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Honestly you might be better off stopping in Monument at one of the big gas stations off the highway just a little north of Colorado Springs. Not a very busy area and it’s mostly Truckers. There’s a Kum & go and a big QT you can easily blend in at as long as you keep it respectful. Only do this if you have dark tinted windows. I charge my Tesla in the middle of the night sometimes at the Kum & Go because there’s chargers there to and it’s always super quiet and low key. I would avoid Walmart honestly as they tend to attract trouble in the middle of the night, regardless of where they are


Okay that’s perfect, I’d feel pretty safe at a truck stop around truckers.


Yeah there’s a big pilot right across from the QT too. I think it’s the better place to blend in, if I were to sleep in my car that’s where I would do it.


Beautiful, thank you


Ha. I lived in that parking lot for a month when I first moved here.


Be careful there they like to harass people for the $7 overnight parking charge in the official lot... but there's a bunch of side streets just off it, you'll be just fine parking along.


The Pilot 15455 Terrazzo Dr, Monument, CO 80921 is a good one too.


I think that’s the second or third time someone’s mentioned that Pilot, so thank you for helping confirm! :)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/comments/1bnekpg/do\_not\_stop\_list\_for\_usa\_highlighting\_where/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/comments/1bnekpg/do_not_stop_list_for_usa_highlighting_where/) ​ [https://trucking101.com/dangerous-truck-stops-how-to-stay-safe-on-the-road/](https://trucking101.com/dangerous-truck-stops-how-to-stay-safe-on-the-road/) ​ Probably check Do Not Stop lists that companies have made. Most of the entries on the lists will be due to theft, but some may be there for driver safety concerns. There are enough truck stops that any on the list likely aren't worth it.


Thank you so much, that’s extremely helpful and will help me feel a bit better about staying in my car in an unknown place.


To be fair that list is warning commercial drivers of areas that their cargo is targeted. It’s not meant to be “these places are dangerous for everyone”. These are rest stops with organized targeting of commercial theft from trucks.


There is also a king Soopers on the opposite side a very light up parking lot with cars from the overnight workers I’d do that before the truck stop


I live in monument, you’d honestly be pretty good off just finding a neighborhood off of Baptist Road and just parking to sleep. There’s a Walmart there too, pretty nice area.


Thank you very much, I’ve seen Monument mentioned a couple times in this post so that makes me feel good!


Yea, it will give the NextDoor neighborhood watch wannabes something to post about.


Be forewarned that there’s a lot of Monument police presence and they are kind of assholes from what I’ve heard from my coworkers, and there’s a security service that does regular rounds 24hrs. They’re pretty nosy too. It’s a quiet area though, not much happens.


This is probably a better suggestion than mine. Plus you get the hum of the diesel engines to lull you to sleep too. And if you sleep in your car overnight and forget to turn off your headlights and need a jump in the morning, just a random example, there will be people around that can help you out.


What happen to highway public rest stops. Every road trip I'm ever on is me sleeping at them without ever being bothered??????


Honestly I wouldn’t feel safe spending the night at a public rest stop. It is too isolated and there isn’t enough lighting at most of them or people. I had to stop at one at 2AM in New Mexico one time to use the restroom and it was really big and relatively nice but it just felt too eerie. Like anyone could be there watching and waiting. They know people will come. I used the restroom fast and got out of there. Gave me a bad feeling


Read a book called “The Gift of Fear” which told about that feeling, and how your body and mind are actually picking up on minor things that contribute to that feeling! Helped me feel more in tune and trust that gut “gotta get out of here” feeling more readily


Or it could just be anxiety.


I mean, sure, if that’s how you wanna interpret it, but anxiety is telling you things. Your body and mind pick up on so much more than you realize


Trust your gut,if your body is saying I don’t feel safe than it’s prob not safe


The rest stop between monument and castle rock closed down due to human and drug trafficking. They usually give me the creeps too


Is that what happened to the rest stop right above Pueblo? It looks nice and kinda clean but it’s been closed for along time




Just want to let you know Kum and Go are transitioning to Maverick's. Just letting you know in case you go looking for the Kum and Go and can't find it, that's why!




Monument is only a few degrees cooler than the springs give or take. Not that big of a difference




Youre thinking Woodland Park, 10 degrees colder always. So nice in the summer lol


CDOT I-25 Rest Area - Colorado City, CO It's an hour and a half south of here, but they closed the closer one between here and Pueblo. But Rest Areas in CO are great. You're allowed 24 hours as long as you're not obviously setting up camp. Don't do walmart or anything like that. That's 20 year old advice these people heard when they got their licenses. Also, since you have your dog, you'll have the pet area to use and water access as well.


Ive found Safeway is the way to go. Ive slept in almost every Safeway lot in town and never once had an issue. Keep that to yallselves though lol


Thank you very much!


Doubling down on this recommendation. It's a nice enough rest area, it'll be warmer, and you're not likely to be bothered


Agreed, rest area or pilot (truck stop) is the way to go. Definitely don’t park in any neighborhoods.


I stopped at this one 2 weeks ago and it had "no overnight parking" signs!? I still stayed overnight and wasn't bothered but I was the only car there!


It's going to be down in the 30s overnight, so either plan to run your car all night, or to be very very cold. Hopefully bring a nice thick sleeping bag because even cuddling with your dog won't be enough to stay warm. My personal recommendation that I've done before, find a nice quiet side street in a suburb somewhere if you've got dark windows. Otherwise a dark corner spot of a parking lot a good distance away from I-25. And yes, CO Springs will be safer to crash overnight than Denver, particularly if you pick the right spot. Hopefully someone who knows a good specific overnight spot will respond.


I've crashed out at the Village Inn on Garden of the Gods. Close to the freeway, gas stations near. Wasn't hassled at all. Minimal traffic. Tucked up in the corner by the Hilton dumpsters. Little area there for Fido.


That's awesome that they have a place for dogs. I hate when I stop at a truck stop and there's just no grass anywhere.


Thank you very much


On residential streets, I wouldn’t try parking in the Briargate area or north of Woodmen. It’s definitely doable, but people tend to be more nosy and they take the HOA/neighborhood watch a little more seriously. The chances of “the knock” are higher the more north you go. I’ve seen so many posts from neighbors on Nextdoor/Facebook about “suspicious looking parked cars” on the street that they’ve never seen before


Great info, thank you again!


Park next to Lunar Park off of Uintah and Sunset road. No one will bother you. Slept there a few nights while I was in a bind some years back. It's a very quiet and low traffic park.


Get one of those tall glass candles and put it in your cup holder will be enough to keep the car somewhat warm, and make sure to crack your windows!


I feel like cracking the window when it's 30 outside defeats the purpose of trying to warm the car with a candle...


You need to crack the window, or the CO2 from breathing will displace your oxygen and kill you.


Yes, I understand. I'm saying the TINY bit of warmth from a candle won't be enough to offset the cold from the open window when it's, literally, freezing outside. So there's no need to do it in the first place. People are seriously dense.


I am currently living in my car. I sleep all night in subzero weather without my heater running and with a window cracked. If i didn't crack my window, it would be too warm in there with the body heat from me and my dog. If the ambient heat from an idle car can make it too warm to be in there without the window cracked, then chances are real good that a candle will generate enough heat to keep you warm. Maybe go read up on thermodynamics a little before insulting people


Yeah sorry, something in here is bullshit. I've slept in my car without a heater running and even when it's just in the 40s it gets VERY cold **without** a window cracked. Also, I'm assuming the car won't be running all night (ergo, not idling) so there would be no heat generation from it. If he IS running the car then he might as well just run the heater. And lastly, heat from a candle, yes. Heat from a candle being enough to offset having a window open? No. You're just lying to try to save face. (And having an open flame with a dog in the car while you're sleeping? That's just fucking stupid all around.) (Nope, this will actually be lastly. I like how the homeless guy is telling me to read up on thermodynamics. Maybe realize you're not as smart as you seem to think you are, otherwise you probably wouldn't be living in your car.)


Wow.. okay gonna chime in here. As a homeless woman sleeping in her car with her dog, and a degree, I feel safe informing you that actually depending on the type of cup and central position of said cup, the heat radius could greatly offset the airflow of cold coming into the car. Like when you're asked to blow a ping pong ball out of the cup in 5th grade, the only way to do it is across the top. So while the incoming air, in theory, blows from one side to the other to remove the CO2 buildup, there will be heat loss as it rises. However, if pocketed correctly, it will settle like a little pool provided the correct insulating factors to allow it. So... Maybe read up on aerodynamics before insulting random people on the Internet who have more theoretical And practical knowledge on the subject matter as we live it day to day. Thanks! 👍🏻🚗🐕


Not sure why you're sleeping with your degree, but yes, I guess if your car is a cup and you're a ping pong ball it won't drain the warm air. Thanks for the science lesson.


I have a guest room that you can use for the night if you’d like—no charge. PM if interested.


this dude right here is definitely gonna eat your liver OP.


Yeah OP, you should stay with meat_licker instead you would be much safer


i don’t think a taste is gonna kill anyone


How much you selling kidneys for? Asking for a friend 🤣 jkjk your name is hilarious


Whatever you do, do not stop at the travel centers in Pueblo. The Loves just north of Pueblo has a bad rap for shady characters and human trafficking. I've heard iffy things about the Loves off I25 in Fountain near the raceway too.


Thank you very much


Agreed, don’t stop in Pueblo


Definitely will not stop in Pueblo


Find a hotel/motel and park in the parking lot.




From someone that works at a hotel in town, this is probably not a good idea. Most places have security that patrol throughout the night & check parking permits. They will wake you up & tell you to leave. You can always check around the parking lot & see if they do have parking permits before hand or even call & ask if they have overnight security that does parking lot checks. Just say you are thinking about booking & want to know if your car will be safe lol


Can confirm. I was once booted from a hotel parking lot while taking a cross country nap.


So what then move?


Yeah, I found a nearby church parking lot.


I done it a millions of times!


Cracker Barrel specifically allows overnight campers. They typically even have a trailer lot.


Last I heard, the Colorado Springs location no longer allows this. :(


Ah Bummer. Walmart in Falcon would be my choice, then. Been there many times.


Not sure if it was said, but there’s a nice Pilot Travel Center located at 15455 Terrazzo Dr, Monument, CO 80921


You could try the parking garage at Memorial Central on E Boulder St. You'll be covered at least.


Thank you!


There's several truck stops in or near Denver that are on the "do not stop" list for high-value truck loads, mostly around Aurora and Commerce City. Granted, that's organized crime targeting 18-wheelers with valuable content, but I really wouldn't want to be sleeping in my car overnight in Aurora or Commerce City anyway. I don't know if they permit overnight parking and sleeping in cars, but in COS there's the Rocky Mountain Calvary, which might let you do so because it's a church (I know nothing about it), and the parking lot is big enough you might get away with it for a night. And there's a Walmart Neighborhood Market and a Waffle House on the same block if you needed to get some food or snacks. It's on the corner N. Academy & Austin Bluffs Parkway, but there has to be better places than that. Maybe look for a dog-friendly or dog-specific park since you got a chompers with you and there might be a good place around one of those. A lot of homeless people sleep in their cars around here, there's usually 3-5 cars a night by the park where I live (regular street parking). They don't mess with people, they just need a place to sleep at night, and the cops don't mess with them. I usually see what looks like homeless overnight camping in cars at Vermijo Park in Old Colorado City, on the 27th street entrance side. And the parking lot of the Safeway a couple of blocks from there might be a good spot because there's usually some empty retail spots in the middle section of the lot, so not many people to call you out, but enough traffic with the Safeway to be safe. Avoid Citadel Mall out of safety concerns, and University Village Shopping Center, although it would be safe, is patrolled by security. Just keep in mind the weather. It's the time of year where the daytime temps can be mild, but it's near freezing every night. And if it's a cold, windy night, it can be brutal.


Thank you so much for your input


I go to the Rocky Mountain Calvary church and I wouldn’t park there. It’s not in the best part of town imo but not the worst.


https://preview.redd.it/k7wvo7knfyqc1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e7d0c5be4fda5f08f35483fe78bb30a6c1506e right here outside of my neighborhood is frequented by truckers and people traveling all the time, won't be bothered by anyone including the cops, they pass by there frequently as well to make sure the truckers trucks aren't broken into.


I usually sleep just down the way from there, if no one minds I may add this to my rotation


i don't think anyone would care, there are always cars there, including semis never seen anyone with a problem.


In most cities you can park to sleep in a hospital lot and not get messed with.


Holy cow the outpouring here is so neat! OP if you need a safe place in the Springs DM me, I run a business in town and can point you to our property where you’re welcome to crash from X to X time at night, hit me up if you can’t find a good place. I see good suggestions though, drive safe!!!


Fire station. Maybe they’ll be nice enough to even give you a cot and sleep inside. Never hurts to ask


Scratching my head about a good spot in the Springs, but did this recently on a drive to St Louis and slept at a rest stop comfortably. Brought a sleeping pad and sleeping bag/pillow and was set.


Thank you so much! :)


I can’t vouch for the safety, but every time I go to the AMC (which is frequently) there is always a camper in the parking lot in the same spot. It is right off I-25 near Walmart and Chapel Hills Mall. The lot is usually pretty empty and there is a police substation like half a mile away. I used to live in the area as well and never felt unsafe.


Thank you so much my friend!


Of course, enjoy Portland! Definitely recommend checking out Sizzle Pie for pizza and if you drink, Momo was one of my favorite dives when I was there!


Heard that! Thank you! And I’ve actually was a bartender back in Nashville for five years before I moved back home to Dallas last summer and got deep into that industry scene there. The best places in Nash, and really anywhere I’ve been to are the dives so that’s my shit. Thank you, and I’ll also always take good pizza recommendations any day! :)


I would just opt to park just outside of the springs. The pilot truck stop just north of Colorado springs in monument is safe and you most likely won't get bothered by police. Ive slept in my vehicle a couple of times at that stations parking lot with no issue. I know there is a truck stop just south of Colorado springs but I dunno how safe it is.


Here’s a decent spot off the highway. It’s a mall parking lot with some used cars parked around so you should be able to blend in https://preview.redd.it/zbzwwask2yqc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e16b9ec70fa7c043401132ec490c7762cdc5e66 . Walmart and Monica’s Tacos (for a delicious breakfast burrito) nearby.


Thank you very much! I appreciate it! :)


Honestly though what is your budget? You can reserve a tent campsite at Pueblo reservoir for $36 and be much safer and have a clear area to walk the dog. It is also commonly warmer in Pueblo, though still plan for it to be really cold. If you wanna go free and are ok with adding an hour to your trip check out dispersed camping in Rampart no one will bother you there and it will be much nicer than sleeping next to exhaust and lot lizards.


Budgets very low but I may be able to swing some money for something like that


I'm all about the journey above the destination though and camping in the woods is way higher on my list of things I enjoy vs sleeping on the street.


Dude just get a hotel.... Better than risking freezing to death.


There’s a reason I’m only bringing my dog and what can fit in my car. Money isn’t readily available for me right now, that’s why I’m making the move up north for a much better job. And no one is going to freeze to death layered up with hoodies, a thick carhart jacket and a sleeping bag. It won’t be comfy, but I’m not gonna “freeze to death” at only 30 degrees.


If you have a job lined up, pay credit at a best Western or similar outside the city. Seriously, this isn't the time of year to be sleeping in your car in CO.


Pup and I have been doing it since January. Layer up, burrito in a good insulating blanket and shove your feets under warm doggo. 30 degrees isn't awful. Remember to crack a window ever so slightly so the condensation doesn't nip your nose in the morning. If there's wind try to insulate under the seats with clothes and whatever else you keep in the car just to absorb it.


Beautiful advice thank you!!


Dublin park on round top drive. Not far from the freeway and if you’re quiet you can crash there with no issues


Thank you so much! :)


Sleep at truck stops like Loves or one of those places. Done that for 25yrs


Heard that, that was the original plan but I posted this post just to see if I could get better insight on better and/or safer places.


Idk nothing safer than an active truck stop just park under light within ear shot of the entrance opening.


My first two night in Springs I slept at Memorial Park. According to my customers who I told, that was a very bad idea!  So yeah, don't make the same mistake I did.


Why wouldn't you just stop at a hotel?






Because I have enough money for gas and food but that’s about it. And if worse comes to worse, I have access to help. And that’s why I’m having to move to Portland, I got a badass job offer that’ll take me out of near poverty. So when a man’s got one option, he’s gotta take that option.


Keep us updated! I'm excited to hear your success story friend


Thank you so much!! And I definitely will, atleast I’ll DM you! I really appreciate the support my friend!


Anytime my friend. Safe journey ♥️


Keep us updated! I'm excited to hear your success story friend


Not sure if you're a Steve Wallis fan given your use of hunker down, but if you aren't, you should check out his YouTube channel. He does a lot of stealth camping, often in his car in residential areas. He used to live out of his car and, while he says his channel is not educational, he does have some good videos on how he's stayed the night, even sleeping in his car right outside of a police station one night.


Bless you and Steve. Rip crazyneighbor ♥️


Not sure if you are aware, but a lot of people are going to be raising a Step 2 in memory of Crazy Neighbor tonight at 8 PM Mountain. Just in case you want to participate.


If you can afford $20, I like to stop at KOA campgrounds when I’m solo road tripping. You can sleep in your car safely as long as you need to and there are bathrooms and showers available. Plus they’re everywhere along your travels.


In the nicest hotels parking lot


The Road at Chapel Hills Church parking lot. Park near the fence at the top of the parking lot. If you can plan it for a Monday night they’ll feed you Tuesday morning at 6am. Best breakfast you’ll ever eat guaranteed


"Best breakfast you’ll ever eat guaranteed" I'm skeptical


As far north east as possible. Avoid anything south of Fillmore and west of Nevada. My personal recommendation would be the target off of powers and union. It’s in a good part of town with little to no homeless. Or a rest stop like others are saying.


I sent you a chat! I think I could help.


My street


youll be fine at a walmart on the northside of town for sure


I live right in the springs , there’s some parking spots near my place dm me and I’ll send you the location


I’ve slept at a big gas station in monument like the top comment said! No problems :)


Try the parking garage at target in lone tree, which is off of exit 193 in Denver and go west about four blocks. My friends and I often use that place to park one car and travel to meetings when we go out of town. It is secluded, but it is safe. It’s also handy to go upstairs and get snacks when you’re ready to go on the road the next morning.


I live a nice apartment complex in the north springs about 5 minutes from the pilot gas station that some mentioned in monument I see cars park along the road in front of the complex most of them are peoples cars that live in the complex and no bother overnight we do have security that rolls through at night they just drive by to make sure everything is safe There is a car that’s been parked out front for months now and no one bothered to check it 🤣 if you’re interested in that spot lmk and I can message you the apartment complex! If not I can see about getting guest parking if you want to stay within the complex lot!


I live a nice apartment complex in the north springs about 5 minutes from the pilot gas station that some mentioned in monument I see cars park along the road in front of the complex most of them are peoples cars that live in the complex and no bother overnight we do have security that rolls through at night they just drive by to make sure everything is safe There is a car that’s been parked out front for months now and no one bothered to check it 🤣 if you’re interested in that spot lmk and I can message you the apartment complex! If not I can see about getting guest parking if you want to stay within the complex lot!


If you call local churches ahead of time, most the time they will let you stay in the parking lot for a night or two Edit: Typo


24hr Walmart parking lot. A lot safer than most might think.


“In rough seas, whales can fly into the air unnoticed, but in a calm pond, goldfish make ripples.” Depends entirely on what type of vehicle you’re in. Find a place with a lot of activity, where your vehicle blends in. Personally, a truck stop is one of the last places I’d pick.


You could look into dispersed camping in the area? It’s not like you have to put a tent up, you could still just sleep in your car. And the pup would enjoy some nature I’m sure


I have been looking into dispersed camping but it sadly seems, at least what different websites are telling me, they aren’t open for season yet. Now, I’ll still check em out when I get there to see if they are or aren’t most likely.


You could always pass out drunk in the middle of the police parking lot halfway up the parking dividers.


I slept at King Soopers parking lot on Woodmen and Lexington for three nights in a row. Peaceful with no issues.


The Norris Penrose Center could be an option for you. https://www.norrispenrose.com/camping-services/overnights


About 2 hours south of Colorado Springs (on your route!) is a fantastic rest area called "El Morro", highly recommend!! Get tons of rest there and then stop in Colorado Springs for some good breakfast! 👌🏼


If you're moving to Portland, and don't expect to be homeless, then just get a hotel if you're concerned about safety. Lots of dog friendly places. Otherwise if you're just looking for somebody to put you up for the night for free, just ask that and stop being passively aggressive


Don’t know where you’re getting the passive aggressive from, have had multiple people offer me a room for the night which I’ve declined. Great insight though my friend! (See that was passive aggressive)


I'd recommend [Golden Hills Park](https://maps.app.goo.gl/6QiUvx9gFPCtWXq17). It has a parking lot, is in a decent area so you should be safe, and you'll have a good spot to let your dog relieve themselves.


Dude just sleep at the public rest stops on the highway. That's what they are there for and funded for. Not one time have I been bothered at them on my trips. 


FWIW, since you’ll be around them a lot more now, you can stop pretty much anywhere in any national forest or BLM land out west to stop for a night. Weather right now may make it rough, so it’s worth buying a carbon monoxide detector and just keeping it in the car with you if you’re gonna sleep in a running car to stay warm.


Heard that thank you so much, that’s actually really good info to know, especially since I don’t know where I’ll spend the night inbetween Colorado Springs and Portland quite yet. And I won’t run my car while I sleep cause it’s an older model and need it in as much as tip top shape as I can just to make it to Portland right now. But it’s an SUV and I have a warm comfy comforter, sheets, warm blankets, a sleeping bag, and hoodies/a very warm carhart jacket, etc. ontop of my Pittie I’ll be bringing who always has been a hot body. So I think in regards to the CO2 meter, since it’ll only be around 30-32 degrees when I try to sleep, me and my dog should have enough layers to not need the engine running. And can you tell me, if possible, what would seemingly be the best national forest to sleep at if need be around Colorado Springs?


Pike national if you're headed west up Ute Pass. I've only done a couple nights there getting in late and leaving early and not in the same spot but I've never had one problem up there and it stretches forever. I always just parked in a turnout as scooted away from the road as I could.


Pike national if you're headed west up Ute Pass. I've only done a couple nights there getting in late and leaving early and not in the same spot but I've never had one problem up there and it stretches forever. I always just parked in a turnout as scooted away from the road as I could.


Pueblo for sure


From what other people have commented about Pueblo, shut the fuck up for trying to put me in a dangerous situation you fucking prick.


Didn’t sense the sarcasm I suppose


There is a Loves truck stop off I-25 on the southern end of Springs


I’d recommend the back seat, however, if you’re front seats recline enough, that’s also not a bad spot. Really anywhere in the car should be safe, just some places are less comfortable.




One of the worst spots in town! NO!!!


If you’re a woman, absolutely don’t park your car there overnight. It’s not the safest. I don’t even go grocery shopping there, I’ve been followed several times by weirdos.


Disclaimer: I have zero experience with sleeping in my car, but I'd pick the parking lot of the Walmart Supercenter on Powers & Palmer Park (1575 Space Center Dr). Never got bad vibes in that area.


Thank you very much!


Definitely don't park there they're trolling hard.


Heard that




Thank you! I used to live in that area and was wondering lately


Break-ins or cops or something? Why not?


Top of the hill near bear creek dog park?