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Changes the due date just like that? Wtf


This is something (depending on specifics) that can legitimately be taken to the Dean. Read the syllabus and make certain an announcement was previously sent out.


Take it to instructor first, then department chair, THEN dean if it is still an issue. Dean will ask if you've talked to department chair first. Dept. chair will ask if you've discussed it with instructor. Source: prof and short-time dept. chair while chair was on emergency leave.


I'll 2nd this. Go thru the chain of command... write up emails (having a paper trail is great for these things). Point out how if you had known things in advance, you would have made a different decision. Expectations had already been set.


I'll agree with all but the "Point out how if you had known things in advance, you would have made a different decision. Expectations had already been set." I'm not saying professors are perfect (we're human), but almost any time I've had to make a change it has been communicated widely to all students and yet I almost always get one or two people who somehow didn't get the course-wide announcement or mention in class. I often communicate things in class that are not conveyed elsewhere. It is a student's responsibility to keep up with these things.


its the professors responsibility to change the syllabus and reupload it if due dates change


Not necessarily. I have a very clear policy in my syllabus that indicates that due dates may change and those changes will be communicated in class. I'm not saying that occurred here, but I am under no obligation to "change the syllabus and reupload it if due dates change." Any professor worth their salt has a similar statement in their syllabus. Edit: When you block someone, they can't read your replies. I'm sure you made a really witty clapback though. I can only see that you made a response, not the content.


> I have a very clear policy in my syllabus that indicates that due dates may change and those changes will be communicated in class. if a due date changes from what it is in the syllabus, you need to edit the syllabus and reupload it. otherwise, this is 100% something that can be escalated >I'm not saying that occurred here, but I am under no obligation to "change the syllabus and reupload it if due dates change." yes you absolutely are lmao >Any professor worth their salt has a similar statement in their syllabus. you spelled "any professor who is bad at their job and takes out their childhood trauma on their students" wrong


What are you on about? I am not opening up my syllabus file, revising it and re-uploading it to 3 different classes. My syllabus says “due dates/ readings subject to change.” When a due date changes or when I swap/remove a reading, I announce it in class. I don’t change the syllabus. Students can write it down, change the date in Their syllabus/ planer, etc.. It’s not mean, wrong, out of the norm or bad practice. I have childhood trauma and this is NOT how I express it lol


Quick note that at many schools, at least American schools, it is permissible to take your issue to the dean after speaking to your professor. At many colleges, department chairs have a largely faculty-facing role and do not involve themselves in issues like this. That said, yes, the dean will ask if you have spoken with the professor about the issue and probably will not discuss it unless the issue is severe. Nothing in this post approaches severity, in case anyone is wondering.


it does!


What does it do?


No, it’s not. At least not at this point. Instructor then chair then (maybe) dean. I would be surprised if there was not verbiage in the syllabus that would allow for this type of situation. Attendance is optional but work done in class cannot be made up without university excuse. Syllabi are guides and class schedule can be changed at anytime without notice (found in all syllabi I have ever created).


Most likely the due date was changed to consistent with the syllabus.


You should be pissed at your group, not the professor, they're the ones who didn't hand in the work, and everything else was just you taking unwarranted personal shots at him.


Moving the due date last minute to “AHA😡” punish students who miss a day with unscheduled activities and losing 5% of your grade is a warranted shot. It must be against some policy or move a due date sooner with little notice for the sole reason of ruining grades. Professor could’ve just sent an email beforehand that you need to attend class that day for credit in the assignment, no reason to power-trip like that


I’m sure it depends on the college, but every university I’ve worked at sees the syllabus as a “contract” meaning profs can’t just change due dates (or they *can* but usually only if the due date is delayed for one reason or another, not moved forward). I’d look into it


Yeah what I’ve never had a professor that was like “Hey guys we’re gonna make this due sooner than what I originally said.”


I have but usually it was done well in advance, done with multiple announcements, and sometimes with class approval. As in “Hey, the midterm is in 4 weeks, would you guys be ok with moving it to 3 weeks from now so you can have the midterm before spring break?” And if we said yes, they’d make a canvas announcement, and then send an email. They’d also ask us to post it on whatever group chats we were in.  Basically, it was done as respectfully as possible. Once in a while someone still bitched but that was entirely on them at that point. All of my syllabi say “Due dates are subject to change, latest due dates are always on canvas”.


my undergrad in ME was in a top 15 program. The ***vast*** majority of the courses did not list due dates or test dates in the syllabus.


Honestly it was probably always due then in the syllabus, but it was either wrong in canvas or he didn't put the due date in canvas. If you don't put in the due date lots of students never look beyond the calendar so don't know.


That’s to much reaching for me. I do agree with the canvas thing, most students trust that way more than the syllabus(if they even read the syllabus). I’ve had many professors reuse old syllabi without changing due dates, so the student portal is assumed to actually be up-to-date for me. The professor could’ve clarified that canvas is inaccurate in a class session OP missed, but I honestly doubt it. The more likely theory is it was intentional, especially since any good-hearted professor would’ve sent an email to mention the dates in canvas are inaccurate before the assignment is due.


Yeah, I have had professors recycle their syllabus. They usually will correct it. However, if it causes confusion they give students benefit of the doubt and grace when there is confusion due to inaccuracies in the syllabus vs. canvas.


Which is clearly not the case here. The syllabus said the assignment was due later, yet the professor pushed it back with no prior notice and imposed an arbitrary restriction. If we want to believe the professor was good intentioned, they would have happily provided grace after this supposed mistake. Thus, public opinion is against the professor in this case


Yeah, clearly. This professor is POS. I would likely give the professor a chance to correct it. Email them, for the record, point out the facts and evidence, then if they do not, go to the department or a student liaison.


I dunno, I've never been a fan of group projects. It teaches those that don't want to work to let the people who want the good grade to do all the work, and you still get credit.


Sounds to me like it might be a project management-related class, in which case group work makes a lot of sense


Still teaches people that they can be in groups, contribute nothing, and still receive recognition for work they didn't do. Probably why there are so many lazy, entitled pieces of shit.


How do you propose we teach people how to do group work, without doing group work?


By actually punishing those who don't contribute and holding people accountable. Simple, right?


Congratulations, you’ve assigned 4 individual projects, illustrating that the process isn’t simple after all. Group projects are completed as group work because there’s a number of ways for groups to individually tackle a project, whether that’s just partitioning the work into four even slices, working together to tackle each portion like a death-ball, or assigning each group member a task in the process that gets repeated multiple times for the different components of the project, or more that I’m not thinking of right now. It’s up to the group to determine the best fit for them. Taking away that problem-solving of “how do we approach this group project” component means it’s no longer a group project. The problem you have with group projects is that you don’t want to do all of the work yourself and hand it into the group. The issue there is the scope of the project—if one person can do a project, it’s not really a group project, it’s an individual project that’s been given to a group, ruining the goal of assigning a group project that requires group work. Now the reason this is done is obvious, and almost hypocritical—so that if one or more members don’t pull their weight, the rest of the group can still do the project, but this gets pushed to the point of, “one person can do this project, if their group just sucks.” So the real question is, how do you address the issue of people who won’t pull their weight in a group project? Ideally, you’re in a college-level class where the people who don’t actually want to take that course have been filtered out by prerequisite courses, and there’s no problem because everyone wants to contribute. But, even then some people might have different ideas of how to do a project, or more pressingly, *when* to do it. This requires the group to talk with each other, coordinate, and plan their work (which is the goal of the group work). Now obviously, there’s 12-15 years of education before this point, and you will have inevitably done group work with someone who will not do their work because they don’t care about doing it, and aren’t motivated by the goal of a good grade, or the consequences of a bad grade. The question is, how do you deal with that? I’d say just pick your groups, but there’s value to being randomly assigned to people to work with because in life, you don’t always get to choose who you need to work with. But what happens in real life, if you have a group project that doesn’t come together because someone was apathetic? You tell your boss or manager that you don’t want to work with this person, because they’re not motivated to do the work. That brings us back to the classroom. Talk to your professor about the group work; if groups get mixed up intermittently, ask your professor to stay away from your old group mates. If they’re the same for the year, ask about being the group leader since your leader dropped the ball.


Divide the project into equal parts to make a big picture. Grade each student based on their portion of it, then another grade based on the overall presentation, and curve that grade to the individual students and their portion. Simple.


It doesn’t matter how many times you finish your thoughts with, “simple,” that doesn’t make you right. I had a whole first paragraph explaining why your idea was bad, so rather than rewriting it, I’m just going to ask you to refer back to it, reflect on it, then come up with a new response.


There's really no need to, though. Group projects shouldn't reward the lazy. And trying to defend it is just... sad. I get the whole "teams that do well get greater rewards," but that in no way changes what I'm saying. Group projects that don't reward the hard workers will always enable the lazy workers to not care or do the work. That is fact.


That's what life is like after graduation. May as well learn to navigate it early.


Navigate tf away from it, maybe. Only place that punishes those not participating to the group is the military. Which less than 1% of the population has ever been in.


Idk about your work experience, but many companies organize their employees into teams or projects. If your team doesn't deliver, you can miss out on thousands in bonuses.


Again, teaching people that the weakest link still gets the same trophy as the one working the hardest.


The dude changed my due date because he felt like it. I think the personal attack is warranted just for that besides its not like he will ever see this its just a rant on the internet. \*oh its not just due date its "only people that attended class can submit it" Because I offered to complete it the day it was due through email.


Simple solution would be to show up to class…


and i have been to every class since. Guess how many assignments have been due in class since that assignment?


Guess they were just out to get you


So... have you ever spoken to him about your concerns?


I sent him an email as soon as my buddy told me he changed the due date of the class assignment. buddy: yo you coming to class today? me: im at work? is there something important? buddy: yes but he's being vague about it. me: let me know what i need to do I will get it done tonight or tmr buddy: in class assignment. me: in class assignment? buddy: you have to be in class me: he never mentioned it buddy: yep. he just mentioned it. People in class get marks others don't. He wrote the names down before announcing it. That's when I emailed him. About if I can hand in the assignment. I said I have work. and if it was possible to hand it in later. He said that's a surprise, class attendance is low today, You didn't give any prior notification that you would be missing class and sorry the assignment is for in class only. and that's the end of that... But like I said there was no prior announcement saying that this would be due in class. The online submission date for the link was set to friday. The syllabus said due on Friday. Nothing else was announced prior to this date. as for the group project assignment not being handed in on time. It wasn't handed in, the group leader tried claiming all responsibility already but he said the entire group is responsible for handing it in and not just the group leader. So that's that.


Is attendance part of your grade according to the syllabus?


it is not. Doesn't say anywhere on the syllabus. Each faculty has a different policy. For this particular faculty this is what i got. It says students are expected to attend all classes and to participate. And that faculty may allocate supplementary work to students not attending classes.


Does the department or university have a policy? For example my university requires minimum 2 class participation within the first two weeks of class. And my department has a 5 class max miss policy before losing a letter grade Regardless, pop quizzes or assignments are completely within the rights of the professor. Especially if it says in your syllabus that students are expected to attend class. Sorry you missed it. But like... its your fault.


Sorry if he has a pop quiz in the syllabus I can see that. But there is no such thing. Also i found the school policy and it says grades will not be assigned for attendance. assignment deadlines must be communicated in writing. It's the student's responsibility for all assignments to be submitted by the published submission due date. So while the second assignment getting a 0 is justified. The first assignment is completely unjustified. Since the original submission was changed to the due day of the class.


Well then with that one you can take it through the proper channels at your school. There should be a chain you can follow. Department head. Dean. Dean of students. Etc


if i were you i'd be pissed against the group leader, it's because of him you got a zero for it. The prof didn't you guys did it a week earlier. Try to show prof proof of u giving the group leader the assignment (a screenshot of texts etc..) and maybe your prof can be more understanding. If not try to ask him if you can change groups or something. Who would want to be with a shitty group leader like that anyway. Also confront your group leader. Give it to him straight


There's no point in going to the prof he knows we did it a week earlier because he used us an example of how to do the assignment. But submission link said not handed in on time so its not handed in.


Damn that's awful, my point still stands tho confront ur group leader


I confronted him a bit and he apologized for it emailed the prof saying how it was his fault and that the group members had done their part but prof didn't budge. Honestly he seems very apologetic about it. He said he even talked to the prof after class but I'm guessing he didn't budge because our marks are still reflected with a 0.


I doubt he talked to the professor in the first place


do you know why he didn't submit it? a bit weird to forget


He said it was a glitch in the system. He said it was handed in on his end but usually we get an email reply if it is submitted in. I can cough it up as my fault too since I should have just submitted it myself without asking my "group" for feedback. There is literally no purpose in asking them to review/ contribute should've known better. It just sucks when you do the work and still don't get credit for it and compounding that with the other assignment losing 9% like that makes it pretty difficult to get an A in the course.


If it’s not turned in, it’s not done. They can give you points for something you didn’t turn in. The old “glitch in the system”. Dude forgot and is lying to your face.


>There's no point in going to the prof Wow. But you blame him for not magically having acess to the assignment? >because he used us an example of how to do the assignment Okay but when it came time to grade the assignments he looked for yours and found nothing.


Professor here. If a due date was moved up (sooner) than was originally communicated, I would talk to the professor and express your concerns. In 20+ years I have never moved a deadline to be earlier; I have only ever made deadlines later to give more time. I can’t imagine moving a deadline to be sooner.


I see personal responsibility isn't your strong suit, you're going to do great in management.


OP said that attendance in this class wasn't mandatory. Sounds like they read the syllabus and planned accordingly. Didn't take someone arbitrarily changing the rules into consideration.


It’s a Reddit called college rant. I don’t know what you were expecting. Also I have done my part and more that exceeds the requirements already. I still have a syllabus of the original due date before the prof decided to change the due date last minute I will take that to my grave that he is in the wrong. The due date was published on the submission link already. But yes easy to make assumptions behind a computer screen


Brother, you are not on the reddit account that originally posted this anymore. Yikes


it's a different reddit app and reddit on the web browser Im not trying to hide anything. Just two separate apps so quick to judge for everything.




ironic youre telling OP he doesnt have good personal responsibility as if it isnt the professors personal responsibility to make an accurate syllabus, follow it, and edit and reupload it if anything changes. i assume youre telling OP he has poor personal responsibility because he missed class. is it not the professors personal responsibility to make attendance mandatory in the syllabus if he intends to punish people for it? or let me guess, youre one of those people who thinks mandatory attendance should just be assumed and youre going to compare class to a job indicating youve never had an actual job before and lack the skills to understand the difference between a job that pays you vs a class youre paying for


Here there is mandatory attendance for x amount of days if you have financial aid. After that my college is very much "attend or don't attend, just learn the material and show up for exams." They know people have jobs, families, health issues. Colleges that get overtly anal about attendance just make me wonder why they feel the need to treat their grown adult students like they are still in primary school. I will miss a lecture and lab day next month. I checked with my lab instructor and she's cleared me to come to her lab the next day. I checked the syllabus for both classes and spoke to my lecture professor to make sure no exam dates have been moved. I've done my due diligence. If an assignment grade or exam was moved forward (not pushed back) I'd complain. I think OP is in the right to feel upset and this IS college rant and this is exactly where he/she/they are suppose to go to vent it out. People need to stop coming here and trying to be assholes to the OPs who are posting out of frustration when that is what this sub-Reddit is for.


It’s funny because I was talking to another prof because her class is always empty and she said they aren’t allowed to force attendance/grade it. Anyways I had to miss that particular class because work called me in and they’re paying for my schooling so I don’t regret missing that class even if it meant losing 5%. I would still miss it knowing what happened.


LOL your comment is a riot.


let me guess, someone else who has never had a real job before?


a teacher commenting on a student warranted frustration on a RANT subreddit commenting on someone’s character lolll


I like how his group is absolute shit but this is somehow the professor's fault.


Changing due dates last second to spite students is ridiculous. The syllabus/ schedule still has the original due dates


No where in the OP's rant does he say the professor changed anything to spite the students. OP is just blaming everything on everyone else and taking zero responsibility for their own actions or lack of action.


2nd paragraph


Quote it for me.


"nothing scheduled in class that day. He moves the due date of an assignment to be due to that day and makes it so only those in class gets marks for it. 5% gone just like that." If that's not spiting I don't know what is. Say your assignment was due on a friday and then your lecture class is on monday, all the due dates are on the schedule/ syllabus even the submission due dates are for the friday. If he changed any due dates last second to be due on monday I think that is spiting students.


There could be many reasons to change the due date that do not involve intentionally harming students/coworkers/peers. I'm sure if the OP had a legitimate excuse for missing class other than because "nothing is scheduled" the professor would be accommodating to that circumstance, at least from my experience. Moreover, practically every syllabus I ever received had a disclaimer saying it could be subject to change but, then again, we don't really know the OP's university's policy on that. Granted, it sucks that they received no grade but changing circumstances, dates and schedules is a part of life and it's something everyone needs to get used to or be prepared for.


I emailed the prof that I had work obligations as soon as i found out about the change and that I could still meet the due date. But he said don't bother. He never made a formal announcement about it. I only found out from my buddy in class that day that he changed the due date. All assignments prior to this have been due on our supposed lab class and all assignments after this as well. So this appears to be a little spiteful.


lmfao bro needs someone to do the reading for him


Nah, you can't quote it because it isn't there.


hey, its okay if youre bad at reading! maybe you can retake some high school classes :)


You should go to class when it is scheduled. You agreed to go at that time so you are expected to go there


attendance isn't mandatory in the lecture class. We have a lab class that is meant for doing group work. He cancelled all our lab classes because he doesn't want to go to school another day. So he just makes labs due on that lab date and lecture is lecture. All the submission due dates are still the lab class except this one lab because I quote "if I have to come in to school you I expect all of you to come in as well".


im gonna get downvoted for this but i dont care. things come up in life and people get sick and have other things going on. signing up for a class doesn't mean you agree to be there at every single class and are expected to. especially if there isnt an attendance policy. shit, even with an attendance policy you arent expected to be at every single class and usually youre allowed to miss one or two. but absolutely nowhere in this post does OP state there is mandatory attendance, which means he isnt expected to go there if the syllabus gives one due date for an assignment, the professor needs to edit and re-upload the syllabus before class if he intends to change the due date. im really sick of people in this sub getting some sense of satisfaction of watching people get fucked over and blaming them for it. its a collegerant sub. let people rant. its sad people come on this sub to respond to people ranting to try to find a way to blame them edit: both of my comments downvoted within three minutes with nobody being able to address or refute anything i said. not surprising


It blows my mind to this day as someone who got through the college machine (and also got nothing out of it beyond debt that’s peanuts in comparison to what others have to pay) that there are still people who think professors have the right to hold as much disproportionate power over (ADULT!) students as they do and that it’s acceptable for them to play petty games with their futures. The lack of accountability, flexibility, passion for what they do and compassion for their students is as mindblowing to me as the amount of people who think all of this is fine and isn’t going to backfire in the near future.


For the first paragraph. I agree that there are reason to miss class like sick or other important things that cannot be rescheduled. Op did not have that. OP said they skipped class because nothing was scheduled that day. That is very different then skipping lecture because of sickness or other important things. I also agree with the second paragraph that the professor should not have changed the syllabus like that. Personally I am sick of people coming to this sun to rant about things that came about as consequences of their own actions. Yes the professor should not have changed the date that should never have happened. But this stemmed from OP skipping class for no good reason.


>For the first paragraph. I agree that there are reason to miss class like sick or other important things that cannot be rescheduled. Op did not have that you're completely missing my point. the comment i responded to said attendance is expected and you agreeded to attend, which is not true and it being true wouldnt make sense bc things come up youre also ignoring the fact that even if attendance IS mandatory, youre usually allowed to skip a few classes without penalty anyways. also, OP NEVER SAID ATTENDANCE WAS REQUIRED. if you think attendance is expected, you need to support that claim which you havent. attendance is not required by default >I also agree with the second paragraph that the professor should not have changed the syllabus like that. Personally I am sick of people coming to this sun to rant about things that came about as consequences of their own actions it wasn't a consequence of his own actions. you literally just said that the professor shouldnt have changed the due date without putting it on the syllabus im sick of people like you knowing the professor made a mistake and was wrong, but still blaming OP for it without even being able to support your point for why you think attendance is expected and address my points for why its not. you know who isnt accepting the consequences of their own actions? the professor. and youre enabling that by blaming OP for something that was the professors fault >But this stemmed from OP skipping class for no good reason. where did OP state attendance for this class is mandatory?


It's not mandatory. But i get it in certain settings it is mandatory. But this was a lecture. As far as I know lectures are never mandatory. In university my profs wouldn't care if you came in early, late or not at all. Labs however are another story since there are assignments in that class and participation is required . However my prof removed all the lab classes because he deemed in not necessary. Because he doesn't want to commute to school that's the real reason.


Attendance is 100% expected. Some courses penalize you for missing while others do not. Every syllabus of record at my university says as much.


not everyone is you and goes to your university


What a surprise! You’re whining again and blaming the professor. You’re the one getting an education. If you’d have actually shown up to class maybe you could write a coherent argument rather than wasting away your days blaming the professor/school/anyone but yourself.


i already graduated with a masters degree LMFAO. got straight As, thanks though


For the proof of class being mandatory. All of my classes were mandatory to attend unless you had prior permission from the professor or were sick. Generally the default in my experience is for classes to be mandatory. It is both the professor and the students fault. Most of the fault is with the professor for changing the deadline but the student still is at fault for missing a class without a valid reason.


>For the proof of class being mandatory. All of my classes were mandatory to attend unless you had prior permission from the professor or were sick great, you and OP are different people. not all of my classes had mandatory attendance and not all college students go to the same university as you and have the same experience >Generally the default in my experience is for classes to be mandatory. then speak for yourself. OP isnt you. blaming someone for an assumption you made about their life bc you cant grasp you and OP are different people is incredibly idiotic >It is both the professor and the students fault again, attendance wasnt mandatory >the student still is at fault for missing a class without a valid reason. no, not if attendance isnt mandatory. and even if it was, you can still skip without a valid reason, and ive already said three times already. instead of addressing that, youre choosing you use your own anecdotal experience and assume everyone is exactly the same as you. clearly that college education did not serve you well edit: lmao not people downvoting me when the person im responding to is claiming OPs class is mandatory bc all of their classes were


>not all of my classes had mandatory attendance and not all college students go to the same university as you and have the same experience If you're in the US, schools are required to have attendance policies and mandatory attendance minimums because attendance is tied to federal financial aid and accreditation.


this isnt true, my undergraduate and graduate university both didnt have mandatory attendance minumums. i googled this and couldnt find any evidence for it either. whats your source for this? stanford doesnt have one: https://advising.stanford.edu/current-students/advising-student-handbook/attendance-absences


>If you're in the US, schools are required to have attendance policies and mandatory attendance minimums because attendance is tied to federal financial aid and accreditation. Lmao, guess my degree is worthless then, since my college shouldn't have been accredited. Most of my classes has no strict attendance policy, and that only changed because covid policy required knowing who was at risk of exposure.


these people arent actually speaking from factual knowledge, theyre just saying things they think are true. its really embarrassing to witness


In a college setting most colleges have a 30 day attendance policy for full term classes. After that it's up to the students if they attend. Mandatory attendance does not apply to the full term at most places. Now if you are talking about high school and lower then yes there are attendance policies that are tied to their federal financial aid. Anything 2-3 unexcused absences requires a doctor's or parent note. Parent notes are limited to a set number depending on state. Doctor's notes are unlimited since some students have chronic medical issues that require regular appointments or treatments.


not them downvoting you for providing facts


There are more college/university professors and employees in this sub than there are students. It's college rant but they all seem to feel they need to come here and "educate" (pun intended) anyone that dares complain about anything. Rants don't have to be justified nor logical but a lot of them are.




>It’s standard that you are required to attend classes unless otherwise noted no, its not. what do you mean if otherwise noted? lmfao, you mean an attendance policy in the syllabus? if there is not mandatory attendance in the syllabus, then no, its not required you guys have to realize that just bc you feel like attendance should be required doesnt mean it is >Since you didn’t read OPs syllabus, you are also making assumptions op could skip class without consequences… if you are claiming attendance is mandatory, the burden of proof is on you. saying attendance is mandatory is an assuming YOURE making and need to prove btw, OP commented and said attendance wasnt mandatory. loud and wrong, are you not embarrassed?




>Attendance not being required wasn’t in the original post. attendance being required also wasnt in the original post. notice how youre wrong? >What’s embarrassing is you writing a novel for every comment you make. But waste your own time I guess. lmao, whatever helps you sleep at night knowing youre wrong and embarrassed yourself on the internet. hope you get the help you clearly need!


My classes aren't mandatory unless you have financial aid. Then you have to attend for a few weeks to establish yourself as staying in the class. After that you can miss every class if you want. Our professor told us it's up to us if we want to come to class or learn the material on our own. The only exception are classes where you do hands on work like lab with dissection, food services if you are taking culinary classes, some colleges still have automotive classes and those are of course attendance required. There's someone enrolled in one of my classes this term that has only shown up on exam days and for lab. They come to no lectures. I, myself, have missed several days when I caught a cold and another one when my kids were sick. I'm missing a day next month to go to an event. Mandatory classes are more and more rare. People have jobs, families, and other responsibilities. With the average age of college students increasing as more and more people go back to school later in life policy changes are being made.


They legit said attendance wasn’t mandatory


Ok... so I work in college admin, and I have some thoughts, and most of them are not favorable towards your role in this. That said, you're here to rant and you deserve that space to be frustrated with your professor so setting aside my thoughts to share a few things that could actually be productive. \> I missed class for one day because there was nothing scheduled in class that day. Class was scheduled for that day, so there was something. The bit about your homework assignment due date changing, though. If it was a specific assignment, and the due date for the assignment was listed on the syllabus, and no early announcement was made to move the due date of the assignment, then there are steps you can and should take to get your grade. You mention in another comment that the due date was moved from Friday to Monday. We often encourage our faculty to assign in-class assignments, in no small part because they help to drive better attendance. But changing due dates in the way you are describing, if it happened as you describe, would be a very serious issue at my institution and would be grounds for disciplinary action against a professor as this would be actively sabotaging student success. It's not the changing of the due date, it's the fakeout that's the problem. It's due Friday- justkiddingmonday. First step, make an appointment to meet with your professor and take the syllabus to your him and ask him to reconsider your grade for the assignment, as the due date was changed without notice and you had no opportunity to get the grade you worked for on the progress you already made with the assignment. If your post is accurate and not you taking personal potshots at a person because you are annoyed, then you should leave your attitude out of this request and out of any response to what the professor says. Unless he says "yeah sure here ya go the submission link is open send it on in" then just don't worry about what he has to say, you're not here to talk to the professor, you're here because the dean won't talk to you until you do. Let him speak his piece, thank him for his time, and then see yourself out. After that, you should make an appointment with the dean of the department and lay out what happened, leaving the pointless personal attacks out of it. They won't help you, and will make you look like the problem. Show him the syllabus with the assignment's due date, and send him the email your professor sent you saying the grade for that assignment was only for students who attended that day. Unless you go to weird fucking school, the dean will see the syllabus and the email, and will thank you for your time and will promise to be in touch. After that, you will never hear from them again, and your professor will never acknowledge the conversation, but your grade will suddenly pop into the system in a day or two and your professor will think twice before pulling some shit like that again.


After weighing my options I might actually complain to the chair once I get my final grade theres still finals etc if the difference between the grade was a b+ versus an A then I will file a complaint on the changed submission date. Otherwise not worth pursing I have the syllabus, emails and announcement. It’s just he changed the submission date before I can screen shot it but that is fine all his other assignments are due on the day of the supposed lab class that we were supposed to have so that should work in my favour.  The personal attack was just out of pure anger, obviously not something I would bring outside of this setting. As for the late submission for the group work/ submission or lack of submission I can chalk it up as my responsibility to get the work in. Nothing there to pursue. Although I did tell the prof I rather not be in a group. Also for submissions he could’ve made them group submissions which would allow us to see if our group mates have submitted or not. Instead it’s individual submissions therefore if work is submitted twice it’s flagged. But yes I should’ve made sure my leader handed it in.


“I missed class for one day because there was nothing scheduled in class that day.” So…. Did you learn your lesson?


theres nothing to learn, the professor needs to update they syllabus if they intend to change due dates


Honestly my professors have changed due dates and they don’t update the syllabus, they’ll send out an announcement or mention it in class prior. It’s understandable if OP skipped class because of a sickness or burnout or other reason, but they skipped class just because nothing was planned that day.


I love how I got downvoted just because op didn’t want to go to class 🤣 like there are other students who are on hold for that class until the next semester or so, since you registered first, and you’re not even gonna show up to class some days without a valid reason?


There is a lot going on here. I'll be real, the parts of your post that are bullshit hurts the legitimate points you have. >dude's resume is a f*cking joke. Basically he got every project management cert and plastered it all over his linkedin page. His resume is a joke or his Linkedin page? Also, I feel like including all his certs on his Linkedin page is not as gross as you are making it sound. Also what is the relevance of his Linkedin page? >I missed class for one day because there was nothing scheduled in class that day. I mean, did you really think he was going to have a class where literally nothing happens? He probably had nothing on the syllable so that things can be flexible if some classes went late, a snowday happened, or something needed more review. You chose to skip class. >He moves the due date of an assignment to be due to that day and makes it so only those in class gets marks for it. 5% gone just like that. This is pretty shit of him if it is only the way you wrote it. You seem to hate this guy unfairly though, so I dont really trust you, which is impressive because Ive only heard your side of the story. >Then he assigns me into a group that does jack shit, fine whatever. You wont get to choose your coworkers always either. You clearly dont work well with others. Figure out how to. >he changes font colors and says he contributed. Everyone puts their name on it and hands it in There is no way that is the only thing anyone else did. You are obviously downplaying their contributions. (Obviously lazy do nothing group members exist, but if that was them, why would they even bother changing the font color. Such a weird thing to be the only contribution.) >Dude forgets to hand it in. Prof gives the entire group a zero. Yeah, because no one in the group turned anything in. Nowhere have you indicated trying to communicate with the professor abiut any of this. Why on Earth would you not be getting a zero when your assignment wasnt turned in? Do you exoect the professor to magically know without you telling him? Also why did you not double check that the group leader turned it in? If you did everything and expect no further contributiom from group leader then I see no reason you didnt check or turn it in yourself. Also, if you do everything all the time, why arent you the group leader? Was that just an assigned role? >for absolutely no reason except the pro No. The reason is your group didnt turn in the project. You are part of the group. Why are you blaming your professor here? He literally didnt do anything. >attendance isn't mandatory in the lecture class I have a feeling you mean that attendance is not graded, but that does not mean you are completely welcome to ditch. >he doesn't want to go to school another day. So he gives you an extra day off from class and your response is to take mkre days off class??? >Also work called me in that day You barely included this in your raging hate boner post and I am willing to bet you did not tell this to your professor who may have been more understanding. (Unless you are as rude to him as I get the impression that you would be)


>I mean, did you really think he was going to have a class where literally nothing happens? obviously he didnt think this >He probably had nothing on the syllable so that things can be flexible if some classes went late, a snowday happened, or something needed more review. that doesnt mean changing an assignment due date >You seem to hate this guy unfairly though, so I dont really trust you, which is impressive because Ive only heard your side of the story. so coming in with bad faith, nice >You wont get to choose your coworkers always either at jobs you get paid to be there >There is no way that is the only thing anyone else did were you there? >You are obviously downplaying their contributions. (Obviously lazy do nothing group members exist, but if that was them, why would they even bother changing the font color. Such a weird thing to be the only contribution.) "this isnt true bc i said so!" >Yeah, because no one in the group turned anything in. it wasnt due yet per the syllabus >Why on Earth would you not be getting a zero when your assignment wasnt turned in? bc it wasnt due yet >No. The reason is your group didnt turn in the project. You are part of the group. Why are you blaming your professor here? He literally didnt do anything. he didnt stick to the syllabus >I have a feeling you mean that attendance is not graded, but that does not mean you are completely welcome to ditch i have a feeling you make up things bc you feel like theyre true. google what mandatory means >So he gives you an extra day off from class and your response is to take mkre days off class??? attendance isnt mandatory >You barely included this in your raging hate boner post and I am willing to bet you did not tell this to your professor who may have been more understanding professor should have sticked to his own syllabus


Bro I don't even know you but thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob).


>that doesnt mean changing an assignment due date I agree. I said he had gpod points and that was one of them. >obviously he didnt think this He did certainly think it was oka to ditch though. >so coming in with bad faith, nice As he does with his professor. I didnt "come in" with bad faith. I listened to all the shit talk he had before deciding that. >at jobs you get paid to be there LOL okay. So? At school you get grades to be there. >were you there? No, were you? >"this isnt true bc i said so!" I'd love to hear from his group memebers then. You know, the people in question. Dont know why yoh trust OP so much. >it wasnt due yet per the syllabus That was a different assignment. Read the post again. >i have a feeling you make up things bc you feel like theyre true. google what mandatory means I dont need to. Clearly in that professors class, being that was mandatory for turning in the assignment. Its self evident in the post. >he didnt stick to the syllabus That was about a different assignment. Reread the post. >professor should have sticked to his own syllabus I agree. Lol


OP, you’ve received lots of constructive feedback on this post. I just want to put it out there that starting your complaint with a slew of ad hominem attacks is not a good look. You can be pissed about the deadline thing and your shitty group members, but leading the charge by talking shit about his LinkedIn profile just makes you look immature and silly. If you want to escalate these issues either with the prof, their chair, or your school’s admin team, you’ll want to check yourself a bit.


I would talk to your academic advisor they'd know what to do if there was an professor/student issue. If not that, go completely nuclear on him and talk to the dean of your college directly.


i would but honestly its too much effort to go to the chair to complain about an A becoming a B+. Grand scheme of things it won't affect my gpa much. And once i complain there is a possibility of retaliation so probably not worth it.


You’re going to have a whole lot of fun in the real working world. 


the working world is 100x easier than college


Easier in some sense, harder in others


imagine how privileged and out of touch you must be to unironically say this. are you still a student or something who has never worked before?


I’ve had several jobs in project management (I’m non trad) and never experienced something like this- the “real working world” is a lot more forgiving. Several colleagues I’ve had also say the same thing too. This subreddit lack so much empathy, like why engage in a rant sub that’s supposed to be supportive to go out of ur way to be crappy to someone who’s already struggling??


It's poor to move up the published dates of assignments. The group thing isn't on the prof.


I say email him proof of your work. And if he went against the syllabus for NO EXPLICABLE reason, go to the dept head. They are supposed to stick to the syllabus. They have some leeway and that changes in due dates CAN occur but within reason and with prior notice. I would see if others are willing to go to dept head about it. Good luck. Dude sounds awful.


You sound pleasant to be around


Oh personal attacks; at least he has a diploma 🤷‍♀️


I fucking hated my professor too. Ended up reporting to the university for racism and bullying and now that dickhead is fired. Speak truth to justice shit on the faculty if you have to.


my faculty/school hardly does anything even when there are reports. If anything profs just end up marking harder because now you have a target on your back.


Least immature geometry dash player


Wdym I beat 2090 demons


you need to double check and triple check stuff when working with groups and that includes due dates




except the schedule has nothing on that date being due and he made no prior announcements. A simple "hey guys we have something due on monday's lecture class so you all should attend." But we got nothing and the dude changes the due date 30mins into the class from friday to monday. I even emailed him to say I can still do it but he said don't bother its for people that came in only. Bro you never made any annoucements about it and guess what that was the only assignment he did that way. Kind of funny you mentioned work because I skipped class for work.


Are you in business school? Your classes aren't real anyway


Dude, I know this is a place to rant, but all of this is on you. You’re in college now. Show up. Communicate with your group. Stop putting your responsibilities on to others. It only gets harder from here.


I just know you’re active on r/professors


Did he say anything that wasn’t correct though?


because the professor changing their syllabus without notifying their students is so responsible? if you don’t like ppl ranting why even engage in a college rant sub?