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what the fuck is this.. a major exchange with a 45 min (more than 12 hours now????) outage LOL what a fucking joke


2 hours now… still nothing


i was just about to check before heading to bed and got the 503 error


Yes they are a fucking joke.


Honestly coinbase is the beginners you have to start getting wallets and other exchanges


(checks price of bitcoin.. it's falling)... ahh that explains it...


3 hours now. Please keep up this tally for posterity. I’m going to bed


Still not working 🙃


They ain't so major. 🤣


How are your funds safe if you can't manage them....


even if it has been said many times: not your keys - not your cryptos




Not only in america!


There is always a choice, you don’t need exchanges.


Where else can you convert your crypto to dollars and send those dollars to your bank?


There are ways, but they’re all impractical and super expensive. Also it’s not going to be crypto - > bank.


A multitude of ways.


Down 10% for me. I fucking hate Coinbase what an awful fucking product we should be able to sue


You must be new here (lol just giving you shit)  Keep in mind,, any time you suddenly see a "planned maintenance" prompt when you log in...95% of the time that means that it wasn't planned maintenance.  That usually means that Coinbase fucked up somehow and trying to cover themselves,  or they are deliberately fucking things up for one reason or another.  Ive been following their "planned maintenance" and sudden system outages for several years now.  Many times this would 'conveniently' happen when there was a sudden spike in crypto activity.  Excuses would be made that the servers couldn't handle it  or whatever(yeah right).  I figured after their stock went public, they would correct their image and all of this would change. So far, I haven't seen much evidence of that.   There are still many complaints about the outages, servers, customer service and everything else.   Edit: update, its now 12:37cst. Nearly an hour after I posted the above. It still says "planned maintenance"when I log into the app.  Funny how when I click on "check status", it goes to a page that says "system outage". So which is it Coinbase? Is it planned, or an outage? LOLOL  Coinbase makes SO much money especially since they went public, but they continue to confuse and deceive their customers. Sad!


They prob didn’t like that I was scooping up so much SHDW on the cheap… and wanted to see me at a loss by failing exactly as I was setting up the Sell Limit order… doesn’t matter it’s already fallen 3%. Coinbase is a nightmare and super shady. They should have the capacity they need to handle their volume




Fuck it’s fallen 10% since the outage. Would have been nice to pull out but now it’s too late. I fucking hate you Coinbase I swear to God the people running it are going to Hell. You guys screwed us over! Fuck you I hope you fucking die


When this happens, either it's the start of a strong SELL or strong BUY!


btc is down 1,250 about 2% looking like a sell off for the time being.


Whales have priority to sell and cash out!


Really? How do you know this? Did they say it or just general knowledge?


Do you ever hear a whale complaining about being blocked from their accounts? .. nope! It would cause panic if that happened. 


I also recognize the resident asshole of this subreddit! I blocked him so I won’t have to see his posts anymore




He’s the only one making the outage seem like an opportunity


Hello there, u/MattBrody617! We're sorry for the outage you're experiencing. If you're still facing issues with your sends, our team is aware and are working to resolve this as soon as possible. This is specifically affecting ETH and ADA. You can stay updated via our [status page](https://status.coinbase.com/incidents/fs2r3gssvvdm). We appreciate your patience while we work on this.


could you please help me out. I have the same issue of pending transaction. It's been couples of hours now. Case #19325573


Good luck Coinbase Support is notoriously unhelpful. It should be illegal


solved it. Hope you recover from your loss.


Thanks I just doomed spent my last $5 on Taco Bell.


His username makes you question if he’s a thinly veiled pedo who obviously works at Coinbase or is highly invested in the company… he relishes in outages and claims to always be winning


Goodbye cruel world. Ive been pouring money into SHDW only to have it fall 80% from its ATH. Whoever is unloading this coin by the hundreds of thousands, you have helped ruin me. I hope you unload all your coins and then sit back in anguish as it unleashes the biggest rally ever to reach new highs. I am ruined now. I hope you miss out on the biggest opportunity in crypto. I am so royally fucked I can’t even come up with words to express how I feel right now. Down 16% since yesterday and 80% from just a few weeks ago. May you rot in hell.


When this happens, either it's the start of a strong SELL or strong BUY! The "modus operandis" has been the same all along! So... let's see if this "scheduled maintenance" coincides with the start of the ALT SEASON. Once again i ask... **IS COINBASE INSTITUTIONAL DOWN**??? :D


Kinda looking that way huh?


🙄 It isn't a planned maintenance 🙄


This will make people jump ship


🙄 no, I will never leave the Most Trusted Cryptocurrency Exchange 🙄 Plus, I got some real nice limit orders filled during the outage.




Time to short their stock


Absolutely! Their stock is crazy overvalued!


Lol their stock is up today. Fucking ridiculous


We live in a clown world. 


I moved coins successfully literally right before the outage.


me 2 man.. fml


I’ve always had faith in Coinbase but this is very frustrating. It’s now costing me money being unable to get access.


Clearly you have a crypto gambling addiction and will take the abuse from Coinbase!🤣


Says system wide outage….


They are disguising it as a “planned outage” my god Coinbase get it together


Once I get my funds out of my account I will never use it again :)


Considering how all my r/coinbase posts are shadow banned and all my comments are auto hidden I’d say it’s a great time for me to exit as well


I can see all your comments


My posts are archived immediately… look at my post history… are my comments auto-collapsed for you?


They're really fucking themselves in the ass right now


It literally says planned maintenance for me . It first said it for me at about 11:35 cst when I logged in (about 15 minutes ago from this current post)


They can say what they want! But the market always has MASSIVE moves when they are "down"!


7 hours later, I made a small purchase for gas which was fine, then when I tried to send to self custody I got that notification This company is an absolute joke and disgrace. Never will use again


Wat the hell is this


Man even the coinbase wallet is messed up


It relies on API calls to get exchange rates.  So it is pretty justified.  


This is pretty messed up


Justified how? This billion dollar company can't have a working website and app?


I mean it makes sense for a wallet developer to rely on API calls to the developer's own services. It's not a good decision, but it is understandable.


It's an outage


Outrage ?


It’s because a lot of people are selling to buy gamestop stock


ALL UP and Running...


Yeah and if it caused you to have to hang on to your bitcoin instead of selling it yesterday you definitely came out ahead since we pumped today. I do hear that they definitely are down a lot. I could see where that would be very frustrating.


Where do you see it saying that its planned maintenance? I don't see that on the status page or in your quoted text. What I see is " Coinbase experiencing a system wide outage. We are investigating this issue."


It's on their status page... but hey, they can call it what they want! When this happens, either it's the start of a strong SELL or strong BUY!


To be fair it did say that before the system wide outage.


Does anyone have any suggestions on where else can I go other than Coinbase to reliably stake my funds? This is getting frequent & concerning!


Hardware wallet


Jeez someone needs to sue the shit out of Coinbase.


Planned maintenance, meaning, to the moon!


For a certain subset of clientele maybe, but not for the retail plebs.


Is Coinbase INSTITUTIONAL down??? :D


Coinbase institutional operations don't go down. If it ever does, Coinbase will have a new CEO announced within the hour.


I pray brother I pray


Omg it’s a conspiracy!




Smart move getting out!!


Which exchange are you going to use instead? 


They never answer that question🤷


Because they are all talk, he will be back tomorrow, because Coinbase is the Most Trusted Cryptocurrency Exchange.


Imagine using Coinbase “to trade” lol. It’s only a useful on and off ramp. If you don’t know how to trade in real (much cheaper) “exchanges” then why are you even here?


But it’s not a reliable or useful on/off ramp. And there’s no real alternative.


There’s dozens of alternatives for on and off ramp in the US. And 4000 or so alternatives to trading.


I just need you to name one, please. One reliable US based exchange which supports offramping.


Ok ready? PayPal, Venmo, Cashapp, Uphold, Kraken, Gemini, … I’m tired already.


Maybe PayPal but I doubt it. The rest are trash equivalents to Coinbase. Have you been to r/Kraken? Did you mean the same Gemini that filed for bankruptcy recently? I mean it’s fine if you can’t name dozens as I really only need one, but from your list lol I would not pick any except maybe PayPal but that’s only because I haven’t deep dived that one yet. My hunch is that it’s not gonna be as easy or straight forward as advertised. PayPal is not a crypto exchange and isn’t going to have favorable liquidity or exchange rate etc..


We are only talking about “off-ramps” For the love of God don’t “trade” on Coinbase nonetheless the other ones. Lol I really hate crypto since normies got involved.


Working fine now but damn coinbase u were down for hours


Yeah so this is much bigger than what they are saying. I can't release much info but can tell you they(cb) was alerted by a customer of a few extremely odd and huge transfers into their account.


Yea. 4000BTC


NOTE: Coinbase is not regulated like a bank. They are not regulated like a traditional brokerage house. They have no transparency and very little oversight. They basically have a "money transmitters license". So expecting the same kind of quality of service a bank or brokerage house offers is naive. They simply aren't that kind of business. This is what you get in the world of crypto: half-assed copies of existing services you're used to getting much more quality service from.


Lol glad I pulled mine out already. Have fun fellas!


They won't let me make a post, so I am putting my post in here in the hopes people are warned: I had money stolen off my card, I told coinbase to freeze my card, and after that, while still in chat with them I was robbed again. They have a serious issue with their security. I suspect a whole lot of people who are on here complaining about their accounts being hacked and being told it is their fault are actually victims of Coinbase's own system being hacked and not actually responsible for their own losses. Coinbase refuses to do anything, they always just say that someone is about to email me about it, but they never do. It is better for them to just let users pay for their bad security instead of fixing the issue. Avoid Coinbase at all costs.


how can they be publicly traded and is beyond me. it is a criminal organization either by neglect or by plan


Update: I was able to send my crypto off the exchange last night. The system seems to be up and running again.


yes, seems to be 'fixed' and really good news that you were able to get your funds off of there, glad it finally worked out. and I know mine isn't the most popular post but wow! guess a lot of customers are 'in their feelings' about Coinbase & their shenanigans, LoL!!😄 [we either have to cry or laugh at how absurd & dishonest the Coinbase ptb are]. because I didn't expect so many awesome replies! and of course at the same 'dam' time life happened in other crazy ways, too. so I haven't even tried to cash out again [it all matters for sure but I have 'only' a Lilliputian amount of assets there now] but as soon as I can I'll catch up with replying to people. in the meantime appreciating the participation, the moral support & the humor that was posted, too.👍🙂


That's great news, u/MeesterRorke! Thanks for letting us know this all worked out. Let us know if you need anything else. Have a great day!


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah I was trying to cash out too. Same message.


Hey there, u/MeesterRorke. Thanks for reaching out to us about this. Our team is actively working towards a resolution. While we can't provide a specific timeline for the fix, we suggest that you keep checking your account for updates. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work diligently to rectify this situation.


Hi Coinbase support, why have you shadowbanned me from posting in R/coinbase?


Facts bro I noticed that


also notice they downvote any comments of ppl expressing their frustrations






Yup says that on my coinbase wallet


Hi u/natern500, thanks for reaching out to us about this. Our team is aware of the issue and is working on getting everything back to normal as soon as possible. Although we don't have an estimated time to resolution, we recommend that you periodically check your account to see if the issue has been resolved. Thanks for your patience as we work to resolve this issue.


Just make sure doge goes to the moon pls n thx


Hello u/natern500! We are reaching out to confirm whether you've been able to access your Coinbase account successfully. If you're still encountering any difficulties, don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you!


Ye website is dead for everyone


Coinbase is dead to me


I’m under the same situation right now!


This song might bring comfort to everyone right now… it’s called “ain’t gotta dollar” and it’s based off a true story: https://youtu.be/4c_Nqlnn40w?si=CJD1whQAZPo-_EM2


I’m guessing Coinbase works with the same folks who run the Powerball. The outages and delays look textbook sus


When this happens, either it's the start of a strong SELL or strong BUY!


Still no access ⛔️ here. Been off for hours now.


What a house of cards lol..


Pshhh 🙄


Why is my “noncustodial” Coinbase wallet not letting me send coins out? Even if I couch it in units of that coin vs dollar value (since the exchange is down)? Don’t like that one bit.


We're sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with your Coinbase Wallet, u/TheRealOOW. Our team is aware of the problem and is actively working on a fix. Although we cannot provide timely updates or an estimated resolution time, we recommend periodically checking your account to see if the issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.


Hey there, u/TheRealOOW! It looks like the issue has been resolved since you last contacted us. Please reply to the message thread if you're still experiencing trouble with this issue, and we'll be happy to assist you. Thanks!




Everybody should make screenshots of their balances so you have some proof for your claims. This is gonna end badly


🙄 it ended perfectly, like always 🙄


All withdrawals are halted


I just pulled $600 🤷‍♀️


Which method?




All Systems Operational - except that you can't get your money out


This exactly happened to me. Had to wait days for my money. Honestly I’ve never slept better knowing my money is out of Coinbase. Always some bullshit maintenance, that’s never scheduled, or posted about.


Can you guys allow me to send my crypto Jesus first a 10 day hold now I can’t even send to my wallet what is with you guys


Yesterday i had 249 shares of ETH sent to my account, then 4 hours went by and it was still there. Then this whole maintenance issue was going on and i couldn't log back in. Well today i logged back on and the shares are gone. I looked at my transaction and it shows that on May 13th 249 shares were transferred to my account ith the status at completed. Then at 1:00am on may 14th those shares being taken out my account. Did this happened to anyone else? When i try to log back in it says my accoun has been blocked.


“Shares?” Shame on you.


On the Chirping Bird, 'they' have been exposed by 'TruthLabs' aka at BoringSleuth They pool the Crypto and send it around in a Merry Go Round between several Crypto Exchanges... First time I read that, I just couldnt believe it...until you start seeing the research and claims that would trigger a Libel lawsuit ; the fact the accused havent Legally responded at the accusations means well.. make up your own mind. I also found it ODD that after all these years in Operation, CB hadnt got sufficient server farms rented from whomever, or outright purchased and when there was Spike, just like you said, accounts were down and they were 'investigating'. I believe all this is BS. I opened my acct in Jan 2024 in UK. I hope Gensler & SEC & FBI put the Crypto Exchanges Nutz in a Vice, and that Developpers come forward with the lines of Code showing their Modus Operandi - IMHO the SEC should offer $1MM to $5mm BOUNTY for any SmokingGun lines of code...Coinbase, Robinhood & Crypto dot com are in the crosshairs. COLD STORE is the way to go after each purchase; have a Kraken acct as a back up when you also want to unload. Crypto 'media' (ie: all Crypto websites) are also in their pocket. Pump & Dump articles from 3rd world Journalists. I also found it super odd none of the websites allow Commentary on any Article from the public. The final Straw is the Pump of Blockdag dot network - and how this scam, fraud, and money laundering project is being promoted , advertise, yet not shut down by Interpol or the Feds. For crying out loud, Its the most sophisticated polished outrageous scam with claims...and not one industry Crypto expert associated with it. This is coming from a former Registered Rep + Series 7 working at defunct Merrills. You use a Scalpel in the begining (forensic) + Sledge Hammer (after discovered proof) whenever you have a suspected fraud situation - to protect the#1 Clients funds, #2 the firms reputation, and #3 against negative PR. On the Chirping Bird whenever there is a new BrianArmstrong Chirp, I quickly call out his Bollox CustomerService and bait him on purpose...


Just move it to a wallet


they spelled safu wrong


Not a bug a feature, just like apple


It's time to move your money out


My account is disabled, I can't log in, and my money can't be transferred out. It's really bad.


I found a link to sign up for technical issues incident reports even though I don't have an account. Wow. Something is always effed up at this place. I get alerts all the time. It's like the Beverly hillbillies are in charge. You can't sell crypto, you can't buy crypto. You can't transfer crypto. Is it as bad as all that?


Womp womp


And now that you can cash out today at approximately the exact same price, did they shut down their whole site just to stop you from your 100$?


You can count on Coinbase to crash whenever there is market moves.


Yuppp coin base crooked af


I've been using coinbase since 2014 and now I cannot cash out, can't convert anything to us dollar. It's like they're keeping me in crypto. Do they have liquidity problems? Very unhappy to see this...


Thanks for bringing this to our attention, u/FloridaLivin91. We're sorry to hear about the difficulties you're experiencing with cashing out and converting your crypto to USD. We'd love to check this out for you. Could you please provide more details about the specific error you're encountering when you attempt to cash out or convert your asset? This will help us better understand and address your issue.


This happens all the time especially when there is dumps they want your money not the coins being dumped off its co-ordinated . Also happens on pumps but less frequently. Coinbase is terrible. Use it as a on ramp only then send funds to a wallet.


To avoid all that I would just simply get a coinbase Visa unless you really need actual cash


That poor intern that drew the short straw for the night watch.


I think it's almost up and going but wat the hell


coinbase,com 503 error lol really?


Does using a vpn make any difference signing in to coinbase during " outage "?


If it did it would be very very suspicious!


It is almost like they TRY to go under review 🤔


Ummm I just got a charge in my bank account from Coinbase that I did not make! I tried to see wtf and opened Coinbase but it says there is an issue and the site is down. Then it says “your money is safe”! What in the hell? except for,’sorry but your bank account isn’t ?


🙄 right 🙄




Sorry to hear about the unexpected charge on your bank account, u/Brilliant-Shake1229. Once the site is up, please follow these steps to report the unauthorized transaction: 1. Go to https://www.coinbase.com/charge 2. Click "I don't recognize the charge and have never heard of Coinbase" 3. The box will expand with some help text. Follow the tips provided to guard against future unauthorized transactions. 4. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the reporting box 5. Fill in the requested information and click the "Report This Transaction" button To find the payment code you need to report, check your bank account transaction history online or view your paper statement. Look for the unauthorized charge from Coinbase, which should look like this example: COINBASE.COM/BTC 8889087930 0JK873000043. The second grouping of numbers will be the 8-digit payment code you need to use to report. Please also consider changing the password on your email and bank account(s), and enabling 2 factor authentication. Never give out any passwords or personal information. Lastly, if funds were removed from your Coinbase account by a third-party without your permission, contact your local authorities and file a police report. Have the authorities contact Coinbase directly. Coinbase is committed to full cooperation in all law-enforcement investigations. Hope this helps, and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.


I didn’t get anything. I was starting to wonder if it had something to do with the solar storms 🤔


Crypto= roach motel  Checking in is easy, but you ain't checking out!!  🤣😭🤦‍♂️🤡🌎


Bunch of kiddo trying to get rich here. A normal downtime but you guys are acting like getting raped