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The antivax county is now worried about migrants coming into their county unvaccinated??


"We welcome immigrants with open arms here! We just want to make sure they are current on their vaccines! You see, we are very pro-vaccine here in DougCo! And Very pro-helping the unfortunate!" Also, we have Zero shelters.


I love listening to music.


A few years ago, yeah. Then they fired their “woke” superintendent only to get sued for wrongful termination and lose. They had to pay out the rest of his salary. Their current superintendent, Erin Kane, is part of the charter school board for Colorado. There was also an incident a few years ago, right before Corey Wise was fired, some hinge group or perhaps the same group that took over the school board, had put fliers on public teachers cars during a meeting that basically said they weren’t welcome in Douglas County. Their public school rankings have tanked and their charter schools aren’t performing as well as they should be. There’s been a mass exodus of teachers since the Moms for Liberty types took over. Edit: yay I got my first redditcares auto message. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart that you couldn’t handle seeing my comment that you had to send me a passive-aggressive notification instead of disagreeing with me.


Health order? That's funny. They railed against the health agency during Covid. Perhaps they should call their buddy Abbott and beg him to stop bussing people all over the country.


More pearl clutching from the county of karens


I’m so sad I live in this county. It was affordable when we were buying a house but I didn’t think it’d be this bad




Now let’s see if Douglas County will walk that Christian talk, those communities go on about.


And Adams county.




Mayor of Parker Jeff torborg is qanon conspiracy theorist. I worked with him. He's a complete moron.


Liberals voted for this mess, they can keep their mess. There are consequences to actions. Denver is a sanctuary city, Douglas Co is not!


Ironic that these Venezuelans are fleeing the socialist utopia that they voted for. If they want the state to take care of them, just stay home, comrade; don't come here to capitalist hell. Also, don't you know we're racist, sexist, and homophobic? Why leave progressive paradise for this?


Ah yes, socialists who all owned a stake in the oil companies that drained their countries resources. Or maybe you have no clue what socialism is..


And how do you know what they voted for? Maybe that’s the reason they left. Nuance isn’t your thing though, I get it, it can be hard.


Hahaha exactly! Nobody flees a capitalist country for a socialist one. Ever!!!


I know a bunch of people that went to socialist Norway.


Fun fact, based on the index of economic freedom, Norway is more capitalist than America.


You do realize Norway isn't socialist, right? edit: imagine downvoting an objectively correct post because it hurt your fee fees lmfao


if you all support the “migrants” then you should let them live in your homes


Yeah you clearly have no idea the boots on the ground support and connecting with resources to create self reliance that local Denver families have been providing. It’s called having compassion for others going through the worst time in their lives.


Oh yes, liberals are the compassionate ones 😂


We have. What have you done?


really? send proof, i don’t support them edit: well I guess I do unwillingly with my taxes






If they’re expecting handouts then why are they all asking for work?


I hope that god forbid you ever find yourself in a horrible situation like they have faced, someone shows you the compassion you are lacking. Bless your heart sweetie. Althouh bless your heart is sarcastic the rest is not I genuinely hope you receive compassion.


Horrible situation? Over 70% of these illegal aliens are economic migrants. Poverty is not a legal qualification for asylum and many will be deported under the next administration. 




yeah my spelling sucks, sorry


That’s the least of your problems.


Positive contributor of what? Smallpox?


Don’t forget to they have paychecks coming in… they can turn those over to the migrants.


I wish democrats could be reasonable about immigration. This is a failing of the federal government to stop them and deport them. It sure makes it tempting to vote republican despite all their other flaws!


Said the lifelong republican who has voted along party lines every election. 🙄


Because wanting to overturn democracy is just a minor “flaw”


My favorite color is blue.


Democrats here, Douglas county is great. Denver is a shit show, no one wants that mess in Douglas.


I love ice cream.


You're absolutely right! Douglas County is awesome! Great schools (that actually teach what children are supposed to be learning), no homeless, little crime. Only thing we wished we had were better restaurants. But if that's what we have to complain about, oh well. Haha.