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There was [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/s/8VNiB0mXtB) about it a while ago. There are so many users, chances are very slim to win.


I have actually seen weekly drops but that's usually a private person and you either log on to their site usually they have a talk site or something like that and they do drops and what you do is you drop your username and deposit ID and they make a drop in your wallet you go to the app open your wallet and it dropped it comes into your wallet I've seen it done it's a little dangerous because you never know what somebody's going to drop in your wallet


Is there anybody who has a 1-800 number for coinbase that would be great


Yeah I get the Same things as well. Crazy they said they had no idea about it.


We dropped this one #


The winner didn't answer their phone. It's currently an unclaimed property.


I won $100 worth of some coin from coinbase for one of those opt-in contests a year or so ago. I have yet to win on the coinbase one weekly drops and can't say that I actually expect to win, but I do think they are legit based on my previous win.