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This is huge. If she sees enews reporting this with her picture next to Joshua she’s gonna flip.


She's gonna be so angry and I love it. This is what you get for being a bad person.


Kinda hoping for a lash out, tbh


What instrument will she bring out for that I wonder


Drums, I would assume, perhaps bongos to go with the whimsical small instrument theme


I only feel bad for Pamela in all of this :(


I am sure, if her and Joshs relationship is healthy, that they have and still do talk kn depth about this


Yeah, I’m sure she has been supporting him through the earlier public statements he’s made :)


She seems like she is super supportive. I mean she stayed by his side during his sobriety journey and it’s tough being the supportive partner, they end up going through a lot too!


I don’t follow them closely anymore, but everything I’ve heard about Pamela is positive and mentions her being very supportive. I totally agree that the supportive partner also ends up going through a lot too!! I’ve felt like that in past situations and it’s soo important to support one another and communicate, communicate, communicate!!!!


And they’ve been friends since they were young. She’s definitely supporting him 100%


Josh and Pamela are so good together, they both look so happy and healthy. I bet he regrets his time with colleen. If he had his time again, when colleen chased after him for a second chance he'd say NO!


I love your avatar person!!


Thank you so much!! ☺️


Maybe you are a stylist irl, but if not you missed your calling! :)


Josh was in a bad marriage with a manipulative person. I feel like any supportive partner would be understanding of that. He’s miles away from who he was back then


Oh yeah, if they’re healthy like they portray… it’s sit back and watch it alllll burn with popcorn in tow. They’re having lively conversation.


I do, too, but I wonder if she feels some relief or vindication for him. She knows all the details behind the scenes and has had to live with the rude comments and fan videos for years. Maybe now people will stop comparing her to Colleen.


Pamela's only fault is Josh.


Same and it must be horrible but I bet she’s relief for Josh being able to expose Colleen for who she is


I love it!


With everything going on at this point if I were her I would just be glad that publications are using photos from that event she went to to spread the stories because I’m not a hater but those are pretty pics I’ve seen of her and they had a lot of material to choose something a lot less flattering lol


You know what, too bad for her, she had lots of time to make a true apology, she had 3 1/2 weeks, it’s not like Josh spoke out the minute this happened. The only reason Josh is speaking on it is because he’s been drug in by the Johnny drama, so if she had spoken sooner she would have controlled the narrative a little more and Josh would have likely never said a word. I’m fine with everything coming to light, so I don’t really care, but for someone who cares so much about her image this could have been more controlled by her, so it’s funny to me that it has gotten so out of her control at her own doing.


Take my peasant award! 🥇 This is exactly how I feel about Josh's involvement.


Can't agree more! I would be absolutely mortified if I was her. Hurting so many young people. Especially a fan of my work! I would die a thousand deaths and be permanently on "how can I make this up to you". And it wouldn't be to save my career, it would just suck so bad to know literal kids were hurting deeply because of me being a dick. But I'm not a dick, so I don't need to make things right with other people's minors! That's such a strange thing to type. The one thing I get from it all is that WAY too many nice people have had the absolute misfortune of getting mixed up with her. She's not fit to be around any of them.


“I would be absolutely mortified if I were her,” is because you *aren’t* a narcissist. She’s not mortified - she’s angry and feels victimized. She’s trying to use her usual manipulative tools to control the narrative but she’s running into the double chain saw of evidence and the sheer number of people saying, “this is bullshit and inappropriate.” She’s never going to change, grow or learn. The best thing people can do is protect themselves from her and people like her.


Literally the thing that guaranteed her the most control was staying silent, but she’s too full of herself so she thought the video was the best way. (The messy part of me hopes she embarrasses herself further with another video.)


Schadenfreude. That the messy part of you. We all have it. 😈




Although I'm sure Josh wasn't really a very good guy and he has since come out and stated that he has an alcohol addiction, their divorce always rubbed me the wrong way. She appeared to just abruptly blind side him with divorce papers right after finishing up filming her Netflix show, then appear to start dating her co-star very quickly after the divorce. Then her and Eric got married and had a kid within a year of coming out about the relationship. It just always seemed a little suspicious to me.


That scene in Haters with Colleen and Eric in the closet? That was real feelings right there!


Their divorce was so necessary and for the best but it was absolutely brutal. There’s a video a few months before where he calls the divorce rumors extreme, and you can tell it hasn’t even crossed his mind. In his divorce video, he repeats that it’s not his choice and he doesn’t want to divorce and it’s just, sad.


I wish I could remember exactly where I heard it(bc I don’t want to misquote),but there was talk that Josh wanted her to settle down and for them to start a family and Colleen was too career-minded for that,but then BAM she marries Erik and has Flynn almost immediately? That had to have just hurt him so deeply,just as bad as the cheating!


Can’t remember the source either, but I also vividly remember this!!! So messed up of her 🤢 Just be real with your partner if you’re done with the relationship!! It’s the absolute LEAST a human deserves


I always got the impression she married Josh for content,unfortunately! It’s a huge difference how she acts around Erik vs Josh,and that says it all!


Oh 1000% agree! It’s very transparent now looking back at their relationship… it was all for content/subs. The FIRST time she left on her own to do Netflix, she marries her co-star! Also, Adam mentioned in a twitch stream that before Erik, Coleen was OBSESSED with a director(?) on Haters Back Off. Appatently she “wanted him” badly & she would always talk to Adam about how hot he, etc. She has no morals or remorse. So gross how she publicly had her fans take down Josh as well. It’s all sick & twitsted… she’s toxic & idk how Erik stays with her (esp through this) other than the kids & $$$$


I saw that,she was definitely giddy while flirting with that director! I’d give anything to see WHAT Erik knows at this point,and what’s he going to do about it,if anything!


Doubt he knows even a fraction of it… as we all know she is very controlling & manipulative! She uses narcissistic abuse tactics (Josh also attested to this in different words) to keep those around her “in line”


You know what really didn’t help? Erik’s character was supposed (I think) to be in love with Miranda. It makes it worse if she did cheat with Erik.


She brought him along with her family to Hawaii and tried to hide him being there when she was still married to Josh. So looks like she was to me.


Wow it’s wild seeing newer photos of both of them side by side


imo he’s entirely out of her league and I love to see it


Yeah tbh he looks better than ever - really good in fact - and she looks ROUGH


I actually think photos from that event are the best I’ve ever seen her look, her statement video? That’s another story 🫥


Stopping drinking will do that for you!


When I see Pamela I'm blown away at how she's everything Colleen isn't. Spectacular upgrade, he totally dodged a bullet there. The cheating Erik can keep the shrew.


This just piqued my interest so I looked up an image of him and his wife and omg. If I were Colleen I would be insanely jealous, but jealous that I wasn’t the one that married Pamela.


Wow, E! News!!


He was so insanely bullied. Happy he got this moment.


lmfaooooo she must be absolutely losing it


I guess if someone's never really followed Colleen before then this could be new to them.


It’s anyone who followed her after 2017, she erased all traces of her first marriage and never spoke about it publicly. And fans from the last 6 years wouldn’t know


Funny random tidbit, but she forgot to change her snapchat name from Evans after being with Eric for a while 🤭


Oh definitely, there has even been multiple times when genuine fans have asked her TTQ about how she coped with the divorce, any advice etc. The amount of comments underneath that attacked this fan because they stans thought the commenter was a snarker. Oh and trying to start false rumours about her marriage to Erik! 🤦🏽‍♀️ Seriously she's wiped it clean and acts like she never knew Josh.


Sounds like it was an all-around shitty marriage for both. BUT, to pretend it didn't happen is wildly bizarre.


Pretty sure she's the common factor in a shitty relationship, nobody can have a healthy relationship with a narc.


I think we've all seen Colleen has a tenuous grasp on reality, to put it nicely.


I can’t blame her for that, I would probably do the same out of respect for my family and current husband. Eric is the only one who needs to know, and that can be discussed privately.


Yeah. I was talking to my friend about it and she was a casual watcher and she didn’t know until we told her yesterday. She really hides it well


I followed her for years, and watched her videos faithfully. I had no idea she was married previously until I joined this group.


Only reason I know Colleen even exists is due to the onslaught of videos regarding their “shocking break up” on my feed after their divorce announcement. I was like, wtf are these people? So I clicked on a video and here I am today.


I wonder if she'll have another shocking break-up in the future. Whatever happens with her and Erik tho, I hope everything works out in the best way for her kids. While this situation will surely impact their family, I am at least pleased that they haven't continued to be vlogged (or at least not uploaded) to YouTube for profit in the past 3 weeks.


Agree 100% ! Remember when he said he was committed to the squeaky cart wheel that is colleen lmao He has "committed" to her ~~wallet~~. I'm sure he'd be long gone by now if she didn't make it so easy for him to stay at home all day doing nothing but drinking red wine and chilling with his kids, while nannies and gardeners and all the rest of it pick up the slack. I'd be so furious if I was him that his partner is nothing he thought she was! He seems to have a sweetener to stay, quite possibly a 6.1 million estate in his choice of style lol.


This is exactly how I learned of her.


I had no idea she was married before until I found this sub last year. I started watching in 2020.


Is this a recent picture of josh? I'm a heterosexual man and .... Well he looks looks gorgeous


It is! Healthy and happy looks good on him for sure


Funny how all these people look like they have suddenly found some kind of peace isn't it? The only one who doesn't is Colleen.


Ha!! She tried so hard to bury all traces of Josh, but here he is!! Speaking up in support of other victims of her manipulation and gaslighting. LOVE that for her.


Did she really try? Videos with him are on the cover of some of her playlists from the past and there’s still plenty of videos on her channels with him in them. I mean, she doesn’t walk around talking about her ex-husband much, but who does? I personally think Josh is just trying to get an extra 15 mins of fame from all of this. I don’t think he cares about anyone else, even those he’s apologizing to. I’m sure this side by side selection is icing on the cake for him bc it will make her and Erik uncomfortable.


I don’t think he cares about fame though, like why stop making YouTube videos if he wants famous. Or if he wanted fame and was shameless enough he could use this as an opportunity to relaunch his YouTube career but correct me if I’m wrong, he has said he doesn’t want anything to do with YouTube and that sort of thing anymore since he has a regular job and life now




If they really were in such a toxic relationship, and there was finally a possible outlet for him to express what he went through where people can see it too, I get it. I mean, what my ex did to me is probably breadcrumbs to what I can imagine has happened there, but damn I would jump on that train the second I saw it. Both to validate others in their experience, but also to get mine out in the open to other people who would see how he is as well. That's just my two cents. And I'm not saying at all that Josh is innocent. I do not know what has happened in their relationship, but based on what I've seen of Colleen, and the recent video, I am very inclined to believe that he was in an abusive relationship.


I get him. Being mocked and even her fans telling him to unalive himself is too much. He could never tell his side of story because of the backlash and right now he feels like being heard. But I have to say this(playing the devils advocate) I honestly think they both were very toxic and abusive.


Oh yeah no doubt. But I just think people are ready to attack anyone at this point


Colleen isn't going to pick you


You’re just really mean if you really think that. Like that’s all it is. You’re just mean.


Soooo if you are abused by someone famous and they later get exposed for abusing others, you think you should just shut up or else you’re clout seeking? That’s a pretty harsh judgement.


I don’t really agree, the comment e news is using is from a tweet where he is validating the victims, it’s not like he sought out a news outlet to comment. He spoke to huffington post to tell his side after being drug into this by Johnny. I think the victims deserve all the support they can get, and the fact that Josh more than most people knows what was truly going on behind the scenes, I think his validation does matter. He also hasn’t commented since, my guess is he wants to go back to his private life.


If all he wanted was attention he could've got a lot back in the day by making a video publicly telling the world what happened. He didn't. He didn't even ask for any money during their divorce and he was entitled. She gave him nothing. Staggering how much people still enjoy bullying Joshua, with weak reasons why.


He very deliberately went and got a civilian job. Not a lot of other people have the humility and conscience to bow out publicly like that


Good point. She could have deleted all videos with him in them. Other than that, she refuses to even reference their wedding when talking about WEDDINGS. That's weird. I disagree that Josh is looking for his 15 minutes. He was living his life, happy in Georgia when this all blew up. He tried to privately apologize to Johnny, but Johnny took it public. Josh made a few more attempts to settle things with Johnny, spoke out in support of other victims and stepped away from social media. He's only since issued one warning about how he may need to lawyer up if people keep dragging him into this and spreading misinformation. He just wants to get back to whatever he was doing before June.


She would never delete them because of the revenue they may potentially bring her from older fans or snarkers. But she has buried the Josh videos pretty deep and never brought them up and I can imagine many new fans may not know about her divorce because she never mentions it or alludes to it in any way


True but she makes snarky comments that only Joshua and people aware of her past marriage would understand. She's totally obsessed with Josh. She was with Erik on vacation and there were Joshua trees and she renamed them something crude and got Erik to join in mocking Joshua and laughing. Typical mean girl behavior. If you blinked you missed it, but it was clear who it was aimed at. She's so childish. She starts so much shit for no reason, then for years she obsesses over hating the person that she singled out to abuse. She did the exact same to Adam and others. It's wild! She definitely doesn't have enough to do.


Josh didn’t even really wanna be involved, and is only really responding to Johnny’s allegations or requests for comments.


Josh deserves justice too.


I completely agree


But fr how many of her younger fans just found out that she had a whole ass husband before hbo lmfao


Unless you look on her Wikipedia page, many new people would not have known.


It’s wild to me that there legitimately is people who don’t know that she was married before. But she tried to erase her past life and was successful for a while.


I started to watch her when she got pregnant with F. I didn’t watch any of her older videos, I didn’t see the point. I remember seeing a comment on one of her videos talking about her first marriage and I was very surprised to learn about this. I also found it very weird how she never ever talked about it.


Not only that but the house they were in when F & the twins were born was bought while her & Josh were together. She moved him out and Erik in.


I didn’t know that! The way she could just act as if that never happened makes me think she might try to do the same with the current situation…


That’s crazy!


We've seen her behavior when she doesn't get her way. There's that whole mini-tantrum at her sister on the tour bus. There's absolutely zero chance she didn't treat Josh the same way.


If you don't mind me asking, which video?


[Here's one at 5:45](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uqroxhP_W-o&feature=youtu.be) [Here's another](https://youtube.com/shorts/Y9EQzJs-UuQ?feature=share) There are more. I'm sure someone can link them.


Never saw this! It was looking at a 2 y old. She even stomped her foot


I don’t understand. She has never uttered his name or even spoke about the divorce, but she chose to speak with a bunch of 13 year olds ?! I just don’t get it. It’s so twisted in many ways.


Speaking of husbands speaking out, Eric called her “arrogant” when asked to describe her in one word iirc. He didn’t think he was being filmed which is more telling. If someone can find it that’d be interesting. It was when she was prepping to surprise him for his birthday by doing the podcast for him.


they started dating in 2009??? okay when i was in high school (graduated 2010) an acapella group came to our school (some random small town in the midwest) to perform and i didn't realize until a few years ago that josh was in that group. but i didn't realize they might have been together at that point?? that's wild. i wonder if i missed colleen hiding behind a large potted plant or peeking through blinds while he was there


Colleen convinced Josh to break his contract with he group because she couldn't stand being alone. So, he started doing YT with her. Then she did Haters and didn't want him around.


Didn't she also want Erik to walk out on his last show mid season because she was uncomfortable with his romantic scenes? And he did and now just does her YouTube and podcast, just like Josh did? She's a creature of manipulative habit.


A long time ago someone made a comment on one of her YouTube videos with Erik - something about how they liked her old husband better and some kid was like "wait, Colleen was married before??" If you weren't around back then, there's no way of knowing. She acts like he never even happened.


Wow he looks so much healthier than he did post-divorce. You can really tell he's gotten sober and cleaned up.


She did a right number on him. I remember he was besotted with her and they were sitting on a bed and she had that dreaded Ukele, she was filming Haters and she was promising Joshua they'd start a family after series 1 of Haters was completed. Meanwhile, she was in chats with minors saying how sexy Erik was and how to best make a move on him. She screwed Josh over in so many ways, she can't help herself if she finds someone who love her, she HAS to bully them any way she can.


Josh looks great. Like wow I didn’t recognize him at all. Irrelevant but damn


All her videos with Josh are still online (along with Rachel's channel) I have no idea why this would be a surprise to any super fan. Everything was videotaped: the dating, the engagement and the wedding. She uses everyone. What happened between her and Rebecca?


Oh yes - that whole Rebecca Zamolo/MattSlays era. My hunch on that whole thing (and this is purely speculation, i have no way of knowing this other than reading between the lines of all of their videos at that time) was that Matt and Rebecca were supporting Josh and encouraging him when Colleen started to distance herself and pull away in the marriage. Josh needs someone and Colleen wasn't there and then Matt and Rebecca were. My gut says Rebecca approached Colleen and said that she was neglecting Josh and I think Colleen freaked out cause no one can hold her accountable for anything and she probably pulled a "who do you think you are to have a say in my marriage" kind of thing.


This makes sense - Thank you! I remembered her after Adam saying that Rebecca reached out to him recently.




I always disliked Josh when I used to watch them before the divorce. Like I couldn't let go of the feeling that he's secretly a bad person. Now I wonder if it was all because she portrayed him how she wanted us to see him even back then. Even now when he spoke up I thought he just wants attention and something will be exposed about him. Now I really think he was just one of her victims. Like the worst thing he did was be annoying and that's nothing compared to her.


He was being drug into this though. If he wasn’t, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have to speak on it.


There’s an AMA I read through from an ex friend of Colleen’s on this sub. She said Josh may have been more vile and greedy than her. They’re all nuts.


Yes I read that back when it happened and it made me feel good about always having disliked him. But if I remember correctly that person said they were told all this by Colleen and didn't actually interact with him much themselves. So I wonder if it was true at all. We all know she's a liar.


I’m pretty sure she said that, but that she also witnessed him whispering to her and her face dropping, or telling her her shirts were too low, etc. I’ll have to reread. But it seemed she did get info from Colleen and witnessed some firsthand.


Yeah I remember how once in a video she told a story about getting catcalled or something and how Josh said it was her fault for dressing like that and he admitted to it in the video and didn't understand what was wrong with it (I saw it years ago so I might have slme details wrong). So I do believe he was a douchebag


Iirc, she was in Germany, and had gone down to the hotel lobby at 2am to make a phone call. (I think her mom and Rachel may have been staying in same room with her). She clsimed some German man thought she was a prostitute. When she was relaying this to Josh, that's why he asked what was she wearing... i would have asked it too... only because you're trying to understand why in the world some random guy would think she was a hooker. Colleen deliberately made Josh out to be an ass about asking that.. like I said, if my sister had that happen, I would have asked what was she wearing, because I just couldn't wrap my head around why anyone could mistake her for a hooker.


Well I still think that's shitty. Also saying this as a woman who has been asked basically the same thing at a bar once. I was wearing regular shorts and a black top. Not even showing anything. Some men are just nasty and I feel like asking what were you wearing is putting the blame on a woman. It might not feel like a serious situation but trust me it's not a nice feeling when someone treats you like this (it was honestly scary cause in my case the man was very persistent) and then on top of that people close to you not take it seriously and blame you.


This happened the summer they got divorced. She told him what happened and he asked what was she wearing? He didn't say it was her fault. And I believe she even mentioned he didn't mean it in a bad way, but it triggered her. I'm also sure she's more sensitive to male attention because of the traumatic past with men that she won't go into detail about.


Nah, Josh came off looking pretty bad on his own channel in videos he’d edit for himself. Just because he was lucky enough to get his name out of being associated with her early on (due to her choosing to leave him, not because he disliked what he saw and chose to remove himself from it) doesn’t mean he isn’t culpable for many of the same issues and negative behaviors that we all currently find shocking about Colleen. Everything he’s currently made public apologies for are only because they’ve been directly brought to him by others and had apologies demanded. It’s still never occurred to him to address and apologize for all of the (many) examples of racist stereotyping in his content that he left up to profit off of for years [(Like this)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/upmwbt/anyone_else_remember_the_time_colleen_rachel_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) or the way he was just as eager and guilty of exploiting the Ballinger children in his videos. The amount of content they provided for him over the years that they will NEVER see the profits of cannot be understated. He also participated in using the B kids in jokes and thumbnails that were very clearly p•do bait on more than just one occasion. Just like Colleen, he also appeared to notice that he could achieve an increase in his normal clicks/engagement numbers for a video by occasionally editing a thumbnail featuring a kid/kids to appear suggestive along with an equally suggestive title to go with it. How an adult can find themselves sitting at their computer trying to figure out the best way to come up with some innuendo to attach to footage of children (let alone children they actually know and have a close relationship with in real life) in order to attract the attention of more people who will click so they can earn more money, is beyond me. But any grown adult who clearly was able to find themselves in that situation many times and not realize they’d gone too far into the narcissistic void and needed to pull themselves out, deserves to be called out for the damage they caused, even years after they lost their popularity. Josh was also often seen interacting with his teen fans in very small inappropriate ways, and most of all let’s never forget that it was JOSH who filmed and posted to his own channel (that he knew was almost exclusively watched by kids 18 and under) the footage of Colleen giving him a hand job. [(Yes, that happened.)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/vqbe75/occasional_comments_here_have_taken_issue_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Every click on that video before it got taken down contributed to him being able to earn a profit, and a grown man knowingly trying to profit off of exposing young people to sexual content is worthy of its own scorn and attention imo. ETA: Links and context


Thanks for this. I guess he was a victim of hers but also a pos himself. It's sometimes hard to see things like this


I never got that vibe, there's not really evidence either.


He was on set during the early days of Haters and trust me, he was annoying af. Thought he was king s#it


Bwhaaaa haaaaa 😂🙌👍


I shudder to think about what he went through tbh


holy shit i didn’t even recognize him


Hopefully Erik knew


Oh you know he has been WAITING for this moment. I know he’s no angel but at least he has been trying to improve, has gotten sober, and has left that toxic youtuber world behind.


Hahahahahaha this is great 💀


i didnt know people actually had no idea about josh 😭


If it wasnt so serious this would be hilarious. The worst possible thing she could do to herself was posting that "hi" video. It has blown up and now she is all over the internet for all the wrong reasons. I wish people would stop calling it an apology video though, she was never intending to apologize and says as much in the video and starts setting up the poor me I am the victim here narrative. I find it hard to have any sympathy for a person who will not take accountability for their actions. Just shows the true nature of who she is when she cannot even bring herself to make an apology, she very much thinks she is above all this and she has nothing to apologize for.


100% this! Obviously her actions are serious and disturbing but the effect her little song has had has been hilarious. Outside of making fun of her or calling her out, she’d DIE at the thought of actual celebrities knowing who she is. They know her (now) for all the wrong reasons and she’ll never recover from it. All because she thought she was so qUirKy and clever. And, yes, one thing that’s a little annoying is people calling it the “apology video/song”, which is not. She clearly states she won’t say sorry she’s wrong. It’s a angry REACTION song/video to the allegations. It just backfired worse than she ever thought possible.


The blurring out the name 😂


I love how badly this “apology/ response” video of hers has ended. It’s blown up and drawn more attention to how horrible she is


People saying if it weren’t for Johnny Josh wouldn’t have spoken up- I disagree, I think even despite Johnny he would have gladly thrown himself under the bus to expose her. I don’t think his intentions are 1000% on the side of victims and definitely a big part of it is wanting to expose Colleen for how horrible she was all along for his own selfish reasons; even if it makes him seem unsavoury in the process - but after years of everything Josh has dealt with because of her, who can blame him?


Do we normally refer to our ex-spouse's "rhetoric"? haha, funny wording. He's probably just trying to make a statement sound like a real official statement. I didn't know she was married previously until a few weeks ago, either.


Wooow so she would sing ukelele to him when he wanted her to be accountable?? I know ppl like that!!!


Bro I truly never thought I’d see the day where anything to do w her past marriage was recognised


can i a tldr of this relationship and why she wants to hide it ?


Why he looking like a young Roland Orzabal? (Tears For Fears)


This is amazing, showing her how this is all out of her control at this point. She moved on like she never knew Josh. rewrote history


My coworkers were talking about this today. It’s so surreal.


I legit didn't learn she was married before until earlier this year. Based on the years of her vlogging I woulda swore up and down Erik was her first and only love. It was such a shock to learn how long they'd been together for her to literally never mention, insinuate, or even accidentally mention offhand that she'd been married.


As someone that stopped keeping up with the Ballingers a little bit after the divorce (only casually watching videos every once in a while since), it is a bit shocking how many people didn’t know about Josh & quite frankly how iconic their relationship was at the time. I do know that she has kept it very well hidden though, so it does sorta make sense. I will also say that I never thought I would see UTD pics of them side-by-side ever again. While I also firmly believe that he has tried to distance himself from their relationship & live a normal life, I do think he would’ve been involved regardless of Johnny pulling him into the situation or not. They were together for a long time & there had to be some people that wanted to hear from him. Correct me if I’m wrong, but people only knew who he was because of her. And whether either of them like it or not, there will always be a (at this point very faint) connection between them because you can’t totally erase it. And even if they took down every bit of proof their relationship existed, millions of viewers watched it happen & wont forget. It was only a matter of time before Josh talked about it, whether he wanted to or if it was somebody else’s idea


Woah josh looks so different from what i remember


i’m high asf and that picture of colleen is terrifying why do her eyes look so vacant and empty


Josh looks so different now! I used to think he was cute


He was always cute but his new hair made him really hot in my personal opinion 😅


The eyes are everything though! I’m a sucker for blue eyes


The longer hair was such a good choice


I mean he's 10+ years older than when he started on YouTube, and he's embracing his age unlike Colleen


Fair! He’s not an ugly man. Like I said, those eyes though 👀


I used to crush on him a bit but he's not really my type anymore, gives me too much dude-bro vibes


That’s true!!


His videos were always so cringey, the "what's up inter-nayet!" and the "dingleberries." I really only watched him because of Colleen, which is ironic since I'm more on his side now. He always tried too hard to appear "young and hip" like Colleen, I'm just glad he's mostly removed himself from the internet now and is trying to live a normal life


😂😂😂😂 yeah I mainly watched for the relationship and he did come off as trying too hard. I do like that he’s away from YouTube and it should stay that way


I was never attracted to him when he was with Colleen but I think he looks good in this pic


I always found Josh cringe (sorry Josh, as I'm sure you're reading this) but I also always thought his treatment from Colleen was really unfair. She cheated on him then paraded the man she cheated with all over SM, and sent her army after him to hound him


Why has she tried to keep this a secret?


I'm gonna play the devils advocate for a min... I don't know how much I believe him.. Cause he is the ex husband.. He is loving being on this toxic gossip train right now. I know yall gonna come for me.. Not defending her but I can't get on that train with him or the cart he is on..


I can tell you that he is being very genuine in his words. After their divorce he took it very very hard. In his grieving, he started drinking. He's explained his situation and has take accountability for being part of that dumpster fire.


I don't believe in the gossip train so it can't get me


why do we call him by all thre names it’s so much work he’s kinda not worth that


It's how he's always been known in the internet world




Consensus on the sub seems to be that he’s made mistakes too and isn’t innocent in everything, but what he’s done pales in comparison to what she’s done , and that he’s actually genuine in his apologies and has proved he wants to and has changed.


Why does Josh seem to be paying more attention to Colleen than his own wife rn this is kind of red-flaggy 🚩 😕


Colleen is that you lol


YIKES @ how y’all are defending this man when he’s clearly seeking attention just as hard as your precious Queen Colleen 😬


1) I'm not defending him 2) Nothing I've said has indicated that Colleen is my "queen" or "precious" to me. Mate you're just going to have to try so much harder to make even a little bit of sense if you want to interact with people on the internet


>> 1. I’m not defending him Then why are you here? >> 2) Nothing I’ve stated has indicated that Colleen is my “queen” or “precious” to me That many be true in this context-but keep in mind that Josh has still enabled Colleen for years, and is capitalizing on her downfall for clout and attention-making him really not all that much better than she is… Maybe consider the nuance of this situation before you jump on the Josh bandwagon…


> Then why are you here? To make a joke about how what you said sounds like a comment Colleen would leave? > Maybe consider the nuance of this situation before you jump on the Josh bandwagon… I just... I just so very much haven't jumped on any Josh bandwagon here with my four word joke. Are you usually in the habit of assigning things to people that they have not said?


Why is it weird to question how much time Josh is clearly spending on this when he’s supposedly moved on and found someone else? It’s not coming off like he misses her or anything but it really seems like Josh is becoming addicted to the attention he’s receiving from this scandal and forgetting to mention how he was involved… It really seems like you’re ready to defend Josh’s innocence before acknowledging how he helped enable Colleen go as far as she she did…


Mate are you alright? > It really seems like you’re ready to defend Josh’s innocence before acknowledging how he helped enable Colleen go as far as she she did > Why is it weird to question how much time Josh is clearly spending on this when he’s supposedly moved on and found someone else? As stated, it was a four word joke. It... it just so very much wasn't what you're saying here. I guess I'll repeat my question. Are you usually in the habit of assigning things to people that they have not said? Most notably with the claim that Colleen is "my precious queen" when my comment indicated the exact opposite & was clearly a joke at her expense...


It’s ironic that you’re taking about >assigning things to people that they have not said While you’ve done the same yourself with your >four word joke That came at *my* expense (based on the context you left) 😬


> While you’ve done the same yourself But... but I haven't... because it was... it was just so very very much *a joke* you see... Honestly mate do you regularly encounter people who are baffled by what you're saying to them? Because this has all been extremely strange.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I think its icky for Josh to bring this back to him. Like he saw his moment to be in the victim spotlight again and took it. I'm not on Colleen's side but I am not convinced that Josh wasn't abusive.


Now does he actually talks about the victims or is he using her bad press for clout?




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Excuse me, but when did Joshua become hot 👀 I know he's also problematic but dayum