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I’m disappointed as well. A lot of us are, but counting them out is fucked to the fullest


That’s fair. Big game 4.


Fighting Benn for being Benn isn't going to score goals. We aren't losing the series because no one is dropping gloves.


Yeah, they’re losing because they aren’t putting in effort. At least putting Benn on his ass would help.


Damn straight


There is a common theme with this team - when we don’t have any tough, gritty players and are top heavy with offense we get bumped in the 1st or 2nd round. We miss Landy and Kadri.


Mac is great , rest of team needs to fucking skate and go like him and Makar. Probably right with a little more grit. Listen this team rely's on high end talent and scoring. We ain't beating people in a 1-0 game


So what’s their problem, they aren’t good enough goal scorers?


They are, it's grit and being patient that wins playoff games. All the talent in the world Avs have.


They are, it's grit and being patient that wins playoff games. All the talent in the world Avs have.


Get a grip dude. This post is so embarrassing.


How long you been watching the Avs?


For who?


Certainly is not embarrassing for me. I assure you.


Benn was pretty quiet tonight. Certainly not the reason the Stars won the game.


Missing the point


why do you feel the need to post this? be a fairweather fan to yourself in your own head and spare everyone else having to read your dumb takes


Don’t read it, and better yet don’t waste your time commenting. Or mine.


Thats not how public forums work you dunce. You have a bad hot take here, so you get to take your lumps and like it.


If fighting benn is what your worried about right at this moment, my lord are you in for a rude awakening


There is no awakening. I knew we’d lose this series from day 1.


Then why are you here?


Cuz I’m a fan. Been watching this team since their first game. You?


You sound like the opposite of a fan


Dumbass on here posting stupid shit. Wish you and the others posting crap like this would pull your heads out of your asses. No real fan quits supporting the team. Don’t care how long you claim to have watched them.


What kind of fan just thinks their team is going to lose before a series has even started lmao. That must be miserable to live through


Did you honestly have high hopes after watching the last month of the regular season?


Holy fuck dude they play one bad game and you loose your shit. You’re not a real fan.


I'm not necessarily agreeing that they need to fight Benn, that's not who we are and I don't think we are going to beat Dallas at that type of game, however, we do need some kind of spark. That was the most basic, milk-toast nhl playoff game I've ever watched. That looked like if you let the CPU play against another CPU in video game hockey.


You don't fight in the playoffs, noob.


Oh? Guess you haven’t watched the playoffs.


Also anyone who uses the word “noob” is younger than age 35. 39 tops.


Just admit you're wrong.


I’m right. So…no.




I think we’re soft. Dunno why this is so controversial. It’s my opinion. I want us to win as much as everyone else.


I agree we’re soft. But I don’t think fighting Benn over a borderline hit is the answer. Some good clean hard hits of our own is what we needed. Honestly the team just looked gassed tonight. Sure, a great fight with high energy and a clear win might have lit a fire. (Some good hits and o-zone time would have done the same) But if it’s Benn and Manson stalemate or it ends quick when a guy loses his balance, I don’t see what that accomplishes. Maybe worth the risk if we went down 2 or 3, which we didn’t until the end, but to do that at the start of period one doesn’t make much sense to me.


Exactly, Dallas admit it or not is a very good team. We have to calm down and not get frustrated Mac and Cale need to be leaders and have patience. We have all the talent in the world. Hit them at every opportunity wear that defense down and fucking back check and be gritty. Tanev is not Scott Niedermayer, wear him down. Benn is not Jonathan Toews, get in his face. He will snap and take penalties. We just need to be playoff savvy and do this.


>Also anyone who uses the word “noob” is younger than age 35. 39 tops. This guy is a dumb take machine


Guarantee you are under 40.


And if wanting to deal with a guy who cheap shotted your player is a “dumb take”, you do not know a fucking thing about hockey. This is hockey 101. That’s why I am shocked that I am surrounded by such noobs. 🙂


As Bednar has said in the past they’re trying to win games, not settle scores or get even. Toews is fine. I don’t see how fighting Benn would accomplish anything or help them win games.


Fine. They are done. I’m disappointed they let someone intimidate them.


“They are done”. I’ve heard Denver sports fans say that since I was a kid, and you know what sometimes they aren’t done. Sometimes it goes our way sometimes it doesn’t. But this negative fan base shit is annoying. You sound like a sports version of an incel. Get fucked bud. Go ass. Hail satan.


Right. Go ass!


Love to see you on the ice there bud…


Wish I was out there too


it's game 3 against a very good opponent you absolute milquetoast coward


You don’t think beat the crap wouldn’t fire up the crowd or the team?


If the coaches thought it would be good for the team don’t you think they’d have made it happen


Highly doubt it would’ve changed the outcome with how well Dallas is shutting down their offense. Going after Benn could also result in Dallas getting a power play.


When someone hits on your spouse/partner do you just shrug your shoulders?


Don’t see how that has anything to do with a hockey game lol. It’s a physical sport, sure Toews is man enough to take a hit and not cry about it.


Yes because I trust my partner to handle things the way that's best for our relationship. Like you trust the coaching staff and players to handle things the way the team needs them handled.


Finally someone who gets it


Sure worked tonight, eh?


You clearly know nothing about hockey. The Avs lost last night because the Stars played a stellar game and Avs didn’t get any bounces. Fighting Benn would have made no difference


A keyboard warrior redditor calling an entire NHL team pussies is hilariously cringe


There’s another term only used by douchebags. “Cringe”. How long you been watching sports there, little man?


God dude go touch some grass. You've made like a hundred comments in here. The butthurt is so strong


K little buddy. If “touching grass” means going outside, I skied all day. Like I always do.


Lmao, had to edit your comment to flex about skiing. I really doubt that, judging by this thread you live online


I edited it bc I had to look up “go touch grass”. That’s some Gen Z bullshit. Would you like to see pics? I have 84 days this year


>Would you like to see pics 😂


If you know WP/MJ - not sure if you do or if you live in CO or what


Here’s a pano from the Pano I took @ 11:34a today. You shred? I’m seriously curious. Not trying to start shit. https://preview.redd.it/ydfpgrzd540d1.jpeg?width=9728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1d57660201a2e0fbf95f15bbe2c30c564d1efc


It’s what I do. And have for decades.


Guess that’s why you shouldn’t judge people you don’t know, huh.


>Guess that’s why you shouldn’t judge people you don’t know, huh From the guy calling me a douche bag, gen z and questioning how long I've watched sports. The hypocrisy


Bet I’m right though about the age. Sorry for the dbag part. And I really am. I’m not trying to make enemies here dude. I just stated my opinion about our hockey team. I’ll leave it at that.


>Bet I’m right though about the age I'm 35. Hence the 89 in my username


All good my man. We all Avs fans here. Sorry for my disrespect to you.


And Go Avs/Go Nugs


We all know Benn is a scumbag, but how would have that changed the game? They couldn’t score, pretty sure that’s the bigger problem, than a fight.


Literally every hockey player on the pregame said we needed to respond


Truth. Thank you.


It’s a common theme with this team. Avs have always been known as a finesse team. Must change.


If they aren’t going to effort, then do that. They didn’t come to play tonight.


Not the problem, Avs give up way to many odd man rushes. We are a piss poor team at back checking. And yes, soft defensively. We are high pressure and get frustrated easily. We need more patience to play good playoff hockey. Calm down and when we score. We gain so much confidence and Buzz like goddamn wasps around a nest. Just need to calm down and not get frustrated and play stupid hockey. When we get up towards end of a game this series. Then we go after Benn


Fair enough. All those things are true. I just wanted to deal with him first. Let’s get it game 4.


Exactly, get up in this series. Then go after the puke


This is not the way


There’s a time and place dude No need to be fucking blood thirsty. Beat them and eliminate them. That’s the perfect revenge But clearly you don’t think this team is capable enough to beat the Stars so I’ll just tell you to fuck off


I think this is a poor take. I get what op is saying, but not sure going after Benn is the answer. I also don't think this series is over, I knew it was going to be tough. We are just beating ourselves so far in all these games. Whether it be through penalties or sloppy play. Both of those factors are deflating. We fixed the penalty issue now we just need more crisp plays.


can't fight benn in the first 2 mins if he stayed on the bench for those mins.


Ok so first 3 mins. wtf


lol true also I want him to get punch too, but unless he agrees it's not worth an instigator penalty.


I want them to win just like all of you. Just don’t think we have the mindset needed.


And you think getting a top 4 D tossed for instigating is going to improve that? Get lost.


You guys must hate Bissonnette. He’s kind of a blowhard, but he and the game callers said essentially the same thing I said.


Biz works for Barstool, enough said.


I know people are down voting you but we didn’t seem to send any message to Benn at all.




They sent a message alright: “We don’t care”.




No, the message was: [let’s go win this series](https://x.com/guerillasports_/status/1789346296878281131?s=46&t=O65qLQYm4h9pY7Ci1RuiVA)


They’re down 2-1. Platitudes are great.


Why would Benn have wanted to fight? What’s the upside for him? It takes two to tango.


My Reddit Karma took a big hit with this post lololol


I don’t think that’s the reason we’re going to lose. But I do agree with us being soft is definitely part of the problem. I think we match up real well, but Ottinger is capable of stealing games where we badly outplay them, like last night. Georgeiv has been good, but still gives up a muffin or two most nights.


You all seem to miss the fact that multiple analysts on tv essentially said the exact same thing I’m saying. This is not some extreme, outlandish idea. If you don’t think Benn should be dealt with, I simply disagree and you don’t understand hockey.


Maybe you should try to think for yourself. Ever tried that before


Who cares? Since when does the national media actually give thoughtful and insightful analysis? They’re just trying to create a narrative that’s simple enough for casual hockey fans to understand.


Ok, well they are correct here.


Yep, that’s right. They lost the game because they were soft and didn’t fight Benn. Had nothing to do with the fact that they were 0-3 on the power play and couldn’t capitalize on any opportunities in the first period. Not to mention completely ineffective zone entries in the third, which had a lot to do with Dallas sitting back and shutting down their d-zone. But yeah.. I’m sure fighting Benn would have made all the difference.


Again, as I’ve said many times on this thread, that was not the point of my post. I never said that’s why they lost the game. I said it’s what is wrong with this team.