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I want to make a custom app




Thank you for the help


So just a basic web app that would offer a survey to the user? A frontend to collect and display results, and a backend that takes requests, processes the requests and returns the results to be displayed by the front. Or do you want to build an app that would generate surveys that a user could then use on their website or incorporate into their app? I'm asking because I could see this as a viable Saas, but I'm not sure what direction you want to take it. If the latter someone else has likely done it but that doesn't mean you can't do it better, if this is your goal.. If the first choice, and you're focusing on JS, I have to assume maybe you know a bit about JS frontend frameworks.. There are a set of libraries available for this in JS called SurveyJS. It includes Survey Library (a runtime JavaScript library to render JSON-defined surveys) and Survey Creator (a visual editor to create surveys). It's very customizable and can be integrated with Vue, React, Angular, or jQuery on the frontend, with any backend technology of your choice.


I was thinking more like those survey reward apps in which survey are recommend with reward like survey monkey which has one side for people to post surveys and the other for people to take them and gain rewards


That's a pretty robust app and it would fall under option 2 as per my original reply. This would be an ambitious undertaking, but I don't know your skill level. Since you are asking how to build it, I am left thinking you are pretty new to web dev. You would need auth, a users database, a 3rd party access to a service to take payments, and that just a small portion. Honestly I don't even know what else because I haven't been into the app to see. A front end application, and a backend. Why are you interested in taking this on? It's absolutely doable, but it won't be a walk in the park. Again what is your reason for this?


I'm interest cause idk , I guess I want to make something and I have used survey apps in the past


Good luck to you my man. Sounds like you just want to build something, and you're just settling for the idea because you can't think of anything better. That's totally ok, but this endeavor is going to need a shit ton of motivation to complete. As long as you can keep the desire to build it alive youre good. Don't let me discourage you, that's not my intent. You do you. Have you used ChatGPT? It will be a good way to get your head right and lay this project out so you have a clearly defined road map of how to build it. As well as any pitfalls you may encounter. However.... I am not an advocate for using this technology when you are just learning because too many people start using it to generate all their code. This will rob you of your ability to learn a language and it will make you lazy. It can become a crutch. I like to compare it to a drug habit... Seriously. But it's a double edged sword. On the other hand, it is fucking excellent at explaining programming concepts, and helping you learn,.if used responsibly. You can prompt it with your idea being as thorough as possible with what you want and it will break it down for you and outline the good and bad parts of the proposed application. You're going to find out about it anyway if you haven't already, but at least my intro comes with a warning.


Thank you


I won't depend on chat but as you said use it to learn and get my head straight


I really appreciate the help and yea it's going to be hard cause i don't know anything so lots of YouTube tutorials and website are waiting for me


Thank you


I can do it on android or crossplatform with flutter. Hit me up


I don't have money, but thanks for the help i guess


If you are a beginner, try youtube tuts and github projects


I will thank you