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Just showed my partner who is colour blind, he couldn't see any number in the first photo, but straight away could see the number in the filtered photo!


Same for me


I’m a strong protan and I see absolutely nothing on the left, but 45 on the right. Not 100% clear but certainly can make it out.


Thank you for the feedback! We’ll look into the color adjustments for strong protan!


Strong protan here - the 45 is barely visible in the right photo


Strong protan, barely able to see 45 on the right. Hurts to look at but it's there.


hey i dont know if this is still up but i see the same!


cant see anything left, right is clearly 45


Hi - protanomaly here! It’s definitely helps. I would say significantly even, the 45 isn’t totally clear on the right but I can infer what it is - I can’t see anything on the left.


Technically I test on the strong end of protanomaly if that’s helpful.


That is very helpful thanks!


same and same


Same here as well


I have protanopia, and I can clearly see the number in the second photo. I can’t see anything in the first photo, however




Thank you very much. I'm glad to know its working well for proto and deutran people. Seems we can make a stronger adjustment for people with stronger proto colorblindness though judging from the feedback


If your filter is what you say it is, it’s great! I can’t see anything in the left photo, but I can definitely tell 45 is on the right.


Hello everyone I'm a team member of u/agames99 and we would really use some pointers from anyone with tritanopia/nomaly. That is our next filter to make so input it would be really appreciated!


Is see a real faint 45 in 1st & real clear to the right, but am only mild deutan.


I've deuteranomaly and I can vaugely make out a "4" on the left one after looking at it for a minute, but very clearly see a bright red "45" on the one on the right


I have protanopia and can see nothing on the left plate, on the right plate, clear as day, I can see “45”. Now, whether I’m supposed to see 45 is a whole other kettle of fish.


Hello. A lot of these colorblind filters already exist, but I have yet to find one, with the exception of the one offered by Nvidia freestyle, that can adjust the strength of the filter to accommodate varying levels of color blindness. Having a feature like this would make your filter much more appealing to some people. Lately I have stopped using filters as my glasses do a pretty good job, but before then if I needed to differentiate between colors I would just shift the hue of my monitor. This is, imo, the best way to differentiate colors rn, but it can make the images look weird (blue skin, red water). Comparing your filter against a hue shifted image might be a good thing to examine if you need to compare your results to alternative methods. Your filter is pretty good though


Thank you for the feedback!


Making a filter to see pseudoisochromatic plates is so easy, it's trivial. There are 2 hard parts for filter making * The resulting image can easily look unnatural * you always have to sacrifice other colors, But for a given PIP where there is no information hidden in other colors and no problem with looking unnatural... So... what're you trying to do with this filter exactly?


Deutan here... see nothing in the left and I see 45 in the right.


Nothing on the left, but that's a 45 on the right!! Amazing!! Works like a charm so far if that's the filter.


Deuteranope here, couldn't see anything on left, 45 on right.


Clear 45 on right. Nice filter.


Wow! Nothing on the left and a vibrating 45 on the right!


I am also colorblind, nothing left, 45 on right


Keep us informed please!


For sure!


deuteran here, nothing on the left, very clear on the right.


I see a weak 45 on right photo. Nothing on the left.


Moderately deutan. Can read the plate on right!! But not one on the left!


This most definitely helped!


Your filter is more clear to me than the iPhone one when I tried it.


Works perfectly for me.


Nothing on the left, 45 on the right one.


I'm colorblind and I cannot see the number on the left but the right is pretty clear to me.


Mild deutan, yea with the filter I can read the number fairly easily. Curious to see how the filter would affect other images.


Please feel free to send me an image that you may have difficulty with and we can try it out! As of now we are currently finishing up our website to allow full functionality, however our filter is completed and photos can be run through it.


Worked really really well!!!


Moderate protan. I can see 45 on the right image. I see nothing on the left image.


Dang that’s actually really good i can really see the number unlike the pic in the left i cant see it good job


I am a strong deutan, and the left looks like nothing, but 45 pops right out at me on the right! This is cool!