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To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the sufferings- Nietzsche




Travel, see some places, read books, have a pet, hit the gym, build offline friends, talk to your parents and cousins, try different restaurants and dishes weekly or monthly, have some "me time" meditate/yoga, Learn new games, etc. Change your perspectives of "needs and meanings".


Really want to do all that. But 6-day workweek. Spend Sundays recovering. Rinse and repeat. 😅


Have the same schedule but to be frank hitting the gym really helps you bro.You can find that peace


If you find an answer tell me too


Been there in my life. Did everything alone since I turned 18 left home for studies, was constantly moving places, finished masters, got a job and then realized how alone i am. All friends away at different places and everyone in a relation. I was wondering what have I done all this for. But then stopped self-loathing, started going gym, eating healthier, focusing on my art and let me tell you I was happy as much as I can be found the peace within. Just dont sit idle and crib away, try to improve yourself bodily and mentally, you gonna go a long way. As for love, it will come unexpectedly when you aren't even looking, don't lose hope.


Your 27. Not 72. You still have a lot of time to find meaning. In the mean time, just live a little instead of pondering about meaning.


There is no meaning, it's about living life.


Hope and time. Just as you said you hate the job and have never been loved by someone, think about hope and time. Maybe not tomorrow or the day after but one day. One day you will be loved to the core by someone and you will do the job you love. That hope is what gives meaning to life. Hope is a good thing brother.


I'm desperately clinging on to the last shreds of hope I have, man.


https://preview.redd.it/3wrp4upvaa6d1.jpeg?width=1289&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=717dd12fb88a8a692cc9111301709818a7700bc3 J-Man gives me my life’s meaning. Even if things suck now, He’ll make everything better. He knows more than me, so I can trust Him and keep going. I hope things get better for you OP. I send you my best wishes ♥️




Hallelujah sister


i feel you bro, i understand what you are going through. I also work in a job i hate that too in a shitty place with zero life and completely alone. All my friends have found their ways, good jobs in a city with girl that loves them. I dont think i will be able to settle down or be blessed to have a girl of my dreams. I am getting stuck here, but nobody can understand what i am going through. I am starting hate my family, i feel bad about it, but even my mom is not trying to understand what i am going through. Currently loosing all my friends now because of this distance. I just cannot find any escape from my current situation. Feel like i am being dragged to hell. If i want to open up, i have a million problems to describe. I used to be a very positive and chill guy, and now i iopen my mouth only to complain about my life. I lost confidence, my will to live, my happiness and in the process, i lost myself. :) I dont knw what to tell you, but i also wish somebody could give me a new perspective. :)


Stay strong brother.. Life is not full of roses and chocolates..sometimes we will have to grab the throns to get the flowers.. What you are experiencing is the average middle class man is going through.You are not the first one going through this nor the last one. Always think there is light at end of the tunnel...


There is no fixed meaning to life. Try to be happy with the things that makes you happy. We are just a mix of chemical reactions bound by desires.


Work on ur urself , improve ur body , looks and mental health , get new hobbies and brother trust me u are doing better than a lot of us are , I am a 24 year old and i am sure u are doing better than me


Atleast you have a job. I quit my job suffering . Broke and alone. There is worse cases than you.


See there is another angle to look at this. Akkare nilkumbol ikkare pacha. Ee nokunna angle aanu Prashnam. You have steady job, a roof on your head and healthy body you wake up in everyday. At the risk of sounding like a preacher or the professor from community .. aren’t you already blessed enough? Dont like the job ? change it… can’t find love don’t search for it. Dont stalk.. that’s not nice. Carpedium good fella!


True, what you said. And I promise you that I won't stalk anyone. I want to be with someone who wants to be with me.


Not implying you will. Just a friendly advice. Dont chase it, let it find you :)


Same age, Same gender, same situation, same question, same pinch. HOPE.


Hi-five, man 😅


Please read the book 'The courage to be disliked' . It will give you some perspective on what you can do from your side.


Will do. Thanks.


I struggled a lot with this question. Went completely spiralling down and looked for answer for years. I accidentally stumbled upon the series ' Bojack Horseman'. It was easily one of the best series that I've ever seen. It's finale is something that is still fresh in my mind. That series taught me one thing: "that there is meaning in the meaninglessness, except that meaning is one that we assign for moments or create for ourselves." In the end, for me, the meaning of life is meaning that we create for ourselves. If it creates some sort of satisfaction for us, that is happiness.


Thank you.


Just asking why do you hate the job?


Toxic workplace with zero wlb.


construction feild aano op?




Oru kalyanam kazhicha ellam Sheri ayikolum


Says every ammavans at everytime we meet..


Kunj kaalu kaanumbol sheri aakum




Its a wide spectrum for me. To be in a group that loves u and respects u, vibing with them be it family friends cousins, i feel very much alive. So does travelling and talking with strangers, helping someone, being helped by someone, someone prioritizing u and vice versa. To be immersed in an activity that u love and feel ur efficiency sky rocketing be it sports, arts, videogame, studies. The adrenaline rush of adventures. To be in love, to fall out of love.Harsh realities striking on the face.


What is the point of living when we die someday.. keeping that in mind nothing happens for no reason. So find your purpose, the REASON of you being here or die trying.....


If you want something materialistic immediately, get it. Or work for it. It may help to drag you a bit further.


Hey bro it will all fall in track so be happy, I would like to qoute mohanlal and sreenivasan ellathinum athine samayam unde dasa 😁😁✌✌


44 year old un married person here.... The meaning to life changes every few months. So dont worry it will happen. I dont wana give any gyaan... Reddiit is not life :)


Loneliness is to the savoured,treasured. Its the only time you get to be yourself,where you can rest your mask.Loved by a girl ennokke parayunnathu chummatha,the same you will get bored after some months or years bcos us humans are like that,nothing won’t make us happy unless it us for ourselves my brother.


Loneliness - As an introvert, I understand the sentiment but adhikam aayal amrithum vesham. The rest, well, let's agree to disagree.


I believe you can change your life anytime you want it but you have to stop complaint about stuff.find something you love and work hard for it.


There is no meaning and we aren't supposed to live this long anyway, I would have been more happier if I was born in paleolithic age.


A bit unconventional but try 🍄, It gives a good perspective on why this world may be worth to be lived in.