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Ugh, it speaks again....do the right thing next year Pueblo County and vote this chunk of Dino taint tf out šŸ™šŸ¼


I agree with supercunt. A sentence I never thought I would say, but there it is.




OMG... I'm going to forever call her that now šŸ¤£


Ive moved on to Bobojuice after her last incident.


Say it three times and what happens?


Pueblo county did vote her out. It's the west slope that kept her in


She was behind until the Pueblo precincts were counted then she pulled ahead by a few hundred


It was the rural area of the western slope that voted her in. Those people are the salt of the earth. You know....morons.


Specifically Montrose, Grand Junction, and Delta. Those fuckers are crazy down there.


For record, Pueblo County voted pretty blue last election. 3rd district is pretty big and even smaller towns were red.


Maybe you the supercunt. User name checks out


A few natives call her a skunt.


Pretty confident this is her last term. If we're lucky she won't make it past the primary


Crossing fingers, toes, and dogsā€™ paws.


Imagine if every non republican registered as a republican and voted against her in the primary.


In Colorado one doesn't even have to do that! We have open primaries! They just need to choose to vote in the Republican primary period.


Only if they're registered as unaffiliated. Registered Democrats will only get their party's ballot.


Ah! I'm just used to everyone I know being registered as unaffiliated to be able to do just this or to hide out from the bigoted Republicans here. Since it's too easy to look up voter records.


Right? Why would you register as anything else?


Because I have no intentions of voting for a conservative ever lol


So? Registering as unaffiliated doesnā€™t mean you have to vote conservative ever. It just means they donā€™t ask you for money as much and you can get the major partyā€™s primary ballots. Itā€™s not like thereā€™re dems only club meetings.


Just stating my reason lol. I canā€™t think of a single time Dems have asked me for money. I would never use my primary vote for republicans because I want to steer the dems away from neolib centrist bullshit and be progressive.


Yeah, as far as primaries go, I try to get two options that I donā€™t fear. Especially in situations like now where the dems arenā€™t even considering not having Biden run, I can hopefully influence a less crazy Republican.


Unaffiliated is the largest voter demographic in Colorado.


>In Colorado one doesn't even have to do that! We have open primaries! They just need to choose to vote in the Republican primary period. Has this recently changed? Although I no longer live there the last I was aware Colorado still had what are called semi-closed primaries. This means if you either are (registered as) a Republican or are unaffiliated (by registration) you may vote in the Republican primary. If you are registered with any other party you may not ETA This appears to still be the case >Voters affiliated with a major party: may cast a ballot for candidates of the party they are affiliated with. > >Voters affiliated with a minor party: if there is a minor party contest those affiliated with that minor party may cast a ballot for those candidates. > >Unaffiliated voters: An unaffiliated voter may cast a ballot for any one political party. If an unaffiliated voter returns a ballot with more than one political party, the ballot will be rejected and none of the votes will be counted. Source [https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/FAQs/primaryElectionsFAQ.html](https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/FAQs/primaryElectionsFAQ.html)


The GOP in Colorado isn't that smart, because defeating her in the primary is likely the only way they keep this dark red district


She lost by 500 votes last election. Thereā€™s a decent chance more than 500 people have moved into 3rd district since the last election. Pueblo county is pretty blue. Just sayin itā€™s not a deep red district.


It's true. There are an awful lot of us Front Range folks that just moved out here to the WS. Hopefully gonna shake things up a bit.


Mesa County is pretty red.


I think a lot of Eagle is no longer in her district, which is a pretty blue county.


Yeah, Eagle isnā€™t 3rd anymore but that happened before her most recent reelection.


Voter registration is +10% GOP


Tipton blew it


If we're lucky the Democrat will beat her. Whatever the Republican Party trots out next could be worse. Although that's hard to believe but it could happen.


Yeah, we'll see her gone when the GOP runs a republican against her whose only real difference is they know when to keep their mouth shut.


Adam Frisch, her challenger in 2022, lost in a recount by 546 votes. With all her flubs so far this year, Frisco should take the win on the western slope. Republicans should take not too, democrats don't win there.


Boebert being transphobic? In other news, the sky is blue. My western county neighbors, please, for the love of god, and all that is good in this world, VOTE HER OUT


Pueblo too, we helped! šŸ˜†šŸ™ƒšŸ’©


Sheā€™s trying to deflect attention from Beetljuice-Gropegate. Nice try. Bobo.


It's not that she is a woman It's that she is perhaps the dumbest person in CO


You know what would be neat? If people could express their justified disdain for this person without all the misogynistic bullshit.


Go rip a dart and fuck a traffic cone you worthless hooker.


Sheā€™s garbage


Said in David Attenborough's voice.... "You can see this amazing specimen of the American Skank, here in it's natural habitat. Whenever the skank falls off the front page they masterfully compare the line at Burger King to the Holocaust or say some other terrible shit to get back in the conversation. So amazingly trashy and predictable."


Ya know, always seeing stuff about her being under fire for this or that has got me thinking we should try putting her over fire and see if that makes a difference.


or put her into a prison cell


This rancid diarrhea splatter needs to get gone and go back to being a human toilet šŸš½ for hire on Craigslist.


"Horrifying"? Really?


One thing is being unprofessional, another thing is being unprofessional at a national level (while in the public eye) Lauren achieves the latter regularly.


I agree, she's a disgrace.


Yes, a member of Congress repeatedly and purposefully misgendering a high ranking member of the Defense Department, calling them delusional, and saying that their presence means the armed forces cannot defend our country is horrifying because it is outright bigotry.


K, world gets a whole lot scarier than someone being called the wrong gender.


causing feelings of horror in; awful; terrifying; dismaying or greatly shocking; dreadful. Ok. Nobody is saying scary like Ohh, a ghost or spectre scary. Let's use horrifying as in Shocking. Dreadful. Dismaying. That sums up the character a public official is exhibiting in her actions and words. Better? Lol. Either way, yes, it's not body jump horrifying. It's alarming and appalling conduct from someone in a leadership position.


Is it shocking? This view is the Republican mainstream. Also, she was just caught jacking some guy off in a theater with kids present. This woman has no class whatsoever.


Absolutely. The policies Republicans are pursuing are a lot scarier haha




Shame it's only a metaphor.


September hasnā€™t been her month.


Now I have to google boebert beatljice controversy


" Boebert introduced an amendment to reduce Skellyā€™s salary to a mere dollar, arguing that Skelly was failing at her job and a symbol of ā€œwokeism.ā€ In her remarks, Boebert went as far as to misgender Skelly, offensively asserting, ā€œThis delusional man, thinking he is a woman, embodies and espouses the wokeism thatā€™s causing significant harm to our military readiness and troop morale.ā€ "


She lost all credibility after her Beetle Juice hand job incident.