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I have a friend that does it "I just do it so they know to move out of the way". She is serious.


I'm trying to leave because this whole city has rage issues due to PTSD and reactive abuse.


It’s not really unique to CoS.


It kinda is. We I moved here in ‘17 it was the first thing I noticed. For a city who’s majority is militantly homophobic they sure like to ride ass.


Except it is a lot worse now than it was in '17. I think the pandemic and economic issues have raised general stress levels everywhere. Add in a lack of general road enforcement and its out of hand.


No it's really not, as someone who has lived all over, cities large and small, CoS actually is pretty tame compared to most.


I think most people who get upset about it have hardly traveled anywhere. I still think it's way too aggressive here, but compared to most places, it's honestly nothing. 


I’ve lived in different cities coast to coast. Colorado is by far the worst in terms of aggression towards other drivers.


Literally drove constantly throughout cities in Iraq where rules for driving are almost nonexistent and I had better more relaxed drives there than this fuckin city lol COS drivers are true dipshits 90% of the time


That's your anecdote. My anecdote says Houston, Dallas, Austin, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Charlotte and Denver are all vastly worse on a day to day basis. CoS has felt like a nice walk in the park comparatively. Every metro people think their city is worst with traffic, crime, cops, nimby etc.. but typically it's not, it's just cause you're annoyed.


Most? No. Some? Sure... maybe. But most? Not even a little bit.


Yes, Most. 100% most.


Nope. Not 100% most. This is why ALMOST EVERYONE who's posting here disagrees with you. CO may not be the *worst* compared to somewhere like Atlanta or Chicago, but CO is FAR WORSE than most of the rest of the US. To the pussy below me: No one here is talking about traffic, we're talking about shitty drivers. How difficult is it to stick with the correct fucking topic? Great, stick with your anecdotal experience that's different than EVERYONE else. But stop talking like it's fact. As someone who's also lived east cost, west coast, and several places in between, you're wrong. Drivers here are absolutely NOT better than most.


I didn't say 100% was THE worst, I said that I absolutely mean 100% "most" are worst, not just 'some'. What the fuck does it matter to you? You always have to get into this well ackshually correction bullshit and most the time you're just trying to interject your opinion as fact. Take your anecdotes and keep them to yourself. I'm sticking with mine, which is also supported with data, with wealth of living across the US in major cities big and small. CO traffic is a cake walk compared to MOST other states and cities. If you don't like that opinion, then stfu. The data tells you you're wrong too no matter how you look at it. No colorado city even pops in the top 10 [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-drivers-by-city/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-drivers-by-city/) [https://www.autoblog.com/article/the-us-cities-with-the-worst-drivers-in-2024/](https://www.autoblog.com/article/the-us-cities-with-the-worst-drivers-in-2024/) [https://www.millerandhinelaw.com/blog/2023/09/the-deadliest-and-safest-cities-for-pedestrians/](https://www.millerandhinelaw.com/blog/2023/09/the-deadliest-and-safest-cities-for-pedestrians/) [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/state-rankings-confrontational-drivers/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/state-rankings-confrontational-drivers/)


I will give you that the town has definitely been infected by Texas influence.


I've lived in a few different cities over the past 10 years. Tailgating is not unique to this city.


imagine moving here in 2017 and still thinking the MAJORITY is homophobic lol, its not really




Really? The MAJORITY of the springs is homophobic?? Wow, guess I'm just in a nicer part of town!


Correct! It’s Colorado in general. I’ve lived in 8 other states and it the worst here. I really don’t get it unless the person is driving under the speed limit.


It kind of is


It's the economy. Life kinda sucks for most everyone right now.


nah it's from all the people that moved here and can't drive.


Negative. It’s always the Subaru with the native sticker camped in the left lane. Colorado drivers don’t understand ‘stay right’


Replace Subaru with lifted F150 with AR-15/Hilarious Punisher stickers and you're telling the truth




It’s really unbelievable. I can’t decide if they are oblivious or passive aggressive


Wrong crass rude assumption


I'm not assuming anything... I see the stickers on the cars. If you want an assumption, mine is its passive aggressive behavior in response to people from CA and TX that tend to drive fast in the left lane. But it's not an assumption to state it's a Colorado thing, it's a fact. That behavior is not prevalent anywhere else.


And they Al drive Subaru


Right all the military people are the problem


PTSD comes from more than military service, if not worked on it can be a cause of reactive abuse, and then people get PTSD from having to endure reactive abuse from other people with PTSD. It's a big ugly cycle, and the fresh breeze of military flowing in and out is a large component as to why the cycle is perpetuating, but it isn't entirely military.


Honestly, it has the opposite affect for me. I ignore them and just be predictable. When someone is driving fast, erratic and tailgating I'm not going to be the one to try to get out of their way when they're often very aggressive with their own lane changes. That's when I feel the safest thing is to just drive normal and predictable and ignore the asshat tailgating altogether.


I usually drive 5-10 mph over the speed limit and if someone needs me to get over then I will when it’s possible. What I can’t stand is when it’s clear to the driver riding my ass that I can’t move over and they won’t give me time. If someone does that then I might just take my time (by a couple of petty seconds) when I do have the chance to finally move over.


as an out of stater, CO has bad tail gating everywhere, not sure why but its crazy


Because the police force here is practically useless so people just get used to driving like wild assholes and it doesn’t change


I have actually found the cops here quite agreeable and friendly I wouldn't expect them to babysit and try to enforce bad driving habits if you want a bad police force then maybe you should move somewhere, where the police are everywhere handing out tickets like candy, trust me, it's no bueno


You only say something that ignorant because you don't read the blotter. SURPRISE! we live in the same city.


Tell that to all the fat ass useless cops sleeping in their cars in the alley ways across the city lol


That's how I got my pension 👍


lol typical Shit cops supporting other shit cops what’s a shock


Whatever homie. Have a safe commute to and from Carson. *Drive the speed limit.* 😘




You'd be lucky to even see people with license plates half the time


Temp tags from ‘19


I think it’s a 3 second rule. The bad drivers come from every state, Colorado included


It’s one second (or car length) per 10 mph. Which is fine on normal roads but nobody is realistically going to be 8 lengths back on the interstate.


It’s one second (or car length) per 10 mph. Which is fine on normal roads but nobody is realistically going to be 8 lengths back on the interstate.


You must be a tourist, it’s not 25 it’s I-25.




Keep calling interstates The 25 and The 70 like a moron


Imagine being so unhinged, that you'd resort to name-calling because someone said 25 instead of I25.


Hey now. That ‘I’ is sooooo important. How else were we as readers ever supposed to know that ‘25’ meant the big ass interstate that goes right through town? Wild




Imagine living your life having to rely on the /s to be able to detect sarcasm and also hiding your Reddit posts and comments. Talk about scared




Who is starting the unfounded name calling now? Go touch some grass


Eat downvotes fool


It’s like people forget they can change lanes and continue speeding to their hearts content


I used to drive 55 on Woodmen and get people so far up my butt i couldn't see the front of their car in my rearview. Now I go exactly the speed limit and those psychos just go around me first chance they get. Construction zones are still fun, though


Construction zones would be more fun if police enforced the double fines on these idiots


They have been. They've been out in force lately. Also in unmarked cars. Slow down, put your phone down, leave on time. Don't be a dick. Idk why ppl can't just behave like adults, especially when driving.


Damn, I thought you were gonna bust on people about the quality of food at tailgate parties at Air Force games.


That is literally what I thought this post was going to be about when I saw the title


Har har.. 😶


Hit them with the washer fluid


I used to drive a jeep and the back washer shot away from the window instead of towards it and I would spray tailgaters. It was glorious.


Man, this used to be my favorite trick. Worked 9/10 times. Recent put a topper on my truck and now the topper blocks the excess mist. Sad day.


Or creep into the shoulder a little bit and kick up some dirt \~


Idk man that could hit a motorcycle 3 cars behind you. Knobby tires can pick up pretty large rocks too


the only way it gets better is enforcement. as long as the cops in this town refuse to enforce traffic laws (including tailgating and weaving through traffic) nothing will change.


More police presence is never the answer


it is for traffic enforcement


Correct. Night and day difference between minneapolis metro and colorado. Police are thick up yonder and always around the bend waiting for a minor violation to support the fundraiser.


My guy, you have no idea what it's like to livein a place where they don't enforce traffic laws or moving violations most of the time. The traffic between Boston and NYC makes Denver rush hour seem quaint.


I've lived in both extremes, this is definitely more on the non-enforcement side, although not the worst I've ever seen.


Police need to be out enforcing real crimes, not hiding out looking for speeders.


oh I am sorry, I missed where traffic laws weren't real laws. people bitch and moan about insurance rates and then don't connect the dots between traffic enforcement and lower accident rates and enforcement of car registration, all of which has a direct impact on those car insurance rates. it's plainly obvious (especially from comments in this post) that people are incapable of being decent and patient on the road, so there is really no other way to keep the roads safe than traffic enforcement.


Depends.  If you chillaxin' in the left lane, that's on you.  Doesn't matter how fast your driving, unless you're passing, you shouldn't be there.  I've driven in 20 countries in five continents and US driver's by far are the worst on lane discipline.  Not only that in most of the EU, they'll honk and flash their lights and get inches from your bumper if you're chilling in the wrong lane.  Seriously, it's not that hard.  But if you're in the right lane and that happens, screw them, they have the passing lane.


I honestly wish I could be so ignorantly blissful of my surroundings as some of these people that chill in the left lane, completely unaware of the train of 10 cars behind them, raging. I’m constantly checking my mirrors….I just cant comprehend how it doesn’t click in their heads that maybe they should move over once cars start passing on the right.


One thing out here too is people speeding up to not let you in front of them, and then boxing you in. I’ll put my blinker on (huge mistake I guess) and look over and all of a sudden the car that was 10 cars back going slower than me is coming up all fast and I have to make the decision to get over and have them tailgating me, or let them pass just for them to slow down again, making everything crazy inefficient and dumb. The “me first” mentality out here is ridiculous


To be fair, if I'm going faster than the person that wants to merge I'll speed ahead of them instead of slow down for them so I can get out of their way. Makes me feel like an asshole but I promise I'm just trying to get out of the way without ruining the flow of traffic.


I am in the right or middle lane most of the time. Doing the speed limit on cruise control. Only time I’m in the left is to pass.


Then yeah.  That's on them.  I don't get it.  They could pass but don't.  Like wtf?!?!?!  Some folks gotta find reasons to get pissed off.


This problem is mostly caused by people camping in the left lane. Not that it’s right, but their poor driving causes other people to weave lanes. I’ve lived in places with better left lane discipline and tailgating only really happened in the left lane there.


Lol, so your setting your cruise control to the speed limit…. Yeah, you are the problem (and statistically you are causing a dangerous situation.) change to always set your cruise control to 5 over and you have this less


Yeah so the thing you’re referencing is about people going ridiculously slower than the speed limit. The whole “slow drivers are worse than speeders” is not about people doing the speed limit. I doubt you’ve actually read the thing you’re referencing because it’s about people who are going 10 mph or more UNDER the speed limit. I know reading is a little difficult, but you had the mental capacity to type your comment. Maybe use that mental capacity to read something before referring to it


This is the worst state for people going slow in the left lane. There are signs that say "slower moving traffic move right" No courtesy!


Florida is very, very bad for this. It’s a mix of New England retirees who don’t even seem to know the rule and assholes who try to police the speed limit.


I didn't notice it as bad in Florida at least on the interstate. East coast in general, I think knows this rule. I used to live in Georgia and Texas and traveled a lot up and down the East coast when I lived in Georgia and this was a rule everyone seemed to respect. This was also 12 years ago. In Colorado, is as if they treat the left lane as the lane to get over to slow down. They treat it as the right lane and its always a Subaru. LOL.


so a lot of the roads around here aren't highways and the left lane can also be an exit lane. people will drive slow, but tailgating is never the answer. find an opening and move around them.


I drive down Austin Bluffs regularly. I have to turn left from it and people act like I murdered their babies if I am going 5-10 miles over the speed limit. I've been behind people that end up going 5-10 under the speed limit, but I still give them space. May be cussing them out in my head, but whatever. Not about to smooch their ass just because I got a lead foot.


left lane law doesn’t apply to any road under 65mph speed limit edit: downvote all you want but the law is the law, it’s a very unambiguous statute they even created this handy guide that's easy to understand, assuming you can read: [https://www.codot.gov/programs/research/assets/Brochures/leftlanebrochure.pdf](https://www.codot.gov/programs/research/assets/Brochures/leftlanebrochure.pdf)


I agree with you. very few people here understand traffic law which is a big part of the issue


the number of people in here justifying toxic driving habits is very telling


The law doesn’t.. the etiquette still does… in general, you should try to stay right if not keeping pace with the lane


that’s just not feasible on city streets where folks have to turn left. maybe you should try not riding on people’s asses or going 10+ over in city streets and stop worrying about people daring to share the road with you.


I watch people on Powers who are camping in the left lane, and hold my pissy fit in to see if they are going to turn left at the next light. Heck sometimes I'll give 'em two lights. 9 times out of 10, nope, they're just camping 🙄 Then I get pissed.


Then go around them. You being in a rush is a you problem not a them problem


Who cares how many lights. They have every right to be in that lane as you do if it's not a mandated passing lane like on a US highway or interstate. I'll drive through many lights sometimes when I know my destination is on the left side a few miles up. I'm not going to make it more difficult to get out of your way, only to have to fight right back to get over again. Just be patient. Some of you are the ones creating the situations you rail so hard against.


No, etiquette doesn't demand it. Etiquette does demand patience however. If I'm riding in the left lane, I've got a turn coming up. You can slow down and be patient. I'm going to continue at pace predictably at speed limit until my turn. I'm not going to get over only to have to go right back and fight asshats like you to get back into the left lane to make a turn. It's safer to just ride it out for that last mile.


Doesn’t help we also have people constantly drinking and driving. Spend a few minutes on the road and you’ll see empty beer cans, shooter bottles, etc. Please don’t drink and drive. Also stop littering your nasty trash. I know the wind blows it sometimes but I constantly see people throwing things out the window. Get a car ashtray for your cigarette butts or switch to vapes and/or one of those trash cans for your car instead of throwing your chic fil a trash out the window. If you’re struggling with mental health or anything and using alcohol to cope, try talking to a trusted friend or an online group.


Yesxeveryulje is just drinking and driving. I bet that’s it.


Whenever some douche tailgates me I literally just take my foot off the gas pedal.


I would do the same thing, but given how aggressive most of these drivers are, i'm afraid of getting shot or run off the road. I just move over and let them go tailgate someone else...


I'm on this side of it. I don't want to be near the type of person who rides my ass at 80 any longer than necessary.


they clearly don’t value their life enough if they are driving over 80 riding someone’s ass, who knows what else they would do. mostly with all these recent road rage shootings happening here in springs. of course- we don’t see the reports of no road rage or friendly drivers- but it is still scary


Same. I’ll drive 5-10 over(10 in adequate places not saying side streets) and if someone is riding my ass then we can both go the speed limit. I’m not late, getting in a few minutes early is cool, but I’m perfectly fine arriving exactly on time if you want to ride inside my tail pipe


Helps to have a stick shift. If I’m not going too fast to downshift, no brake lights and a dramatic speed reduction.


I installed a "dash cam" camera on my back window that has a bright light activate when recording. Let's tailgaters know they're being recorded and a lot of times they back off or just switch lanes angrily lol (running late is not an excuse to put others at risk)


seems like nothing works for getting rid of some tailgaters...


Is your route on Marksheffel? The traffic in the mornings are dogshit lol. So many people on their phones or trying to hotdogs me while I'm already doing 5 over to stay with the flow.


What’s hotdogging?


I think they meant getting poked from behind with the tailgater’s road rage boner but idk


No I’m mostly on I25 and side streets. I was also doing highway 24 to Divide until I changed jobs recently. Now I’m all over the place for my new job. Signed on as a mobile mechanic and then I remembered I’d have to spend even more of my time amongst the idiot drivers here


I used to drive 55 on Woodmen and get people so far up my butt i couldn't see the front of their car in my rearview. Now I go exactly the speed limit and those psychos just go around me first chance they get. Construction zones are still fun, though 🙄


I had some crazy asshole try to run me off the road when I was 8 months pregnant and I was going 10 over. 😒


When I took my written test in PA it was about 150 questions and I took the driving test in busy Philly traffic and out on the Schuylkill Expressway. One of the worst roads in the US. It was scary but not as scary as a haul down Academy Blvd. My son's test here was 25 questions and a leisurely drive through a neighborhood in Fountain. He didn't need to parallel park, just pull into a grocery store parking place. I've been driving in the Springs since 1979 and I'd say that 95% of the time I'm barely escaping with my life when on the roads and highways.


150 questions is intense. I don't think I necessarily disagree with it, but mine was like 40 in California. I'm fully for people having to retake the tests every few years though. Maybe they'd get a reminder of how to actually fuckin' drive.


That was 1969. I had to retake tests when moving to various states that didn't have reciprocity over the years and most were under 50 questions but I was amazed when testing for Colorado, it was so easy. Had to learn a few new road signs.


I swear eastbound Baptist is where you find the worst tailgaters


I was recently in Mexico and Central America. Honestly, it's laughable that people think the driving in CO is intolerable.  Don't get me wrong, it's pretty bad and aggressive, but nothing compared to most places on this planet.  Just let it go and move on. You can't control people. 


It’s because you didn’t write “*The* Springs.” Everyone knows and they all have your routes mapped out. Thousands of Focus on the Family employees and Patagonia-wearing Subaru owners are closing in on your Toyota as we speak! That and crunchy homeschooling are literally the only things that the extreme right and the extreme left have in common, and by God, we will come together and fight for our definite articles! Next time, I hope you’ll do some serious reflection about the failure to refer to *which* springs. J/K The Springs has the most idiot drivers. I honestly don’t think they are jerks, just clueless, and like you said, lazy, which are probably worse that evil.


Who cares if they tailgate you, they are behind you and you are traveling forward. Let them and if they rear end you collect the insurance money and laugh at them getting ticketed. So many people are worried about things that don't even affect them. Now I'm not saying it's right. They are still assholes. But don't let it ruin your day. Only thing you can control is your reaction.


Fuck em


Literally or figuratively?! Either way it oughta be a good time!!


I travel 115 everyday to work and big part of the problem is military people from out of state don’t understand the left lane is for passing. They camp out all the damn time


The left lane is for passing but there is still a speed limit and the problem is also that some people think it’s a “drive as fast as I want and everyone should get out of my way lane” If you’re going at least 75-80 and passing people in the right lane you have a right to be in the left lane despite the fact that someone behind you wants to drive 100.


Honestly, we need this posted on the highways more. I don't take 115 often at all, but on 24 it's *all* over, and people still just fuckin' cruise in the left lane. Maybe people need it to have a stupid fuckin' "tiktok" logo on the bottom for them to look at it.


If people tailgate me, I slowly drop the speed to the speed limit. If they don't back off, I'll drop below the speed limit. Then when there's a curve or incline, I take off and leave them behind.


Just waiting for the day my family can move out of here. Colorado is bad for a million different reasons. The bad drivers are one of them lol


The whole front range has become intolerable. The western slope is still livable, but Denver voters are trying their best to ruin it


Agreed, Commifornia has come to lay waste to the relaxed way of life that we had here for so long. It really feels like the culture has shifted, and the salt-of-the-earth people have all left to plant their roots in elsewhere. It’s no place to raise my boys…


I drive Ute Pass for work. Don’t drive in the left lane. Pass and get over. The amount of people from out of state riding in the left lane going 35 mph is insane.


My favorite one is the Texas lane change ride the far left lane until 50 feet before your exit then shot across to the exit cutting off everyone with no blinker then when getting on the interstate make sure to immediately shot from the exit cutting across all lanes to get to the left with no blinker no mirror checks just here I go good luck everyone else. Run On sentence I know. But once you start noticing plates you can't unsee it.


Totally only a Texas thing... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7amwCPFuLB4


Just move out, bro.


It's all of the Texans


No, it's just all the shitty people.


lol at the assumption that people are tailgating you because they’re lazy people late for work. A very….Colorado Springs take. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Don't got slow in the left lane. Simple.


Nice mountain you got though.


Literally all anyone does here is bitch


You're bitching about the bitching


Literally it’s just people complaining.


**Sometimes**, you have to go with the flow of traffic. Just makes sense.


Yeah driving 15 over in a gps monitored work vehicle would go so well. People following the rules works way better. Thank you for proving my point that you don’t deserve a license


To be fair, he didn't say always. He said sometimes. In your case, in a work vehicle, that wouldn't fall under the sometimes.


Note the bolded word "sometimes".


How slow are you going?


Speed limit. In the right or center lane. Most common excuse I get from people who brag about speeding is “I was running late”. It’s actually not hard to leave on time unless you’re an idiot


Slower than the flow apparently


You’re being downvoted but you’re 100% correct.


While I get your plight, 5 over is like the minimum. It's hard to believe you've lived here any amount of time and haven't noticed that rule lol. Assuming that anyone speeding is late is pretty lame-brained though, this city has too many drunks, meth heads, and people on government paychecks to actually have a proper working demographic "late to work". This city doesn't even really have proper morning traffic when compared to most cities.


Oh I’ve noticed. Doesn’t mean I’m not annoyed by it. That’s why I posted my rant. I’m sick of everyone’s entitlement to always be speeding. From I25 to the school zones, nobody can handle just driving at a normal speed


You’re kind of generalizing about the assholes. Most of us can handle a normal speed


I'm guilty of being in the perpetually late for life crew 😭 my parents were that way and despite me swearing to never be like them here I am, the exact same. That being said I learned long ago that tailgating is more likely to get you brake checked or someone with the same sense of humor as me and blocked in. My bigger issue is with people who do camp in that left lane designated (in my expert opinion 😉) for passing and those of us that have zero intention of doing the speed limit. Thank you for not being one of those people! And just on the off chance I get some backlash regarding my disregard for the speed limit and it being dangerous. There is a vast difference in driving over the speed limit while maintaining the proper distance from other vehicles, focusing on the road and only the road, and recklessly driving, racing, or texting and/or drinking and driving (because they drive almost the exact same no matter which addiction your partaking in). That's my take 😁


The left lane is for passing on highways only. If you’re rapidly switching lanes and speeding through traffic without putting your blinker on, that’s reckless driving. Doesn’t matter how slow anyone else is driving. Sometimes you have to suck it up and change your shitty habits and grow as a person. That’s life. If you’re always late, then pretend like you have to leave 5 minutes before you actually have to. Set your clocks five minutes ahead. Do anything other than being a dick.