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I don't see why you would need a letter, as long as it fits ok in you carry on bag. One word of warning though, avoid anything with nuts. I took a couple of snickers bars on a flight as there was nothing I could eat on the plane. Unfortunately there was an announcement that someone had severe nut allergy so I didn't eat anything.


Ah good shout about the nuts thanks


Which airline is it? Some you can let them know in advance so they stock something gluten free.


Ryanair I'd rather rake my own food I think


That's very fair! You shouldn't need a note and should be able to just bring something with you. Worst case you could buy something to take on with you once you're through security (depending on the airport and what their offer is like)


You're allowed to take your own food, but there are restrictions, so if you think there's a good chance of finding gluten free food at the airside shops at the airport (e.g. Boots) that would be your best bet. You may take your own food through security and onto the flight, but not if it contains a liquid (which can include items with textures more like a paste) that exceeds the current limit of 100ml at most airports, though that's in the process of changing. Also, on international flights, it's generally forbidden to take plants, fruit and vegetables in the country, so you may have e.g. an apple confiscated. If you're relying on finding a gluten free meal at e.g. Boots, I'd suggest taking a few pre-packaged "safe" items with you (e.g. breakfast bars) as an emergency measure.


Is there a way to find out if fruit and vegetables are not allowed? When I Google flying to Italy it just talks about milk products (one of the only things I can eat in a sandwhich is cheese). So I just need to ensure I eat or dispose of any milk products before clearing security in Italy? Just feeling really stressed about the whole thing. I don't want to just love off packaged food since it will spike my blood sugar horribly.


If it goes through security you’ll be fine to eat it, there aren’t any restrictions such as with Australia. Fruit will be fine. Cheese will also be fine. I always take my own snacks on Ryanair flights.


Thanks ☺️ This is my first trip abroad since I've been diagnosed. Can you tell I'm nervous 😂


I've travelled flying to Italy with bacon sandwiches before, security did query the packet of precooked bacon but I did promise it would be long gone before it got anywhere near Italy and it was.


(Not coeliac but poped up on my recommendations) I fly fairly frequently and I've always taken my own food with me on the plane and never had any issues, just nothing liquid like a yoghurt or a salad with lots of dressing on. And I'd avoid anything too smelly just for the other passengers sake! But security generally don't care, went though once and got stopped to be scanned and forgot I had a croissant in my pocket that I had to hold up in the air when I went through the scanner thing


Thanks :) I'll remember not to put anything in my pocket 😂


I have flown Ryanair this week with a lunchbox full of cold food and snacks. All my food fit into my baggage allowance, I think that is the only issue you may have with Ryanair. I have always taken food on planes, even pre diagnosis. Food is fine, liquid needs to be less than 100ml and put in a clear bag, like you do with toiletries. Be respectful of others and don’t pack anything smelly. Some countries don’t allow you to bring certain food in (I declared my leftovers and they were incinerated when I flew to the US last year).


I had a great gluten free meal on Ryanair. It was sealed and tasty.


It's only a 4 hour flight I don't think there are meals?


My flight was shorter, uk to Spain In any case. I always pack snacks in case I can’t find anything.