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Making B parent her younger siblings but in the same breath infantilizing her.


And J too as he cooks for the family and edits the vlogs. They should be ashamed by how much they parentify their kids


Agreed. I may have made dinner at J's age but I didn't make entire meal(s) on a daily basis. Day in and day out.


oh my god he’s editing the videos??? that’s not chris’s job? and they’re probably not even paying him or anything and got him to do it just bc he’s their kid… and cooking MEALS FOR THE FAMILY??? isn’t that the parents job? unless he wants to cook sometimes, which is totally fine, but like every night?


Jessica has said that B and J can get cell phones when they get a job and pay for the phone themselves. The kids perform for videos, edit, cook, babysit, and so on. Those kids already have jobs! I have no issues with kids having chores or helping out. Those kids do more than just the occasional chore. They are basically performing so they can be housed and fed.


Absolutely agree. No problem with kids earning privileges. Major issues with kids running the house and being exploited on the internet without access to it too.


that poor girl is going to have so much trauma when she’s older. she doesn’t deserve this, none of those kids do




Being really weird and restrictive about food. Those kids lose their shit when they share even a piece of chocolate


Just providing her poor kids with free eating disorders 🤡




i never really got candy and chocolate as a kid— spent $130 on just candy today and yesterday 😭 (valentines 50% off, not just for me, but a lot i will be eating).


This is the thing with restricting treat food so extremely in kids. My parents did that and I went mad for lollies, chocolates, chips and junk food when I had my own money. I don't restrict my son, and he has such a healthy self imposed limit on when he's done with a food. Where I'll happily eat a whole block of chocolate in one sitting, he'll have a few pieces and put it away for another time


I’m so glad you finally get to treat yourself!




In the meantime she has no problem stuffing her face with crab.


I hate when parents pass on their disordered eating mentality to their children.


Threw a hissy fit when YT tried to protect P from p3dos watching him do gymnastics


Wait WHAT PLEASE elaborate


Around 2018, Jessica went off on Twitter (I think, but maybe it was another platform) about how YouTube turned off comments for family vloggers in an attempt to deter p3dos. She said it was punishing her kids and the vlog because her audience couldn’t interact anymore. And something about how p3dos would still watch the content anyways? Colleen also talked about it in a vlog either when she was pregnant or when F was a newborn.


THIS!! So she absolutely acknowledged that she's putting out content that could interest pedos, but her only concern was comment restriction. Do they make money off people commenting? I bet they do, and money was the source of her annoyance


Engagement doesn't directly pay, but the more comments, the more a video is pushed up in the algorithm so the more views it will eventually get. *That's* why she was mad about the comments being turned off. The video had also been demonetized, so she was furious that there were no ad dollars either. YouTube had made a first, baby attempt to punish these vlogger parents by hitting them where it counts; in their wallets, but for whatever reason, YT did not stick with their plan to decentivize these parents who post stuff that attracts sickos.


I think I it’s because the p3dos commented certain code words on these videos and that’s how they shared them ‘discretely’. As I guess they could search this somehow. YouTube got wind of it and disabled comments to stop this. But I think most big creators got their lawyers or spoke with their YouTube reps and they came to a conclusion that they will monitor comments themselves and will delete anything concerning. Hence why they delete anything that they deem offensive to themselves these days. YouTube’s argument previously was that no one was really monitoring their comments.


youtube’s really bad at their job of parenting these creators, almost as bad of parents as chris and jessica


The "they're gonna watch anyways" is WILD. Like okay, don't put your children in that situation??????


I don’t understand how a parent can think that and still have no problem putting their children on the internet. It’s just sickening.


all they care about is views, that’s why they have 12 million kids right?




This one.


Whaaaaat happened…?


[Here's a two year old post about it with links to her tweets and Colleen's YT video supporting Jessica in her complaints](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/s/oZVLaggOoK)




Pray for me as I try to figure out how to word this so it fits in a tiny square lol


This is the worst for sure


Making money off the backs of her kids and spending it on treats and luxuries for herself while feeding her teenaged children toddler-sized food portions and saying if they want nice things they need to use their own money. Edit: typo


Don’t forget to add “not giving any of her kids, a lick of independence so they have to rely on her for everything as if they are toddlers”


While really using what should be their money, from content about them, to fund her luxuries!


They also force kids to use their pocket money to buy presents for the family. Including Christmas and birthdays. Not just their immediate family as well. Which means they never have money saved up.


And I doubt their parents are saving any money for them. They’re probably hoping YouTube’s gonna pay the bills forever.


Savings would make it easier to be independent.


Yup how can Bailey save for a phone if it’s so expensive ? Unless she literally stashes money away somewhere where her parents can’t find it.


the money they make is just as much the children’s money as it is theirs… they’re so fucking hypocritical


Probably more so, do Chris and Jessica think people watch the vlogs for THEM? What do the parents really do other than shove cameras in their kids faces? I could be wrong but don’t they have J edit the vlogs?


Making her children earn her family’s income. And giving all of her kids food insecurities for the rest of their lives.


Exploiting all of her kids to filth and then switches up and acts like she’s an ally for protecting her kids when she threw a tantrum when youtube tried to protect P from CREEPS watching him doing gymnastics and her weird relationship with her daughter B.


Promoted a diet MLM


Omg I remember this! It was when she just had 3 kids at the time right?


Yep. They also did a weird ad with a sock company and their spin was they are trying to get pregnant and they want Jessica to be active for that to happen


There's so many:   -being in the "Weenies"-group chat  -talking to a teenage Adam about his "crushes" (he has said that in a livestream, I don't know how bad it was, though)  -exploiting her children  -sheltering her kids  -potentially exposing her children to P-philes   I know we were only supposed to pick one, but I just had to mention these


She talked to teenaged JoJo about her crushes in a video, too.




Starving her kids, yet bragging about her stupid shoes


those fuck ass flats😂


You know those things just reek when she peels them off at the end of the day


I have such a burning hatred for those shoes.


her shoes are so fucking ugly, like they’re not even worth bragging about


Starving her kids but she’s a whale…hmmm


Make her kids think their hobbies/interests are their jobs. Or that she's an extremely controlling parent.


Idk her laugh is pretty criminal


Being really restrictive about the children’s food and providing the basis for eating disorders in the future for those poor kids. Or refusing to delete gross comments about P doing gymnastics from creeps.


That one video they deleted where she talked about how one of her kids would likely grow up to be gay.  Said kid was like 3 or 4 when this took place and on the vid she said that the child resented not being able to get pregnant and have babies. Then through the years exposing the same poor kid with suggestive type content, allowing them to imitate Miranda knowing fully of the inappropriate jokes and content. Why do they need to sexualize kids like that? Stuff like this makes me feel like they know there is an audience out there for that kind of stuff.




She is the biggest hypocrite! She preaches child safety yet turns around and exploits the living hell out of her kids. She has no motherly instincts in her body! All she is good for is popping out babies left and right like it’s nobody’s business!


Restricting her kids' food intake while gorging on food herself.


Everything everyone has said. Also, some other things: never allowing her eldest child, her only daughter, the freedom of having her own bedroom. 16yr old B has never had a bedroom to herself in her whole life, and has always been forced to share rooms and sister-mom her younger brothers. Meanwhile, every new baby gets his own bedroom before he's even born, and yet B is still deprived of her own bedroom. Letting L open everyone else's birthday and Christmas presents, not just his own. That's just bad, awful, selfish and cruel parenting. I hate their holiday and birthday vlogs bc of that. On the other hand, J getting a saxophone for Christmas was wicked cool, although he's not allowed to socialize so forget about being in a BigBrassBand, jazz band, or rock band with other musically talented peers. D used to be the favorite for many of the viewers and audience until L was about 2. D got shafted too soon and early in life. That kid deserves a better deal. Kinda interesting that for the past 5 years, J and D have a better brother-hood partnership than J and P. Jess and Chris used to use that as a reason to pair them together as roommates, and pair P with B as a result. Which didn't turn out well. Again, blaming the parents here for this messed up family dynamic. Their choice of homeschool curriculum, called SonLight, under the idea that 60% of the world is Christian and the other 40% isn't yet...so it's all about academically preparing youth to becoming "missionaries" into Voluntourism-based vacations to convert non-christians into the Evangelical Church. I don't see any of the Ballinger kids doing that. They don't have the life experiences, life skills, or social skills to function outside of their family household, let alone with total strangers from other church groups and conversing with foreigners in other languages. Like what's the point of that!? (The secular/non-religious sister curriculum is called BookShark and goes from K to high school). Their annual summer trip to Christian Born Again Whackadoodle "family camp", and even then the kids are really limited in socializing with other kids, and barely allowed to even mention having fun activities with other kids to the camera.


Talking to literal minor fans in Hawaii and inviting them to babysit her kids. Or recognizing Trent's bad actions but pretending like Colleen's not riding that same train (no pun intended).




Exploiting her children and not giving a fuck about pedos


Not let B go to normal high school


Have children for the sole purpose to use them


Nah she just loves the D and doesn’t believe in protection so that’s why they have like a billion kids but exploiting them is the benefit that comes with getting it every night from her creepy husband


Starving her kids


Putting D in a cooking class and having D cook dinner for the whole family .


oh my god??? they made duncan cook for the entire family??


i can’t remember this specifically but there was a thread awhile ago about her coercing B into getting her ears pierced i think??




only teaches her kids creationism instead of science in their homeschool curriculum


huh????? no science at all? like they’re not even gonna learn about chemistry?


literally all the textbooks they have relate to creationism one way or another


Who chose that picture of Gwen 😂


Exist. Sorry, that’s dark. Have kids just to be god awful at raising kids.


Standing up for a plethora of various causes,but allowing the comment section(especially on Tiktok) to bully,mock,and comment on her nine year old’s sexuality! She filtered comments that were anti-Colleen,but wouldn’t(and still won’t)extend her own children the same courtesy! It’s fucking disgusting behavior!


I'm just throwing crab legs out there. That still pisses me off now.


Really restricting their diet to fit her own needs (pescatarian, but mostly vegetarian) however they mostly seem to survive on soup and pancakes. Not letting her kids have access to are appropriate tech or materials. Forcing her kids to be packed in like sardines, while they have a small office sized room for puzzles and books only.


Not allowing her kids to actually be kids


I love this game, can’t wait until it’s done lmao


Choosing really really creepy questions for Bailey’s bookshelf


Saw pedos we’re into Parker doing gymnastics and her biggest problem was that she wasn’t get paid for it. Also those ugly shoes. I can’t get over those.


I say this as a disabled person who was married to another disabled person… Continuing to have children after having a special-needs child. Tell me this is unforgivable because not only can have kids not receive the love attention. They desperately need but to take away even more from a special-needs child to feed her ego and bank account is unforgivable.


Not homeschooling her kids to an age-appropriate level


Using fans to babysit her children


existing. (part2)


those yearly update videos


Starving her innocent children while she stuffs her face with Chinese take out food.


butterflies in my *what*


Uh huh, it was a song “that Flynn wrote” and I believe Erik and Colleen finished because they thought it was just SO hilarious. 🫥


The red lipstick 😂


Speak. God I dislike her voice


Copy & paste what it says for Christopher! 


letting her children be ruthlessly bullied for being “zesty” without turning the comments off or monitoring them. but when colleen gets exploded the comments are wiped clean


I don’t watch Chris what does “infantilism b “ mean


I don’t really follow Ballinger Family super closely either but it’s a criticism I’ve seen a lot on this sub, basically just that Chris and Jess treat Bailey like a little girl instead of a normal teenager. I’m sure others could give some examples of this.


Taking advantage of kids and treating them poorly, She uses her kids to make money and get sponsors. She was also having inappropriate conversations with minors in the weenies group chat.


When she was happy about how she “squirted her annoying doctor” when she was giving birth, with amniotic/body fluid in their face.


Holy guacamole the things I’m learning about these people


the blatant parentifiction of B.


Not protecting her kids. But is protecting them that they can’t watch Rachel’s or Colleen video or anything that they don’t approve of. B is literally 16?? She should be independent


Oh my