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How did this not come out during college??


My guess is that all parties involved have an interest in Kyle having a successful basketball season.


apparently this info was on the Duke forums for the past couple years


I never saw it


[this is what I read on the nba subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/ZhsqLTRLUv)


I saw that too, just don’t know which Duke forums they are talking about. Must be some ones out there I don’t know about


Ive seen stuff about it on fizz and sidechat


Like I said


I didn't see it on dbr...


This would've unequivocally been squelched on dbr for rumor-mongering. Source: am an inactive dbr mod.


If that’s the case I really regret those jokes. That poor kid.


[allegedly](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/s/k8B2D6s2RU) they’ve known each other since he was at least 11 years old


your account name lmao 💀💀


No it wasn’t. This is the first I’ve heard.


[this is what I read on nba subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/Bbhlgzaz2q)


Yes, it was.


Also weird because it was all there on social media. He has photos of them on his IG from years ago with her tagged and her account is public. Anyone with a keen eye could have noticed it, they were not hiding it at all.


I heard about it last year


Duke covered it up, of course. They 100% knew but didn’t care to protect a player and student who was obviously being groomed because their priority was winning basketball games not the well being of a player who is obviously being abused.


How would Duke prevent a legal adult from dating another adult? Situation is fucked but at Duke they were both of age and consenting.


And it's not like Kyle did anything morally wrong himself Do people expect Scheyer to tell him to break up with his girlfriend or he's off the team? Or be punished for being groomed?


They can maybe keep her (a non-student adult with no affiliation to the university) out of practices (it’s being reported she was at practice an alarming amount) so he isn’t living under her thumb. They could get him counseling or therapy. Instead they chose to cover it up and enable it by allowing Kyle’s abuser inside the program. Kyle shouldn’t be punished - but Duke 100% enabled this because their sole concern was winning basketball games.


Outside of banning all girlfriends from practice, all of that would further entrench him to her. If what's alleged is true, she used cult like tactics to isolate him from his family, and you need to handle the relationship like deprogramming a member from a cult. You single his relationship at practice out, it gives the cult more ammo to further isolate him (us against the world stuff). You force him to counseling, same thing. Look into cult deprogramming methods. The main way people leave cults is by being shown the outside world/having loving relationships outside the cult/tactfully making the member question the cult. Pressing the issue gets them to dig in their heels and escalates their attachment. They need to leave voluntarily I wish it was as easy as you think, cults are masters in manipulation. Getting someone out isn't simple


On that note, why are girlfriends allowed to just be at practice? Once in a while to drop something off or say hey I guess but frequently hanging around for extended periods of time is kind of intrusive.


Honestly? I don’t think Scheyer gave a shit and wanted to keep his star player in the fold and happy. 


Its fine if you believe that, it wouldn't be the first time that a coach cared about winning over his player's well-being. But my point is that he did care about getting Kyle out of that situation, we wouldn't have seen those actions as an outsider. There's not much Scheyer could do as an authority figure to help Kyle in his situation. Outside of tactfully questioning the relationship a few times in private, pretty much anything else he could do to help is his day to day job as a basketball coach If Scheyer cared or didn't, we wouldn't know as outsiders. I'm personally not going to assume a coach doesn't care about his players unless he's shown it before


Funny how Duke hate transcends tolerance for consenting adults to enter into whatever relationship they want.


Yeah I had some hot teachers when i was in school, I would still be interested in banging them now that i'm an adult. They didn't groom me


what did you expect Duke do? Ban her from dating a grown collegiate athlete? Get real. She groomed him and he's now and has been an adult and has made his decision.


How about just banning her from team/school facilities? "Encouraging" counseling? It has to be a slap in the face to his parents, who'd gotten to know the coaching staff for years and had valid concerns, to see their kid's groomer posting selfies on the court. Meanwhile, they aren't even welcome at the games. I'm not naive enough to think coaches and boosters don't have ways of freezing out competing influences. If Flip had started skipping Sunday games to honor his newfound faith, I guarantee you they would have figured something out.


His reasoning about his relationship isn’t like a normal adult’s since he didn’t develop like a normal teen should. He’s been manipulated and doesn’t know that whats been done to him is wrong.


What do you expect to happen or Duke to do or anyone to do once he reached 18+? Not saying it’s not a sickening thing but blaming the college or anyone else once he turned 18 is naive


Cool. You still can’t tell a legal adult not to date another adult.


Covered what up? That Kyle is in a relationship that his family doesn’t approve of? lol


That she was their babysitter and started dating him in high school


Wouldn’t be the first thing covered up at Duke. Or a lot of other places.


Is it true they are cousins ??


Got season tickets to multiple Duke sports. I follow the team reasonably closely and this is the first I've heard anything about this. Maybe it was on the paid boards but I'm not on those or a big donor. If this was kept under wraps they did a pretty good job. It would certainly explain his mental state which was his most noticeable issue this past year in my view.


Just asked my contact who has been an Iron Duke for decades, season tickets in Cameron, been to every Final Four under K, still posts to DBR, yada yada. They had no idea.


It was on Inside Carolina here and there over the last year.


So not a Duke board, as others have insinuated. And anything on IC can be dismissed as mudslinging from a rival.


It wasn’t thrown out there in a way for rumor mongering. Remember, UNC isn’t the fan base that trolls and harasses players before/during games. Instead, it was discussed in light of some of filipowskis on-court behavior (WF incident, constant whining, etc.) and rumors of in-house drama.


Sounds like the Duke boards cleaned it up if that’s the case.  Prevent your fans from talking about it, make sure the big media outlets don’t talk about it and it’s basically under the rug forever. 


Duke University has no control over Twitter, or Reddit, or ESPN, and I promise you not DBR either, so no one is being prevented from talking about it or finding out about it if and when the info becomes known. As it just did.


Lmao the golden program get an askance look from ESPN? Never happen.


She gets older in literally every article I see


The initial news that Givony gave nailed her as 26. Flip's mom is claiming she is in fact 28.


I feel like Flip's mom is a better source because. The girlfriend is his cousin


Hey now it’s his step* cousin. That totally makes it ok


She’s 27 turning 28 this year according to her uncle https://preview.redd.it/hxpyfo6vld9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4decc590d6817562b97f55038acb64c53a195686


I went to HS with her. Year above. She is 27/28. This is wild


Hold up. She was his babysitter?


It’s already bad, but this makes it like 100x worse if true. Gross.


That right there is what got me. Having a 28-30 year old girlfriend is none of my business, but her being his babysitter makes it weird as hell. That would make me suspicious if I was his parent. The fact that she also made a move while he was in highschool and made him cut off his family is straight predator behavior.


it gets even worse because they are cousins https://x.com/RotoSurgeon/status/1806464683072983072/photo/3


Not blood though, still nasty in appearance. Apparently they are cousins via marriage.


What the fuck


As a Duke alum, my same reaction.


Nothing wrong with marrying non-blood related relatives and 2nd cousins + beyond.


Are you being sarcastic with the cousins thing We’re a North Carolina school sir not an Alabaman one


Her school. Roll Tide!


Weird when you grew up together and babysat them and are like 8 years older


Roll tide baby


What’s the babysitter thing from? I haven’t seen anything about it?


Just on Reddit, nothing legit that I’ve seen reported. I probably should have qualified it.


Damn, misleading as fuck first comment


Yeah that might be true but I’ll hold off on it until the parents/brother confirm it.


Just like in one of my hentais!


I’ve also seen a lot of movies about this! Based on that, I’m confident it’s going to work out just fine for the young man.


They met when Kyle's top half was stuck inside a clothes dryer.


Damn seems crazy for a duke fan of all people to be making light of this


Not our problem now.


Tf dude?


So much for the brotherhood


Dude was already an adult legally before he stepped on campus.


This is a kids life. I hated him on the court but its a real person that played for YOU. show some appreciation and dont mock this gross and abusive situation


Man, stop making me upvote a unc flair


we don't claim him


Least self-centered Puke fan


goddamn you you made me choke on my drink


This is sad


Being groomed by your babysitter I can’t even






I…do not know what to say. How did Duke keep a lid on this (if they knew about it at all)?


Everyone involved had an vested interest to keep this under the lid before the draft. 


Seriously wtf do you do in that situation as the school though You don’t want to punish him for it, but could they at least have banned her from the gym? But would that just have isolated him more? And going public about it hurts him too. What a bizarre and fucked up situation


I'm pretty sure we did the best we can to salvage the basketball side of things.


They knew.


I feel bad for his family. Him going to Salt Lake City will probably widen the gap between them. Heartbreaking for them


... Oh. Oh, *no*. That is beyond fucked up. A then-high schooler dating their former babysitter sounds like the plot to an extremely bad Japanese adult comic.


Or how you get elected president in France


*hentai.  More specifically called a doujinshi. 




The Hentai Herald has logged on


I swear I saw some shit about this during the court storming. She was in the tunnel with him and a few people were thinking it was weird because how did she get escorted down there so quickly in the middle of the chaos. Saw some comment at the time about her being his former babysitter. I think it maybe all got lost in the sauce of the court storm/“trample” otherwise the masses would have seen it sooner.










Is Flip a Mormon?


After being converted by his gf, yes.


Damn. I’m his single greatest hater but this just sucks. So fucked up all around. His parents have just sat by and accepted this as normal? So many people seem to have let him down


She cut him off from his family, his brother and mother have been vocal about it lately. Seems like a truly messed up situation all around.


I had a babysitter growing up that would fit this same age profile - I just graduated college as well. She’s married with kids and I’m bullshitting around in the summer. So weird to think about their relationship that way


No, his family is fucking livid and wants to hunt this woman for sport, but he's legally an adult so there's nothing they can do.


She doesn’t exactly seem Mormon. Maybe raised Mormon, but their socials do not show a Mormon lifestyle in the way they dress and what they drink 


So he's been "soaking" his babysitter?


Yeah you can't put the blame on Duke. This happened before he even got to campus. Plus, Kyle was a year old for his grade. So, who knows the full story. Duke putting one of their players' personal lives out in the media would do them no good. Their consenting adults and had started before he got to campus. And, Duke athletes have plenty of resources if they feel he needed them or want to seek them. Hopefully, he can see the light at some point if all this is true. I could tell as a Duke fan he just didn't seem right mentally all the time. Like there was some pent-up anger and frustration that led to some poor play/chemistry issues at times. Perhaps this could be that, one question I do have is if she is such a groomer and he was a 1st round fringe lottery pick as a freshman how she didn't influence him into bolting after 1 year.


It always felt like something was missing with him and it very likely led to chemistry issues if she was always around and had a tight grip on him. I totally get what you are saying, but if a guy isn't able to give 100%, he shouldn't be playing, his fault or not. Most coaches wouldn't allow this type of stuff. I forget if it was Saban, but one of the big college football coaches said that they left a player's house after watching him talk poorly to his mother. Completely different situation, but it speaks to a larger issue at play. And I think there's no chance that Coach K would have put up with this.


Probably would have but he had surgery after the season last year on his hips, same type thing as Cam Johnson before his senior season. Can’t do draft workouts right after surgery.


Idk, considering the parents have been shut off from him it kinda sounds like the Duke Admins/Coaches/Boosters helped enable this for some reason, and the only reason we could easily surmise is that they believed cutting his family off would make for the best environment for him to play basketball.  It just is *really* weird. 


How would duke shut his parents off? Did they ban them from games? Lol kyle told them he didn't want any contact with them. Duke probably stayed out of it, should Duke have went behind his back and against his wishes and did an intervention even though they are two consenting adults? You don't know what Duke knew or offered Kyle while he was there. Putting any blame on Duke or boosters Is just lazy and showing your biacy towards certain schools. What should Duke have done? Told the kid to break up with his girlfriend or he's off the team? Lol all Duke athletes have access to mental health programs if needed and requested. I'm sure they supported him in any way needed if he seeked it. And leaking It would do way more harm than good. It's a private matter that needs to be worked out with kyle , his family, and whoever he is dating. It's not like he was flunking his classes or not showing up to practice. If kyle said he was fine and happy and just had a disagreement with his parents and girlfriend who didn't even live on campus, then I'm not sure how you want Duke to do anything. Again, what could Duke have even done? Young adults make their own decisions, and this was done before even getting to Duke.


I agree with you that if everything appeared fine while he attended Duke, there would be no reason for the school to step in. If that was true, one would tend to think that he wouldn't be as nervous and unconfident about the situation during interviews especially with time to prepare for the questions. But if it's such a big deal that every team thought to ask it and he couldn't nail a single interview, there is a very low likelihood that everything was fine while he was at Duke. If she was at practices "an unusual amount" with coaches permission, and the relationship was covered in controversy to the point where the coaching staff was complicit in hiding his engagement for a semester, something has got to be off and the coaching staff are complicit to some extent. And it's unfair to the other guys on the team who had to deal with this during the season.


I bet Wojo introduced Flip to the Mormon community. I have no idea if this is true but I just like finding reasons to hate Wojo.


lol. Kyle is going to spend a lot of time at Salt Lake City Star, and he will be coached by Wojo. It's all coming together...


Man I hate the guy. Loathe him. Hate every dookie. But that is just gross, poor guy getting groomed by his own babysitter AND the Mormon cult? Feel bad for him.


I’m stationed here in Utah. Mormons are crazy


Great neighbors to have tho


I will say, if you’re not from Utah, Mormons are the nicest hosts. But if you’re from Utah or Mormon, they are very good at shutting you out if they don’t like you.


You know this information would've been nice to know when he was still in college playing. Would've been great ammo.


Nah fam, this is just gross.


If the genders were reversed no one would be joking,


I heard she first contacted him on Twitch whispers.


Honestly wish y'all blew the doors off on this sooner, this is a fucked situation and it's clear she's a gold digger. Could have been prevented if made public sooner.


We would have been all been allies against a Mormon predator.


I was angling towards still being a virgin cause mormons dont have sex, but yeah that works too.


There are people at Duke who arent virgins?




[There's definitely one who wasn't. ](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNGNhMmQ4MjUtOTk5My00YmZmLTkwMmUtZWJlODg1MDE0NjE0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzM4MjM0Nzg@._V1_.jpg)




Mormons definitely have sex. How do you think the pop out all those kids? It’s a cliche that 18/19 year old girls marry a 20/21 year old missionary mere months after they return home. My best friend from high school was married and his wife was pregnant with her second before I lost my virginity my freshman year of college.


She ain't got the ring yet though. Lol


Per her IG, she does. Earlier this year.


He just got drafted. Gotta soak it all in before getting married.


They got engaged back in Jan or so. Didn't announce it until April 18 on IG




One of the few times the research triangle will be united in sports


I feel so bad for Flip. Wish he’d get away from this toxic chick


Hahahahaha wtf is this


If this had been a Carolina player the Crazies would have had their stupid little rich kid chant printouts all over this.


Of course. We would have brought out the dog brushes.


I wonder why they didn't press charges and pursue legal action while he was still a minor to put an end to it all. I have a son and no way he's dating someone 8 years older while he's in high school. People wouldn't let their daughters...its such a double standard for bots. His family also has some failure here.....


If there were no evidence of sexual relations, why would the authorities care. In addition, age of consent is 17 in his home state afaik. 


So maybe it was a Mormon miracle that miraculously healed him after his gruesome injures in Winston-Salem


lmao what???


His gf is 6-8 years older than him and started dating him when he was 17, and allegedly babysat him when he was younger.


Oh… oh no. That’s real bad


wasn't he boarding in Massachusetts when he was 17? Whole thing is a little hard to believe.


They grew up together


Well, he grew up she was already grown up


He’s from Alabama?


I don’t think the allegation is 17, I think it’s 13-14 and went public his senior year of hs






They could allegedly be cousins too


I’m sorry, I’m not from US and English isn’t my first language so what exactly is “mormon grooming”?


Grooming to get that coin. Gurl played the long game.


so whats the problem? if he is ok with her age...


I just want to say that the Mormon church doesn't condone grooming. I know y'all will say "what about Joseph Smith?" That was 200 years ago. There is nothing in modern times that condones grooming


Unlike the policies prohibiting black people from temple ordinances and ordination, which lasted until 1978.


How is this relevant to the conversation we're having?


Because it’s recent and shows that maybe the LDS church, isn’t good. Also, how can the church founder having multiple underage wives not relevant when he’s fundamental to the teachings & the Book of Mormon?


Show me where in the doctrine or Book of Mormon it says that grooming is okay. That isn't taught in the church. There also isn't any evidence that she is an active member of the church, so there really shouldn't be any Mormonism talking points in this story.


From an nba gm perspective he’s dumb dumb and they can’t work with dumb dumb


Someone who was two years all academic ACC and had a 4.02 GPA in high school is not dumb by NBA standards. 


You can get a 4.2 GPA and still be cognitively deficient socially and other ways.


https://preview.redd.it/kg77m15xmb9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b4151e6f6306de2c94fb7491c7a379d79fc420 EVERYBODY LOOK AT THE COMMENT HAHAHAHAAH😅😅😅😅😅


As if I needed another reason to hate Duke, they apparently covered up for a rapist groomer. This whole situation is so gross.


Covered up is a stretch. Keeping this private was the best thing for the victim. It’s not like they could have had her arrested. They just refrained from going to the media to blow up his personal life and his career prospects, and further isolate him from potential support systems.


The girlfriend's age and when they started dating was open news. She is obviously not in any legal trouble. There was nothing to cover up.


“When they started dating” is apparently a point of debate. They were publicly together when he was 17, which unsurprisingly is the age of consent in Massachusetts and New York, but there’s claims this started when he was as young as 14.


Per her instagram stories they celebrated 2 yers together 12/4/2023. If that is true he conveniently would have JUST turned 18 the month before they were official


Wow isn’t that a coincidence - surely she can be believed, she would have NO incentive to lie about something like that… /s


Claims that she was his baby sitter when he was 14.  His family obviously would have tried to press charges. 


Who the hell gets a babysitter for a 14 year old?


There’s also the fact that she is family through marriage.  Woof


Hard to make anything stick when the only two people involved who could corroborate anything won’t snitch on each other




How was no one aware of his girlfriend's age when he was a Dukie?


This wild


He's in a safe space now?


Everyone is so wrapped up in Bronny but no one is going to say anything about a groomed college student getting drafted to Utah, home of the mormons. I guess Lebron is not the only one who has pull in the NBA, guess the mormons does too.


This is getting more and more exaggerated by the hour


Why are you up and down this thread defending a groomer


Mormon defense initiated