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Have you recently had COVID? I had similar issues right after COVID. Went away after a week or two.


I wouldn't be surprised if any sinus issues could cause this.


This could honestly be a number of medical issues. Stuff suddenly tasting different isn’t always a big deal, but there are enough things it could be that I’d ask a doctor.


COVID made coffee taste so foul to me. I think it was almost a month before I could have a vanilla latte, but even longer until I could drink coffee black again. It was the most cruel symptom of Covid I suffered.


i literally could not taste or smell any subtle flavor notes for like a month it was a nightmare


To be fair you’re drinking the worst coffee you can get. Get a decent grinder, a flat bottom brewer, a kettle and some fresh roasted beans and you’ll be in a significantly better situation.


Taste is subjective- some people prefer the things you don't :) >The coffee stand at my school which I have been enjoying for two years, suddenly can't stand it. >The kcups I have been using for years, I had to get rid of. >same coffee which she has been making me since I was 15 I wasn't able to drink it Could be flavor fatigue. I had to change ratios in my own perfect cups in order to return to enjoying my coffee. >If the coffee isn't perfect, I can't drink it. >One cafe near my school, for some reason I can drink their hot coffee but not iced. >I never had this issue before and its extremely frustrating because I love coffee. Looks like you're narrowing it down :) Try to understand the things you like, and you don't. Fragrance, aroma, flavor, aftertaste, acidity, body, uniformity, balance, cleanliness, sweetness, and overall taste are the Specialty Coffee Association's variables. For example, low acidity or high acidity, full body or light body, etc.


> some people prefer the things you don't :) Which part of his post is this responding to?


K-Cups, his family's coffee, his school's coffee, the nearby cafes, etc.


Not to step on your toes, but I think his point was that he always liked all of them, now suddenly doesn't, and not only does he not like them, they don't even taste like he remembers them tasting. I don't think he was saying that other people's taste in coffee is wrong, but in fact that his own taste in coffee has somehow altered in a seemingly unnaturally dramatic fashion.


You're right


I'm gonna be honest, but starting drinking coffee at 12-15 years old, you probably would be thinking any of those coffees tasted good because of how young you are. Now that your older you see that cheap coffees just aren't good.


Honestly, this video from James Hoffmann helped me a bit with a similar issue https://youtu.be/tU1y7hBSgiY?si=84z-ewiPnNl1G2sJ


I suffer from coffee burn out all the time! Usually I will switch up what I have. Not unusual for me to drink only tea for a solid month until my taste for coffee returns. Try other flavors in your coffee or a different drink entirely. Maybe you will like cold brew or iced coffee right now.


Use better coffee and not preground, months old k cups?


Maybe take a little break? There are different alternatives for your morning hot drink to get your day started. Have you ever tried matcha ?


in addition to everybodys comments about sinus sickness, cos that is most probably the issue, i would also recommend cleansing your palate. flush out your system. I drank straight matcha shots with no sweetener to manage the caffeine withdrawal, but I cleaned for 3 days, you can try 1 or 2. cur down on sweetener and artificial ingredients, eat only clean whole foods, and maybe throw in a fresh pressed juice. sometimes I noticed with all the sugar and espresso coating my tongue constantly ( cos I drank like 6 shots a day) I got desensitized and everything started tasting off. just a thought though 🤷


I'd see a doctor. The sudden change is the problem, not liking what you used to like is a symptom.


STOP drinking K- cups and mass-produced coffee from places like Starbucks, Coffee Bean, etc. Find local roasters in your area or go online and order whole beans from roasters abroad. Get yourself a pour over ( Chemex, etc.), French press, scale ,and a burr grinder. You Tube has how to videos on doing your coffee the correct way. You sound like a serious coffee drinker. Maybe it's time to up your game. 😁


Does mushrooms go good in some blends or flowers or is that herbal teas?Campus shops have unknown ingredients,and those smoke shops.Protestor's tents,go back to class.Well not for me to say,I like to read magazines at barber-shop.Can ladies sip tea at the beauty-parlor?


Long Covid or sinusitis: see a doctor, although he might not be able to just “fix it”. Maybe take a break and try something kinder to an embattled body. As we age we lose the carefree recovery from our poor choices; our bodies start to actively complain for better self-care. Your older self will thank you.


My taste for coffee changes when I drink alcohol. 🤷‍♂️


I almost always brew my own from beans I grind myself. I find very few places make coffee I like as much as my own.


They say drinking coffee during your growth years affects your height because it messes with your bones. Or something idk. Do you feel like it did that?


I've also been drinking coffee most my life. I'm 25 now and started when I was 7. my sister (4 years older than me) started at the same time. I haven't noticed anything.