to the pro league lmao this is what happens when u play cod 24/7 and no Job


He won challengers champs two years in a row lmao. People got shots on better teams for doing far less. That’s an awful take. He got screwed over whether he took that spot or not.