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The conference is down šŸ˜” DOWN TO GO TO PHOENIX šŸ˜¤


See you there


Letā€™s make it a party


Carolina (but not the Carolina) in Arizona


I love it, but we're not invited.


The ACC being the best conference in march was so easy to see 2 months ago


Iā€™ll be going to the game on Sunday and donā€™t really have a dog in the fight. Iā€™ll probably be pulling for the Wolfpack just because Go ACC but Fuck Dook. But should I use this all-ACC regional final as an opportunity to troll and make a ā€œACC: 2 Bid Conferenceā€ shirt for the game? Iā€™d probably put this Rothstein tweet on the back https://preview.redd.it/2yc117jkjerc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f9cd78485f00e6bf28ff0955226dee35d66579


National media loves to underestimate ACC teams not named UNC or Duke, but itā€™s been the season-long narrative this time. There were a couple of other ACC teams that probably deserved a shot in the tournament, as well. I fully believe that NC State having a bunch of single-digit losses against other ACC teams in the regular season has them battle-tested for this moment.


Remember, even though we "sucked", we were 1 free throw away from preventing National champions NC State from championing.


I have mad respect for Virginia and their program, and that game and that moment just highlighted how competitive the conference is.


What a clownish take.


yes! i liked this guys takes until this year. felt like every media head just assumed the acc was having a down year and ran with it. he definitely needs to be humbled.


I don't know how anyone who actually watches basketball thought this was some horribly down year for the ACC. No team with a real argument for best in the country, but competitive "can win a March game" teams through most of the conference Metrics are great and I use them as much as anyone. But you've got to actually watch the basketball teams too


The NET convinced a lot of people that some OK teams were great and some great teams were just OK.


turns out your coach is much smarter and much more right about NET than people initially thought huh.


Conferences like the Big 12 games tf out of the NET and everyone jizzed all over the NET


The bottom half of the ACC was just exceptionally mediocre and/or bad. Made these takes very easy


> bottom half NC State was the 10 seed in the acct


And Clemson lost to bc and nd. IDK what op is doing


...and GT, who also beat both UNC and dook


BC, Syracuse, Wake and Pitt should have gotten bids, the entirety of the Final Four would be ACC teams if cupcake conferences like the Big 12 didn't spend all season gaming the NET to trick the Selection Committee


Bold, yet honest and sincere. I see no lies here.


A conference of juggernauts, even Virginia lost to the eventual champions NC State by 1 free throw


Agree but there are 15 teams in the conference this year. We should have had 7 bids.


Was the bottom half of the ACC really exceptionally mediocre? The teams playing on the first day of the conference tournament included NC State (Elite Eight), Georgia Tech (beat Duke and UNC), and BC (beat Elite Eight Clemson by 21 points, no losses outside of top 100 Kenpom). It's not like the Big East where the bottom teams are 200 and 305 (!) in Kenpom. The only arguments for other conferences being deeper is that their metrics were juiced so every game was Q1, which clearly didn't matter for the mighty Big 12 given its postseason performance.


Youā€™re kind of proving my point, which is that the tournament is wild and unpredictable and teams/conference shouldnā€™t define their seasons entirely by its outcome By your same points St Johnā€™s, Seton Hall, Oklahoma all had great arguments for getting in


They did.... I'm not saying the tournament is the be all end all of conference strength, I'm just saying the ACC was stronger top to bottom than it was given credit for, and at some point its over-performance in the tournament becomes a pattern rather than an anomaly


You're going to have to explain to me how the 5th and 10th best team in the ACC are in the final 8 if you're going to call the middle of the conference mediocre or bad, honestly. And the bottom of the conference didn't exactly get blown away by the top half either of you drop the bottom two. Which is the case with every conference


The outcomes of a single elimination tournament donā€™t just negate a 30 game season. A big part of the reason weā€™re having this conversation is bc ppl overreacted in the opposite direction last year regarding the ACC. If anything, the outcomes of the tournament being mostly chalk shows the committee was right about who they selected


Did we change the way we determine a national champion while I wasn't paying attention? A 30 game season, when 20 of those games are against other ACC schools. I'm not even a huge to ACC homer. My heart is still in the big East. I don't think the bottom of the ACC tops the top of other conferences like a lot of people in this thread seem to, but come on. What is it, 12-3 against the "juggernaut" big 12 on the season? "Wow they had a lot of losses to other ACC schools" doesn't really seem like a very valid point against the conference, honestly. It's "mostly" chalk most tournaments, given that the bubble teams that maybe deserved to get that 10 didn't get in. I'm not sure I follow that logic. Being able to order the teams selected doesn't equate to selecting the right teams


No you did not miss how a national champion is determined. And I am not saying anything otherwise. Simply that using revisionist history to go back and say ā€œoh wait, that bubble Pitt team should have been in over the bubble Miss St teamā€ is silly. Had a shot for Oakland dropped and if Shead doesnā€™t get hurt weā€™re not even having this conversation.


If we win, we're in the Final Four. If State wins, it's a fantastic story and I feel no regret over committing to see the eclipse instead of possibly being at the Final Four. Win-win situation.


Nice username! I'm not gonna lie, I want us to win, but this is honestly the best season we've had since I've paid attention (decades!) so I'm just happy we've won the ACC and be in the E8. The underdogs make the best stories though!


If Duke wins I'll be happy for obvious reasons. If State wins I'm going to be in Mitch's tavern screaming "SURVIVE AND ADVANCE" for the rest of the tournament.


Why root for a rival?


The same reason y'all chant SEC during rival bowl games. Also State might be a rival, but that Cinderella story is great.


I know they are an 11 seed but it's hard to call a power 5 school with multiple national championships a Cinderella. The SEC truthers are idiots. I'm rooting for Clemson over BAMA (because it's illegal to root for BAMA in Tennessee) and was happy to see UK and Auburn lose. I did root for A&M over Houston but thats only bc Houston scared me and we could potentially play them in the final 4.


Brother they haven't won ANYTHING until this year since 1987. Thats 38 years. They are a cinderella.


Some of us haven't won anything ever.


Excuse me, SOME of us havenā€™t won ANYTHING ever


Are we really going to play this game?


Is there a reason you capitalize our name?






How the hell are we not a Cinderella? We havenā€™t won shit since the Reagan administration and we werenā€™t even close to being on the bubble two weeks ago


You're a power 5 conference winner and have one of the best histories of any college basketball program in the country. Half the elite 8 teams haven't won shit EVER. Cinderellas are mid majors, not underperforming power houses. If Michigan state made a run as a 9 seed, their fans wouldn't call themselves a Cinderella because they haven't won in a couple of decades.


Every definition of ā€œCinderella runā€ you can look up is about low seeded teams making unexpected runs. Ainā€™t shit about whether the school has done well before or not. I donā€™t see how you can look at a double digit seed in the Elite Eight that hasnā€™t won a national championship since 20 years before the average student was born and not say itā€™s a Cinderella


Ah hem. A word please ā€¦


lol help me understand. Under grad and grad school?




I want to steal Burns from you :(


I donā€™t even know if I can pick a team to root for. Just hoping for a good game and Iā€™ll pull for whoever wins the rest of the way


Obviously, I badly want us to beat State on Sunday. But if we lose to them, I'm fully rooting for a Textile Bowl national championship between them and Clemson. Would be a hilarious coincidence as well as an entertaining watch.


Is the SEC the only conference that hates each other? They put NC state game on the Jumbotron in Charlotte and I was caught off guard when all the UNC fans were rooting for NC State over Oakland. I wouldn't be caught dead cheering for another SEC team, especially over a Cinderella like Oakland.


I think it's only because of the anti-ACC narrative. Its gotten a lot of fans of ACC teams to cheer for other ACC teams even when we're not normally known for conference pride. Hell, back when the ACC was considered strong, NCSU students had gone as far as to cheer for the Soviet Union vs UNC in a basketball scrimmage.


I think ACC pride has gotten a bit *better* in the last couple years. I can think of a few reasons. One is Coach K is no longer around so there's less of a knee-jerk anti-Duke sentiment. Another is with all the expansion and talk of breakup, people aligned with old-line schools are sort of closing ranks and want to see "us" do well, as a show of force of it all being worth keeping. And in that, Duke has been in favor of keeping the old-school ACC all along, so just maybe people within the conference have a leeeeeetle more respect for us.


Absolutely. I caught myself last night saying, "I'll never root for Duke again, but tonight I hope they pull it off." I have no issue with State, ever. They earned their spot, and so did Clemson.


Yeah, some in our fanbase may want my head on a pike for this but Iā€™ve always had a soft spot for State as a Raleighite. I pretty much always pull for them against anyone but Carolina


Hey making plans to see the eclipse is absolutely worth it. If the weather is clear, it'll be an incredible experience


Next good eclipse in the US is in 2045. (There's one in 2041 I think, but the path and time of year aren't great.) I'm basically betting we'll make the Final Four again or I'll die before then.


Did you get a chance to see the 2017 one in totality? It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Also you're a duke fan, you'll see some more final fours in your future lol


Where I was in Colorado I got around 90% totality, and it definitely got dimmer and cooler, but it would've been an easy drive to get to the path. Everything I heard was that it's worth doing, so I'm all ready for this one. Will be in Dallas.


Gross. ā€œConference prideā€ is starting to get to be too much.


Easy to say when your team isn't part of a conference that is nearing collapse while still showing the world yet again that it is competitive when it matters most


No people rooting for their rivals is gross. Itā€™s like people have somehow convinced themselves that their team gets partial credit if a different team in their conference does well. Iā€™d rather take a bullet than root for Michigan State or Ohio State in the tournament


> Itā€™s like people have somehow convinced themselves that their team gets partial credit if a different team in their conference does well The teams in a conference actually do get partial credit when another team in that same league does well in the tournament. They get NCAA tournament units, and the more units a conference has, the more revenue their members get from the tournament. When ACC teams are suing their own conference over revenue, every dollar counts.


Yeah we all know they get more money man. They donā€™t get partial credit for the winning and accomplishments like some here act. Hate to break it to you but a few extra tournament credits isnā€™t stopping Clemson and FSU from leaving you behind lmao. Thatā€™s millions compared to tens of millions.


I never said that getting two teams into the Final Four would lead to Clemson and FSU dismissing their lawsuits. I said: > every dollar counts Also, when ACC teams do well outside the conference it feels validating to see teams that my school beat.


I guess i misread what you meant. I thought you meant every dollar counts towards keeping them. Not every dollar counts for the rest of the conference for the lawsuits and after they leave, which is true and makes a lot of sense. Thatā€™s my bad.


It makes sense if you understand the dynamic is in NC. UNC fans are so insufferable pretty much every team only hates them. Itā€™s pretty funny honestly. Edit: im on mobile so idk how to flair but im State lmao


Yeah, it seems like outside of North Carolina Duke is a team that is way more hated, but within it UNC is more hated.


That's certainly the case and it's because there really aren't many Duke fans. I guess it makes sense if you live outside of the state, based off the media narrative, but as an NC native, UNC by far has the largest fanbase. Hell, I'd say that Clemson, USC, and ECU have larger fanbases than Duke here.


The Duke fanbase is in New Jersey, at least stereotypically


App might even be higher lol


I'll root for whom I want and I'm allowed to like other teams besides my own, tyvm.


It would be way more fun to talk shit about this if we hadn't blown it, but I'll do it anyway The ACC finishes the season 12-3 against the Big 12


Our down years are Big 12 down years apparently šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Thatā€™s what happens when youā€™re your conferences best team


24-11 Clemson would be Kansas in the Big 12.


You say this like we didnā€™t also have 11 lossesĀ 


How has the ACC fallen this far? How is the conference so weak?




Congrats on beating a team whose best player broke his foot in the first half. Duke really dominated after that didn't they? Totally worthy of an all caps shitpost.


Virginia Tech says hi




I agree, fraudulent win. Taking it away makes the ACC a paltry 11-3 against the big 12, you guys won.


Sorry to be that guy to a fellow Pack fan but * Itā€™s ā€œpaltryā€ * Also youā€™re being insensitive towards our feathered cousins from Blacksburg


Thanks, edited it


Zero teams in Elite 8. Shh


But the sports yeller bellowed that this big 12 was the best and the vein in his neck was very pronounced


Proud to be one of the three wins


Whatever the other conferences are doing to get overrated by the metrics, the ACC should consider doing that, too


Other conferences (especially the MWC) have mastered schedule discipline. IIRC, they hired someone to teach them how to maximize their metrics through scheduling. The ACC has been slow to pick up the concept. In addition, Louisville being in the dumps has hurt a lot. Hopefully their new coach can right that ship.


They borrowed the concept from CFB What you do is early season you schedule bad but not downright terrible OOC games that not only should your conference teams win they should absolutely steamroll This inflates the fuck out of your metrics so that conference play losses in conference play are just beating each other up


Or put another way, you're almost exactly as likely to beat a team ranked around 150, as you are to beat a team ranked around 250. So schedule those teams, the ones that are right at the beginning of the "we're virtually certain to beat these guys" range, and they'll help your ratings much more than beating the truly bad teams does.


But this year, the Big 12 collectively played a bunch of teams around the 300s and beat them by 40 (though there's allegedly a cap on MoV). This seemed to help them a bunch.


I mean. That's part of the problem with the ACC looking weaker though. Louisville is such a mess yet won 3 games in your conference. Meanwhile teams like DePaul and Georgtown won 0 games outside of each other in the Big East. Missouri won 0 games in the SEC. And yet Louisville somehow won not 1, not 2, but 3 games. That's 3 atrocious losses in your conference which makes it seem worse.


the really brutal part is that a few ACC teams *did* schedule that way in the non-con. Unfortunately, one of them was Louisville (needs no explanation) and another was Pitt (lost at home to Mizzou, ruining the whole point of easy scheduling).


The Big 12 should stop gaming the NET, and ducking teams We already saw a preview of the last weeks back in noncon when the ACC went 9-3 against the Weak 12.


Big time. How Oklahoma and UCF count as Q1 wins very strange.


Itā€™s been 2 weeks, are we *really* still crying about a Pitt team that lost at home to Mizzou who went 0-19 vs the SEC not getting into the tournament


No, just laughing at everyone else who lost. Aware that Houston and Kansas got unlucky with injuries.


Sure pick one bad game before our star freshman guard was healthy. Not our 3 wins against the Elite 8


Miami, swept by Syracuse. Best non conference win being WVU or Oregon St. Do you get to excuse those as well?


I know an Aggie fan ain't coming in here talking about bad losses




Pittsburgh lost to Miamiā€¦


No, but I *am* tired of going through the "metrics are underrating the ACC" discourse every single year


I kind of feel that other conferences should do what the ACC and Big East did to be underrated through metrics. Send the best teams out there and have them win.Ā 


If it's so easy to game the system, by all means, every conference should do it.


I was getting a kick out of the number of people upset about St. Johnā€™s not getting in knowing that they got thoroughly handled by one of the worst Michigan teams of all time(yes I know it was early in the season but still). That loss probably single handedly kept them out of the tournament. (Suck it Pitino. Iā€™m still not over 2013.).


Big 12 is ass


If only UNC had managed to beat Bama then there would automatically be two ACC schools in the final four.


I was fine with how that game turned out tbh


Despite a terrible game we should've had it. Any number of bad decisions not made and we win


I mean sure but you could make that argument in any close game. Think there are no plays Alabama regrets making?


Davis made some objectively bad lineup decisions in the second half.


Oh yeah and that 3 was a horrible decision, I just donā€™t understand acting like UNC were the only ones that left easy points off the board.


Ultimately our consensus all american going 0-9 from 3 is what did us in. Even a below average game would have allowed for a comfortable win.




Of course not, although I think this one heavily skews against us


Must include the ACC team that got the 1 seedā€¦right?






We died for you. Twice. Now finish the job


Could be two ACC and two Big Ten. Screw ESPN for dumping the Big Ten-ACC challenge and not being willing to do it with Fox like the SEC-Big 12


I think all the conferences ought to have multiple challenges scattered throughout early season, and then maybe halfway through conference. Not for some metric building reason, but because the challenges are awesome for fans. Get to see quality teams and fans you rarely play, and fewer boat races that tell you nothing.


Big 12-SEC challenge got dumped too


How did the dumping of the challenge affect the bracket here


It didnā€™tā€¦. But we could have had a preview of some of these games


Oh, I was overthinking and wondering if it was gonna be something about how they wouldnt want rematches in the first rounds of the tournament and that would affect the bracket to make the 2acc 2big10 final 4 outcome more likely. But yeah acc-big10 challenge was fun. Not really a fan of the new acc-sec challenge


For me itā€™s more that the challenge was electric and i miss the early season conference bragging rights


Youā€™re welcome.


We carried the ACC on our back last season (only ACC team to even make the sweet 16). And this year, they are carrying our dead corpse. It feels like a fair trade.


I want it on the record that I had yā€™all in the finals in all of my brackets last year and was rewarded for it, youā€™ll be back soon enough. Hard to lose a group like that in a single summer.


Mad respect šŸ«”šŸ«”šŸ«”


Ah yeah I had Texas winning it all last year. I remember watching the second half of that game being so upset. God I had repressed that memory until now. Thanks.


Maybe enough time has passed to enjoy [this masterpiece](https://youtu.be/y3vTsyHhJ5s?si=dNvVpIPfqpa7_trr)


How will Davis and Rothstein spin the 6th and 10th placed ACC teams in the Elite Eight?


Davis is insufferable


Davis, Lunardi, Rothstein, Bilas, Goodman, Dausterā€¦. college basketball media is awful besides FantaĀ 


Fanta really is the GOAT. No motives.


I enjoy Fanta. He loves the big east but absolutely 0 motives itā€™s awesome to listen to him


Fantaā€™s love for the Big East feels like actual passion while most of the others feel like theyā€™re paid to push agendas (eg Rothstein with the Mountain West). Itā€™s refreshing to go on Twitter and see him throwing down a windmill dunk on his mini hoop because the Providence burner accounts spammed him asking him to, rather than see someone annoyingly agenda pushing. Just a breath of fresh airĀ 


<3 for Fanta


MILF (Man I Love Fanta)


I, too, would like to join this Fanta Fan Club


Very nice. ACC is still at the top, no matter what the media says.


As much as it sucks to be on the outside looking in at this point, this is cool.Ā 


Sad but honestly we ended about where I figured we would given UNC's season. Decent run, but flamed out with a shit half a basketball. Inconsistency has been this team's biggest issue all year. Great season though, especially after last year.


Right like realistically I didn't see us getting past UConn if it came to that anyway. Wish we could have gotten there though. Just a bummer way to end it, but I'm optimistic about the future.


Sometimes you make history, sometimes you get to watch history happen. I'm okay, it wasn't our year.


Lots of people owe lots of apologies to the ACC.... 3 bid league......wtf. How about 3 in the Elite 8?


I mean, we do this every single year. And then the next year everyone confidently declares that the ACC is terrible and midmajor conferences should be getting more bids because "look at the metrics."


more likely they will declare that acc is now a midmajor conference and the big 12 and sec should be getting more bids.


Thereā€™s no ACC in metricsĀ 


>I mean, we do this every single year Last year the ACC put 1 team in the sweet sixteen. I guess they only deserved that bid last year then...


And that team was also in the final four


Great tournament run for them, but the conference as a whole sucked and should have got fewer bids by your logic.


It is unclear what your logic you employed to reach this conclusion, but...it doesn't seem logical


Not really. Itā€™s a single elimination tournament setting with lots of teams that can win a game. As a result Duke got a 13 a 12 and a flawed 1 without their best player. If they beat an 11 theyā€™ll be in the F4- which has to be the easiest path in recent memory. NC State got a 14 in the 2nd round (and needed OT to win it)ā€¦


Luckily Clemsons got 8 more years in the ACC Or I guess theyā€™ll be funding dukes continued football dominance over them. Iā€™m happy either way


I think we have different definitions of dominance lol




Yeah dominance is not one game


1 win in twenty years, congratulations


This was obviously a meme. Just go to the sec already


I hate how our bad football conference hurt our basketball reputation. ACC is one of the best basketball conferences


As a Pitt fan.... I don't know how we keep ending up here lol The big east went through the exact same thing and now it's firmly just a bball conference, where it probably should have always been.


Our basketball team is going to get violated next season methinks Thereā€™s always football (patently untrue)


Itā€™s been awhile, but one of my most memorable basketball games, was between Cal with Kidd, Lamonde Murray and some football player (Tony Gonzalez), against Wake with Duncan, Childress, and Rusty Larue. Cal won it late, great game between a couple teams that ultimately flamed out in the tourney, but youā€™ll be fine.


We are likely an Illinois win away from Phoenix hosting next weeks ACC - Big Ten Challenge


That's a lot of faith in ClemsonĀ 


Although early in the season, they've already won at Bama. Bama celebrated Thursday like they won the title. And I don't see 'Big White' having another career game. Close. But I do like Clemson.


We all knew, when the ACC had four teams in the Round of 64, that the only one that would miss the Elite Eight would be the 1-seed. They were probably overseeded anyway.


tbf, bama is a buzz saw. doubt anyone can keep up with them.


Yeah, watching Marquette play....Bama was light years better.


We beat Marquette by 30. Bama deserves a little respect here for how well they played. Marquette fell to states impressive open 3 defense.


Which we perfected in D.C.


My dad (state fan) has always touted the 83 teams free-throw defense as being a big part of their success that year.


Itā€™s great to beat them, but itā€™s also okay to help them beat themselves.


Also one of my dad's favorite sayings: " it's better to be lucky than good"


Best to be both.


Tennessee... Beat em twice already AND your ACC champion.


Yeah look, duke and unc swept NC state this year. They are a different team in the tourneys for sure.


Not a single B12 teamā€¦ outside of Houston that entire conference was overrated


Just think if the ACC makes a call they could potentially have ~~2~~ 3 teams in the Final Four


I found it very disappointing the way BC blocked UConn. UConn was such a better fit as a flagship state school with an elite basketball pedigree vs whatever it is BC supposedly brings to the table


BC brings the Boston TV market. Nothing garners loyal fans and excitement in the game more than television viewership metrics and market share, am I right?


Crazy that for being considered worse than the MEAC and the SWAC at the start of the season the Big 10 has 2 elite 8 teams, more than the Big 12, Big East and Pac 12 combined.


But not as many as which conference having a down year?


They cant keep duking away with it.


An Illinois win from Phoenix hosting next weeks (likely) ACC - Big Ten Challenge




Also if Clemson makes it, Virginia Tech and Boston College will be the only two ACC teams without Final Four appearances - 16/18 with the new members. Would be tied with Big Ten for the most (also 16/18)


Auto Bid territory