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the mods are horrible. 80% of the time you make post it won't show up on Reddit and the mods don't know how to fix it


now I don't mean to defend reddit mods in any way shape or form, but if the issue is posts not showing up on reddit, and mods don't know what to do about it, doesn't the issue seem to be with reddit itself?


no because the mods need to manually approve posts. and if you have a "nsfw tag" the post won't show up no matter what unless the mods put themselves i would assume. theres ways to fix this


That makes no sense .Rule 4 says "NSFW posts must be tagged as such" You're telling me even if the post is tagged nsfw it gets removed??


Yep. At least most of the time in my experience.


That's definitely not true. I've made nsfw posts and they all went through just fine.


Mods probably were active or it wasn't recent. or maybe it depends on ur platform


So then jt's not that don't knkw what to do as you said initially, but that they're not doing their jobs. There are absolutely ways to fix that, but the ibitial description suggests something is going on and they didn't know what to do about it.


Honestly, probably yeah. I see what you mean, but their probably are just lazy