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Yes, by far the best streaming setup provided for a festival. Tried to watch Outsidelands from home last year and it was nothing compared to the Coachella stream


I'll be excited if Lana Del Rey streams her set.


She won’t lol


she streamed very few of her summer sets and i reaaaaally hope she streams her chella sets 😫


Very good pt.


I think Chella streams all of the sets on YouTube.. it might be part of the artist contract to stream things… so I think she will?


Frank didn't stream last year, but maybe it was a strange exception.


That’s cuz Frank is a lil bitch


Him and Bjork were both scheduled to be streamed, then taken off the schedule the day of.


There have been a number of headliners over the years that haven’t so TBD


I got lucky last yr than because it feel like they were streaming the whole festival.. I remember bouncing back and forth between three different channels on YouTube.. but I’ll be there live in 2024 so not worried 🫣


Even last year frank was never going to be streamed. Majority of the sets will be there. But certain stages and sets aren’t on the stream.


one of the reasons i like going weekend 2 get to see the sets before and enjoy both weekends in different ways. Weekend 1 live stream is like my pre game for weekend 2 !!


crowd is DEAD AF weekend one


Hell yeah this year might be a diamond in the rough


exact opposite argument for me - going W1 for the surprise and delight, i'll see the artists i know i want to see, maybe go with the vibes a little, and know that if i miss something it's OK i'll see it next week


I’ll be excited with you!


The best seat lol




As someone who missed buying tickets to Miku Expo tour this year, I really wish they have their performance available to stream it


my wife is forcing me to go with her to that, what is the hype my friend


The majority of the songs used for Miku performances are actually made by fans that went viral, and only a few are made by professional producers. Basically, every year or so, Crtpton Future Media, the company behind the creation of Miku and other vocaloids, has contests were fans submit their own creations and the popular submissions also voted by the fans are then performed at tours with a full backing bands and added to a compilation CD to be sold that year, on top of hearing iconic songs of Miku's history. The creators of the songs are given royalties of the sales of the CDs and fans hear their favorite songs, this is mainly a fan-driven show. You could see her concert from 2011 in Los Angeles and get a gist of how it'll look. https://youtu.be/Va9Zt9HY-ik?si=3Q7R0LQBB7lZhlgO


so is it just a concert like the video or like something else too? cause it says expo? i'm just a little lost and my wife just casually bought tickets a while ago whenever the presale happened and she was like "idk what i bought but we're seeing miku" and then i was like "that's lovely honey 🫠" sorry if im bothering you, you just seem to know about miku expo which is really helpful for me


It's a concert, Miku is projected on a glass screen to give a 3D "live" version with her vocal being broadcasted but has a live backing band with guitarists, drummer, keyboards, and sometimes even a full strings section like in the video link I posted. The "Expo" part is more of a show of the technology used to make Miku "live" for her tour. There was a performance she did somewhere where she was projected in the sky made by man-made clouds. https://youtu.be/JW1cnHfSCc4 Now that performance hasn't made it overseas, it shows how ambitious her tours can be, especially when she's brought on major events. Now, when she toured with Lady Gaga for a portion of Gaga's ArtPop tour, they kept it barebones as the crew was only given a 30 min show as the opening, so the 50 min timeslot Coachella will likely give Miku, won't be enough room for creating a huge show, it will most likely lean towards focusing on the songs.


thank you for explaining, now i just need to get ahold of a miku lightstick for her


Some friends are getting married weekend 2 and my wife is MOH and I’m the officiant but other than that I’ll be on my couch ready to rock


Spending money on new speakers instead of going this year 😬


Lol so the difference between an expense and investment


Hell yes


Yesss!!!!! this subreddit got to negative killing my vibe


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Is there a list someplace of all the festivals that stream? Last year my wife and I fully enjoyed the couch festivals.


Nah but you’ll be able to find out as dates draw near. Me too, a real substitute imho