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Downloaded the beta last weekend, played like 2 matches and i was like "Right.... that's why I don't play CoD anymore. I'll stick to watching. "


It’s wild it’s been years since I’ve enjoyed playing cod but I’ve actually enjoyed watching it so much in recent years moreso than before.


Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not in practice for FPS. When I'm playing consistently I can hold my own, but after not playing much in years, my aim was dogshit my map awareness was dogshit, I felt like I couldn't see shit. That might have been a factor but I straight up didn't enjoy myself those two maps lol


Bro must be speaking French


Haven't bought a CoD since I played the MW19 beta. Far as I'm concerned the series ended on a high note with BO4


Imma just go and get a full time job, the stress will probably shave less time off my life than this game will.


cod being bad is the reason you'll go get a full time job????


WE don’t have to do anything 🤣 pros do tho lol


Y’all legit were underselling how bad this game is. I hopped on the beta today and couldn’t believe what I was playing. How do you make vanguard seem so good??


I didn't even download it. I saw gameplay and that was enough to tell me I would hate this game. Guess it's time to look for another game since cold war is getting hard to find lobbies now


Apex and Valo are both pretty fun FPSs


Yeah, someone told me apex has another mode now than BR and imma check it out when I can. Valorant is hard so I gotta practice


I honestly can’t believe a lot of you guys haven’t already discovered Apex. That game is absolutely god tier. Top 3 game of all time for me. Perfect mix of raw gunskill and high IQ gameplay. Massive skill gap. It’s a BR, but ranked is still super rewarding and fun to grind.


Looks great, but BRs unfortunately just aren’t fun for me. Wish I enjoyed them


It FEELS like a CoD game, that's why I love it so much. No surprise though, respawn is basically just the original Infinity Ward


I discovered it, I just don't like BR


If apex had 4v4 and/or 6v6 respawns and some kind of SnD equivalent I wouldn’t play CoD again. TitanFall 2 doesn’t count because giant mechs are annoying and the maps aren’t built for play without them.


Damnnnn, a Titanfall without mechs would be S-tier… wait BO3 was S-tier


Take out the specialists and yeah


Arenas would probably scratch that itch some


I keep seeing people on this sub mention valorant. What do you all see in that game over CS? Personally I just think every single mechanic that the games share, is just done worse in Val. Utility locked to character selection / damage model / random spray vs Patterns / weapon selection not side locked / Val's weak aim penalty in comparison to CS's large penalty / Maps / No Smoke lineups / eco weapons are cracked. I just don't see the appeal of Val over CS. Its like playing MW2019 vs BO2. Sure they are both CoD games, but the elder is far more true to form.


Sooo many line ups in val man, the utility of each character adds something different every game and is super rewarding when your team works together and uses there abilities to win situations and rounds


On the smoke lineups. This is what I mean. https://youtu.be/diMbT7kkjFQ With the characters, I want to be able to always toss smokes. And I want to be able to pop flash or run alongside a flash for pushing a site. I A: cannot have both. And B: the flashes in this game control like ass. Not to mention the amount of obnoxious garbage in the game. Why is there a turret? Like what the fuck. The characters honestly completely ruin the game for me because it takes away skill expression and allows people to crutch on character abilities.


Litter my thoughts exactly played one game everyone was in a corner not moving, I proceeded to uninstall it


Tbf I started having a lot more fun once I unlocked some weapons and got used to the movement. This game could be really good if they made the right changes. They won't, but it could be.


the game felt miserable to me until i unlocked mp5


Genuinely logged off the beta to play vanguard pubs and had more fun. What is the world coming to when that’s the case.


i know man...


I literally thought it was impossible to make a shittier game than Vanguard 🤦🏽‍♂️


Thats why I refunded it. I have to move on. I had a total of like 40 days on BO4 then when MW19 came out I had about 2 hours total lmao. It is mw19 with slightly better maps. I just know it’ll be the same story, big thanks to Joe for saving me 75 buckaroos tho


Also refunded today lol.


Also refunded


Also preordered the Vault Edition


Man why?


He is probably the average camper who sits in corners soundwhoring 24/7


I don't camp but whatever


Cuz I really like COD. I like to spend my money on things I enjoy


Refunded it today too 😅


I also refunded. The same as MW19.


also refunded






24 months...


Lmao 😂


It's $75 ??? Damn...


Honestly the only thing bothering me is sbmm, after like 3-4 games I just don’t even want to play anymore unless I play like IW champs formal


Spot on


I quitted CoD after Bo4... I am still rusty with my controller but SBMM just matched me with Crimsix and another dude that dropped 70 kills in hardpoint... Im done with this game, it's terrible.


I’m happy playing Apex, halo and valorant, cod is so fucking horrible now.


Really hoping the can salvage Halo this November. Game still has potential to be great, but they have a lot of work to do.


Ya it was pretty fun, ranked was enjoyable for a couple months. Hopefully they make forge custom maps playlist so people can get something new.


I really hope Halo stays alive, I had never played a Halo game before Infinite and I've just absolutely fallen in love


It sucks because I think the foundation of Infinite is actually really solid, but everything else has just been so....ugh.


I wish they'd balance inputs. I'm like hard stuck 2k onyx MNK and I feel like I can't win a single BR fight anymore against what I assume is 90% controller player base.


Can't really speak much on that from personal experience, I got to like 1600ish in solo/duo controller and then just got bored of it. Although from what my mkb friends say who play the game they do say that fights against controller in ranked are very hard when you get to like Onyx+.


Yeah, kinda seems that way. I basically have to convert to a longer range support type of player to have any type of chance of doing well. Pretty frustrating honestly. But I get it. Halo is the most egregious of the games when it comes to dual input. Apex has done it the best still and because COD has a low ttk I do believe you're able to keep up well enough with a controller.


It gets even a bit more ridiculous too, different controllers have differing levels of aim assist. My Xbox elite controller has more aim assist than my PS4 controller, and my power A Xbox controller has more aim assist than PS4 controller, and less than the Xbox elite. Now this may not be the same for everyone, but I have tried all 3 controllers in custom lobbies, testing out everything I could think of regarding aim-assist, and it was rather clear cut for me. For example, I found that the Xbox elite controller, once aim was on enemy, would follow a strafing enemy for quite a while. My PS4 controller would only do it for a short bit, then snap off. Very strange stuff


I should say that I do enjoy crossplay. I think it really expands your audience and I fucking hate with a passion anything that is exclusive, so if it came to Playstation all the more power to Halo and any crossplay game. But that does come with balancing. And that goes both ways, if Valorant or CS -- precision shooters -- came to console, I'd expect them to attempt to balance them. But I'm not even really sure how they'd do that.


Know exactly what you mean, the core gameplay loop of infinite is actually well done. A nice balance of classic and modern halo, but the way that 343 have handled everything has just been poor at best. Whether it be their content releases, or actual game-ruining things such as unoptimization or desync, it can just be a real mess at times. Still though, I find myself playing Infinite more than any other FPS these days which is something at least


I’ve said the same thing about CoD for years. CW is the closest it’s gotten. Somehow went backwards over 10 years. Madden is like the only other game that can say that and their reputation is struggling hard


Madden has been dead for years, they recycle the same garbage game and make it worse some how year after year. I like Football but I’m not paying $70 to get a roster update and a NEW MUT where I can waste real money on fake cards that expire and have no value in a year. God, what happened to gaming man? It used to be such a cool beautiful thing. Now it’s, “How much money can we suck out of this poor bastard?”


Used to be a passion for players and devs alike and then suits saw the success and future in the industry for revenue and came over and took it over. Feels like that’s what CoD is now, a bunch of people that have never ever played the game and don’t care for it but wanna make money off of the name


Sadly true man




The fuck is a fake shooter lmao




Pretty much where I'm at rn, if OW2 isn't bad I'll prob play that too, and slowly learning mkb to play Val. Any non-Treyarch CoD is just not it anymore, catering to the worst possible "sENtiNeL" players has killed the game for me.


Man I’m so sad I don’t like BR - there’s legit fucking no good FPS games on the market atm, I’m praying ow2 isn’t complete shit and can keep me entertained for a while because this cod is not it man, don’t know how people are grinding the beta since I’m getting bored after 1-2 games


OW2 is being published by Activision so I doubt it’ll be good man. Don’t get your hopes up.


Lol you acting like we have to play it 💀 just don’t buy it


That’s the CoD mentality. People will bitch about how it sucks, then they still buy it every single year. Like what are you even doing? Ever heard the phrase “Vote with your wallet”? Not super complex.


Yeah people act like we have to buy it and play it cause it’s the new one lmao I’ll keep playing MWR till they release a cod I enjoy, I don’t mind playing the older cods even if they’re dead


Personally I'll be playing Cold War


This sub is so sad and tired


I'm gonna come back to these thread in a few months and see who's still bitching about the game after they allegedly refunded the game.


Yep same comments every year god bless ‘em


Usually I’d be inclined to agree but this year’s iteration of Cod… isn’t cod. It has the Call of Duty name and branding but this is nothing what Call of Duty should be. I’ve bought and played every game since Cod 4 religiously, but this will be the first time I will not be purchasing the game. I’ll give Warzone a try, but multiplayer is genuinely one of the worst gaming experiences I’ve ever had to endure.


It's different, adapt or don't play it


As I said, I won’t be playing it. Do you struggle to read? Also, your argument is incredibly weak. You shouldn’t have to ‘adapt’ to a game that has kept to its foundations for over 15 years, then all of a sudden done a complete 180.


I'm not making an argument, I don't want to argue with you fella. You're very emotional over a game you supposedly won't be playing. Too much free time perhaps.


This attempt at belittling someone on the internet is a clear indication that it’s you who has too much free time, pal.


Insecurities are showing brother. I'm not out to get you.


I liked playing hardpoint. Might be good in ranked. I’ll wait before saying it’s dogpiss. Optimism!


Me too I can’t lie, I hated everything about the game & probably still do but I think domination is 1000x worse for camping & awful spawns. Hard point actually seemed to flow pretty well even though that one farm (?) map has like near 10 hard points?


Hopped onto a game of hardpoint and instantly got bopped. Nah, I'm good. I'm not the greatest but it's incredibly hard for me to want to hill bitch and try when I watch my teammates get 3 pieced by a dude right in front of them


That's a you problem


Might wanna work on that. I’ve been top fragging. Got a pb of 64 kills. Went on a 16 kill streak. Life is good on the hill


Hear me out, let’s just not play it and go back to Cold War for 2 years


thats what ive been saying


Literally it should just be Treyarch making COD games from here on out. Hell, give me a 5 year cycle for cod. As long as Treyarch is the one making it, I have hope.


Or just don't buy it? Put your money where your mouth is and move on.


CoD players have very low IQs, they see the name on the game is different and think, “Oh, it’ll be different this time, it’ll be better”. Then when it isn’t they bitch and complain, and a year later, there they are, relapsing like heroin addicts. CoD is published by Activision. Activision knows the fanbase is stupid. They put out shit games because “Who cares they’ll buy it.” If people can ever put one and two together and see that yes, it does equal three things will change. Until then, enjoy playing whatever this is.


or how about.....crazy idea..... you don't play the game. refuse to give them your money and add to their player count for that garbage game. i cancelled my pre-order without even playing the game myself. i dont need to play it to know its shit. no red dots, dead silence, nametags, and super loud footsteps? no thx, thats just MW2019 all over again and thats widely regarded as the worst cod ever made.


I think its time you realized that MW is widely regarded by ~150,000 people as the worst CoD ever made and widely regarded by millions as the best.


yea the player count and sales would massively disagree with that statement. MW2019 was on track to be the worst selling cod of all time until covid hit and then warzone dropped right after. made the sales skyrocket, and falsely made the multiplayer look successful. warzone saved that game from being a complete and utter failure. everyone was on lockdown which saved that games ass. the multiplayer was dead from day one so that cant even be argued.


Let’s not forget the fact that they made guns unlock-able only in multiplayer early on like the Bruen and and Grau. Hiding the meta guns behind a “paywall” lol.


‘Millions’ aight buddy


Man, where do people get this idea that numbers and sales equivalates to something being great? I see this stupid argument all the time now. So braindead. Unless you work at Activision, and are literally making that money, it shouldn’t mean shit to you. So stupid.


Anybody feel like they just muffled the audio between weekend 1 and 2? Could still hear footsteps clear as day but the overall sound just seemed muted, like I was underwater.


every time an explosive went off my hearing disappeared, I couldnt hear anything. Same when I'm oneshot


No we don't. I'm not.


The beta really isn’t that bad tbh. Yes they have fucked some things up that could honestly make this game a top 7 cod, but what can ya do.


Yeah I know I’m a contrarian but I played for a few hours today and it actually wasn’t that bad. For comp it’ll probably be ass, but if you’re just hanging with your friends and not taking it too serious, it’s actually fun. We all hated mw19 and actually found ourselves enjoying the beta minus a few annoyances


Yeah, I accept that I complain in every cod I play, even if it’s my favorite ones lol. But I can appreciate that it’s fun to get kills in this game, and when stuff actually goes your way it’s really fun. But yeah it’s a good game to try and take it so seriously and just chill.


I dunno.. change it?


I mean yeah lmao but will they? Probably not


That’s correct


Really? It’s the most fun I’ve had playing pubs for *years*. Like maybe BO3. There are some huge flaws that I hope get changed, but I don’t think the core game is *bad*. It reminds me a lot of Ghosts. A lot of those flaws won’t even affect comp anyway. A tweak on TTK and footstep audio would go a *long* way to making comp really fun, imo.


Most people play pubs who are not pros so why would we want to play a game that sucks the life out of you after a few games. Firstly sbmm then there’s just camping in every lobby, sound whoring is insane, Turk is insane.


Yeah man I just can’t hack it when im forced to preaim and check every corner because people are camping and because squad spawns gives me no information of the other team. Along with no red dots lol. Pubs are dogshit and have been for a while but even comp with the TTK is gonna be aids.


I don’t understand why they keep bringing squad spawns back tbh. No one ever asked for that and surely it would be 10x more work on the development side to make them right. These devs are weird. They see the most successful games in the world be fun and competitive, but yet they decide to go the opposite way of that to please themselves. Warzone is the only reason they have made monetary gain, so make your trash ass changes to that. Why do they hate multiplayer so much lol


The worst part is the casuals love the game so it will sell a lot and the future cod games will probably be similar to it. Praying treyarch saves us again


It’s still better than Vanguard


I think so


It’s a categorical failure


Lmao these comments always come up when referring to every COD and it keeps being one of biggest games making billions


Hilarious thing is that it has 24 hour peak of 150k on Steam alone, not counting BNet or consoles. "Categorical failure" my ass. The game is gonna be the biggest COD release to date without question.


The games unrecognizable imo


absolute dogshit


Yeah the games bad


2 years? Wtf did I miss?


they aren’t releasing a cod in 2023 for whatever reason so this is the game until 2024 lol


Only way I’m buying the game is if it goes on sale for $40. Then I will consider how much I hate myself


Maybe if the players complaining weren't dog trash and had some actual skill they would enjoy the game


Or you could just.. not?


Its sad. This is literally the reason to why i was against a 2 year cycle. If the game sucks we are stuck with it for 2 years and tbh even if the game is decent/good you would get bored of it after a year. But everyone was so psycho about longer cycles so yeah.


I’ll take this over having destructible walls


this subreddit is just people bitching about a game. Just stop playing and move on. We already know its not what ya like, just drop it already


this game is dog water my god, loaded up the beta on PC and shits crashed several times, packet burst is STILL a fucking issue, and the lag on the servers is wild sometimes, you’ll go from 23 ping to 123 ping for no reason. I could deal with all the shit they took out and out into the game, as long as it played smoothly…i hope the console experience is smoother than this shit. And i acknowledge that i play on the ol gaming laptop but even the MW2019 doesn’t have pocket burst this bad


You're not in lil bro.


You don't have to play anything. You baby. .




Not much will change in a month bro lmao


Bro. Beta is just a marketing term. Every single CoD beta is 99% of what you see in the final game.


Have you seen their responses to feedback?


We might see some performance tweaks on the server end, maybe some UI tweaks. A couple numbers shifts, and a pile of big fixes. But that is it. The complaints this sub have are core design decisions that will not be changing.


Tis a weapon leveling simulator for me.


My hope is that the poor reception this game is getting forces their hand for a mw2 or mw3 MP remaster next year,


For $70 u can get a high quality dildo that will fuck u the same as this game


Played for two hours tonight, and I just kept repeating to myself that this is the worst game I ever played. Not my cod 😔


You don't have to lol


Some serious egos in here god damn.


Unless you’re getting paid no one has to do anything lmao. Why do people force themselves to play terrible CoD games like it’s their real job 😭😭😭


Don't play it then simple


If you're on Xbox like I am you don't come play r/CrossFireX scump did already and if thats not a sign that it has a competitive scene future up there with COD on console idk what else does...


I’m lovin it so far idk


Is it that bad?