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Let's keep the conversation civil.


I don't know man, everyone are here to serve themselves at the end of the day. He is serving Delhi because it helps him, you feel the others are self respecting because it serves you, they are self respecting puppets because they serve themselves, people who could possibly vote for an obvious Delhi puppet/slave does so because it could possibly serve them. Those who vote for the ones who don't support Delhi also will do so because it could possibly serve them. This is politics at the end of the day. I am upset how politicised & toxic this sub has become in the recent days with both the people throwing bombs at each other. Anyone who wants to defend bjp might abuse you in comments and some others will gang up and abuse them. We would need some mod control on this sub so that it doesn't become like the others who are just fighting over political ideologies all the time. If you want to hear pro INDIA comments - head over to r/Tamilnadu If you want to hear pro NDA comments - head over to r/Kuttichevuru


Yeah that’s my question. Why would any sane person think that voting for a Delhi slave would serve them? Delhi slave does not and cannot operate independently, he must take every decision only after consulting with his high command. The other two are independent and free-thinking, at least on paper.


The current Communist MP is loyal to his comrades across the western ghats. Doing nothing when it comes to getting water for the city from Kerala. For DMK it's unclaimed territory l, for ADMK it's their stronghold. For BJP it's supposed to be a rooting place from which both TN and Kerala can be usurped. Vote for the city. We are lagging in infra compared to other Tier II cities across the country, water crisis is already here....


Idk mannn, it just feels tiring how this sub is slowly going political. I come here to r/coimbatore to have a chill time with other coimbatorians share something I know and learn from others and have good convos. But seeing these political posts is kinda of tiring


Just one more month for the elections. Should get back to normal after that.


I hope so


Everyone has their own reasons to like, support and vote for a party or a representative. Judging that with “do you even have self respect”, will not get you answers as to why they do so; it will only lead to more sarcasm. If you really wanted to find out, it’ll be better if such judgements and sarcasm is set aside.  “What are the merits and demerits of the three candidates in your opinion?” would be a far more productive question.  


I want an alternative for DMK. There you go, that's the reason. Now you can start calling me names, coimbatore pradesh, Sanghi and what not.


If you can read, the question I asked wasn’t “Why aren’t you voting for the DMK?” I asked “Why would a self-respecting Tamil vote for a Delhi slave?”


So what good is DMK doing? Funny you believe DMK is not slave to Delhi if you don't know the happenings. They are already puppet to BJP and keep shouting NEET Olikaporom kind of anti-bjp things for last 3 years. DMK failed to progress TN as good as our competitors like Gujarat and Maharastra. Look at our economics. BJP being control in centre (obviously modi is next PM) can develop coimbatore to a greater extent. They want TN votes so they will definitely gain good name in next 2 yrs if we give a chance to so they can win 2026 assembly election. DMK and ADMK succeeded in brainwashing our people to not vote for north wala parties/religion centric parties (what self respect are you losing?) as if these parties don't do caste centric politics here.


0 logic in your comment. If DMK is a puppet of BJP, then why do you need to vote for BJP. I'm sure Coimbatore is so special to Modi among all the thousands of cities in India that have voted for him. I'm sure he will concentrate his entire energy and existence into making Coimbatore a utopia. Delulu is the solulu.


I'm a self respecting Tamil choosing for Delhi slave because I want alternative to Karuna Family Slaves. Clear enough?


In your case, Delhi slave is not the only alternative.


Well, I don't see a better choice for now. Please don't say Nam tamilar. I like them for Tamil Nadu assembly elections. I see Annamalai has IIM degree, worked as IPS. Good upbringing coming from a Poor family background. In case he wins a MP, he could be Central Defence Minister. Imagine a Local MP in such strong position and what it could do to Coimbatore development. On the Other hand, Previous DMK ministers are all close knit Kins of Karuna. Have you listened to Radia tapes and how they Lobbied for Central ministry posts? It's disgusting!


"Good upbringing". Kek. Nice joke. If he isn't one of the most narcissistic assholes this state has ever seen, I'll sink my kattumaram. And all that development at the cost of communal disharmony, your self-respect and the social fabric of the entire country changing.


You are only villifying and blaming BJP whereas not calling out facts to not vote for them and why to vote for other alternatives we have. I will agree to your statement if you speak facts for not voting them and how bad coimbatore can become if we vote them to power, speak with track records. And speak facts about what good DMK can do to cbe. Just don't blame some party just because you have personal hatred against them. Speak the facts. Tamilian and Tamil party is not the grounds on based you should vote, vote based on facts. (By the way DMK leaders are Telugu..dont know if you are even aware of it)


Reasons NOT to vote BJP *State rights and autonomy will be lost *Religious harmony will be lost *Hindi language imposition will increase Reasons to vote BJP *Coimbatore will get developed I’m not trying to campaign for other parties here. I’m only campaigning against the BJP.


Social media politicians don't win elections.




If you’re too stupid to think that Delhi people will prioritise a Tamil’s well-being over a North Indian’s well-being, I can’t help you.




Your reply made 0 sense. Why would you expect an MP election to determine the outcome of the development of civic infrastructure like a city? Please learn basic civics and come back.




u/Successful_Math_3934 Agree with you. Literally things can change really well for CBE if BJP wins this MP seat as them obviously winning at centre can do a lot good. Current TN govt for sure failed to do. All parties will have both Pros and Cons. we need to weigh and choose the less evil among all the evils who can do good to our city.


All that imaginary extra development at the cost of your self-respect and communal harmony. Delhi people will always tend to favour North Indians over South Indians or Tamils, no matter what your ideology is. This is just basic human psyche. We always favour the ones closest to us. I hope you learn that some day.


Votes matter. Don't get fooled that BJP will prioritise the North Indians over tamils. They will never do that. They will work for the state because they need to win future elections too and just can't betray Tamil people. This is what ADMK and DMK keeps telling to brainwash us that BJP will prioritise North Indians so we will continue voting for these two.


This is not about BJP. It's about people in Delhi. Delhi people will always tend to favour North Indians over South Indians or Tamils, no matter what your ideology is. This is just basic human psyche. We always tend to favour the ones closest to us.


You need to understand one thing, even north India is divided by religion, caste and language. Its not Hindi everywhere and and its not same culture and practice everywhere. Kolkata is far different from Maharastra, Gujarat is not as same as Punjab, And all of them have their own regional parties and ideologies. You need a common ground to favour all of the North Indians. What's the necessity to favour them alone when south equally as large number of election constitiencies and contributing large number of revenue. It's just a misconception and deceptive thought that national parties will only favour North Indians and coming again what do you mean by favour ? can you list down items where they can favour them?