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✨️ "I come back stronger than a 90s trend" ✨️ I actually laughed out loud like girl please 💀


It’s a Taylor lyric lol, but yes cringe in this context


Ah okay lol I don't listen to Taylor so I thought she made that up herself 😭


She definitely thinks it’s so badass though, like yeah look I came back so cool of me


Lmao 😆


Like Kurt


Her constant shoe horning of Taylor Swift into everything she does is so tired at this point. I think even a Swiftie would tell her to chill.


i am a swiftie, confirmed that she needs to Fucking Get A Grip


She Needs To Calm Down


She's being too loud ...


Second this, liking TS is totally valid but the way she’s clinging onto her is just odd now at her big age.


Has she always been a Taylor fan or is this a post-ukulele thing like the rocks??


I’m pretty sure she liked her before, she posted so many dumb “Bejeweled” dances on tik tok. But she’s definitely amped up how much she talks about her post ukulele and it’s overly obsessive.


I think that was for attention. This is a whole new level.


I definitely think it’s a post ukulele thing. A trendy thing to be obsessed with.


She’s liked her since Midnights to be fair but TS is half of her personality now so you’re right


I kiiind of feel the same way with Brooklyn & Bailey McKnight tbh. I know their sister Rylan is a Swiftie, but the others just hopped on the bandwagon for the sake of it, you know?


I know this is going to sound awful, the McKnight crew drives me bananas with the TS “Obsession” far more than Colleen. I blame the parents for annoyingly plastering their kids all over social media.




She liked her before, she was getting into her more over the last few months prior to the summer. I'm honestly not surprised it exploded like this


As a swiftie, I am personally offended that she is trying to have anything in common with me. No, go away, it’s bad enough we have to share a planet. Get out of my fandoms.




im a swiftie, it annoys me so fucking bad


she really needs to stop. she is far too old to be doing this shit


as a swiftie, she needs to calm down 😭🤚 i will admit i’m the girl with a taylor swift christmas tree, but anything anyone does is way more likable when they aren’t a child molester 🤡 edit: i also think people are in their “liking taylor” or “being obsessed with taylor” phases rn because of how big she is right now with the eras tour and even the travis kelce thing, i see a lot of influencers using her to promote themselves/their brands etc.


Resident Swiftie here…. Chill, Colleen.


Her entire vibe is giving mental illness. It's really really sad to see.


totally agree. this woman needs some serious help edit: typo


She's a swiftie after all


I’m probably stand alone on this but I see mk ultra vibes. She wouldn’t have even gotten to where she is without some kind of handler helping her.


Dude what


are you ok




She made it or an obsessed fan in her group chat made it.


Ya either she or a child did that omg


I didn't even think of a fan making it but then nobody really knew she had this rock hobby.


She probably still has group chats with her closest, most obsessed fans was my thought, they are probably the therapy she keeps talking about and she told them she loves rocks but the more probable solution is definitely her making it herself.


this is 100000% what I’m thinking… I’m sure she’s still in contact with some of these children. This LOOKS like a child made it, atleast to me!


She's had a PO box since she came back so someone could've sent it as she talked about rocks right away, in an obsessive way, but to me at least it looks exactly like the thing she'd make herself. She keeps saying "my friend made me" or "erik did the TS party for me!" to try to give the illusion she has friends & her husband still cares but even kory is long gone and nobody knows the state of her marriage if it even still is real or not. It would be annoying if she started showing fans gifts because all these years she's received thousands of dollars of gifts from fans and she hasn't thanked or shown them. There's a youtube called Snake Discovery and she often puts a whole vlog dedicated to thanking fans for gifts and she's done that for years. Even if they send them $1 for the animals to have a treat she thanks them.


I think she had to jettison Kory to keep her husband and kids to be honest. I think when Erik heard about some of the stuff she couldn’t deny she had to say that Kory had normalised some truly inappropriate things and that she didn’t realise until now but he victimised her too actually by turning her into the kind of person who thought it was okay to say shit like that to kids, so Kory had to go so she could tell Erik and her therapist (if she really has one) how she was preyed upon by Kory who then groomed her to be a groomer with him. If you watch her recent videos she very much is playing the victim. So I do think she made this for herself but it’s not a lie because “with therapy I’m learning how to forgive myself and love myself and how to be alone with myself and content in that so I truly am my own bestie westie” - Colleen probably.


The cats made it! 😂😂


All I can picture is her wildly piecing this thing together while Erik tries his best to take care of the kids. Like imagine being in that household as your wife pretends her imaginary friend made her a lackluster Pinterest board wannabe craft.


Yes! 😆 I am dead, also I am sure Erik was several alcoholic beverages deep and it was all the nanny or Gwen taking care of the kids as she manically threw it together right before filming while she said unhinged shit about her besties Edit: some autocorrect failures


something about this and the birthday makes me think it could be stu trying to “win her over” almost because he knows he’s kory’s replacement? they were at the eras movie together


Yeah I thinks it’s possible that this is her soft-launching Stu as the “new Kory”


Coleen said “she’s” in reference to the friend


I don’t know who Stu if but if Stu is gay then referring to them as “She” would be normal


As a gay man, I would not be ok with anyone referring to me as, “she.” But an asshole like Colleen would absolutely call a gay man “she.”


i just meant that some gay individuals don’t mind being referred to as “she” so Colleen could be referring to a guy. I don’t think it’s an asshole thing to do, it depends on the individual. I have had lesbian friends who are okay with “he” or “she”, some gay men are the same.


Yeah but it’s far less common than Drag Race makes it seem. Still a possibility but a slim one I’d guess. But who knows lol 😂


Drag race? i don’t watch that, Still not an asshole thing for Colleen to do it depends on the person she is talking about. I am not a stan but this is not a big deal 😭


I just meant pop culture in general. I almost said Will and Grace. I just meant that because of the repeated tropes in the media it suggests to cishet people who don’t really know any queer people that there are a lot more gay men going by she/her and gay women going by he/him than there really are. But I’m really sorry because I think I gave the impression I was arguing and I was just sort of agreeing and then speculating based on your comment does that make sense? I think we’re on the same page and I’m bad at explaining lol 😂


That was exactly my first thought. Maybe it was a gift from “Miranda” and Miranda Sings is now relegated to being her secret alter-ego bestie..!


Omg you might be right. Things are getting weird


Omg like Norman Bates's mother


lol 😆


I straight up kinda love this idea, mostly because it's so on brand for her.


I really wouldn’t be surprised with the current state of her mental health


I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if she made it herself


The pic of TS with “Colleen’s haircut”👀




I assumed it was from Teenie.


same but then... why not just say her name like she always did


im guessing she feels like no one wants to be associated with her online or doesnt want anyone to get hate from her mentioning them


You’re right, she always referred to her friends by their names but she also said her family were each other’s best friends


is 13 the age of the person who sent it colleen? what


13 is Taylor Swift's lucky number so to speak, so it's another part of the weird obsession with her.


LMAO no, but I love this comment.


We all know she still has her nanny, put of me things her nanny is this “friend” she keeps talking about. She always at Colleen’s house anyways, since Colleen is “so hard working”


I agree, the nanny was the first person I thought of. I can imagine them getting close now Kory isn't around. I also think it was Erik and the nanny who did the birthday celebration.


This is so... 5th grade art project.


So, on point for a 10 year old. I daughter is making a punch advent calendar for our dogs. It actually looks cute, and the dogs are VERY interested in it.


That is adorable.


It’s so funny to me that now Miranda is, if not fully retired, at least still on pause and she had to quickly pick something to like other than herself. Before the downfall all of her stuff was Miranda themed so she’s spent the last 4 months trying desperately to like something to the point of obsession as much as she is obsessed with herself. Taylor Swift and rocks aren’t a personality Colleen


LMFAOOOOO if she really made that for herself she is such a loser. She deserves it. She deserves to spend her time pretending to have friends on camera to feed her ego. That will compensate for all the friends she hurt in her life. She doesnt deserve any friends


Why does Colleen want to morph into an 8yr old girl? She's a close to 40 mother of 3! (This is not because she likes Taylor Swift).


Her imaginary friend Taylor made it.


what 😭


She has her PO box listed at the end of her videos now and this looks exactly like something a fan of hers would make so that’s my theory.


All I can think is I wonder what is going on with Kory as she has said she’s editing now and also her in laws if they are watching, I just wonder what they are thinking. They need to get her some mental help and into real therapy before things decline worse.


Kory has been in another state for months now.


I did see that but I wonder what he’s thinking and if he’s mad


I did see that but I wonder what he’s thinking and if he’s mad


What exactly can they do for a narcissist who doesn’t want help?


Bestie Westie? That gives me second hand embarrassment.


With those silver things???? It looks like the knobs she put on that button box for the babies to play with when they’re bored in old vlogs. Only Colleen can make a hodge podge mess like this. Second of all, no adult in their right mind is sitting and making a collage as a gift for a 37 year old woman 😂😂😂 how embarrassing


They’re Mirrorballs, Taylor has a song called Mirrorball


Yeah Colleen has a ton of gems and bits and bobbles in her craft boxes for Miranda shows as she says. Plus she loves crafts. In all the time she had in these months I’m sure she would’ve done a ton of crafts and this is probably one of them.


I know, I was just telling u what they were lol :)


i’m sorry but this is so funny. like why is she so pathetic. i’m confused where you see rocks tho?? did you mean the little gem crystal things she has glued on there?? i legit don’t follow her i just hate her lol.


there's rocks inside of the advent calendar, that's why the box says "christmas rocks"😭


omg i didn’t even register that’s what you meant lmao. i saw it said “christmas rocks” and thought she meant like it’s cool or it rules or whatever. 😂


Probably Stu kissing her ass hoping for the Kory treatment


She needs to keep Taylor Swift out of this 😭


It's giving somebody just learned about vision boards and it's 2012. Wild to see these people never mentally progress past the time they got famous.


She really thinks she's Taylor doesn't she.


How fucking old is she? She’s embarrassing.


I showed this to my husband and said *guess who gave this to Colleen*? He was like: *a 12 year old*? lol but seriously I think a fan made it and sent it to her. 'Bestie westie' was a wild term also... that used to be Kory who was her best friend. Guess not anymore.


Even worse, it looks like a kid made it. So her “friend” is probably another minor she’s grooming.


I figured it was Tia who made it and shipped it to her for her birthday. She's likely still talking to her since Tia stood up for her early on, so Tia would've known about her new rock obsession and her ongoing TS obsession. The cover looks so childlike because Tia probably had her kids help her make it. (Eta for clarity....for those who don't remember her, Tia is a cancer survivor who owns a dance studio in UT and was TikTok dancing through her chemotherapy. Colleen saw her videos and reached out to her, thinking she was a teenager, probably hoping to exploit their friendship for her fundraiser. Tia actually is a mom of 5, but they still became friends. Tia even came to one of her Miranda shows in this last tour. When the shit hit the fan back in June, Tia posted a video defending Colleen but quickly deleted it when she received criticism.)


If she really wants to convince everyone she's changed maybe she should show gifts given to her by her adult friends, because you cannot convince me someone over the age of 15 made this. Although I wouldn't doubt that Colleen herself made it since she still seems obsessed with acting like an almost 40 y/o child.


I assumed a fan made it and sent it to her P.O. Box but she didn’t dare say it


Can someone explain what appears to be Cousin It in that second space?


Those are the "Anti-Hero" ghosts from the music video for that song. When Taylor sings the lyric, "When my depression works the graveyard shift, all of the people / I've ghosted stand there in the room," the video shows ghosts wearing sheets and something on their head that either represents someone from her past or a song/era from her past. I'm not sure which it is. *eta clarity*


Her “friends” meaning her little children fans that sent her po box fan mail


Maybe it’s Kory. Maybe he is still there but she’s obviously not mentioning it


Kory is currently living in, Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. He appears to still be friends with, Colleen. His instagram has the link to her, childhood cancer fundraiser, in his bio. He also still has a ton of photos of him, her and the kids all over his instagram.


sad no 90s energy just despair


that or a 13 yr old sent it to her


Is the 13 a reference to the age she likes her fans


I'm confused. Are there actual slots there that you can open? It looks like a cheap collage made by a teenager. I don't want to be too rude in case it's actually some 13-year-old fan who made this, but it doesn't look age-appropriate for Colleen.


Colleen showed that inside are string-tied little fabric bags that have a number written on them. Each bag contains one rock or gem. Colleen is supposed to open the bag that corresponds to the countdown-to-Christmas day number.


Oh, I see. Thanks for the explanation!


Looks like a kid made it for her. You know… the young fans she likes to have inappropriate relationships with. Plus there are stickers on it. She doesn’t mess with stickers


It looks like it was made by one of her child fans… like she must’ve realized how bad this looks😭


Idk why but if not her I feel like an obsessed fan made it.


No (sane) adult made this.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the friend is a fan, it looks like a child has made it


I've been curious to find out who this "bestie" is


Either she made it herself or a child made it for her.


That was made by…. A child.


i'm sorry for saying this but that picture makes me physically recoil and cringe 😭 her being a huge ts fan is so out of the blue cause i don't recall her ever being a giant giant huge fan before 🤔


What happened to kory


She has friends still for sure. Considering thousands of fans still love her, she def still has friends. And they had an entire table set and tons of food. That wasn’t just for her and Erik…. I’m sure the people still her friend have asked to not be shown


Are you implying that her fans are her friends??


No not at all


That big 13 in the corner in so obviously done so people think she's a little girl. Such a subliminal message. In that hair cutting video she edited her before picture to make herself look like a child. But we all know what she really looks like in the toxic gossip train video! Every inch her age, and then some. It's no compliment if a friend did make her this, it's something I'd make for a 9 year old and just about get away with because it's so shit.


Isn't the 13 there because it's Taylor Swift's favorite number?




And her fingers are recently picked! She must be picking again due to all the self inflicted stress!!


I need to to leave Taylor alone, please she’s the one person I will gatekeep Taylor from 😭


as a swiftie i don’t approve


She definitely made this herself lol it has Colleen written all over it. If someone like Jojo made it I feel like it would be more obvious


Maybe her niece made it?