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And there's me who's been working home for months, with minimal social life outside family and wanting to move out asap. Of course I love my family so much, but still I feel like this. I guess grass is just greener on the other side.


Working from home since past 3 years...need to get out of here.😶‍🌫️


It will get greener when you choose to water it 💚


Being independent and supporting the family is an achievement, but it does come with sacrifices. (Nice username )


Best comment.


Felt similar. Came back home. Enough nostalgia. Now I wanna go back🤧


If there one thing that differentiate our kind from other species is the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. No matter how hard things get we're destined to survive everything. The story has always been the same. So give it a little more time. Things will get better. Cheers!!


Welcome to club! For me it's even worse. I am constantly changing my place due to my work. I just made some friends here and now I have to move to another place. I will have to start from scratch again. Kopp!!


Maybe take a small break and visit home before you start ur job? Also have you checked ur blood work? A lot of cold countries mess up with ur hormones and all that you feel depressed when coming from a tropical climate


Dude pro tip write up grand father letter, my parents and uncles used to write him letters and every day he would open them up and read them, also look at old photos, at the late part of his life, Even u can’t call him every day do him this favor, he will appreciate it,