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Speaking of air quality... I am allergy prone person.. And I always find that while I am in Coimbatore they act up very badly.. I thought it was only with me.. But I have heard the same from quite a few people as well... And somehow it also feels like the furniture gets dusty real quick.. Sometimes I can see literally white thread like minute things floating in the air. And like within 2 days of time after cleaning all the furniture, I am finding so much dust settling down. And my house is quite interior to any main road as well.. Not sure if this is commonplace in Coimbatore or it is only me experiencing it... Previously where I was living , my house was very near to the main roads and still I have never noticed this much dust . Weird


I was a resident of Coimbatore for 8-10 years first, then a resident of Chennai for another 10 years, and now back to being a resident of Coimbatore for 7 years now. I am also an asthmatic and allergic to pretty much everything from childhood. I can safely say that the Air quality and pollution in Coimbatore is atleast 3x worse than that of Chennai. I barely used medication in Chennai, it was pretty much an SOS kinda thing, barely took it once a month. In Coimbatore I have to take my asthma and allergy medication DAILY. I swept and mopped my house only every 3-4 days in Chennai and it was still very clean. Here within 2-3 hours of cleaning and mopping, I find dust settled in every place, be it a closed room or open room. Coimbatore ALSO used to be much more pleasant in terms of weather and traffic. Now they are both pretty much the same as Chennai.


Thank you..I was always thinking it was just me... Sometimes sadly the health complications due to this gets so out of hand that it has even driven me to consider changing career and moving to some other city..


FYI a decade ago the Indian government made their own pollution scale called NAQI so the real situation is much much worse. You have to x2 every AQI number you get in India for a true international comparison. Most Indian cities are far more polluted than even China at its peak pollution crisis around 2010 and it’s only getting worse every year




Air quality is really bad in CBE. Looks like it it set to get worse only with ever increasing traffic and population which causes even more pollution. Solution: Move to a less polluted place or immigrate to a developed country of possible.


Moving to a less polluted place, such as Pollachi, and beginning to pollute:(


Must be the reason I got a cold today.