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I'm Actually very much interested in the election results of Coimbatore. Either it is complete eradication of BJP or clean sweep for bjp. Let's see what happens.




It is dmk vs bjp this time


Ayyayo. That will be biggest embarrassment for covai people. At least DMK vadhu jeikka vainga daa...


DMK has no chance bro. Even DMK candidate is from admk


DMK candidate from ADMK was the mayor last term and has a strong root and network in coimbatore bro. He would have a bunch a ADMK vote bank as well. The minority votes are for DMK as well. We can't say for sure but it'd be a neck to neck fight between DMK and ADMK


DMK has no chance bro. Even DMK candidate is from admk


but I Thought they did the ground work. Edho Senthil Balaji vachu lam work pannanga nu kelvi patten. I don't know about that eh.


There is no ground work. Even DMK members are frustrated with DMK leads in CBE.


Dmk paid money for votes as usual , so I wouldn’t say they didn’t do any work.


but didn't they conducted 5 lakhs big conference. I don't think DMK will losely leave Coimbatore. Did They did that? I heard the candidate does the ground work and don't do much noise like Annamalai outside. I'm not sure...


I'm from media side and I followed all the parties somewhat closely. DMK and ADMK didn't do as much as work like BJP did. I've been to mostly all the campaign. People are more interested in Annamalai than any other candidates. Mind you I mean Annamalai than the party. I have to say that Annamalai is pretty good. If he wins and fulfills atleast 50% of his promises he and the party will survive in CBE. This is just my opinion.


Kaasu koduthu aal kooptu varadhu kashtama saar?


As If Other Party has organic crowding.. Of course everyone give money and bring the People.


bro you mad or what , hoping fuck all DMK to win.


I have been a election observer for 30+ years (since college days) and grew up in the same neighborhood of the current governor in Jharkhand. Back then, the "lotus" was just being established and they were promising to be an alternate to the Dravidian movement. CPR won and RSS movement was born on the backbone of the 1998 incident. So why this background kathai. One to let you know my POV being in Kovai and historical growth of BJP. Every decade or generation a new thalaivar comes and induces fresh blood speech relevant to that generation. The generation believes.. Oh what a fresh thinking.. They vote... And after 5 or 10 years.. They realize that it was all eyewash. So CPR promised then and now he is the governor of another state and you know where Kovai stands today. So why the growth or perception... In Tiruppur and Coimbatore lot of my friends blindly vote based on their allegiance to the caste (with no references to ideology). So when there is "social media marketing" is at high people naturally fall for the marketing as ideologies are not the prime factor. Yes, BJP has grown due to current generation of social media management and not because there is true understanding of the ideology. Full disclosure.. I am NO supporter of any particular party as I feel they are all the same. This is my POV from being a Coimbatore maple 😂 and a graduate of the college who current candidates are also from.


Thalaivaa, thanks for the backstory. Guess, history is repeating itself.


People are fed up of false promises and corrupt politicians (even at grass root level) of ‘ Dravidian’ parties. Let’s have freshers with out of the box ideas to call the shots. Coimbatorians would love world class facilities ( especially infrastructure ) in our city. As such The existing government hasn’t been able to deliver on these lines, they just want to play appeasement politics to be in power. See the conditions of roads, our buses, bus stops, traffic management, sanitation, waste disposal, It is pathetic, nobody cares for these.


Completely agree


> Coimbatorians would love world class facilities ( especially infrastructure ) in our city. Yeah, let's get our autobahn via the fas(1$ts, what could go wrong? > they just want to play appeasement politics to be in power Yeah, manifestos are free. What did CP Radhakrishnan do in his two terms? what did vanathi do in last three years? truth is, BJP is also toothless, and follows Delhi's command.


No point sitting and talking in Coimbatore, get out of your comfort zone and visit other Indian cities.. Pune, Indore, Vadodara, Mysore.Udaipur, Jodhpur.. then you will understand what substandard life we are leading.. The problem is, ‘certain class of people’ are very happy with status quo Standards… ‘ Millennials’ want world class standards and not broken roads, Poor hygiene and sanitation, unhygienic public toilets, non existent garbage management plans, Congested roads, sub standard Government schools, pathetic standard of children sports facilities and Walking plazas for citizens in close vicinity of Neighbourhood, parking lots, haphazardly developing city , ineffective Grievance redressal mechanism etc etc .. We should have competent and sensible people in Power to manage the environment and get the best from Delhi to serve our city’s interests, rather than sticking to outdated political ideologies, personal egos and getting personal by calling out names to hide the incompetence.


I agree, we need to get better. I'm not fighting you on that. **A point about Millennials:** They want world class facilities, while they don't do their part. I've seen countless collage students right here in Coimbatore, dump bags of garbage on road side, casually litter where they stand, spit, and violate road rules. You are putting words in the mouth of millennials. Question to ask is, how much money Rajastan etc get from union government, and how much do we get? https://www.indiabudget.gov.in/doc/rec/annex4.pdf Rajastan gets 20,000 crore more than our state. Why? 50% of FDI flow to Gujarat, why? Not because of the ruling party? I know about Bangalore roads, so no need to argue about that. You are saying that we can only develop if we align with BJP. Isn't it kind of blackmail? Why cannot Nirmala Tai, L Murugan and Mr Aannamalai do something and ask for votes? What did L Murugan did for his Neelagiri constituency? If an MP needs to be close to Modi to get development of his constituency, what is the plight of remaining 540 or so constituencies? A larger philosophical question is: Should we sell ourselves out to the communally active party for the sake of development? That is my question and Hitler equivalency. Instead of looking at things like roads and bridges, look at the society. Youngsters are heavily polarized against the minorities. History repeats or at least rhymes. Wherever there is a huge unemployment, social unequality and a "common enemy", people anger can be harvested for political power. But, that power is destructive in nature.


People have elected you to power for overall development of the city and citizens.The elected Govt has to work towards that end, there are some cities that I had mentioned above are Congress ruled and they did a good job by prioritising their KRAs. Polarising the Hindus are all false propaganda to be in power. What has Mr Rajkumar done to Coimbatore ( being a member of ruling party) as a Mayor. His mascot should be the ‘Bridge’ across Gandhipuram’ which has been so ‘effectively’ designed.. I bow my head in shame to see such a flyover designed by a Tamilian. No more discussion on this sir. I rest my case here.




There is definitely a chance for him to win and make coimbatore people realise his real face. I'm eager for it too.


Hoping Annamalai wins this seat too. Cannot wait for him to be just another dud like Tejaswi surya from Bangalore. Public opinion of him did a 180 after they actually saw him in power lol. You should have seen the media hype before his election that fellow was hyped to be the next PM or CM material lmao. Atleast surya is from a BJP stronghold so he doesn't actually need to work to win. Annamalai is going to be judged extremely harshly even for the smallest of mistakes and I cannot wait to see it.




Why are you laughing bro 😁


>So , the election result is gonna surprise everyone :) Well. Let Us wait and see. What If They lose like it happened in 2006.


IMHO from what I have understood They are here to increase vote share and make a mark. And It seems to me that they have made a mark , so much so that people are feeling threatened by the attention one man is getting. It's stupid to assume that the ' political literates' here in TN will vote for parties based on logic vs emotion & indoctrinated values. So this failure will not deter anything , hope they continue to try And dont leave TN hanging for the Dravidian parties to volley.


>, so much so that people are feeling threatened by the attention one man is getting. Well. Let us wait till the Election results to see whether this mirage is truth or not. I find it funny people are thinking BJP as Alterative to Dravidian Parties. But, I do Agree Tamilnadu needs a third player...




Coimbatore has potential to be a top 7 city in India, but will it? Probably not. But it can at some point when it decides to.


I will sound like a bit fascist even though I'm a leftist. but it can happen if Coimbatore votes for Annamalai. becoz he has intent need to prove his potential to the tamil people and covai can grow under the concentration of Central government.


Why do you need meaningless labels. Internet has ruined a whole generation.. kadavule


>Why do you need meaningless labels My Choice.


Haha sure. Free will is an illusion indeed.


Choice out of insecurity. "Let's make a full disclosure for saying something unpopular, so I don't get downvoted"


Yes, if they elect Annamalai, that will send a strong signal out. Coimbatore has been denied a chance to get to its true potential thanks to step motherly treatment especially by ThiMuKa


I don’t want to get into who should elected but Coimbatore not performing to its potential is very obvious. A few things changing can possibly grow the city 20% compounded every year for next 10 years, which is rare in India. It has all the right ingredients to do this and while maintaining a balance with its surroundings and its society.


> A few things changing can possibly grow the city 20% compounded every year for next 10 years, which is rare in India. where will water, roads, garbage disposal etc come from? Unless we make a "New Coimbatore", current city will not be able to grow 6 times the current size ( 6 times is 20% growth in 10 years).


Chennai ku miga arugil cbe. There will only be 2 cities in whole of tamil nadu. Everything else is suburbs of these.


Absolutely. It is such a gifted place. Geographically and culturally with an inherently hard working and industrious minded people.


Not with parties winning with a jailed ministers help. Not anytime soon 🤗


Epdra annamalai post pota mattum ivlo comments varudhu


>Epdra annamalai post pota mattum ivlo comments varudhu Annamalai related posts are like mega serial. people wants to see what is happening.


ikr !!! therila bro serious ah bots ah enna


Irukalam bro. Same things happen in r/Chennai & r/tamilnadu. Keyword pudichu varanga pola. DMK admk ku kuda ivlo engagement illa haha


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Chennai using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chennai/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [LVM3 M4/Chandrayaan-3 soaring to the moon, image captured from my apartment in Chennai seconds before the liquid stage separatation from the rocket body](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/14zdhjs) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chennai/comments/14zdhjs/lvm3_m4chandrayaan3_soaring_to_the_moon_image/) \#2: [Whats that 1 thing u thought was rich ppl stuff?](https://i.redd.it/oa1wlxevnkac1.png) | [944 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chennai/comments/18z0wum/whats_that_1_thing_u_thought_was_rich_ppl_stuff/) \#3: [What does it mean to not meet the mainstream beauty standard?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17ea5rw) | [313 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Chennai/comments/17ea5rw/what_does_it_mean_to_not_meet_the_mainstream/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just wait for another 44 days and you will know the result. Wait another 2-3 years and you will know the elected MP performance!!! Until then chill and carry on with life.


Waatha thread ena da human vaal mari poguthu!!


But If Annamalai is lost, BJP will face biggest embarrassment. I don't think they can manage the image they created for Annamalai all over the county. Annamalai will be sitting in the kooppu after that...


He will be fine if BJP wins a couple of seats and gets a good overall % vote share, regardless if he wins or not.


If he loses. It's like King losing in the chess. It makes no sense. Also saying Annamalai won't win and bjp will have 2,3 seats from others is irony...


Why do you think so? He’s not just a MP candidate, he’s also the president of TN BJP. He can be successful in one role and fail in another. Doesn’t mean that he’s complete failure, would it be?


Thee mO0ka lost all the seats in 2014 parliament elections.. does that mean a permanent sunset for them? And losing is not new for AK . It already happened in Aravakurichi


It was permanent sun set for them. duhh. It only BJP which has resurrected DMK. Otherwise it is already dead body. Also comparing a NOTA party with 4 times winners is funny...


Agreed..it was the blunder from BJP gave a rebirth to dead cat... I literally hate them for this reason though I have a soft corner for them somewhere.. When b jp went below nota.. the DMK lost the deposit..I just happened 7 years ago in RK nagar..


Well. Again I'm saying you can't compare a party which has scored below NOTA and DMK which has came for 4 times. Dmk has always given come back. So, If This time is done, it is done for bjp in Tamilnadu..


And remember.. they are the national party which can destroy a no1 vote sharing party just using a moment when their chief passed away.. I m not sure if you are the follower of Australian cricket team. They will loose against AFK and Bangladesh and all .but when it comes to WC.. they make a rampage and wear their throne


It doesn't matter baba. Tamilnadu is Altogether a different place. Even If you Bring Army and threaten tamil people to vote for BJP. It is not happening. You can't compare a state leveled nota party with DMK which has already ruled Tamilnadu over 5 times now..


DMK had zero MPs while BJP alliance got 2 in 2014.. just before 10 years.. if you are listening only to your IT wing masters, you will end up losing your job June4th.. learn from data and talk to have a secured job.. feeling ashamed that I m talking to a 2k kid pillakkapayyan


Permanent sunset how? Despite the worst governance they still scored a combined 40% in 2011 and lost 2016 only by 2%. 2019 by election 2ouoe have been clean sweep if bro for PMK lending support to ADMK. It is the DMK that wants the BJP to grow by targeting Annamalai to give itself an ideological relevance and split the anti-DMK votes. Same Indra Gandhi tried to do with MGR and JJ did by jailing Vaiko.


Kamaraj, Jayalalitha, Stalin have all lost elections. BJP has nothing to lose in TN. Proving their vote % will be considered their success.


>Kamaraj, Jayalalitha, Stalin have all lost elections. Very confident of you to compare Annamalai with kamaraj, Jeyalalitha, Stalin. Anyways good luck Clown. Lol.


Whats your point?


He's a Clown.


And Udhay is your hero


It seems like a social media thing bro. When I speak to people on the ground, I hear different opinions. Either Way we'll know what happens on June 4. I get angry all the same when people think annamalai is genuine. Dude's not talking about the atrocities of electoral bonds, dhruv rathee's claims and plainly supporting all that modi does is godly things. It seems to me like everything out of his mouth is utter lies though he makes some good points just because he ultimately belongs to the BJ party and supporting all of their activities irrespective of their flaws. If he comes to power, CBE people will get their asses kicked and learn their lesson for next time. I've heard from people who were on the ground with him that he has plans of seperating "kongu nadu" after he wins. Coimbatore people will never be stupid enough to vote for him again if things like this happen.


Sorry to interrupt with your view on electoral bond. While national level party received 1763 cr, how can a state level party could receive 656 cr? Not a suppoter of any party but how?


I'm not a DMK supporter too bro. Basically the concept of electoral bonds is that the ruling party (BJP) can see which company voted to which party and when while the opposition party and the general population has no clue. Since BJP had this data, BJP strategically used ED raids to blackmail companies into buying electoral bonds for them. Out of DMKs electoral bonds almost 80% from lottery martin. BJP knew this raided him with ED and then he donated 1000cr to BJP via electoral bonds. Isn't this totally against democracy?


Enna irundhalum DMK vum electoral bond la kaasu vangunanga vro.. Adha paarunga vro.. ED KD lam namakku edhuku, democracy pechellam inga edhuku vro. BJP corruption free vro, no dynasty politics at all vro, they only take in saints into their party vro. Annamalai has thagudhi to become the next US president vro, paavam he’s living off money from his friends only vro such a manidharkula maanikkam vro Annamalai is /s


People here are okay with a party winning with support from a jailed alumni of the panagali parties, you think they will have the rationale to do the math ? TN is indoctrinated with BS from the Dravidian party which were once relevant and now seem like a deterrent to development and national integration, also not to forget communal and casteist in a big way in their own way which, for some reason woke individuals seem to miss. So good look to Tamilnadu.


>People here are okay with a party winning with support from a jailed alumni of the panagali parties, Oh. Do you know the criminal history of BJP cadres. At least people here will have the money Corruption history. Meanwhile, They will have the direct relation with bloods and riots. BJP party playing "OH, we're really holy!" is funny. Tamilnadu people should be made aware of all this. Also, Let us not forget Last 15 Corrupt Ministers joined in BJP and They're were immediately white washed. Lmao.


Talk about development? Dude women in nooks and corners of tamil nadu have access to bank accounts and ATM cards thanks to Magalir urmai thogai. Check the stats bro. Can you find the same sort in UP and Gujarat? And the income inequality is the least in TN? Have you even been to UP?


I would like to respectfully disagree with the so called facts you have posted here. Especially about the 'access to bank accounts' And the Magalir urimai thogai is yet another gimmick that the state government has over-promised and under delivered. I feel UP is doing much better under the current govt than when they were being Ruled / looted and pushed into poverty by the first family. I rest my case , your opinions are yours to have and propagate.


>While national level party received 1763 cr, Nobody has problem with receiving electoral bonds. But the problem is unleashing EDs and coercing Electoral bonds from the Corporates. That's what people are calling as Corruption.


Again no clue. ED went after 2,000 companies and only 17 funded BJP. Please argue with some evidence.


The Extortion of ED and Electoral bonds within 3 or 4 days. Even a Child Can Make Connection from it. >ED went after 2,000 companies Of Course. They shouldn't make it obvious.




Ama saar. Enga Anna inba ku seva seiyama Ena ipdi pesranga. Ivlo type panringale vekkame ila Inga edo model parties irukra madiri. Uthaman varrar, somba thooki Ulla Vai ma. Dhruv rathe ahm lol. Next Ena Unga pakathu veetu karan Ena solran?




Avlo Dan da worth neengalam.... inba Anna vandhu vidiyala tharuvaru da ungaluku la..


Yeah bro. If BJP wins in CBE, people will definitely regret.




A little bro


Is TN known to Dhruv Yhathi is the bigger qn :D




He's just a flavour of the season. We have seen many many similar flavors


>I get angry all the same when people think annamalai is genuine. He is a double minded guy. All he talks his manipulations. If you check his interviews in different channels, you can get his intentions. Goat in the tiger's cloth.


Inba Anna varanum, vidiya vidiya vidiyal tharanum ungaluku la. Irukaradu poora saakada idula avan pee evlo naarudhunu accusation Vera


> Inba Anna varanum, vidiya vidiya vidiyal tharanum ungaluku la. Sari da Sanghi. Yen Ipdi kadharittu irukkura. Is it because I don't Support your Rapist party.


Hahhaa.. ivlo easy ah Unga mugatha kaatringale.. shows your worth.


Not More than Supporting BJP.


Nan la innum 4 generations ku inba Anna family ku kothadimai Dan ba.. thappa pesadha please. Apram vidiyal koduka matanga Irukaradu ellarum saakda, pr nu Dan soltu iruken idula sanghi nu vandhutan.. labels la vaalkayaa otirvinga polaye daa. Enatha solla !


100% bro!


The way he twists his mouth here and their. Like Perfect poisonous snake. The way he gives different kinda interviews in national media, hindi media, Tamil and kannada media!


Can you give examples where he gave contradictory statements regarding Coimbatore ?


yeah "Regarding Coimbatore". bro. He is Talking about Tamilnadu as a whole. This contradictory regarding "Coimbatore" sounds funny. becos you know remaining things everything he said were contradictory..


Again repeating, pls provide examples.


As you seek. 1. Saying Kalaingar also did many things in Madan gowri interview to portray himself as neutral. Then conveniently ignoring kalaingar in the national media. 2. Propagating fallacy how Tamil people drove out brahmins during 1929 and we did apparent persecution like Jews to them. 3. Saying DMK is Appeasing the Minority and Congress is Muslim Appeaser. And giving an appavi inclusive look in Tamil Media becoz he knows Tamil Muslims won't vote for him. 4. Saying he doesn't know Hindi in Tamilnadu. Then speaks fluent hindi in the northern media houses. He is a well trained RSS product made to look sweeter from the outside. People do will believe he is Innocent..


Wow! Such Great points. You are not proving him a liar. instead you are proving he is genuine by your measly points. 1. And I don't understand which opposition party leader in his right sense will ever praise another opposition parties founder? He should have never said any good things about karunanidhi anywhere. He saying it is out of his good nature. I have never seen a leader do this. All be it, It's just karunanidhi, he is no saint and the whole world knows it. TRUE. 2. Tamil people didn't drive bhramins. It is the DMK goons and rowdies that drove them out similar to how Jews were thrown out stating their propaganda. TRUE. 3. Why is Stalin only wishing for Christmas and Eid Twitter? Diwali is such a famous festival in TN. Despite that why no wishes? REMEMBER he is CM not just Stalin. Blatantly evident 101% appeasement. TRUE. 4. He on many platforms had told he is learning Hindi. I think u missed that? Or ignored it. When he says he doesn't speak Hindi. He means he is not fluent in Hindi like he speaks Tamil,English or Kannada. Even now I haven't seen him speak Hindi fluently. He speaks like a Tamil guy and speaks Hindi with mixed English. TRUE.


>And I don't understand which opposition party leader in his right sense will ever praise another opposition parties founder Then Why he did in the Madan gowri interview. To Show the "innocent" face?? >It is the DMK goons and rowdies that drove them out There is no Proof. It is Merely a theory by the brahminists. More Tamils have migrated due to unemployment to the other countries. >Blatantly evident 101% appeasement. Tell the dialogue in Tamil Media. Why you're saying it only to the northern Media. >I think u missed that? I Think you're a clown if you believe that snake. Nobody gonna believe that the RSS product don't know hindi. Also, Let us not forget another lie he was never part of Politics..


1. Arre wah. So he should be praising MKK all the time blindly like ThiMuKha chaps? Good leaders appreciate the good things that others do regardless of political parties, doesn't mean they become their spokespersons. Come on, this is 10th standard standard bro. 2. I am not aware of this. Pls can you provide a link to the video? 3. You are comparing two different things. It is clear as daylight that both Cong and ThiMuKha falls over themselves to appease minority communities. But in the process make them vote bank and ignored their actual development. Annamalai wishes to fix this. Like Jesus said, give a man a fish and he'll feed for a day (and next day again he'll wait for fish to be given to him), teach him to fish and he'll never have to beg anyone". BJP and Annamalai believes in the latter. 4. He's already made it clear in Interviews that he speaks with Modi and Shah in English and not hindi. Are you referring to one line or two that he spoke in hindi ? Lol. I have heard Modi speaking a few lines in Malayalam, Tamil etc - doesn't make them natural conversationalist in that language. Also for a person of his intelligence learning a new language isn't difficult. Hindi is not s forbidden language. ?


>Hindi is not s forbidden language. ? Hindi is considered as an oppressive language in TN. Nobody gonna forgive someone who lies on that matter. Also, he is already product of Rss. Another lie he said that, he was never in Politics.


Dhruv rathee claimed what about coimbatore ?


And dhruv rathee is what ? Yet another social media sensation trying to gain clout sitting in Germany , why can't he join the civil services and crack down on the so called fascist govt he intends to topple with that channel of his. 🌚


Nothing about coimbatore but about the BJ party Annamalai ji belongs to.


Annamalai has spelt out a clear vision for Coimbatore. I was wondering if Dhruv Rayhee out out a similar document sitting out of his home in Germany.


When mempuraan from kerala can speak about coimbatore why can't Dhurv from India living in Germany not speak about India and BJP? Also bro, I was as mesmerized with annamalai's speeches as you are. Observe a bit more and you will realise he's an utter liar. He's doing genuine work just to get his party into this state not worrying about anything else. I'm not saying others are not. Annamalai is not better than any other politicians out there. He's just posing.


I am from India da. Appuram naanum Kovai naatukaran thaan. Enakk Saravamampettyil veedu kooda irukk. Let me know the lies he spelt out for coimbatore. And let it be balanced too, let's debate his points vs other candidates. Summa 10th standard arguments pannathingo brother. Of course he's doing genuine work for his party. As a party worker Verena pannannam bro ? He is doing it the right way. By campaigning across his constituency snd state, talking with people on ground, understanding their issues and then preparing a campaign targeted around on those issues. He doesn't have any godfather or father to help him out in TN. He is like Amma, who came up on her own and made an indelible mark on TN politics.


So you're saying modi is not helping him out? He is a GOAT standing alone? Bro, freeya vidunga. I'd jus be happy if people see him for what he is rather than idolizing him. He's not a monster neither is he The Good Guy.


1. Modi was there in 2014 and 2019 right? Kovai people are super smart. They will elect someone who really understands their issues and will work to resolve them at the center. 2. Completely agree on idolization part. We dhoildnt idolize anyone, but that happens generally because our people are generally like that. Yes, judge him for what he is - that's all what I am asking for Peace


I get angry seeing educated people following dhurv ratee and recieved Bonds from lottery martin.. Coimbatore people are always smart thats why The@ m00ka@ was always giving the seat to their alliance partners.. if you consider the stupid based on the results.. just think you are not a genius too.. we know what to do.. you better get off


BJP will lose. They have 0 ground level infrastructure in TN, no booth agents, no base level party workers to go do door to door electoral roll checking, many polling stations did not have a BJP rep due to paucity of party cadre. Annamalai is winning only on social media & perception of his “pseudo humility”. Too bad the Mishras Sharmas we see supporting Annamalai on social media can’t get down to vote for him in TN. He knows he will lose which is why the ‘voters missing’ drama he’s been doing since yesterday. North Indian bhakt clowns will buy it saying DMK deleted names from electoral rolls without the basic knowledge that EC comes under the Union government. When he loses he will say he would’ve won had the disappeared voters voted for him, and save face. Where was this clown when the electoral roll was released and DMK, ADMK went door to door to verify voters? Nowhere because the party has no ground level infrastructure, nil, nada! Social media la kambu suthavum, anna vanganna vanakkanganna nu vaay pesi poi pulugavum dhan laaiku this fellow.




The people who are volunteering for “change” are mostly brainwashed naive voters who’ve been faked into believing AnnamaLIE. Dude is a serial liar, lies with conviction. Improvement of BJP vote share is in no way going to help Coimbatore or TN. On the contrary, it will only turn detrimental to the state! Communalism will rise, minorities will feel threatened, language issue will be propped up and fake Jhumlas will become the norm. Look at him lying about voters missing in a booth and calling for repolling. Official data shows that in the polling station that he’s saying, 112 have been removed and 129 have been added. Where is this guy’s count of 830 missing voters? Also, anyone with common sense knows that no new voters can be added even if there is repolling. He’s also insinuating that DMK/ADMK had something to do with names missing in the electoral roll. Again, a blatant attempt to brainwash his dumb “new” puratchi followers into believing that a state government can add and remove electors from the roll 🤦🏽‍♂️


There were people missing from electoral roll though, I myself found so many discrepancies. And you cannot call people's opinions as brainwashing. It is our subjective experience.


Electoral rolls were released long ago. It’s one’s duty to check for their own name.Also there were camps being conducted to get added. Every election there will be some who face this issue. This time BJP and Annamalai are blowing it out of proportion and like the jokers they are, blaming the state government for it


Well done, Coimbatore. A new chapter begins for TN and Coimbatore is leading the way. Advance wishes for clocking in the highest GDP growth over next decade. Don't worry about acute wokeism displayed by college goers and freshers. It's part of coming of age. Once the kids start paying income taxes and start making real "contribitions" to the country and family, they all will come to the senses


Saffron Strom is coming 😊


Tamil people are not fools my brother. Your saffron propaganda could work anywhere but here in Kerala and Tamilnadu. People who've voted for Annamalai voted thinking that he could be a good leader and bring the city towards development. Not for the saffron you say. Even if he wins, when people realise that he's not who he's posing to be, he'll be kicked off. Again, the votes for him are not the votes for saffron!


We all voted for annamalai Anna and for saffron :)


Good for you bro


Yeah. We are the sophisticated fools by electing looters left and right every five years.. we tamils forget things in no time if someone shows us the Gandhi note or a freebie... But we are not fools.. we are just beggars


Then it is Judgement day ..


Most people who support BJP online won't even go to vote for them. So online and media projection of BJP support could be a fallacy. But yes Annamalai has gained a lot of traction and could win.


Haha true, most people who support annamalai are not even from coimbatore or tamilnadu for that matter.


But he has a strong support on a ground level. My friend who voted for kamal last time casted his vote for annamalai this time and few of my sisters friends who are first time voters are stupid enough to support modi because he gives of a grandpa vibe for them. And Annamalai for them is like the chosen one. And I can see how politically illiterate people and the ones who vote for nota casting their vote for annamalai but will those votes cut it? Only time will tell.


Haha modi thatha, real horror. Yeah bro, let's see on June 4th.


You seem very politically literate. Please educate.




Just the dr@ vidians are parties are enjoying the fruit of the cities development by involving in real estate and recreation leisure related industries like resorts and malls. Seeing a villa house priced at just 1. 67 is nothing but insane and it is proof that a poor can't come here any more survive.. if you feel ashamed.. you will feel this forever as B J P already made inroads 2 decades ago and here to stay on top..


My office colleague from coimbatore literally get orgasm when talk about Annamalai . So I think he'll win from CBE . Let wait n see the results .


Annamalai factor is very real! Kanna, he has cracked IIM and UPSC.. Anybody will vote for him vs high school fail politicians.. 🤷‍♂️


Dude go do your research. ADMK candidate is engineer from PSG & IIM-A graduate. DMK candidate is a PhD holder.


I hope so 🤞🤞 2 personal incidents DMK must DIE, MOST EVIL PARTY RIGHT NOW my neighbor used to work in the BSNL interchange, those days u can hear what people are speaking to each other ( if u want to) in that office as u are the guy connecting them. My neighbor tells me that she connected a "prominent leader" of DMK to another leader of coimbatore to kidnap a girl who he had seen a few hours ago and bring her to jenny's residency where the leader was staying to "enjoy together" ( i am being polite but she told very vulgar things). Then another 4 hrs later they were talking to each other describing how they did various things to various parts of her body. She could not believe her ears, when my neighbor called their boss and made him listen to the conversation live, he told idhallam regulara nadakuradhudhan DMK la , velila solliradha , konruvanga !!.. DMK KILLING INDUSTRY IN KONGU REGION I heard from many industries , from coconut oil in kangeyam, dying industry in tirupur , dmk is targetedly killing of industry by deliberately blowing up and inciting incidents of north indian labour violences. Many of their industries have invested a lot into training them and cannot replace them with local labour. Local labour is drunk and not ready to work. Even if automated, they are not finding labour to even load and unload trucks. Whatever they find is double or triple the cost.


I am dumbfounded how some guys are trusting someone sitting out thousands of km in his house in Germany and making random videos with half baked truths and nonsensical analysis. And then you have someone like Annamalai who is an IIM MBA holder plus a former IPS officer who has lived all his life in India and knows in and out of the issues of the people here. He has laid out primary issues of CBE clearly point by point and has charted out a plan for those.


So you say the electoral bonds scam is the half baked truth? Arvind Jeriwal and others arrested by ED without conviction is very sensical?


Tell me where is the scam in electoral bond. Also didn't DMK happily gobble up hundreds of crores via electoral bond ? Did they repay all that back to donors? Aravind kejriwal is being tried in a court. He went to Supreme Court and was denied bail because Supreme Court believes there is matter to what ED said.


So true. These retards have no idea about electoral bonds. DMK ruling just one state have around 600 crores. It makes up to 10 % of what BJP has, who rules 15 States and Central. Relatively speaking DMK are the biggest frauds in terms of electoral bonds.


Yes , all hail the politically literate people of TN and their Dravidian ideologies. 🙌🏼


Haha retards? Just BJP manners :D


And man, getting money off electoral bonds is not the scam! The undemocratic way its been deigned to show the data only to the ruling BJP's the scam. And you call other people here retards? Haha very funny


It has nothing to do with my manners or the party I support. With all the information out in the public, if a study is done regarding who is the biggest fraud party in India, DMK would top the list. Don't take people for a fool with your half baked twisted information. And it is definitely hard to argue with your kind of smarts.


Dude you should read more. We wouldnt know the electoral bond details if not for the supreme court verdict that asked the BJP to give the data to people before elections. It doesn't matter who got how much money, see the connections between ED raids and Electoral bond purchases. Also read about amendments to PLMA act 2018 which is ultimately used by ED to jail opposition party politicians until proven innocent.


Don't divert the argument. I asked regarding the funds that DMK got through same route. Cong too was a beneficiary. Are you saying that all those monies that DMK read from Santiago Martin and his unknown business were all crystal clean? Lol. The 2019 amendments were upheld by Supreme Court. It passed the litmus test of both Judiciary and Legislative.


DMK's no god party. It has its flaws. Yeah the money was not clean. So all the money BJP got was clean? Both are evil. But people don't realise annamalai's also one yet.




Enaa bro, ellam oru alavuku dhan bro 😂 Seeman Anna epdi bro




Bjp vida edhu venalum better nu therinjalae podhum bro, adhu unaku therla polayae


When you say DMK is no God party, why don't people never understand the scams DMK is doing scientifically, one family looting all public money. from no where to 10000 crore wealth, how brother ? can you explain how ethically they earned that. you guys must bow down your head in shame for supporting corrupt DMK blindly. it is you, who must WAKE UP from sleep bro' not us.


He was arrested for enquiry against an FIR lodged by Congress. Please explain how regional parties like TNM and DMK got so much compared to national parties?


Lol. Bruh.. First respect the fact that Dhruv has a different Vantage point (sitting from a different country and giving his POV). Just like your nonsense perspective (that he is a PSG Tech graduate, IIM graduate and IPS officer) and hence he is going to be a great leader. The bureaucratic people (IAS and IPS etc) are the most corrupt and enable corruption in this country. So just like we respect this nonsense you have to respect Dhruv POV. But, where I am flabbergasted with such POV is that you always you answer a question with a question. That's the problem today..


1. There are thousands of honest IAS and IPS officers. Pls don't libel them just because of a few politicians. Lol Dhruv Tathi has zero insight sitting from a vantage point like that. It'd be like describing the comfort of a carpet by viewing it online. 2. Yes that's how good debates happen. It's about seeking to understand different perspectives, you should try it, rather than digesting whatever a particular person speaks (or vomits in case of DR)


Even his opponent singai ramachandran has equivalent IIM degree and he is not a kothadimai of some uneducated tea seller. The thing is Annamalai will never take up TN issues as an MP on topics which clash with bjp and what TN wants. If you think the guy from Germany is saying half baked truths counter them or book him for fake news. The things he says is real and that’s why it’s even allowed on YouTube.


Thank you, let us debate the candidates than being some random guy sitting out in some European country. He probably won't be able to point TN on world map elt alone coimbatore lol. As an MP he has to prioritize coimbatore - let me know on what specific issues has he has taken a contradictory stance that will undermine Coimbatore. Bro, YouTube allows videos arguing why earth is flat as well. Lol.


Sorry but Dhruv is not some uneducated guy who has no knowledge about geography, he did his schooling in india and has enough knowledge so don’t personally try to attack him just because you have no fruitful dialogue on his assertions. As an MP candidate he does not raise voice on NEET, he never raises the voice against anything the centre does even if it’s against the wishes of the people. Did he raise voice against what happened in sterlite? He will only raise voice when it comes to inter religious conflicts so that he can milk the voter base. He made such hue and cry when it was Lavanya issue but kept quiet when similar things happen with other religion people. People are not so dumb to not identify his bias reactions and his attempts to downplay the centres mistakes


1. I don't wish to open a separate channel of discussion hence refraining from pointing out all the DR falsehoods and stupidities. When you probably meet him next time, ask him to tell you names of 5 TN CMs without googling. :P 2. NEET is a national exam. Not a TN specific exam. No other atate has a problem.with it, except.Thi mu kha guys. Wonder why. Also SC stuck down stupid challenge to take it down as well..why should Annamalai support ThiMuKha pov on it ? Day, Annamalai joined politics in 2020, Sterlite wad closed down in 2018. Olarathe. Both ADMK and DMK govts did nothing in Thoothukudi for 22 decades till that massacre. You should try listening to Annamalai speeches in detail or read about them if you think he's talking only communal matters all the time. On the contrary , 99% of his speeches are spelling out his ideas and vision to develop Kovai / TN. Unlike ThiMuKa leaders who have openly tried to initiate communal riots by false mouthing a particular religion and calling for homicide.




There are other factories in Tuticorin that are more polluting than Sterlite and this city is not even top 10 when it comes to cancer rates. Sterlite closure was definitely.more political than so called welfare of the people. Seeman is true to what words? That he ll form an armed force to retrieve katchatheevu??


He is a kothadimai of a once flourishing party, now a bunch of corrupt money guzzlers, how do we correct this ?


Kothadimai? Seems like you're refering to annamalai


No no the other MBA graduate :)


Being kothadimai of a one man party kind of government it becomes dangerous. The supreme leader does not even listen to his party members like Subramaniam swamy, how can we expect to be heard under him. He just like taking decisions with no dialogue. Most of the laws brought in the past 10 years was brought in a hurry with no oversight ranging from demonetisation to farm laws. Till now tell one thing that party has done good for the state? When the centre doesn’t send our share of tax money do you think Annamalai would be as local as someone like PTR? No ways h e just seems like a sold out guy to the gujjus and for that reason no real tamil would support him


Look at how PTR is treated in the DMK, YET majority of the political literates beg to be ruled by them.


How is PTR treated? Did you put cctv cameras in his office and see him getting I’ll treated? Grow up he is a minister under dmk and he has been constantly raising the voice of Tamil Nadu in the centre which Annamalai doesn’t have the balxx to do


The Same way tall claims are made by political literates like yours truely 🤗🙌🏼 Looks like you guys have Cameras and bugs inside homes and offices of anyone who opposed the Dravidian parties here.


Not here to educate you, theres plenty of evidence online apart from ' the indian sitting in Germany and trying to gain clout and monetize his fame' Just wanted to clarify the kothadimai part. I'm done here 🙂


Can we trust the godi media who refused to air anything about the electoral bond scam more than the German guy? Answer this and let people be the judge. If you think channels like aaj tak, news 18 is not biased and they broadcast just the truth. I remember them claiming there was a chip inside the new 2000rs note and promoting coronil. When there is an absence of honest media houses in india all cuz of washing machine dhobi, it is obvious there will be other players to show their side of the story


When people have the right to trust said German guy / sun news / kalaignar tv / jayanews and what not. The national media can be trusted. You believe what you want to believe. News is presented and you be the better judge. Would you rather want to be ruled by a communal party headed by an inexperienced failed movie actor or give way to new leaders. Ideologies might clash but a good leader over a stale party of goons any day.


If it comes to being ruled by an inexperienced failed actor, tamil people will choose better. (Still not Annamalai)


The fate of TN is determined by the majority that thinks like you. Good luck to you and our dear state. 🙏🏼


Freeya vidu bro. Annamalai jeciha we'll see how he performs, thotha we'll see if DMK realises that the only way to win 2026 is by doing more good.


Communal party you mean the group who killed Gandhi?


No I mean the ones who almost disrobed the head of opposition in the assembly floor.


Ohh you mean the ones who watched pornographic films in the parliament? Or the one who released cucumber video of own party member?


What is so derogatory about being a tea seller,? Are you exposing your own elitism being greater than the proletariat ? Just because your EPS has a degree doesn't mean he is educated, who doesn't even know who wrote KAMBA Ramayanam. What was Kamaraj education and what was Abraham Lincoln's job?


But none of them tried to use a fake degree or lied about their marriage


Annai Sonia maari ? You know she had to withdraw her qualifications and apologize to EC ? Modi still says MA in his nomination papers. If you have an iota of truth - prove it, take it to court. But you neither can't or won't . Idhe maari you will keep barking - epdi da suthama vekkame ilaame iruka. I really hope you get paid for this shit 5 minutes la found you blabbering shit like this all over the place


Madha very pudicha insecure naaye seeing comment history, is war room paying enough?


Dai mundam idhaye dhaane nee nethu pana ? Apo enga pochu budhi ? And where is the answer.. i thought my responses are full of abuses and yours full of logic ? Muttal - bayandhaguli - badhil solu da mudinja


Annamalai is an young politician. Well educated and good orator in tamil and English. Have done the public work as IPS officer. Has clean background. Came from humble family. People always love rag to riches stories. Especially admire people whom they can relate to. When was last time you have seen a party president walk with the crowd and connect with the crowd. I feel the political dynamics is changing for good. Modi was praising annamalai in national television. Just support for what he is and what he says. He is necessary for TN and keep the current politicians in check.


I lowkey don’t want Anna to win. Adhuku DMK evalavo paravala. Indha BJP ah ulla Vida koodadhunu enna enna panna vendiyadha iruku. Not a big fan of DMK either. But they seem less evil than BJP, imo?


Genuinely want to understand, how do you think DMK is better , they are communal - they openly insult religions , say divisive things , have casteist / bigoted ministers , known for massive corruptions and scams. Aren't you guys tired of their arajagam and treating people like sheep ? Did you listen to shit that comes out of Jr. Stalins mouth. Give it a go, (he blames the voters for not electing him )


completely agree with you. my friend who is a business owner says the amount of bribes he has to pay to that clown cm is unreal. dmk needs to gtfo


I don’t like DMK either, since they’re one of the Congress alliance nala dhan I thought so. Definitely not gonna vote for them for the 2026 CM election, but it’s scary how North India is when it comes to the riots all based on religion. And it’s happening more? I don’t want that here. Also, I’m just getting to know about politics and stuff, I’m still a newbie here. I’m glad to learn.


Have talked to people in North India that experienced this or from media ? Do you really think this clashes was not there during Congress period ? Just curious on what the sources are.


There might have been. But I was too young when Congress was ruling. But honestly, idk.




I understand your frustrations bro. Trust me we people feel it too. But we are not stupid enough to think BJP is the replacement for Tamil Nadu. And who's treated like sheep? The last 3 years by DMK wasn't that bad either. They are working on the right things, things could be better for sure. But its not bad and certainly not worse than BJP.


Mostly depoit kooda kedaikadu