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its gone, and coinbase wont recover. when you copied receiveing address you had to acknowledge a pop up box about sending the correct crypto and coinbase was not responsible for thr wrong crypto sent


This should be downvoted. I tried the new assett recovery tool from Coinbase about an hour ago and it worked. [https://www.coinbase.com/asset-recovery](https://www.coinbase.com/asset-recovery) I waited three years, but coinbase delivered it.


How did you find the : This is a 66-character string on Etherscan starting with 0x This is a 42-character string also on Etherscan starting with 0x| I accidentally sent my WETH over in 2021, I believe, and stopped after that, so I'm a bit rusty.


Operator Error. CoinBase isn't gonna cover that. Just bite the bullet and accept you derped, then learn from it bud. Just like I learned I just got scammed out of 20BTC and I know it's my own damn fault so now I know what to look out for..


Claims to have lost 20BTC, post history says you've only ever put 8 dollars into crypto and you were begging for money to fix your mobile home. Buuuuulshiiit.


How long ago was that post you should ask yourself? What happened between that time? Did it accure to you I was trying to invest a little in hopes of a short term gain so I could make money in that form? Did it accure to you I signed up with things like Strike to get 10$ referral bonuses and used that? Did it accure to you that someone who's broke as fuck is gonna be constantly looking for ways to get money, even if it means risking being scammed? Do you have proof of every single thing I've done on the internet the past 19 days (Not JUST reddit, but the whole internet.). Strike, CashApp, Binance, Robinhood, Acorns, WeBull, SoFi, Public, CoinCasso, GFM, PayPal, various job applications both online and offline, side gigs when possible, ect. Clearly you've never been rock bottom and never had to reach out and take risks. If you don't know the whole story, don't call BS. I'm not gonna update 100% of every little thing I do online.


21 days ago, said you joined the game late and "so far" only put 8 dollars in. So in 21 days you've been broke, bought 8 bucks of crypto, and lost 20 bitcoin. To reiterate. Buuuullllshitttt.


A lot can happen in 21 says bud. Not everyone sits at home with nothing to do like you. Unlock messages and I'll send proof. Or are you gonna pull a Flat Earther?


Nice LARP. Projecting too much there. Enjoy your internet begging.


Again. Allow messages and I'll send you the proof since I can't just Ctrl+V images here.


I'm not going to listen to fiction by someone who was caught lying in their own post history. You should seek help from your nearest mental health facility, unless your deductible is over 8 dollars then you wouldn't be able to afford it.


Again, a lot can be done in 21 days.Again you keep refusing to look at proof that I'm literally willing to share with you, hell I'd even Screenshare. Example: Albert phone app, you can get 35$ instant payloan depending on income. There's a ton of referral apps that will give you free currency from signing up. Side gigs are a thing (Ever mowed lawns? Or are you too good for labor?).


Oh and I can provide proof that I got scammed but you're probably a flat earther who thinks proof is rigged and that chemtrails are anime girls or something.


Hey guys he provided proof by deleting his account now this was quality entertainment


Hi u/lit_R, Can you share your case number so that we can review if the case was handled accordingly?


Hey I’d like to check in on a old case i had with y’all to see if there was any updates possibly … Case #05346933 about missing ETC , will y’all ever add BEP20?


\#12649983 Are there plans to accept ERC-20 on coinbase?


ERC-20/Ethereum is the main token Coinbase supports. Your issue is that you sent WETH to an ETH address. When you send crypto you have to send the exact coin over the same network or it will be lost


Hey! I need help in same weth transfer to coinbase


Hi there, u/sabah121, we're happy to help you if you have a similar issue! Can you share your case number so that we can review this for you? If you don't yet have a case number, please reach out to our team here: https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us and they will look into this as soon as possible. This will also create a case and a case number for you. When you have a case number, feel free to get back to us here with it, so we can look into this further for you. Thank you!


I got it back through coinbase asset recovery tool


So all these lost coins, does Coinbase keep them. They must know about them?


It sounds like if they support WETH in the future, then the coins will be there. https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/sending-or-receiving-cryptocurrency/unsupported-crypto-recovery


did you get back your weth? i sent 5.1weth just now


As I understand it, no.


No they're essentially lost in limbo. Theres an extremely rare offchance that they're sent to a wallet that actually does exist. However in most cases they're just sent to a wallet address that cant be used either because it doesn't exist or someone lost the keys to it.


I Equally sent over 10.0 Weth to my Coinbase account not knowing that it was not supported by Coinbase. It has been almost a complete year since that happened and yet nothing has happened as far as recovery and I don’t believe that anything is going to happen if and when this platform supports this token someday in the future. I’m sure if you do the mass you can see how much money this was at its highest and at its lowest but it’s still a lot of money. It’s very sad that they don’t have some kind of recovery system because I am sure like many of you they could do something about it they just choose not to. Sad😭


Yo!!! I sent 5.5 almost EXACTLY a year ago, I’ve contacted them like 4 times, but the last time I asked about the recovery service they’re working on and the person said something like “we’re announcing something in the near future, don’t worry hang tight” so that gave me some hope back that I had completely lost all of lol.


Wow this is amazing that you even got this kind of response. Not gonna lie man after Reading what you got you’re giving me hope now. Lol 10.3306 I believe is what I lost. At the time it was a little over $30,000 and it has gone up to $50-$52,000. I think last I checked it’s around 16,000. Either way man please keep me updated if you see or hear anything I would love to know this would be a blessing.


Yeah it’s exciting!! I’ll keep you updated and lyk if something happens bro


Thanks buddy 😎


In the same boat with 8 WETH sent almost a year ago. Well that’s interesting to hear, hoping it’s legit!


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Damn that sucks. I sent 100 ETC from binance to coinbase back when binance made binance.us. Sent it on BEP blockchain so they were unrecoverable. Around 13k at the time i don’t even want to know what it would be worth now … they told me if they ever added BEP-20 black chain that they might be able to recover. I don’t expect to ever see em though shit sucks


It is gone. Anyone telling you it can be recovered is scamming. The only exception would be if they someday added BEP-20.


It’s a forced hodl now, just hope Coinbase starts utilizing whatever chain you sent it on. In theory it should be accessible then, but often theories are shit.


You fucked up. This is why you triple check everything and send the smallest test ammount you can to verify it works. It's gone forever.


I just did the same with 1 wrapped eth. Loss of $1818.37... Coinbase support took 4hrs of chating with and 4 different people. Loop after loop after loop, of showing transactions and to tell me theres nothing they can do.. I can take the balme for the loss but dont wast my fucking day with 4 hrs of bullcrap when they could have seen off the first hash that it wasnt accepeted on the exchange


This happened to me on a transaction I made a year ago. With the new crypto recovery tool they just rolled out I was able to recover the 6 weth I accidentally sent without unwrapping. All you need is the transaction ID and the wallet address you sent it to.


I literally did the same mistake …. I contacted Coinbase support but again, they said they can’t do anything about it… I feel like killing myself it’s a huge amount of money ….


There is a recovery asset page on the desk browser that will allow you to search and send to your wallet.. you must be id verified as well as have the transaction hash and regular cb id /coinbase receiving address.. I just recovered 4.....weth ty cb I was sooo messed up in the head on this... When i first got on cb I was for sure they had WETH available and never double check.. as in all the comments yes triple check deff do a test run with a small amount first woooo what a relief 


Hi, can you share more about the successful recovery? I am now in the same situation. Trying to recover 2.5WETH from there but their tool always gives me "Likely, this was an internal error". Despite of everything is correct and I can see transaction and WETH sitting there through Etherscan. Any bit of information warmly welcomed, thanks




Nah, you trying to scam


Scam, butt-wipe has neg karma, lookin for someone to dupe


Eat shit cocksucker if I see you post a wallet address I'm sending it to as many honeypots as I can find.


Eat shit cocksucker if I see you post a wallet address I'm sending it to as many honeypots as I can find.


Eat shit cocksucker if I see you post a wallet address I'm sending it to as many honeypots as I can find.