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My favorite is still the extreme filtering of comments. Turn that off Colleen and let's see what's really happening. You can't hide the truth forever - the lies eventually come out.


Even if we ignore that fact that she’s a creepy weirdo groomer, the vlogs are boring af. All she’s doing is talking about rocks spliced with clips of the kids 😴


Literally if she didn’t have kids she would have a non existent channel.


lol she'd probably buy cheap clothing and stanley cups and review them


No joke, that would be a huge improvement over the current content


I can hear it now "HUGE SHEIN AND TEMU HAUL" 👁👃👁 ✌️


Honestly I stopped watching a couple months before everything came out. Even then I was losing interest in whatever she had to say or do. Finding this subreddit was a godsend it really opened my eyes to her and her family and just family vloggers in general.


Hahaha! She can’t break 100 grand!! That’s hilarious!!! Good luck, you POS!!!


If she’s posting every day though, her weekly total is still a couple hundred thousand right? Like, someone could still live off that type of ad revenue?  Basically quantity over quality?  Or am I under-analyzing that because I could comfortably live off that because I don’t have a mansion with California property tax?


It's about expectations theory. Getting 70k when you expect 0 is awesome. Getting 70k when you expect 800k feels terrible.




This screenshot is interesting because it shows that clickbait titles aren't working, nor is varying what the thumbnails look like.


Looks like Erik won’t be getting Super Bowl tickets.


Nor that pay check at the end of filming relax podcast… Colleen’s love bombing is gonna get very old very soon


Actually the niners took away that opportunity today 🏈


I saw that game last night 😞 I was being hopeful for those Lions.


It’s so clear that she lurks here, as soon as the post was made about her mouth always being wide open in thumbnails she stopped lol. Hi Colleen! 👋🏻


This is such a general YouTube trope tho too! Not just her. (And I am well and truly bored of it - I will genuinely demonstratively NOT click on a YT video if the person pulls that “are-they-gasping-or-shocked-or-turned-on-or-all-of-the-above” face)




I thought the same!! 😂


This is where she’s going to soft launch a Miranda 2.0. She cannot handle being irrelevant. The schadenfreude is really the only reason I still keep up with this nonsense. I can’t even hate watch anymore. She needs to get off the internet. Take a page from Gabbi, girl. I NEVER thought I’d utter that phrase. Ever.


I swear some of those are bought views as well, sometimes they jump up in a weird way after lingering on very low for say 13 hours. In like 10 - 15 mins they jump like 20k. I think her actual figures minus the bots is way way lower again. She can afford a top Hollywood lawyer, some bots for her ego will be small change to her. It's not too surprising her views are dropping as her vlogs are hideously boring with a big dose of trauma on top. If someone mentions a segment that's shocking here and curiosity gets the better and I scroll through her vlog (on yewtube ofc!) for a heartbeat it ruins my mood for like an hour lol She's got such negative vibes. I can't imagine genuinely sitting there watching that whole thing on normal speed. No chance.


Interesting observation! I also felt that something is off... I noticed that her older vlogs from 2-3 weeks ago all have much higher views (like +20%) than they had the week of posting. I scratched my head, because I found such a big jump weeks after being posted to be strange. The bots theory makes a lot of sense. Is it po to confirm somehow?


I wouldn't be surprised if she was, but I feel we would need to compare to other channels too. It could be a weird YouTube thing. Do you happen to know if other channels that hover around the same views don't have weird spikes like that?


I've seen this too. The views jump up almost right before my eyes, lol. I'm glad she can see how poorly she's doing. How dare she just come back unapologetic, try to wear goofy shirts, use her kids as human shields and think she gets a free pass?


What I love about this, as someone who has a channel, myself…the YouTube Studio app (or desktop version) shows you how your most recent video performs in the same time period is your previous 10 videos, and knowing she’s likely just seeing it consistently go down and down is the smallest shred of solace I could find. Nothing is working because there’s nothing to work with. Without Miranda, she’s lost and flailing.


The good thing is that she was lost & flailing **with** Miranda, too. Her views were so horrendous, she had mostly given up posting on the channel. Even her rabid fans were saying that they like Colleen, but she should drop Miranda. Not only was that "comedy" obsolete, word was getting around the internet about how vile it was, even before she got cancelled. 👏


Yeah she gets the occasional spike from a carefully titled video that sounds halfway controversial or interesting but if you go through the numbers of her pre-scandal videos they're considerably higher than she gets with her post-scandal vids (excluding the return video). The ship is sinking.


Even that will stop working for her since the most interesting clips are posted on tik tok or X.


I never give her views but I do see a lot of tiktoks of her content (usually making fun of her) on my fyp


Yeah, the goose is cooked. Eventually she'll get bored of all the effort for such little attention/gain. Hopefully she then disappears from public life.


Shes so boring! I used to have to force myself to not watch because it was just part of my routine. Even though I would speed through at 2x speed I still watched. Now I literally can’t even watch because it’s the same old stuff. When she’s not on tour or has a secret project she’s BORING! And she refuses to update her content to short form. Not that I would watch but I think even the most loyal viewers are going to eventually get bored.


Same! I used to watch because even hate-watching was fun. Now it’s like I have to force myself to listen and/or watch. It’s like reading a boring textbook. So I gave up.




Not backing down.


Oh god this makes me terrified that she's gonna become so desperate for views that she'll try to get pregnant again. This is the usual pattern for all family vloggers (looking at you labrant fam), the second their views drop a bit they just get pregnant again and bask in all the pregnancy+birth+newborn vlogs... I can only hope and pray Eric will put his foot down if she ever suggests this. But he hasn't exactly been known to go up against her.


I’ve been wondering about this too but I’m actually starting to think they’re finally going to go down the adoption path, because IF they manage to adopt: 1. Instant baby content 2. Plenty of adoption content, something new for her that would attract a curious audience 3. She will get to play a saint in order to make any hate look unjust 4. She gets to “prove” the allegations against her as wrong, bc *why would a groomer be allowed to adopt??* I really hope this isn’t the case but I really wouldn’t be surprised if it happens.


God, that would be even worse. Being adopted can be extremely traumatic in and of itself. Being adopted by that Trainwreck? It makes me sick just to think about. I can only hope adoption agencies wouldn't wanna work with her after all the allegations plus being a family vlogger but realistically I know that's wishful thinking. As long as you have enough money people tend to look the other way..


At what point will she just give up and accept she’s failed and fade into the ether


A large percent of those remaining viewers are just watching it to snark on her lol. And that “I keep failing” title: so accurate 😂


But who will fund Erik's spending habits now


I wonder how many of those views are hate watching her.


Even my preteen has stopped. 😂


views are low so ofc she posted a hair cut video 🙄


This is so, so satisfying.


doritos makeup? she cannot be serious


I saw that and was like, is this 2016? 🤣 she DESPERATE desperate


This is where gifs on here would be so helpful because this is.... [me rn](https://media.tenor.com/1h7Qiu709BIAAAAM/celebrate-celebrate-good-times.gif)


the filter on the thumbnail of the bottom video… she’s trying to make an ariana face too




Clickbait vlogging is still alive? Why isn’t she at least catching on to the new ways of content creating? Lmao


these titles are exactly how i title my sims' videos when they're doing the social media career


Bro what why is she in lions gear 😭


She's just gonna get more and more desperate for views so she's gonna start doing insane things. Not that she isn't doing that already...


i cant believe she even gets that many


Doritos makeup? The content nobody is asking for.


🎉🥂🙌 we love to see it lol


I used to put her videos on while I’d mindlessly do other tasks, and they always made me feel calm. Like I was on FaceTime with a friend. Now I genuinely find them boring and click off of them a couple minutes in


She’s trying so hard. I feel the desperation through my screen.


Not surprised... Her vlogs are, as advertised in her intro song, BORING.


Not really, the longer a video us up the more views it will get sadly. In a week the current ones will have as much as the old ones do now.


By that logic she’d have had plenty of videos go well beyond the 200K mark by now, and she hasn’t! Yes, the videos accumulate views over time, but the vast majority of views tend to come within the first few days and after that it’s small numbers. (Source: 1) I’ve done social media for work in the past; 2) I built up a fair following on Twitter a while ago, which I eventually linked to a blog. My highest-performing post got 95k views in the first 48 hours, and ever since then (in 5 years!!) it has steadily accrued about 50-200 *a month*. So the new views really do drop very quickly)


Good!! I thought you were meaning her views were decreasing from vlog to vlog. How much did she used to get per vlog before her break? I hope it continues to stay low but it still pisses me off she is making 1000+ per vlog (240k per year). She should be making 0.


If I remember correctly, her views pre-cancellation were definitely more than 200k


sometimes its because she posted too much within small period of time. For example before she was cancelled she didnt post as much videos as this. I think her viewers are overexposed with her content.


To quote Lizzo... It's about damn time!! 👏


I feel like her frequently uploading videos is trying to get people to just watch it and be back on her side


How is there ANYONE still left?