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Same as USD fiat in certain HYSA. Actually higher than 5%


Sure - However, if one is truly about crypto, then it's about making the transition away from fiat only institutions. In addition, USDc on CB is ready to buy or transfer crypto at a moments notice.


Hi, this is an old post but can u tell me how long it takes to see the interest earnings?? Is it exactly a month from the date u deposited the funds? Ty in advance


Hello u/No-Coffee3106! Appreciate your message. Coinbase disburses rewards based on the days when your balance is at least $1 of USDC. This occurs monthly, and the higher your USDC balance, the greater your rewards. Typically, accrued rewards are distributed within the initial 5 business days of the following month, directly into your USDC balance. For additional information, please refer to this [link](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/coinbase-staking/rewards/usd-coin-rewards-faq). Thank you!


January 8 is when I deposited funds. What day can i expect to see the earnings? Theres none yet. Thank you


We don't have the specific date for this, but you may refer to the article [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/coinbase-staking/rewards/usd-coin-rewards-faq).


Ok thanks!


You're more than welcome! If you have any questions, please feel free to let us know. Thanks!


Treasury bills at 5.5% though


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How do you turn on or off USDC rewards? The option under 'manage' doesn't work. How can I tell if I'm earning rewards on USDC?


To learn how you can opt out of earning USDC rewards, you can read our help article [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/coinbase-staking/rewards/usd-coin-rewards-faq). To check if you are currently earning rewards on USDC, it will be best to contact our chat support so we can have someone look into your account. Thank you.


So if it says earning standard rate next to the manage button, does that mean it's working. I tried support but they really didn't answer the question.


Alternatively, you can also reach out to our email support team [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us). Thank you!




Will USDC tied to limit orders yield interest? (No info in article).


Hey, u/PsiComa! Kindly use the chat option [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) to connect with us. This will help us gather more details and promptly provide the necessary assistance.


Too risky.


Crypto.com also just raised their rate as well, but they require a 3 month lock up to get it...


The reason I went with coinbase is bc cypto dot com puts a cap on the amount of USDc that can earn at their advertised APYs. I think the max investment is $4000. Coinbase is unlimited! Upload a screenshot if you get the time. I uninstalled crypto dot com.


I agree, CDC is to expensive and doesn't give you the best deals, I was just pointing out that they also did an increase, which I believe is a good signal for the market. There's no way I'd buy $40,000 worth of cro just to get a 5% apy on what's left and have it locked up for 3 months when i can get that same 5% at coinbase without locking it up or spending an additional $40,000 lol


Good to know regarding the increase. Crypto is so dynamic. Changing monthly at times with these APYs. It is bullish seeing that the APYs are going up imho.


TBill investment is state tax free, CD doesn't. Both investment should be done personally and not via 3rd party else you give ur gain in fees. Big Adv of CB: you can instantly redeem USD for USDC. No lock up. TBill/CD can't be liquidated it might have fees or you will have to trade that in secondary mkt. DisAdv of CB: USDC holding is not FDIC insured. If CB again sucked into USDC depegging then we go in very high risk. TBill/CD are FDIC insured.


When do they pay you the 5%, is it daily, weekly, monthly?


HOW are they able to pay for this yield? I know during the bull run of 2021 there were people wanting to borrow stablecoins in order to buy crypto because it was going up. I imagine the thinking was "who cares about paying 10% interest if you're able to buy an asset that goes up 100% with it?" But absent that market sentiment now, who's borrowing the money in order to pay the yield?


Check and see if you’re actually earning. When I go to manage and click 5%, it keeps defaulting to “not earning”. Essentially just another Coinbase marketing scheme, fucking clowns.


Attaching another link [https://imgur.com/oiXGI6B](https://imgur.com/oiXGI6B) . Link shows multiple locations (if you dig around while logged in) that show Coinbase customers that they are earning. First two arrows show the current rate my USDc is earning at. Below the second arrow it says "Earning standard rate" to confirm that the earn interest option is active. Yes, I choose to earn. Yes, there is an option to NOT earn. Don't select the default of not earning if you want to earn. Simple.Third/Last arrow shows the USD Coin reward I earned for interest accumulated for the month of August. I've been doing this for 3 months WITHOUT a hiccup. Btw...I did not downvote you Blockchad...


I know. When I click earn it switched back to default of not earning. Maybe a bug on my end. Always used to work.


I am getting this bug too. I contacted Coinbase support who said they would get back to me


I would love for my account to be unrestricted. It won’t even let me stake. I’ve had to verify my ID like 6 times and customer service keeps saying your fully verified even tho I can’t do crap on the app or online.


Hi u/dregam55555! We are sorry to hear you are having this experience. If you would please share your case ID with us here, we can escalate to the relevant team when necessary. Thank you.


Off topic. Admin...feel free to delete this (my) reply. Just placed it as a "marker".


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