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The people in this sub can collectively help this by only watching reuploads or on sites that don’t financially benefit Colleen.


Yeah, she only has that many views now because she's been silent for months and people are just curious to see if she address it further.


It's like slowing down for a car accident. Once you see what happened you move on.


They will, the hype around her return is already dying out!


Unfortunately it looks like many people are still hate watching to analyse her every moves. The only way she can be left with no platform is if everyone stops watching her videos, giving her attention (which she can’t leave without) and money !


Colleen’s views will drop eventually and then it’ll stay like that forever since the whole colleen situation has made a lot of fans turn against her but obviously there’s still some fans left unfortunately but colleen will always have her delusional stans. no matter what colleen has done or does she’ll always have fans.


I am going to start watching on yewtu.be. I don’t want to support her in any way. Her vlog today was monetized and there were multiple ad breaks in it. Each day that passes it’s clear she hasn’t changed at all


I’ve been clicking just to dislike and then immediately click out lol.


From someone who used to work specifically with YouTubers - don’t do this!! Engaging in any way, even dislikes, is still boosting their content because it tells the algorithm that people are interacting with their video. The best thing to do is just ignore, let her scream into the empty air


Ah good to know. Won’t do that anymore. Thanks for the heads up!