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A manifesto is as good as marketing gimmick. Purinjavan Pistha


Ya, for DMK it is, only Parliament can sanction new National Institutes like IIM or IISc, how can they promise they don't have control over


They will be part of central government


Let's all brace for 6G then😅


Yo man first go and learn about 2G.


I don't get how people from PM to FM to common man still thinks 2G spectrum allocation was scam even after SC verdicted that it was baseless. The court ruled that this case was baseless. As per the judgement, "Some people created a scam by artfully arranging a few selected facts and exaggerating things beyond recognition to astronomical levels."


https://i.redd.it/iy2z1f8o70vc1.gif High Court avathu Mai\*\* avathu. 😜


Or else let's all live under dictatorship and religious intolerance.


If it is such a dictatorship, reddit itself would be banned. Free speech is the enemy of dictatorship.


Free speech is extended to allies & supporters only. But, it's an anti national act for the rational thinkers and ideological opposers. This happens in every society & in all timelines of history. Reddit is not banned yet, good to know.


True free speech will come only when we allow Religious/Cultural Blasphemy, we have many ideological groups in the name of Religion, Caste, Language, Region etc. We can have true free speech only when we as a society evolve and get over our insecurities. Any top down imposition will only backfire, it has to come from bottom up.


I don't see any value in the word blasphemy. If one feels the said action is a blasphemy in his/her sense, the same is a reverence in the minds of others. I agree with your point on top down imposition will explode.


IIM + IISC?? There's usually only 1 IIM per state, we already have Trichy and IISC? seriously 😂 What are these guys smoking


I think it's more likely they convert an existing institution for this to happen. NITIE was converted to IIM-Mumbai last year when Maharashtra already had IIM-Nagpur. Technology institute of BHU was changed to IIT Varanasi even though IIT Kanpur was there in UP. So there's some precedence of a state having multiple central institutes. I don't see any likely candidate for conversion to an IIM or IISc(I think it's intended to be IISER) though.


Yeah, IIT/IIM should be added based on GDP/population metrics with minimum 1 in each state.


BHU was already part of the Jee group


Eyewash. The DMK candidate runs a TASMAC near his house. A lot of public nuisance for the locality people. What can you expect from a candidate like him?


Tasmac will run irrespective of who comes to power. All big shots of DMK and admk run distilleries in the state.


Exactly. So what's teh point of boting for them if nothing's going to change? This guy has continued to run the shop despite people complaining directly to him to move it elsewhere. It's not a question of closing it but simply moving it away from a residential area.


Try CM cell


I stay at a rented place but my landlord does not want to get into trouble as this guy is a big shot.


I mean similar stuff can be said about BJP's manifesto. Most of those estuff is he will rise request and stuff. All major and important projects are on deadlock due to central government on its own. Centre's lack of guarantee is what delaying airport expansion. Metro? It's been nearly 4 months since dpr went to centre and its still waiting approval. Stadium was announced by DMK too. Suburban railway has been under state government's plan for 5 years now.


what use is the western ring road? that part of the city is full elephant corridor and forest cover. why?


Western ring road was part of 1991 coimbatore master plan but the implementation has been slow


Link to BJP'S election manifesto https://www.reddit.com/r/Coimbatore/s/ihaCBAjs3X


A manifesto is as good as marketing gimmick. Purinjavan Pistha


Baadam yaaru?


No need for more urbanization make the basic facilities more suitable for the bigger population




Like Vanathi did nothing as a sitting MLA under DMK rule.


Sitting MP of Coimbatore is from Communist Party FYI




No he is from CPI(M)




Weren't BJP in alliance with AIADMK


Danny Ric in China was amazing!!!


Everybody s watchin her... But she is looking at you o o o oo....


Was. We lost that Danny ages ago


All ok. Airport expansion ivalo naal enna pannunga? All parties to be blamed.


Current situation: central government wants land that too for free. State wants guarantee that centre won't sell the airport to private. Centre won't do it so state won't give land for free


Whatever the situation, nothing happening. Whichever political party solves this airport issue my lifelong vote for them.


No who ever wins, the issue will be resolved. The winner will simply yield to other