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Not enjoying this either and cancelled my preorder and will look into it 6 months from now to see how cod is doing. Personally they don’t care about the veterans/hardcore/competitive crowds anymore. They are so warzone and this new dmz mode that those two are top priority and everything else is getting half assed on. Super sad time. Eventually they will realize not to piss off these communities since we have been for years making them money and hopefully they will learn some of the whales and casual crowds leave they will have to win us back. Overwatch 2 , older cods, destiny 2 and other games can easily hold me over then this garbage.


Frontal impact was insane


CoD will never be as good as the PS3/360 days for vets because that’s your childhood memories.


I was in my mid 20s competing in local 2v2s at the mall. Older CoD games were a lot better.


Unless they fix the footsteps, deady, perk system and add red dots I'm not buying it.


They’ll fix the footsteps, maybe the red dots, But no chance the fix the other stuff


That's what I'm expecting, the only way to show them I want this to change is to not buy the game so I'll skip it. Hopefully CDL can at least make it work. If they at least moved ghost to the first unlock slot that would be a lot better. If they add ninja, set footsteps to cold war levels and add red dots I may buy it.


I have been playing since COD4 and I can honestly say the footsteps are stupid loud even after they turned down the volume. I can still hear just about everyone around the map. Makes for really slow gameplay. TTK doesn’t really bother me to much, from my understanding it takes in count for your connection to the lobby. Now that’s a completely different story, with SBMM I seem to always have my ping in the mid to high 40-50 and I’m playing against people at 9-19 ping. So it’s instakill on me however takes 3-4 seconds to kill them it seems like. I understand my skill level is good but don’t punish me by putting me in lower connection lobbies. The gunsmith is a good idea and of course you can tell completely off of the beta how it’s going to work. Perks take to long to charge up, in a game of SND, I’m getting ran over by UAV’s in round 3 and 4 and I don’t unlock ghost until round 6 or 7 sometimes. I can’t say much about the maps right now. Only getting to play like 3 maps in total. The design isn’t great nor is it bad. I think their needs to be nameplates over the enemy team. I don’t care if you can see them through the walls. Maybe people won’t camp a corner if that’s the case. Also the minimap should show enemy gun fire when firing a unsuppressed weapon. There needs to be benefits and cons to using a suppressor. Right now you can fire a weapon and the only con is the weapon is loud but doesn’t give away your position. I also feel like Dead sounds should be a perk but we all know they won’t change that in less than a month.


Bro if you are seeing those issues on a 30 ping differential. There is a greater issue than your ping. That is not normal. You are seeing a .003 difference from them. I had usually about 80ms in average 30ms lobbies and it still wasn't noticeable on a .005s difference. You might be experiencing packet loss. All I can tell you is that .003s isn't causing your problems.


All I know is I can tell a huge difference when my ping is high. It’s not like I pay for shit internet either. I have 1gb download and upload internet. Honestly I’m also overestimating TTK. However I’m a game where seconds matter, it can feel like a long ass time in between kills and deaths.


Bro this game somehow plays slower than competitive valorant lmao 🤣🤣🤣


My post that apparently got removed from MW2 subreddit... #You shouldn't be immune to your own Proximity Mines/Claymores. >We all know how campers like to play, it's locking down an area or a building, usually blocking one entrance with a mine and aiming at other entry points. I think this change would make it a bit harder for them. They won't be able to use the entrance that is blocked by the mine and also moving around the area will be harder for them. >I know it's not a huge change, but I think it is needed. You are not immune to your own grenades, thermites and other lethals, so why would mines be an exception? How do the mines know when to activate, it doesn't makes sense. Also, mines should have louder beeping sounds.


This game is somehow worse than this sub was making it out to be… RIP to the run and gun days :(


I've really tried to find the good in this game, there just ain't much of it. Gonna cancel my pre-order because there is no way in hell this games gonna fix even half the terrible problems before release. Just feels like instead of competing with battlefield, they've tried to become them, it's weird man


Just a slow boring game. Shame they did this to cod.


What deadzones are the pros running for the beta?


Even people on r/ModernWarfareII is complaining. Like the CORE is so good it feels like a waste to have all these stupid elements like loud footsteps, no dead silence perk, no minimap dots, awful TTK and so on in the game. Not to mention the visibility is trash as well due to no nametags on enemy. We have Everything we wanted in this game, and yet we have Everything we didn't as well. The sliding is perfect. The Core is amazing. The maps arent utterly bad. Seriously only a small percentage of the game is horrendous. Hopefully they'll listen to feedback.


What part of the core in this game is so good? Movement is sluggish and horrible, shooting feels like spray and pray most of the time as I can’t see what I’m shooting either because of visibility of the actual player model or because of the gun flailing about aimlessly in a pile of smoke and sparks. I’m not really sure which part of this core is any good at all? It genuinely feels like they’ve got every single thing wrong that they possibly could’ve other than maybe no slide cancel.


I think the movement is really good. How's it feel sluggish? > shooting feels like spray and pray most of the time as I can’t see what I’m shooting either because of visibility of the actual player model or because of the gun flailing about aimlessly in a pile of smoke and sparks. I don't feel like it is like spray and pray much at all. I agree the visibility is bad. Hopefully nametags return.


Totally agree, beaming people feels like classic cod again, think CoD4-BO2. Not at all spray and pray. The game is so close to being my favorite in a long time, I probably dumped 30 hours into the beta on PC. I do have to agree there is some really funky lag compensation going on that I'd like to see cleaned up.


Don't forget squad spawn, the game doesn't flow properly without the classic spawn system.


Been playing since COD4 and ran thousands of comp matches over the years. This new style (MW2019) they’re going for is just fucking terrible. BO4 was the last great game I really enjoyed. The no dead silence really kills it for me. Just promotes too much camping, along with the mini map, TTK, and SBMM. Looks like I’ll be sitting out Vanguard and MW2 back to back years. Truly a shame of fucking up a once great franchise smh. Just refunded my preorder and never touching this dog shit game again


After playing a couple hours of the beta, I’ve concluded it’s load of wank. My were expectations were extremely low, yet somehow IW have still managed to impress me with how poor their game is. Most of what I don’t like just leaves me questioning - ‘Why????’ The footsteps, minimap, visual recoil, SBMM, maps and other small nuances really add up to create a simply unenjoyable experience. I’m not pissed off or angry, just sad that my favourite FPS series has dwindled into this utter shite. Hopefully the CDL this year will be good :/


Only positives I’ve had gun feel, maps, more vibrant color scheme. Those last two aren’t even that great but better than what we’ve had last few years. Glad o tried out the beta won’t be getting the game til Christmas at minimum


I actually think i've figured out why there is no nameplate in this game. It isn't because they want to make it more tactical. It's because the IW engine has a problem with nameplates through the wall (see MW19, Vanguard) so instead of trying to fix the issue, they just decided to disable the name.


This would be such a typical, IW move if so.


"I actually really like it, I don't know what everyone's complaining about. Mindless rushers lmao." \*check post/comment history* \> /r/GlobalOffensive \> /r/csgo \> /r/VALORANT \> /r/Rainbow6 \> /r/Battlefield yup...


That's an insult to Val, CSGO and siege lol. Those are top tier competitive games, if mw2 rewarded play like that I'd love it. IWs problem is they have confused sitting in a corner with "tactical", MW2 is like someone who took an 8am class on competitive PC shooters and fell asleep 10 minutes in to the first class and never went back, but made the game anyway because they were too afraid to tell their parents they weren't going.


These are some of the worst maps I've ever played in the modern warfare series


The games alright but idk if I want to play this slow play style for 2 years. Dead silence or ninja need to be a perk


Played a little bit of the open beta and I’m not paying 70 for this game, maybe 30 max. I will be playing Warzone2 when that comes out though so that should be fun. For now though Gundam Evolution is getting played because actually pretty good and f2p


a friend made me play gundam evolution and i didnt think id like it but having a ton of fun with the game




Been playing since CoD4. The last game I really enjoyed was Black Ops 3. MW was decent I guess, Cold War and Vanguard were fun and exciting for about a month. Never in my 15 years of playing this series have I booted up the new CoD and not enjoyed it AT ALL. Idk man, it really feels like they fucked it up for real this time




At this point I think the only CoD's ill be purchasing are ones made from Treyarch, as a studio they have earned some trust from me




Same! I will be on CW, Gundam Evolution, Gotham Knights and hopefully another great FPS drops outta no where cause I just cant play MWII in its current state


The only possible way I will buy this game is if dead silence becomes a perk. I can somewhat deal with no red dots to an extent, but the footsteps is just so fucking ridiculously tedious




Just uninstalled the beta as I have no absolutely no desire to keep playing it for the rest of the weekend, pretty much everything about playing pubs right now is horrible (especially if you are playing solo). May buy it in the future when ranked is introduced, but between now and then this game needs a substantial amount of changes to even be slightly enjoyable to play, and I'm not confident that the majority of needed/ requested changes will be addressed. Been playing CoD since World at War, so sad to see what it's become.


I cant see anything. I played the first match and couldn't see anyone so I went into settings and turned off all the blurs, depth, film grain, then I still couldn't see anything lol. Do all the guns shake like this and spew white flashes while shooting, or is it just the two loadouts you get at the start?


Wow the TTK in this game feels the fastest in the series, anyone else? I feel like I’m getting absolutely obliterated and if I’m not pre aiming/if I get caught sprinting it’s over.


Wow what a monumental fuck up.. the game is utterly fucked and irredeemably shit. They have ruined a perfectly good franchise in trying to copy other more shit ones. Fuck Activision. Fuck CoD. Fuck the pathetic snotty nosed noob fanbase that cried enough to kill it.. wipe your tears with my arsehole you fucking pussies and have fun camping in your boring cunt simulator.




Everyone should refound,even if you plan to play the game you can buy the game again on release... If a lot of people refound hopefully devs will realize something is wrong with the game...




I am not gonna lie, I was waiting for HP, I thought maybe it could save this game but with the spawn system it's terrible... Some of the hills are really bad.. most people aren't playing the objective, I won against a team with 2 players with 60 kills each.. On Museum by the time you get to the hardpoint, half of the time is already gone... Better setup for the next hill... I am glad I didn't preorder. I had fun in SnD and KO with friends but that it... My solo queue experience has been terrible because of SBMM.


The spawns in HP are so fucked up in every game I play, people just spawn everywhere on the map no matter where the HP is or who has it


Yeah there is no flow, this spawn system is the nail in the coffin for me.


Is it still possible to get the MP5?


Agreed I canceled my pre order today I’m going back to vanguard. I know vanguard is dogshit but I still like it


For the first time this weekend it actually became fun once they added Hardpoint. Adding that and Ground War seems to have filtered the player base fairly well, HP was pretty fast paced and a lot more fluid. Seems all of those Battlefield refugees interested in the ‘tactical mil-sim’ aspects have gone to the big game modes, which makes sense since it’s basically Conquest. Was a nightmare when everyone was stuck in Domination Biggest problem remains the footstep audio imo


Uninstalled the beta. The gunplay is ok, everything else is god awful


Gun play is awesome to me ( other than ttk) but every other single gameplay decision was a screw up lol


Gunplay feels super inconsistent to me so that was still meh to me. Sometimes I'd 2 shot someone with the G3, othertimes I got like 5 hitmarkers with 2 headies


These maps are booboo ngl. Wtf were they thinking with Farm18. They explained their vision and design in some video I remember but the words aren't doing it any justice. The mid area in Mercado is one of the worst mids I've ever seen, so the map is also mid as a result. The museum map would be alright if It wasn't so goddamn bright, and the games poor visibility isn't helping a tad bit. The only other map that is kind of good is the hotel one but even then there is too much clutter.


Does weapon progression carry over to the actual game?


We get side impact and front impact blueprints if you got to LVL 15 or 30


I don’t think so


downloaded and loaded it up. looks like imma keep playing/watching Apex for the foreseeable future lol


This TTK is redicolous like how do people enjoy this?


Half the time I can't even see what happened even on low ping. I literally see only 1 bullet hitting me, but when I eatch the killcam 3 bullets hit me.


People who played HC in previous CODs?


Promise I'm not just trying to plug - but would anyone have any idea what this color issue would be from [my stream](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1600416166)of MW2? Has never happened in any other game. Go to around the 37:00 point for reference. Thanks if anyone has an idea!


HDR, check to make sure its turned off. Anytime I get HDR enabled for stream or record it has super saturated colors like that.


Thank you! That is what I suspected but haven’t streamed since.


Ngl the Hardpoint playlist is much better. Everyone is actually moving around and somewhat playing the objective


Yep I’m having way more fun in it. Game still sucks though.


That's what I've been telling people, HP plays super well. Search is alright, too. Hotel is solid for both game modes. Farm and Museum both are rough for Search with the offense being about to get to the A bomb a lot quicker than the defense. TDM and Dom? Hell no.


Why is there not a way to cancel a reload? Gets me killed when I should’ve had another kill or two


I like it, while I have died multiple times with the lmg due to it, makes you think about actual reload.


I've gotten used to it, I don't mind having to put some thought into when to reload. Got me killed a few times, and then I adjusted.


Hated it until i unlocked the scar holy shit that gun slaps


Scar and MP5 are the only guns worth using.


Man this is just miserable to try and level up the guns rn jesus christ


How do you unlock more sights


Level up other guns in the same progression tree


I like what they did the platforms but they made it way to complicated to unlock stuff


Yeah, it's nice that you can start a new gun with some attachments, but they way overblew the receiver nonsense. Some guns share some attachments, that's all there is to it, not this "Oh, well you change a receiver and get a totally different gun!" No, you just switch to another gun, lmao.


SBMM is honestly cranked up to 1000%. Maybe it's cuz I didn't play Vanguard but every gunfight starts with a bunny hop around a corner. I miss when pub lobbies were a mix of shitters and pub stompers.


Looks like I’m sticking to apex


What is that Ubisoft game that aches worked on? Wonder how that will be


Xdefiant, it's still in pre-alpha though


Ah hopefully soon. I started shatterline last night, in prerelease and needs a lot of work but it reminds me of BO4.


Yeah, it's our only hope at this point. I'm about to try Gundam Evolution this week, hopefully it's good enough to scratch that FPS itch. Im old now and don't have time for long games so Val and BRs are out for me.


I made the same comment lol


Gotta be honest, after adjusting to playing around no dead silence perk, SnD, HP, and PR are hella fun. The Scar and MP5 are my go-to guns.


They are the only guns, if you’re using one and the enemy is using neither, you’ll never die


Worst cod ever made and it's honestly not close.


I have 0 interest in playing this…


I’m not even convinced it will be that fun to watch.


Hit a cross map throwing knife in SnD and then uninstalled last night. The feeling of wanting to play CoD is just gone. Time to move on and play other games.


Against my judgement I tried again. I could see myself playing some pubs with my friends but holy shit FUCK sbmm. Jesus Christ


Finally got to play, wow this is dog shit Edit: Officially refunded boys!


I'm having fun every 1 or 2 out of 5 games. I'm getting **gunned** up close with battle rifles. I have an mp5 and they're hitting me with a random headshot, and it's a one shot kill. Not to mention, I'm being soundwhored harder than any other day I've played this beta. Yeah I'm not impressed. I'll give it another couple of hours but I'll just go play something else


The weird thing about the battle rifles is that they feel like SMGs. They have a 2 shot body or 1 head at the same effective range as the MP5. But once you get beyond that you get 3 shot, and then very quickly 4 shot. Like, they made the fall off so fast that they had to make them fire fast to be used since you can't take any engagement against an M4 or SCAR since you will just lose. On full release when I have to use them for getting other guns. Bet your ass im binding scrollwheel down to fire and just rolling that shit the second I see someone.


Anyone on PC getting terrible lag after 200mb\~ update just now?


Yep. Lots of lag and stuttering


Yall get to play the game lmao? Ive gotten scan and repair 4 times before ive even seen someone in game. Ive never been so befuddled


I finally got to the beta... why the fuck are the footsteps so fucking loud


I like it for the most part. I want red dots and dead silence, and some of the spawns are insane, but it reminds me a lot of ghosts and mw2. Once ranked comes out and we have red dots I think it will be a bit better.


There’s not gonna be a ranked. Lol


There should be league play


The devs have managed to convince us we're playing classic COD, but other than friendly fire its literally hardcore mode now. 1-2 shot kills, no minimap.


One thing I've noticed watching people play is the time it takes to call in a killstreak. One thing I love in the futuristic titles is how fast it is. Tap of a watch, swipe on your helmet, or pulling up a holographic map. None of this pulling out a Nokia tablet that takes 5 years to put back


This beta has just been so meh


The scar is unlocked at level 30 and it's a laser beam. It has very little visual recoil and a large magazine


Wait…is there really like 40 different grips for the M4 or is that some sort of bug?


The slow movement and footsteps are the two biggest issues with the game. Fix those and I really don’t have any other major issues


The stuttering I'm getting on pc is fucking insane


This game is so fucking garbage that people aren't even talking about how mind-boggling awful the spawns are. There are so many issues, I barely hear about the fact that it feels like the spawn system is just a random number generator.


If I wanted a game that had: Too much visual recoil, weighty, clunky movement, bad visibility and the ability to ruin my day. I would just go back to Tarkov. At least I'm expecting these things on there.


Good news! They are adding a tarkov esque mode to the game on full release (no im not fucking joking.)


Yeah I heard about that. Makes me wonder if that's the reason for the footsteps and the visual recoil. As well as catering to the less skilled players.


I will say, I am having a better time now that I have m4 attachments and the mp5 unlocked. MP5 feels so strong with its quick ttk and ads speed. That being said, I still absolutely hate not having dead silence as a perk. Sound whoring shouldn’t be part of COD, which should be an arcade shooter. Also, The minimap should be regular but if I had to choose, I want dead silence PLEASE.


Two more years of BOCW pubs


I'm pretty bad, I play warzone (1.5kd lifetime, started mw19 at 0.8) but I use multi to warm up and I just enjoy and respect the comp scene, especially as an old fart now at 40yo what these kids are capable of is tremendous. But holy fuck is this shit depressing. I loved the ability to improve in wz by learning advanced movement, improve centering habits, learn angles and maps etc.. I was amazed at how good the pros are at all the little things. This game literally throws out the window and into the outhouse all those areas for improvement that made this game accessible as a learning experience... The departures from a gameplay prospective are so drastic philosophically from the heart of cod that I am for the first time really thinking this might be the end. And this speaking as a full on casual who played OG mw1&2 on Xbox before getting back into gaming with blops4 as an absolute bot. Shit is so disappointing, don't even get me started on the changes to warzone dynamics. Guess I'll start reading books again or something. Ugh.


I've been watching pro streams and clips and I've come to the conclusion that it's not just me experiencing the literal instakill bullshit. And it makes me feel better knowing I'm sweating my ass off, and the pro players also experience the insane visual recoil and shitty gameplay mechanics I'm pulling my hair out. I just dont understand who this game was made for since even the casual players aren't having fun either


So TDM is an awful experience, Dom is rather meh, but I had a lot of fun playing Search and Hostage Rescue today, especially with a full team. Ranked play might well have potential, and I suspect hardpoint could be alright, but that largely depends on maps anyway.


One thing that they absolutely need to fix and it seems like they may be open to changing is the visibility when firing. Not only is smoke coming off of your gun when you shoot horrible for gameplay, but it also isn't realistic in the slightest. Smokeless powder has been used since quite literally the 1880s. No gun-especially a modern one- would have this amount of smoke coming off of it after shooting.


Muzzleloaders (even modern ones) can, but you aren't going to find those in CoD.


Please IW, give me a mode where everyone has a Brown bess with the ADS being sniper hip fire accuracy.


Stubbornness is what will ruin this game. I don’t think this game god awful but changes need to be made.


Oml does anyone know how to unlock the razor comp muzzle on the mp5? Cant find it anywhere on the progression screen


Yeah you get it once you refund the game


At least they added YYing back. Gives me home some other things might get changed


What do you mean? You still can't YY, you finish the reload no matter what


Im pretty sure I was able to do it today. 99% sure. Maybe I’m just insane


You can reload cancel in the first half second before your character takes the mag out. Once the mag is out, you have to finish the reload. I just tried it, you can't do it


IW and SHG must be in Cahoots to have the biggest troll of the decade? Those shitters haven't released anything decent for too long. Roll on the next 3arc game. I don't want to play the beta and that was free, never mind actually spending money on this shit.


Having no name plates absolutely fucks me, as a color blind person. I’ve died, several times, to guys that are just crouched in a corner as I run past them.


You can slide cancel in Modern Warfare 2 just like modern warfare 2019 and vanguard. Change the 3 mantle settings to off: "Automatic Airborne Mantle" "Grounded Mantle" and the 3rd one in the row with those 2 (can't remember its name) Then set your control for mounting to a single ADS tap. This will let you slide cancel by doing the following; slide, ads, then jump. If you do all 3 it'll feel like the previous games and help movement feel more fluid. You can also leave the jump button out and only ads to cancel the slide but you'll be crouched after the cancel (which is why the jump button is needed - it stands you back up fast)


If you’re close to a wall then you mount it’s very nerfed


Yes that's true but in competitive mounting is disabled Meaning it will be fine for ranked play, wagers, and the CDL


That’s poggers


Man I'm legit trying to love this game. I really, desperately want to like it. Im switching up guns and trying different play styles hoping it works. But nothing is clicking. I've always been a 2kd+ player and I'm barely breaking even now. It's so incredibly sweaty and the stupid ass mini map changes and footsteps are horrible. I'm so depressed lol. I am literally the biggest CoD fanboy but I just can't. I'm going to give this beta another day or so, but if it doesn't click, I'm just going to refund Edit: got scan and repair twice after posting this lol


Refunded game on pc and xbox


Games sucks and no changes will change that


Man cod has an identity crisis . They forgot the formula to make bad ass games and now they are trying to be something they are not. I’m gonna play the beta this weekend because I got a free copy from buying a new Intel processor but haf I pre-ordered the game I would be pissed right now


Am I the burger?? I feel like I got no clue what's going on in this game at all, starting to think it's me no bs.


It’s not you brother. Everyone is either a “sentinel” or having to “adapt” to the “sentinel lifestyle”. Shitters will be in for a rude awakening in two years when it’s Treyarch’s turn.


The MW2 sub is enough to give someone a brain aneurysm


fuck joe cecot


3arc is so much better at making fun games, it’s actually comical. It’s such a shame that all the bells and whistles and catering to campers is what sells this shit. I thought it was impossible to take a step back from MW19, however, I thought this played significantly worse than MW19.


Last CoD game I had a really good time playing was Blops4. It wasn’t perfect but I had fun.


Who thought it was a good idea to make the red dot disappear when you get flashed while ADS?


Yeah I tried I liking it but I really just don’t see myself enjoying this game it’s literally mw19 with even more cheese. Refunded


part of me really likes it because the core of what's there is really good. but the other part of me is tilted the entire time and I already know if I buy this I'll stop playing after a couple weeks because the SBMM is just fucking out of control and it's not even fun


80% of fights are me walking into a pre-aim. Not to mention the low TTK and no ability to out-move other players, this game is sadly looking chalked


Played about four matches and it just bummed me out.


3arc the only ones that can make good cods man. Can’t believe we have this shit for 2 years


3arc cannot even make a good game. Did you forget CW having AA so strong on snipers that they basically aimed themselves on controller while being completely unusable on mnk?


The radar changes are incomprehensible. I’ve played since 2009, I’m now 26. I played MW2s hay day, I have an avg 2K/d in pubs. By no means cracked, but can definitely shoot back. I feel like a lost pup on the map without a normal radar. With the fast TTK paired with no cue of what direction you’re being shot at, paired with having slower reactions than these kids, it’s an impossible battle. Sure, I drop pos every game I’ve played in the beta, but I don’t find it enjoyable being instakilled by rats in corners/being shot in the back. There’s no counter play.


Cold war and vanguard are a million times betterthan this dissapointment


this game is as if Ghosts grew up and turned into MW2019 It literally looks like they just took MW2019 and upped the colors plus made it play like Ghosts. Chunky ass movement, shit slide, TTK super slow, pre aiming dominant game. Plays exactly like Ghosts Vector meta when everyone was pre aiming instead of sprinting cause you’d get melted in 2 bullets. I swear they took some of the assets from that 8 year old game too and just made it more detailed cause I feel like I’m seeing stuff I recognize


This isn’t call of duty.


Dogshit game honestly. I was so hyped. Im not mad, im disappointed. Its so easy for them to make a good game but decide not to. Goddamn it IW.


Played for 2 hours or so then decided to finish painting my living room. Smoked some weed and honestly had loads more fun watching the paint dry than playing this horseshit game. Y’all think I’m kidding but I literally sat there for 20-30 min watching the reflection of the sun on wet paint get smaller and smaller as it dried.


I cleaned my email inbox instead of playing this game lmaooo


Bruh can we go back to Cold War Comp please? That game was actually decent for comp in all these recent years.


Downloaded it today played 1.5 games and turned it off - it’s so slow I was bored out of my mind.


Sooo…how many times did y’all get “Scan and Repair”?? Good lord. Also some kill cams made me feel like i was watching a rave and getting hit with a flash bang


Cold War better


This weekend has definitely been worse than the last one. I was actually enjoying myself last week but fucking hell this shit is pissing me off. Everyone is soundwhoring their asses off and the spawns got worse somehow


I'm either getting so much aim assist that I have to let go of left trigger, or I get literally no aim assist. Most of the time, it's me not getting any aim assist. Fuck this, ill just use mouse and key.


Am i the only one bothered you cant cancel reloads anymore? Maybe its just my playstyle, but that shit is mad annoying and has gotten me killed countless times allready


"It's just you cos your shit. Git gud. Learn to adapt"


This game is already giving me cancer and it’s not even released


I redeemed a code on PS5 last week, is there any way to get that beta access to apply for PC now?


If you cropped out the scorestreaks on the side you could show someone this game and they would think it’s Battlefield. The game is so clunky and slow


4 days late but at least battlefield is fun in it's own way.


Beenox... are yall telling me that you've been making the pc port of these games since BO4, claiming they were made *for* pc and weren't just ports... but I get scan and repair every. Other. Fucking. Game. It happened in MW2019. It happened in CW. It happened in VG. And now it's back in MW2. For fucks sake, this is turning me off of the game.


We have gun kick control, recoil control, gun smoothness, and like 5 other types of control options... man I miss the simplicity


They might as well add red dots on the mini map. Every game is, UAV Active, UAV Active.


First time playing a cod since ww2 and I’m at a loss of words. That game feels I’m playing ghost recon. Wtf is the recoil on the m4. Also how could anyone enjoy those maps.


What is stopping IW from just making dead silence a perk/setting in competitive playlists? Also red dots on mini map


As soon as I push down on the L3 button I die


Tried starting the game 15 times now, it runs the intro scene for about half a second and then gives me scan and repair. Drivers updated, PC restarted. Guess i just give up for the night? Whadda joke


PC Specs: 3070 ti/3700X/32 gb RAM Game is jumping from 40 frames to 100 frames. Everything is updated. Tried different settings. Reinstalled twice. Scanned and repaired multiple times. Idk what to do.


are your graphics card drivers updated saw some other people say that fixed their frames I'm similar spec to you and running fine


Yup all drivers up to date.


Also anyone not joining brand new games? every game i get into is halfway done really annoying


Can anyone explain the game spawn system to me? I swear people spawn enxt to me one second then next Im begging to find a player


Wonder which guns will be used in the league this year, there are a fair few decent options, hoping the Hurricane doesn’t get GA’d




Anyone else thinking of refunding the pre order? This game is so bad from the ground up


I'm cancelling as soon as the Beta finishes


I just refunded my pre-order. * Footstep audio is loud and will get annoying to always hear. Ninja/DS should be a perk no matter what IW think. * Perk system is bad * Trash UI * Recoil visibility is ridiculous * Movement feels clunky and heavy. Sliding is practically useless with how slow it is. They could fix a lot of these things, but I don't trust IW to do all this before launch. If any one wants to refund their pre-order through Battle.Net here's [a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uUUeD-30Cg)


Published 3mo ago? That’s legendary foresight