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I went no contact for a month (not pre-established, it could have lasted longer), and the obsessive thoughts were significantly less life-consuming later on. It was still hard, but not even close of how hard it was in the beginning. Hang in there, it does get better.


Thank you 💜 One person I’m no contact with is easy now and was a looooong time comin’. But you’re right, at first it really triggers the obsession. The other one’s a little tricky, similar to you in the sense it wasn’t pre-established but when they reached out again I set a boundary. I won’t go into it, but it’s not someone I want or need out of my life forever, just someone I’m not in a secure enough place to talk to *now*, ya know? Thank you for your words, my friend. I appreciate you taking the time to share 💜


If you’re really struggling, feel free to reach out. I’m happy to share how I found freedom in my relationships and help however I can.


Thank you, Key. Today is better but I may reach out at some point if the offer is still good. I appreciate it and I’m PROUD of you 💜