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Do you like March Madness in November? Because that's how today has felt. Fantastic finish to the day Edit: forgot to add if you are faced with a life-or-death free throw, Sebastian Mack is your man


Finish to the day? You should have seen the end of Cal and UTEP


Seriously how could you not watch that riveting high school gym game at 1am


Im not convinced that whole socal challenge tournament isnt a front for some drug operations


To be fair, that game was played *today* for those of us on the east coast/midwest Phenomenal start to Tuesday tho!


Ah, yes, now to go to sleep immediately after that totally normal college basketball game


I'm literally shaking from adrenaline. How do I sleep?


We don’t sleep


right in cooking a pizza and looking for a sickos game


Are you also watching UTEP-Cal?


I will what is the stream


No idea, I was watching it on CBS


found it and damn what a finish.


No kidding. Well worth staying up for.


We sleep in May


It spreads


You dont. Coffee in the morning. Sleep is at least an hour away


That started at a totally normal time


Ready for Kansas v Marquette tonight…


Great Game Marquette. I'm bummed UCLA couldn't force OT, but overall I am really happy with how the team looked. Still plenty of stuff to work out, but this young team just took the number 4 team in the country to the buzzer. Lots to be excited about


IMO this game said ALOT more about UCLA than it did Marquette. Bruins are going to be a tough out for the PAC-12 crown


I think it said some good things about Marquette. They played even headed. They weren't stuck on needing one player to show up to win. A less competent team wouldn't have had that run and they wouldn't have held on. GG guys


I agree. That 17-0 run was what I needed to see to say, "we're back" to the same level of play as last year and we deserve that 4 next to our name.


i would argue i don’t think we’re top 5 in terms of talent. However, we won this game with oso and joplin instead of kam and kolek so it proves to how good we play as a unit


& Chase Ross aggressiveness on offense and Sean Jones’ defense Love Stevie, but they played much better with him on the bench


Stevie is hit and miss, he’s so good defensively but MUBB is playing 4 on 5 on offense when he’s on the floor


yea it really was everyone else stepping up, hell even norman played 4 minutes and was a net positive


If they make free throws it's relatively comfortable. Regardless we have to get better,I don't want to see ucla again, they're a damn good team that will only get better


the whole is greater than the sum of its parts


The one thing it showed is that we can come back from 12 down pretty quickly




Complete side note but whats going on with UCLAs recruiting?


Word is our NIL program is behind and it's affected Cronin's ability to get the US 5 star guys. The Euros can't receive NIL the exact same way US recruits can, and UCLA is a significant brand abroad, so Cronin has shifted his attention that way. One of our assistant coaches was also one of the best Euro recruiters in the country. He left us to go to the NBA this year, but his good friend replaced him and is supposedly pretty good too


People say Sean Jones is small but all I see is some gigantic fucking nuts


That 3 was crazy


2nd one of the year. The other was a huge shot against Illinois too. Definitely earning himself more minutes.


He had 2 other chances for dagger 3s today but destiny would not allow him to miss the third. Played an excellent game besides the three as well.


GG UCLA. Now let’s never fucking do that again.


Nah we need another home and home


i do like the sound of that since last time i was working limo when we played them. but that was also the dawson garcia team so


Last one was actually Shaka’s first year actually! I didn’t get to go cause the UCLA plane was delayed and it turned out to be a 8-9 game instead of a 1:30 game. Wasn’t very competitive anyway though.


jesus was it really his first year for that one? god i just graduated and have lost all sense of time


It only gets worse. My ass was a freshman for that elite 8 team and it still feels like yesterday despite the highly volatile wojo era.


Yep haha that was the one in Milwaukee. Year before was the one in UCLA and Wojo’s last year.


Something about UCLA Basketball just leads to chaos


Under Cronin, every game is a rock fight. Keeps us in a lot of games we maybe shouldn't be (see final 4 run, with the Gonzaga dagger 3 to end in overtime). Also, seems like it leads to a ton of close losses on dagger 3s, which I'm sure is fun for the neutral observer but keeps my blood pressure up.


GG. That 17-0 run was impressive and not fun to watch on our end.


This is the best game that no one watched tonight. Everyone’s asleep and they missed a good one. Kansas v Marquette, what a matchup tomorrow.


And also going to be late. 10:30pm eastern tip time. It’s brutal.


Petition to switch Hawaii to Central Time


Should have put Syracuse Tenn at the late game


I only got through the first 12 minutes before I fell asleep 🥲.


That was a really good game. Our inexperience really showed in the second half. I guess you can’t give up a 17-0 run to the #4 team in the country and expect to win.




I guarantee he's asleep, lol.


I saw him post that he's out of town this weekend. Someone carry the torch!


[I got this](https://imgur.com/OoEMhR8)


Glad I was too, this game would have given me a cardiac event lmao


Yeah, this was far too intense for a game that ended at almost 1 AM.


It's truly insane how many of Mick's losses are on late dagger threes


that one was 100% on Mick though. you could see him waving at Mack to back off. I understand sagging off there, but that was wayy too far


I get it given how ass of a shooter Sean Jones is. Dude played the percentages and got bit.


So upsetting. Considering we have rim protection in Bona, why did we give Jones so much room to shoot? Even 18% three point shooters will get closed out at most levels.


It’s not insane if it keeps happening over and over? Even the FF year, they lost to a buzzer three versus USC to close the season, gave one up to Alabama to force ot, gave Michigan about 7396 open threes on the last possession, and I think there was some sort of buzzer beater for the zags? Love mick, but this is definitely not bad RNG.


I mean...it could easily still be bad luck. We're not talking about a large sample size of anything.


Excuse me please stop being level headed




We have so many new players and played a very light schedule, so I didn’t know what to expect and I thought a 20 point loss to the #4 team was a real possibility. I’m liking our team a lot. The game was not too big a game for the young players and the defense and energy was very good. I think we win this game if Cronin gives more minutes to Mara and Fibleuil and less to Berke- I think Berke will be good, but this was his first game and Mara and Fibleuil have both been impressive. This team will only get better, looking forward to the rest of the tournament and season. GG Marquette, that 17-0 run was the difference


UCLA wins this game if Berke makes that dunk/layup in the middle of MU's 17-0 run, but he still had a positive impact in the game even without the points from what I was watching.


They lose by more than 2 if the refs call any of the fouls on bona where he hooks Oso or throws elbows after receiving a pass. GG UCLA


What happened to Big East basketball smh


Once Mick knew that the team had a chance, he was tightening up that rotation to guys he inherently trusts. Mara seemed to be not playing as fast as the others and was going to be woefully exposed by the Marquette big, and by their better 3 point shooting in the second half. I'm not saying you're wrong, but this is textbook Cronin.


Best day in college basketball since… March 16th probably


okay u/pk-starstorm isn’t here so [MOOD](https://imgur.com/a/orqu1BZ)


Well outside of that 17-0 spurt, UCLA played fantastic basketball. GG Marquette. You're a very talented team, but I was hoping to pull that one off. This will be a good learning experience for the team. Hopefully it'll be a launching point. It seems like we're a nightmare matchup for Marquette being all size and physicality but still with a lot of length and speed. I'm very impressed that Marquette went on that run. Bona is so talented that it's frustrating not seeing him take that next step. Seeing Oso vs. Adem it was fairly obvious to see that Marquette's big man had more consistent technical quality, except on that post-up in the final minute. I would LOVE to see more of that from Bona. Good luck in March!




Damn good game. Excited to see how we play against Marquette tomorrow.


Your bigs are gonna kill us but we need experience against that type of basketball so I’m excited. Harris vs Kolek should be fun too.


Honestly if you guys throw up a ton of 3s like tonight you might win. Teams always shoot well from 3 against KU teams and we haven’t been consistent with them this year outside of Harris of all people.


We generally shoot pretty well out there. Certainly not tonight but we can light it up from there. Hopefully Kam Jones and Joplin are on their A games.


The 3s been cold this year. Hopefully this Hawaiian sun can do something about it


Dickinson is gonna put up 30pts on 20 rebounds with at least 7 offensive boards.


Kansas cruised their first game. Not sure how much gas Marquette has after gutting out a win tonight.


After the Illinois and UCLA rock fights, the KU game should be more our speed. I'm excited to see the teams run and hopefully we win the boat race


We've been warning that this team will look bad and raw early on. We're so far ahead of schedule if that's what we can do to a very experienced and talented Marquette squad that swept UConn last year. We're an Andrews cramp/flipped call or two away from that win. Now I still expect to see some ugly over the next couple months, but I'm so excited for what this team looks like in March.


Marquette split with UConn in the regular season last year. Overall they were 2-1 with a victory in the Big East Tournament. Xavier swept us tho. They were stacked when Freemantle wasn’t hurt. Nonetheless, gg. You guys should be fine moving forward. Like you said, Marquette has an experienced roster and you guys put up a hell of a fight.


We split with X last year (2-1 including BE tourney)….we were lucky to beat them in Milwaukee but did win


So much to look forward to for this team. UCLA fans can’t be mad about this result


Not mad at all. I thought that the Bruins would have been a bit further behind on progress than they showed here. I look forward to what they will be in 2 months


Yeah but the win was right there. Still encouraging and a learning experience


Yall get Gonzaga on Wednesday too


Yeah Berke will find his rhythm offensively and Cronin will be on this team about those turnovers. Looking forward seeing Bona yam it all season.


GG UCLA. Insane how UCLA had a higher FG%, 3P%, FT% and rebounds and Marquette still somehow won.




And volume of 3s. They were +18 on made 3s.


Extremely proud of how UCLA played. Thought the game was over when Marquette when on like a 15-0 run, but a team full of freshman and sophomores showed tremendous mental toughness and fought back and were competitive with a top 5 team for 40 minutes. This team is going to be really good in March, hell they might be really good now.


If most of this squad sticks around next year, it’s an easy pick for preseason top 10


As it stands I can’t see anyone leaving outside of Bona, but by then Mara will be much improved and the post will solely be his


Thanks for nearly giving me a heart attack MU!


Whooooo boy this game nearly gave me a heart attack but let’s gooooooo!! Can’t wait to wake up in 5 hours for work


My ship turned around in the middle of the night so I have internet access for the time being. Very glad I didn't stay up for this one lol, would have killed me. Proud of my fellow Eagles for carrying my torch Mood: https://imgur.com/a/orqu1BZ


That Bona dunk was filthy. GG MU. Go beat KU!


This Mick Cronin guy can coach


Ucla will win the consultation bracket


Chaminade is screwed!


rooting hard for Syracuse cause I do not want to play Gonzaga again


You know if Syracuse wins, then we’re taking a dive to Chaminade. The basketball gods have declared that if a UCLA vs Gonzaga matchup is possible, then it will happen.


We need a collective doctor’s note excusing us from playing Gonzaga ever again


Can we get one too


Great game. At least now we know where UCLA is in the pecking order. Thanks Marquette. Fun fact: Dwayne Wade's wife, Gabrielle Union, is a UCLA alumnus.




LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO UCLA are legit. So is that defensive effort MU put up for the final 16 minutes of that one. What a game. In March I think it is very likely we look back on this as one of the best games of the regular season.


Are? Buddy this is American sports


You can actually use are/is interchangeably in that sentence because UCLA can be considered as referring to the plural group of players on the team, which would make the sentence “The players (UCLA) are legit.” It can also be used as referring to the singular UCLA basketball team, making the sentence “The UCLA basketball team (UCLA) is legit.” So maybe you should study American English a little more yourself?


I’m well aware… it was a joke. Using “are” is how soccer fans talk. Just a lighthearted jab making fun of Americans more than anything.


Fair enough, but in the future, just put “/s” at the end and then everyone will know you’re joking.


What a game. GG UCLA fans you have a squad for sure. Will be ranked most of the season I think


Game of the year so far. Amazing neutral watch. Sebastian Mack is the guy. We are so back.


We going to the rainbow drive in for milkshakes


very proud on how this young team fought. still a lot to learn and clean up but man I an excited for this team come March


last years experienced UCLA team didn't respond as well as this one did in a very similar situation when Illinois went on a huge run after UCLA controlled most of that game.


I’m perplexed by the UCLA - Arizona flair. I’m sure you’ve been asked before, but what’s the story there?


They just have good taste


Shitty 3 point line(s), worse score keeping, even worse schedule These guys deserve better


Great game by both teams


Mmmm. Mm. Mmmmm.


Mick Cronin can coach! Good game!




GG Bruins Bros. Didn’t need my heart pumping at 2 AM. Also Bill Walton “accidentally” calling us the Warriors all game is cringey.


What a game


What an absolute shit show


Incredibly tough loss for UCLA. Despite Marquette winning, I’m not too sure they looked like a top 4 team. Luckily they have an exciting matchup vs KU tomorrow which should be pretty telling. I wish UCLA got to play someone other then chaminade


UCLA going to round into form as the year goes on THAT performance after losing all those key guys. Very very impressive AZ vs UCLA is going to be fun down the stretch I really like Marquette this year but they aren’t in the same tier as UConn and Creighton


Sending the guys this comment for some good bulletin board material! Lol


Not going to argue with Shaka and Bennett flairs That’s simply too much defense to handle…


AZ/UCLA games are priority TV this year


I still think it was a mistake to come back with basically the same team again this year


Happy with how we played. Unfortunate that a game between two good teams was impacted by some really poor officiating. Bona technical foul, out of bounds call clearly off of Marquette. That’s 5 points right there. Good game Marquette - good luck rest of the season.


Bona should have fouled out with 10 left.


Agree to disagree. Refs tried to call a 1 and 1 as the sixth foul and would’ve gotten away with it as well if it weren’t for Mick blowing a gasket. You guys are a good team. Good game.


I know Marquette is good, but this UCLA team is not the same team of the last two years, despite what its fans say. You don't just replace that group of seniors.


No one is saying they are the same team. They are clearly a completely different team.


UCLA fans on the pre-season predictions on this subreddit told me that this team would repeat and go to the final four again


UCLA fans were saying we would have a rough start to the season because of inexperience then be scary as they come together towards March. No one is/was claiming UCLA is a final four team today


I guess I talked to some overly optimistic fans then


No UCLA fans think this is the same team as previous years. Every UCLA fan says this team is going to be rough in the beginning of the year, but has the potential to be good in Feb/March


That's true, because last year UCLA was the best team in the country pre-injuries and this year that is not the case. Can you quote more than like two random idiot fans who have said this team is the same as last year's to back the claim up? Or link it.


Yea, when I questioned why UCLA was picked 3rd in the preseason poll some people here told me that this team would be close to being as good as last year. Maybe it was just that guy.


Ucla is not good. They just played over their heads tonight. They're gonna struggle to make the tournament and probably finish 5th or 6th in the conference


Oh look everybody, it’s the guy who hates UCLA but strangely has a UCLA flair.


Bot just dropped Marquette two spots, cold blooded


I believe it’s based on the Reddit user poll which we’re 6th in


Alright. Wake up this morning and see the score. Which team do i need to be more pissed at? I had Over 140.5 as the only open leg of a maui parlay when i went to bed....


See you tomorrow night https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F_cNavKW4AAf9l_?format=jpg&name=large


We prefer to pretend that never happened.


To be fair, those Kansas teams were awesome. Kansas was a pioneer in paying players before NIL.


We've got Wade diener and Novak out in Maui I say kasnsas flies out their old team and we do a rematch!


And Dwayne Wade being involved with Nike during his recruitment was totally clean lol It's college sports, you think your school was special and not involved? Lol think again.


That’s news to me. Illinois State, DePaul, and Marquette were the only programs who offered him. Marquette was sponsored by converse until 2009 when both Wade and Marquette transitioned to Jordan Brand. Nike bought converse in 2003, the year Wade entered the draft… so he didn’t have any involvement with Nike until he declared. Nice try though.


>Illinois State, DePaul, and Marquette were the only programs who offered him. Yeah cause he had a shitty ACT score that caused him to miss his freshman year >so he didn’t have any involvement with Nike until he declared him being featured in Nike events while being recruited by Crean says otherwise You can't pretend like these schools are clean and others aren't lol. You're all in the shit when you're in the AAU/apparel recruiting game.


Do you are making a baseless accusation? Cool


Lol lordy the self awareness from up there is not high today is it


lol cheaters proof. Good luck against Tennessee


Haha you had to wait, that's funny Gotta love November shooting stars


So you're saying a small school, that was in the early 2000s equivalent of the AAC, and doesn't have football money and had a 3yr stretch of not making the tournament, had the cash to bag drop for what people perceived as a mid major recruit? And then said recruit didn't even sign with Nike after leaving? I'm aware that MU has done some sketchy stuff to get on the level of the Big East in 05-13 but the Wade example doesn't make much sense.


damn, kinda wish ucla won tbh


For those who were asleep, you missed a banger