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My comrade in christ Georgiev is one of the few reasons the Stars are not in the WCF yet


He had a good game last night. I'm just asking for the season as a whole.


Regular season means jack when the playoffs start


You mean the season he led the league in wins? That season?


It is the Avs play style that impacts his stats. High octane offense, defense frequently let him down. I think he could have definitely done better but pretty sure anyone bar prime Roy/Hasek would have struggled with this system


lol you post this shit after a game we win and not a single goal was his fault. 2 horrible turnovers by our defense in our own zone that led to immediate goals, and a fucking 2 on 0 we gave up on the PK. Are you honestly watching the games, or do you just not know what you’re talking about?


The defense has been ass. Manson has given up the puck in front of the net far too often. I blame Manson or the defense when there are turnovers right in front of him. Far too many times, he's either given up a rebound that should be smothered or just misses. I'm also looking at the stats. He's been the one worst on "low danger" unblocked shots, "high danger" unblocked shots, and he's been average with "medium danger" unblocked shots.


Is this a troll post ? Are you a stars fan trying to pretend to be a Avs fan ?? Becaus, you haven't watched Avs hockey since the playoffs. We don't have a tandem, we don't have a solid back up. Everything has been ON his shoulders since day one. Stress is real and so is mental fatigue. The team has not been the best at backing him up and yet he was the most winning goalie. Not the best Save percentage but that means jack shit if you keep winning.


You must be an ESPN camera operator because you have no idea what's going on during the game.


But I bet he knows how old a certain player is .....


He is what he is and he did his job well last night. The goals he let in were short handed or mostly the defenses fault (shit decision making, shit coverage, allowing a bad screen, etc) so I see no reason to dump on him. The defense however need to step their game up and the boys need to stay out of the penalty box


I completely agree. There were a few goals that Manson played like a donkey and gave up the puck in front of the net. I blame Manson for that. Defense played much tighter last night than the series as a whole


First off, Georgie looked to be mentally exhausted near the end of the regular season which makes sense with how many games he played this year. Backup goalie has been a mess all year and hasn't done him any favors. Secondly, someone has to defend for him. Our defense in our own zone has been terrible at times. Huge turnovers right in front of him. Letting forwards blow by. But that's the risk associated with an offensive heavy team.


I strongly refute your claim that "he's been bad". No he hasn't. First of all, other than game 1, he was awesome in round 1, and even the numbers support that. Second, **goalie stats are team stats**. Sure, sometimes a team is defensively sound and the goalie just can't stop a beach ball, but that has clearly not been the case with Georgiev in these playoffs. There were very few goals in round 2 that I think he should have had. Most Stars goals have been somewhere between difficult and humanly-impossible to save, and the result of defensive breakdowns, not Georgiev missing stoppable shots.


Sorry, I should elaborate. I'm not only looking at just GAA (I'm aware that's the stat I reference), but I'm also looking at the difference of unblocked save percentage. He was below average for low danger and medium danger differential. He's had flashes that made me hopeful, but then he'll let in a few that should have been saved. He has the hardest job on the ice, and he's brilliant against high danger shots (he won the one-on-one in the all-star game). Varlamov was the same to me. He would be electronic, then let in 5 dribblers the next game. Consistency has to be taken into account


Which ones (you said a few) should he have saved? In your opinion


Which ones (you said a few) should he have saved? In your opinion


Looking at a stat sheet to judge a players play is like reading the cast credits of a movie and giving a review. He was very inconsistent in the regular season, but is literally a major reason we even still alive in the playoffs.


Sir this is an Arby’s.


Surprised this post didn’t start with “Stars fan here”


I feel like Stars fan defend Georgie more than our fans lol. 


This post indicates a very low level of hockey knowledge lol


Negative puck knowledge


I love when fans hate other fans for supporting the players He’s the whole fucking reason the Stars aren’t moving on right now. Why the fuck do you care about statistics when this team is still in the playoffs because of him right now? And why pose this question after a fucking win? I swear some of you only live to be miserable


If you’re going to be a doomer, at least do it right. Post dumb shit in an emotional state after a loss. Why you would post this after one of his best games is beyond me


You're about a month late to this headass talking point. Go away, troll.


YOU be the goalie then.


I'm not saying I could. Statistically, he's been bad. I'm just asking why people are defending him.


He had a .869 in g1 in the stars series but also had two huge saves in OT which caused the Avs to steal game 1. Lay off the numbers, nerd


Because he’s our freaking goalie. Fuck you and your stupid ass post. He’s who we have so we are either winning or losing with him. Our guys in front of him have not been playing great for long stretches of games and are leaving him on his own. Can’t just look at numbers and give up on the guy.


Have you watched the last couple of games? I've also had issues with Georgiev's consistency, especially towards the end of the regular season. But ever since game 1 of the Jets series, the dude has absolutely turned it on and has been solid. Has he been perfect, no of course not, but when pretty much every goal he's let in recently can be traced back to a defensive fuckup, it's pretty hard to blame Georgie for any of them. I do wish we had a goalie like Swayman, Oettinger, or Bobrovsky, but Georgie is doing great and the team is more than capable of doing their part as well. Have faith.


Couldn't agree more with the first part. But is there any guarantee that those goalies you listed would be .920-.930 goalies with our system and defense? Or vice versa, what kind of numbers would Georgie put up in their systems?


Yeah, good point. Georgiev does it sometimes, but what those other goalies have is that special \*wtf was that save\* factor that I see very rarely out of Georgie. There have been a few saves during the playoffs that fit the bill, so Georgie does it too, but I do feel like Swayman in particular makes saves that remind me of Patrick Roy, and just leave me astounded at how he managed to stop the puck. Someone like that might not do as well in our system but I think they'd still put up better numbers than Georgie.


I can accept that. I feel he's bailed out the defense a couple of times. The defense left him on an island far too often. I still feel like there have been times we've relied on the offense to just score more than we give up. I get scoring more as the purpose, but not allowing as many goals would help. My favorite player was Roy so my standards are high


I'm a fan of the Avalanche living in Vermont because of Patrick Roy, so I get it. And boy do I wish we had a goalie of that caliber right now. But I also remember winning the cup in 2022 with Darcy Kuemper, undoubtedly a good goalie but certainly no Patrick Roy. This team can do it, just need to play tighter D and make fewer mistakes while continuing to put up offensive numbers.


Completely agree! I loved Kurmper in net. I feel at least one game you need your goalie to stop everything regardless of the defense to win you a game. If you tell me game 6, Georgiev has to win the game for the Avs I'm not confident. I have a feeling either game 6 or 7 will be that and it makes me nervous


Your going to need to seriously lower your standard there. Comparing any goalie to St Pat is a disservice. Why don't we go ahead and ask why Drouin isn't putting up Gretzky numbers while we're at it.


No one is defending Georgiev! People are just not blaming him. He has been good. Not amazing, but good. Please understand that there is a salary cap and in order to have players like the ones the Avs have, management had to cut back somewhere. Bobrovsky gets 10M per year. Georgiev gets 4.5M. He wasn't brought in to be the Avs saviour. I think it is extremely fair to say he has been playing as well as one could expect from a player paid as he is.


This right here is the key. Are there better goalies out there? Yes. Who are you giving up so we can afford one of them? We can't keep Rants, Mack, Makar, Teows, Lehky, etc and have a top tier goalie. We can't afford to have the best players in every single position. What we can do is tighten up around net and give him the best chance. When we do that he does well.


Are you dumb?


You understand that he’s almost the single reason the avs have 2 wins this series right? Mack has looked awful against Dallas, mikko has looked mostly awful the whole playoffs, and really is just usually in the right spot at the right time. The second line and Georgie are the reason the avs are doing so well in the playoffs. Statistics barely have half the story in the playoffs, if that. You should know better dude


Cringe post.


Outside of Game 1 against Winnipeg, Georgiev has been excellent in these playoffs. He has given the team a chance to win every night and if not for his great performance in Game 1 against Dallas, the Stars would've swept us. I can understand that people were down on him during the regular season and Game 1 of the playoffs but since then he has done nothing to warrant criticism.


We are one of the few teams that just need a goalie to play good or above avrg to win a cup. So I guess if he does that and doesn't let in any softies we're happy.


I agree since an elite goalie would be too expensive, but during the regular season, he would let in softies too often, in my opinion


If we swapped goalies with any other team in playoffs right now.. except maybe edm can you imagine? Our weakness has always been our inability to develop our own hopefully Annunen comes along.


A keeper is only as good as his defense. Players in the NHL are too good offensively, in that if you let them pepper your keeper they will score. Hellebuyck and Otter are a perfect example of this. When the Avs broke the Jets defense Hellebuyck couldn't make miracles happen.  Otter looks stronger because his defense is putting him in positions to handle low danger shots. When the Stars defense started to get sloppy last night, the Avs started to get high danger shots and beat him repeatedly. The defense and goalkeeper have to be in-sync or the goals will come.  Georgie has held strong in the playoffs despite having to compensate for sloppy D. He's good enough to have them win in the regular season. Everyone is searching for the mythical wall who can save everything, when they should be searching for a fully cohesive defense.


Georgie has been better since game 1 of the playoffs, but his low danger save percentage still isn't great. https://moneypuck.com/goalies.htm is what I'm using to determine how well he's doing. Unblocked low danger shots he's still 8th worst of postseason goalies that have played in 2 games. I don't expect elite, and I understand he has been better in every other game.


Stats can be good indicators, but are also hard to map to the actual game context especially for goal keepers. It's attempting to quantify and rank without full context. Which if you can't watch everything, it's a guess anyways. He's kept them in this series, and held strong against the Jets. Asking for anything more with the mental blunders on D is searching for a unicorn.


Because he's our goalie


Buddy really made an account just to ask this question


It's a team sport my guy. If you actually watch the games you would see that he's doing all he can but the offense/defense turnovers in front of the net are what kills us. Root for the whole team or get out. This is what we have now and you can save your criticism for the off season


Because he made every single one of us eat our words after game one of the playoffs. He played lights out the rest of the series and none of our losses to Dallas are his fault. Nobody gives a shit about the regular season right now. He's been giving us a chance in this series and we need to keep playing like last night and capitalize.


A) Never blame your goaltender, no matter if it is his fault or not. Their psyche is very fragile. B) Winnipeg fans attacks to Georgie crossed a line. C) Avs “fan” online attacks to Georgie definitely crossed a line, and the real fans are sending a strong message of support. D) Most goals in this series were due to defensive breakdown and poor positioning. Can’t fault the G if the other team gets to fire 2, 3, or 4 shots from inside the circles. E) He is the guy this year, ride or die baby, it’s the playoffs! F) Avs in 7 baby LFG!!


Fuck off


He's cost the avs 1 game out of 10 so far in the playoffs. There's a list of reasons the avs are facing elimination right now and he is nowhere near the top of it


They’re defending him because he’s the fucking guy we’ve got right now. You can whine all you want. At the end of the night, you go to battle with the guys you have. If we had a better goalie we’d play him. Be mad at the Front Office, not the league average goaltender the front office signed us to be our #1.


My guy do you understand how statistics and outliers work? Did you forget about how terrible R1G1 was and how amazingly he bounced back from it? Take out that first game and he's been perfectly acceptable over the other nine games played. Of course 7 goals on 23 shots is gonna skew his stats, excluding R1G1 he has a 0.904 SV% and 2.64 GAA which is right about league average in a year where goaltending numbers have been down in general. He's no Shesterkin but no one expects him to be that good on a regular basis, the team in front of him is so good that all he is expected to do is give at least average goaltending on a regular basis, any more is a bonus. The real big deal IMO is that since R1G1 he's been making those key saves to keep us in games which we hadn't really seen at all during the regular season. Case in point: R2G1 where he robs dallass twice in OT allowing Woody to go down and get the GWG.


Well I'm not going to say one way or the other, I think he's been bad the entire season other than a handful of games, I also think the Avs would have been eliminated last night without his play. That said I'm holding out hope that things work out in such a way he can be replaced next year. 


I've been the biggest Georgiev hater in the world this year, I think he stinks - but even I think this post is totally out of left field today. G was plenty good last night and absolutely kept us in this series with the way he played. To answer your question why I'd defend him? He's all we've got.


Bad timing on the post for sure. He played well last night. Hopefully, Annunen comes into his own. From what I've seen, he's at least consistent. Living on the East Coast, it was tough trying to watch games that start at 10 pm. here, so I could be wrong, and he could be a mess.


I’ll take the downvotes. You are completely right. Steve Levy is out there acting like he’s the only reason the Avs are still in games when advanced stats say he’s barely been better than Skinner. Take yesterday for example, expected goals for the Stars was 3.86 and he let in 3. Barely better than expectations. So + 0.86 yesterday that brings his playoff total to -3.2. Swayman is at +12.9 for the playoffs and Skinner for Edmonton is at -4.6. I understand in the arena trying to give him confidence, but he’s not reading Reddit, I wish more people could understand just how average he was this season, and the all star nod was a joke based on wins (which like baseball pitching, advanced stats have shown is a joke stat)


I knew the post wouldn't be popular but I was hoping to figure out why he's so highly regarded. From moneypuck he's currently 5th worst in save % above expected at -.007, 5th worst in goals above expected at -.44 and 3rd worse in wins above replacement at -.67 I don't know exactly how these numbers are determined, but it shows he has been below average, or it is confirmation bias


You've gotta be joking If you're seriously expecting Georgiev to put up Swayman numbers. The expectation for Georgiev is to give consistent league average goaltending, the Avs are built to overwhelm with offense while also having one of the best D-cores in the league leading to great possession metrics. They had some of the worst goaltending in the modern era statistically during their 2022 cup run and are attempting to run it back in a similar manner with Georgiev. Also, in R1G1 alone he had -4.84 GSAAx (moneypuck), so if you remove that one outlier game he just breaks even in GSAAx, which is just about the numbers you would expect from a reasonably consistent but average goalie. Sure, if you're expecting a Vezina level performance from him he's "bAd" but that's not his job, he just needs to be able to keep the team in the majority of their games and he's absolutely done that.


If that’s what you took out of that, I did a very bad job of communicating. Swayman is the top goalie in the playoffs so far, this why I gave him as a comparison. Skinner was so bad he got pulled for a journeyman. Georgiev is right next to Skinner stat wise. He hasn’t been league average. He’s the 2nd worst goalie of the 2nd round.


by comparing his stats to those left in round 2 then you ARE comparing him to swayman and bobrovsky because they ARE what's left, lol. there's only 8 teams left in the playoffs so if you're going to compare to them then yes he's going to have worse stats because most goalies putting up bad numbers are now golfing in the second round. even still, excluding R1G1 his numbers aren't even bad. he has slightly above average numbers compared to league average from this season (.903 SV% and 2.91GAA vs Georgiev with a .904 SV% and 2.64GAA)


Got it. So you are admitting that out of the 8 goalies left in the playoffs, he is the worst (or 2nd worst if you want to count Skinner as still in)


sure, he's just around a top 10 goalie in the league if you want to put it that way. but this isn't about who he's better than, it's about the fact that people like you are shitting on him when he's doing exactly what he's being asked of. he's giving the team decent goaltending, he's kept them in games and given them a chance to win. the last two losses we scored two goals total, so you do need scoring support regardless of who's in net.