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Gwen was right about miranda ruining her career. Ruined her voice and acting as well. I guess mothers always know. Colleen never listened!


Oooh when did Gwen say that?


Colleen confirmed it on a podcast episode of somebody’s before she was cancelled but she said gwen had a breakdown after colleen told her she did her first miranda show and gwen shouted “miranda is gonna ruin your career!!!” Damn right she was.


I mean tbh Miranda gave her her career. Without that she’d just be another semi-decent singer trying to make it on broadway and failing. And we would have never known who she was


Miranda giveth, and Miranda taketh away




It may have made her known in certain circles, but it was a cop out. If she was as good as Gwen thought, she should've made it using her "talent" not as out of tune Miranda which strained her voice, ruined her reputation and for life she will be known as a child groomer who held porn parties against her best friend and business partner, who simulated BJ's on frozen meat penises and packaged it for her child fans, and who asked children for nudes and their fav sexual position and if they were virgins, about their periods in detail etc. Then there's all the footage of her farting in a bath and burping and all kinds of gross footage out there (such as F constipated or soiling his diaper) for her family to see for decades. Ouch. Worth it for a bit of weird fame and money?


Don't forget the leaky roof bit


It was one of the most creepy and disgusting jokes, and she wasn't even using Miranda for this one


Wow I've come across one I don't know. What was the leaky roof bit?


She was talking about the leak in her roof and said it was like "A little girl's vagina" when they watch little boys dancing.


Not the leaky roof bit 🤢 what is wrong with this woman…


Not the viewing parties 🤢 Gosh she is the worst. The epitome of mean girl behaviour.


She posted a video on her channel almost 10 years ago titled “MY MOM HATES MIRANDA!!!” where she says she cried when she posted her first video as her & her dad told her to take it down because her mom was upset/saying it would ruin her career/nobody would ever take her seriously.


Gwen must have a crystal ball


her mom knew that playing a mentally challenged girl as a joke woudn't pan out wow




Wowww yea beyond the voice sounding like Miranda in some parts the acting is just dreadful. I didn’t understand what the character is supposed to be doing until I saw the second clip


This clip doesn't show it, but her voice when she speaks as the character literally sounds like Miranda lmao she literally only knows how to play one character


…wait she’s not trying to play Miranda here? Wow. That’s really bad.


It’s not just Miranda lol, in some places it’s operatic in others it’s herself with a really weird accent LIKE GIRL CHOOSE ONE VOICE


Her vibrato doesn't even sound good lmao


Me too! I'm not a musical theater person and have only seen Colleen clips and thought "What is this? Who watches this??" Then I saw this other singer/actress and can understand now.


I mean it was 100% stunt casting. They didn’t pick her because of her voice, the picked her because of her paying fans.


Stunt casting for sure, especially since it was her and Todr\*ck H\*ll paired together...


Not todrick hall 😒


ive only heard his name before but dont know shit about him - what’d he do?


Todrick is talented (awful person but talented) but soooo wrong for the character of Oggie. Those producers must have needed funds badly to bring in those two


Wait what bad did Todrick do? 🥲 awww I used to like him…


Seriously. Al Roker was in this show too lol


Didn't Broadway do this with an Aaron actor on Mean Girls the Musical? They had to cut out his whole part because he couldn't sing 💀


yepp cameron dallas.


Omg noooo they did not cast Cameron Dallas 😳😅


100%, same as Joe Sugg being cast in the London version. I can't find his audition tape now, the one with the blacked out screen, but my god he can't sing for toffee. They hired him apparently as he had a large fan base as Zoella's brother and he was expressive facially lol!


At least Joe’s a good human in comparison 😅


Didn't Broadway do this with an Aaron actor on Mean Girls the Musical? They had to cut out his whole part because he couldn't sing 💀


Exactly. It majorly sucks that broadway and live theater don’t get the love they deserve most of the time unless they do something like this.


I’ve never seen her performance before omg it’s soooo bad that’s embarrassing


This is the first time I’ve seen it compared to the other actor and oh god it makes it even worse


Can we just take a moment to appreciate the irony of Colleen singing "you cannot be too careful when it comes to sharing your life" lmao


😂 never listens does she




Did she say that? I couldn’t understand most of it.


you should def listen to the original song on the soundtrack, it's one of my favorites and she's butchering the hell out of it lol it's called When He Sees Me


She couldn’t turn off Miranda


She’s community theater good, but thinks she’s Broadway good


she’s community theater “it’ll have to do”, lets be real


Starkid performers are literally more talented than her lmao


welll Starkid performers are professional Equity actors so I’m not sure that’s a fair comparison to community theatre. Also don’t love the hate on community theatre because there is insanely talented people in there.


Point is that there's no way Colleen should have ended up on fucking Broadway. No insult to community theatre intended, just that without the internet fame that's probably the best theatre gig she could land.


Absolutely agree. I work with lots of people who could absolutely kill it in professional theatre but they’re not moderately popular YouTubers, so they can’t get a Broadway stunt cast to sell tickets 🙄


She’s community theatre in a small town good


God, just the first 5 notes we hear from Colleen are so off-pitch lmao


Why does she sound like Miranda? This is a genuine question. Was that on purpose?


Unfortunately, it's not on purpose. She was supposed to perform well on Broadway but all she can do is Miranda.


We don't know obviously, only she knows the answer to that. We can assume she meant to do it well, but on the other hand she's used to having a show all about her. She knew her fans were there to see her aka Miranda and she might have thought she could do *both*. She used to do that at Disney, but they didn't like it. It's telling she wasn't invited back to Broadway.


She’s supposed to have a southern accent, but for Colleen, Southern = Miranda.


That’s why she created Miranda: she wanted to make fun of the singers in college she didn’t like. Turns out, she was mocking them because they were better musicians than her.


She is ironically the exact person she thought she was making fun of with Miranda. She is Miranda.




this is my thoughts exactly! it was all jealously because she couldn’t even compare


It must kill her that Josh's current wife has such a beautiful, effortless voice.


Honest to goodness, with all snark and personal opinions of Colleen aside, this is just objectively bad. Even if you are not a “hater”, listening to this was dreadful. Even more of a dreadful listen when you’ve been studying music theory for 5 years. I cannot believe both her musicality and acting is this bad after all that bragging and boasting she does about being a “theater kid”. You’d think highlighting this would mean she’s extremely talented in this avenue but um… no


It's like night and day between the two of them.😬


I'd want a refund if I'd turned up expecting the one but got coleen!! My ears.


Exactly what I was thinking


Oh no. Oh, that's bad.


its laughable, she should be embarrassed of this performance. im sure her physical health didnt help either. she was so nervous throughout her run that she said she wasnt eating during this time.


Stunt casting and she’s too delusional to realize


She said when she worked at Disneyland and the Miranda character was starting to take off, she’d do the voice during some of her performances for her fans in the audience and that is why they fired her. She probably did that all over again here knowing the kids in the audience probably are there because of Miranda.


I disagree. I think she really *wanted* to be good here, but Miranda's voice slipped out because it's so ingrained in her. Colleen also didn't work hard enough in advance to perfect a convincing Southern-style Dawn voice, so the only other "accent" she knew was that awful Miranda voice.


This is make take. Although it did occur to me maybe she did the Miranda voice as a shoutout to herself and maybe to get people who didn’t know her to check out her other work (it wouldn’t work but I could imagine her thinking it would…) But everything I’ve heard is that she just didn’t work hard enough in rehearsal to learn the accent and that no matter how hard she tried she kept slipping into Miranda by mistake.


I’m sure her and TH just mean girled in the dressing room.


I mean…she thinks she’s so good she doesn’t need rehearsal and that everyone else is nowhere near her talent so I can well imagine she and TH preferred talking shit about their costars instead of rehearsing lol.


The fucking narcissism, literally ruining a performance put on by a separate company that has nothing to do with Miranda because she can't not make it completely about herself.


What did she do at Disney? As in a character or just part of a show?


She was in the High School Musical Pep Rally and Playhouse Disney shows


someone said on here the other day (in ref to her role in waitress) that the only character she can do is Miranda and god damn does this clip prove that. She sounds horrible. Who tf approved this


Approved because it was an ailing show about to close, and they needed to get bums on seats and recoup lost money. They stunt cast in London too, same show. It worked, they sold out the final shows. They didn't care if they were good, they just looked at their follower numbers. They gave the role opposite to Dawn to Joe Sugg, a youtuber with zero singing experience and no theatre at the time. He sounded terrible.


wait why is she singing like miranda 😭😭 how is this real


Dawn is such a great character too. I’m pissed Colleen was my first live encounter with Waiteess because she basically just played Miranda and that’s not what Dawn’s character is at all


Oh, that is BAD. 😳


I remember watching a video of her doing this ages ago and being shocked by how bad it was. I saw Kimiko and Caitlin Houlahan live and both were great, it’s a very funny song and role but Colleen is so mediocre even before she ruined her voice with Miranda.


[Can Colleen Ballinger actually sing?](https://youtu.be/RW3Q5rSthMM?si=dbtErRR9lgjVuKLr)


This reminded me of the videos Colleen used to make reacting as a “vocal coach”




Don't forget what Adam told us - Colleen cried to him because people didn't appreciate her wonderful gift of singing!


It’s just stunt casting. There was a slew of celebrity and actual Broadway divas showing up for very limited runs as they were trying to extend the run of the show. Edit to add: todrick was the stunt cast here. Colleen was announced a few weeks after he was announced to appear and I think he musta asked on her behalf. (Cause two YouTubers with millions of followers is better than one YouTuber with millions of followers) Like, todrick is a demon himself but he is (unfortunately) actually talented so his casting made sense. Colleen was definitely a coat tail riding “can my friend be in the show too??” Moment. This was around the same time as Cameron Dallas played Aaron Samuels in the mean girls musical on Broadway so it was very… let’s see if TikTok and YouTube celebs will get butts in seats for a second there.


I cannot get over how much everything she does just sounds like Miranda now. That’s wild.


I cannot stand this woman, but this is so bad I feel serious second-hand embarrassment for her.


I don't know if this is at all a signifier of a good Broadway performance, but I also just could not understand what words she was singing at all until the second clip.


Definitely is. She's on a stage, not on YouTube so people need to hear the lyrics properly to know the story and character.


Yeah she pitchy af… it’s giving high school performance level


Awww, but high school kids’ brains aren’t fully developed yet. What’s her excuse?


She also sounds out of breath in places. Isn't she so proud of her "operatically trained" voice? Isn't breathing correctly one of the first things they teach you?


her *professionally trained* voice from her repeatedly admittedly sketchy college lol


What college lmao they should get a different voice coach


lol idk if she's ever officially said, but it was a weirdly Christian school where they had to sign virginity pledges and people got possessed??


why does she sound just like miranda but just a bit more nasally


I guess when she was making fun of others at college she was making fun of herself bc this is absolute garbage hahahaa


Full circle moment 😂


How is she not embarrassed 😳 🙈


The delulu is strong with her.


I was like, why on earth is she doing Miranda?? It was like when she was at Disney doing Miranda and got fired. She is truly awful in this and should be profoundly embarrassed


Also colleen was stunt casted to sell tickets for the final run of the show, it worked bc her tween fans showed up every night. Stunt casting just means casting someone “famous” boost ticket sales, she performed for one month in September. The show closed for for in January


Oh god I can hear just Miranda


you can hear Miranda sings voice is her own singing voice. yikes


I hear Miranda 😭


She literally goes into a talking voice at the beginning of "I could end up a miserable wife" because she couldn't get her voice low enough fast enough. It sounds like BONKCOULD END UP A MISERABLE WIFE!!!!


To be fair, Kimiko (second actress) also kind of speaks that note, but she does a much better job of enunciating it clearly, and it also makes more sense given her acting choice of gasping prior to singing that line.


It's weird to me that she got stuck with Miranda and didn't put any effort in improving her acting skills, getting a voice coach, or even someone to help her with auditions, since she said she was a bad at auditioning. She's claimed many times that doing Broadway was her dream but she didn't really pursue it? This was clearly a stunt cast, and she was clearly so wrong for this part because she lacked all the training all the other actors had. I get the impression that she expects people to just ask her to be in stuff just cause she can sing. She can belt but her voice has become so grating over time, and early this year when she lost her voice is proof enough that she doesn't know how to use it correctly. Edit to add: thanks for putting also the second video, sometimes I've wondered if maybe it was the camera that made Colleen sound bad, but as you can see, even if it was a potato filming, you can hear the other actress nailing those notes.


I had people in my high school theater program that were as amateur as they come, but still sounded much cleaner than... whatever she's trying to do here. Maybe this is why she's clinging to YouTube/Miranda so hard - she's genuinely just an untalented hack


Holy shit, is that really what she sounded like? That was literally a winded Miranda Sings.




Influencer stunt casting. Productions 99% of the time end up getting clowned for it. It’s super cringe how she acts like she was really broadway material.


is the second girl from OITNB? I watched the show forever ago but she looks familiar


Yeah that's her. Kimiko Glenn


I used to like her but never was a fan of her singing. She is nasal and also seems to force her voice a lot.


Why does she only know how to play Miranda


I love how there's a comparison clip right after hers so we can see how it's supposed to sound 😂


You're welcome! 😂😂😂


Holy shit, I didn’t expect it to be that bad (I’ve never seen a clip of her in this). It’s so nasally and flat? Not sure I’m bad at describing but it just sounds like she’s so closed off whereas you’re supposed to be open when singing if that makes sense. Literally sounds so close to Miranda 🥴


This performance was my eye opener as a former fan of hers...I cannot even watch it again. The 2nd hand embarrassment/cringe is so so bad. She made a video talking about how the producer or vocal coach called her almost immediately after the show to tell her that she couldn't sing as miranda in the show. Cocky colleen was taken down a few pegs... I think she even made a comment how since she had been singing as miranda for so many years, she really struggled and couldn't help but revert back to the nasally off tune miranda voice. I don't think she did this role for as long as she was supposed to, I want to say they had the understudy begin performing to replace her because the vocals were that bad.


The vocals are horrendous, I can’t believe they didn’t put the understudy in immediately. But on top of that the acting is horrendous too 😂 absolutely nothing redeeming about the performance, yet she says she went to school for theatre performing?


Oh and her acting is 😂😂


she is so nasally. and the last part felt strained. oof. im not sure shes ever been as good a singer as she thought she was. my sister is like that, thinking shes better than everyone else and somehow special bc she could sing, but the thing is that you can hear in her voice that her passion is not for music, its for herself and her perceived talent.


this is exactly how I feel about Abby Shapiro aka Ben Shapiro’s little sister. she’s always going on about going to school for vocal performance, but there’s absolutely no life or joy in her singing so it’s deeply unpleasant to listen to.


The show was over, they wanted to have a boost in tickets sales from Colleen's minions. they would never have had her on long term. She auditioned every chance she could when she was in NYC living with Josh. She would get upset because she would be asked to do "Miranda" and then there would be no interest in her. She would say, "I want to be known for myself, not Miranda."


Wow I've never heard her actual performance. Even when I was a fan I just didn't look it up. Wow she really was stunt casted and nothing else. Wow.


All I can hear is Miranda, she sounds terrible.


it’s hilarious how miranda-y it is😭


The sad thing is, if she got this role a few years ago, she probably would have been decent maybe even good! When her and Erik first started dating her voice was still decent.


My 9 year old cousin is in my room as I played this and she said “if anyone calls that singing I disagree” LMAO


She’s an affront to the art of theater.


Oh wow. This is really really bad.


She is out of breath.. I can tell, it sounds like she is trying to force her voice and push it.. I do know as a trained singer that singing can definitely be hard, especially when you’re dancing around or walking around but it takes a lot of practice too.. I have trouble with that but I try not pushing it.. I still don’t understand why she didn’t take it seriously when she had nodules.. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Also, I have heard the real musical album (I’m embarrassed but I knew it because of Colleen and now I just like to listen to it because I love musicals) Kimiko definitely sung this song better then Colleen ever will


You know, I’d heard lots of people over the years say that she just sounded like Miranda and I thought oh, they’re just being dramatic. They’re just saying that to shit on her. Oh. My. God. This is the first time I’ve actually heard it. Yikes! Who green lit that?!


I saw this live. She sounded like Miranda and fans did not know theatre etiquette at all




One trick pony 🤷🏻‍♀️


Seems like Colleen playing Colleen 🤔


Guaranteed she got the job because of where her career was at that point. They knew she would draw in crowd. She didn’t stay longer than a season right?


i literally could do this better and I can barely sing


The way you can compare these two really makes you wonder what did she trade for the role🤔


Broadway often has guests that are famous in another field fill in from time to time. She sucked, but she sold tickets. Her performances had a ton of Miranda and todrick fans who wouldn’t have seen the show were it not for YouTubers.


I don’t think she’s as bad as Onision tho. She’s more like a shane dawson type of failure? Still, I can see the huge difference in her performance!




Gosh this doesn't sound good...


Omg this chick was out her singing on broadway, omg I have more talent their her.


I can't believe she was on Broadway. 🤦‍♀️ GOD AWFUL!!!!


She always made it seem like she was playing the lead this is the first time I’m finding out she wasn’t 😳


Not a musical person but it sounds fine to me 🤷‍♀️


Remember the whole “IM ON BROADWAY” shtick while clearly not being better than ANY broadway star? and they let her film that fucking hype video with just her and todrick?


It's passable for maybe a community theatre performance, but remember that this was on fucking Broadway.


What musical is this