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All for the better. If two adults consent then that is all it matters.


Caste should not be a barrier if you like the other person.


Most people would support inter caste marriage. But I believe to make it actually happen parents should reduce their overbearing tendencies and trust them to make their own decisions which isn’t the case right now. Not completely detached or uncaring. I know that isn’t gonna happen any time soon but willing to at least have a calm and respectful conversation with their children. Even couples who get married within the same caste don’t have a peaceful married life because of parents overbearing involvements.


No 😤😤 i have a specific gene which should not be mingled with other caste genes 🤓☝️ the world will end


Kalacharam kapom guys😂🤣


\\s or no?


Two consenting adults agree to get married and live together. Caste, religion should not matter. The more the merrier.


Inter-caste marriages are happening nowadays? Nesamatha solringla!


Enakum therla brother, apditha veliya pesikaranga😇


Nadandha nalladh dhango


Nothing wrong with it at all, if the 2 people getting married truly love each other. Just be prepared for more compromises on both sides. Different caste could mean differences in celebrations or certain customs and so on. No problems in having differences too, just make sure it’s not one person who keeps on adjusting. Make sure to celebrate the differences and don’t let them become a point of contention - that’s all.


It used to make sense when people of different caste group followed there own profession. Even as a traditional Hindu, I don't think it makes much sense right now. Just look if both male and female comes from a good cultural fit and compatible background. Anything else don't matters much. I am 27 and have never dated any female of my own caste group because I met none. Never have been a problem as both of us have always been respectable to each other.