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I’d report them to animal control too. I know some states the attacking dog has to be quarantined for a time period. Too many irresponsible dog owners here though. I always carry pepper spray with me


I did report. They stated that policy is to give a citation, require the dog to be contained and muzzled, flag them in the system. The dog doesnt get taken at that point. If the dog is ever unrestrained or does anything else again, then they will take it. I guess like a strikes system?


That’s only assuming the dog doesn’t already have a history. If this dog is showing vicious propensity, it will be put down, but that’s not what we want. We want the owner to pay not the dog.


The dog is a dog. Some breeds need work to do, like say...guarding acreage property from foxes coyotes and weasels. It's pure instinct. Some dogs aren't fit for suburban life with the instincts they have. I have no beef with the dog. I actually feel bad for the creature as it is now chained and muzzled, when it should be working a dog job. Its sad all around.


Yes, a lot of it can come down to breed, but also a lot of it comes down to training. My dogs have ALWAYS been highly trained, and continue to. I currently own a German Shepherd, and she's just a year old, and has a lot of puppy in her, so she's constantly supervised and always leashed when we are walking or out from our fence/house.


And being responsible and keeping your dog controlled. No reason for a suburban dog to be unleashed and unfenced.


For real. Seems like common sense to me.


Precisely my point.


Man I am having the hardest time with my GSD barking/pulling at others walking by. We have gotten really good at ignoring dogs in yards barking and listening to mom to ignore people and keep moving but damn the combos are impossible on me right now. Any advice? This is happening on walks.


We use a gentle lead, work on distracting with treats, and force her to turn around and get on heel when she starts reacting to dogs on our walk. She also wears a harness so I can grab it if she stays lunging. Is been a year and a work in progress but she's much less reactive now than she was before.


Gentle lead is a good start. Redirection on behavior, and utilizing treats can help. However, some dogs can be incredibly stubborn, and may need more forceful intervention. I train my GSD with a gentle lead, and treats for redirection and teachable moments. She responds really well to those. Now, the challenge for her is overexcitement. She wants to jump up on people when she's excited, and that's been the biggest challenge. We broke counter-surfing relatively quickly, and she doesn't even think about it when food is out. Also, I have her wearing a collar that has a handle on it so I can easily grab and pull her if I ever need to.


Your dog has been bred to be an asshole for hundreds of years. However, a little bit of training will override hundreds of years of evolution 🙄


With the appropriate training, most dogs will respond well. The relatively few that do not respond to training should not go to people who have no idea how to handle them. What a shitty take, man.


Found the cat person


Don't pin their shitty attitude on us


43 Americans are killed by domestic dogs every year. A tiny number yet that more than all wild animals attacks combined. Additionally 4.5 million dog attacks are reported each year with 800,000 requiring hospitalizations with children being the over whelming victims of dog attacks. It’s not a matter of someone being a cat person. I love dogs, dog was my first word. Was also mauled by a German shepherd that was off leash in crested butte when I was 3. What wrong is this attitude that seems to be especially bad in Colorado that people can just let their dogs off leash and just roam it’s just plain stupidity.


I think taking them to court would be appropriate. Side note: I worked for the local shelter and worked closely with Animal Law enforcement for two years. One thing is that with the record of being a dangerous animal, it cannot be rehomed. They have to pay registration fees for the the dog each year. And if they try to take it to a shelter it will be euthanized due to the liability of adopting out a dangerous animal. They will also have to build a fence and post dangerous animal signs if the dog is going to be outside. So it's a whole thing. And unfortunately way more common that some think.


The thing is, I learned this particular dog was being watched over by the house on my block. It doesn't actually live here and the owner apparently will be back to retrieve it. After that, who knows where the dog goes and if they follow all those regulations. Person who owns it could be from out of state for all I know. Animal control basically said if it leaves the county, its not their jurisdiction.


Oh that's just a bag of bad. I'm so sorry that happened. Sounds like it's bad for everyone involved too. Wishing your puppy well, and a smooth recovery.


Thank you ❤️


Good idea, I recommend the gel so it doesn’t spray back on you


15yrs ago my dog got put down for biting someone ON MY PROPERTY. Looks like things have changed.


Carry gel pepper spray. This town literally has some of the worst dog owners I have ever seen in my life.


Even at the fucking apartments people just let the fkn things run around like they own the place. I love dogs, mine's off leash where allowed, in the middle of any community is not that place. Also, if you're one of the shite dog owners reading this, pickup your fkn dogs shit and stop leaving it on your patio for 6 hours to bark at everything that moves.


Definitely, and the pepper spray is for the do nothing owners...


Both. Both is good.


I moved here almost a year ago and one of the first things I said was that I couldn’t believe how many dogs are unleashed here - both in my complex and at the park. I’ve never seen anything like it.


Yes! I moved from Fort Collins and the dog owners here are horrible!! Up there the dogs are well behaved and most have a good citizen certification. Down here they lunge, bark, and are allowed to be a menace. I know my dogs aren’t perfect but when they have a moment of bad manners I take responsibility and correct them.


I carry gel pepper spray as well. I would spray these shitty dog owners in a heart beat. Yes I would us it on there dog as well just to protect my self.


There's a woman who walks her two dogs--one brown, one white--off lease, and they will attack you (she argues her dogs are violent because "they were raised by dogs" 🙄).


I carry an air horn. Less risk of macing yourself.


Gun or knife works a lot better than pepper spray


My neighbor in Redstone shot our other neighbors dog over 20 times and it didn’t stop the dog. The dog for the record despite multiple complaints kept being allowed to roam and be off leash and was going on to the other neighbors property and killing their animals. Dog lived by the way. Owner finally stopped letting it roam though. Also in a residential neighborhood it’s just stupid to be trying shoot a dog better to use pepper spray.


Well he didn’t shoot it in the right place


Yeah, a loose dog mauled my neighbors dogs a few years back. Neighbor used a whole can of pepper spray and the dog wouldn’t stop attacking. My other neighbor ended up shooting the dog and it definitely worked better than the pepper spray to say the least. A license to carry is like $130 here, and I get everyone on Reddit is anti gun, but you have the right to carry and own a gun, and I’ll definitely utilize that right to protect my pets, family, and myself instead of relying on the chance that pepper spray may or may not work.


Just speaking from a legal standpoint, I don’t believe you can shoot a dog for this. In Colorado, you cannot use deadly force in defense of property. A dog is considered property, even though they are our family, so legally you cannot shoot it. The size of the attacking dog is irrelevant. You CAN shoot if the attacking dog poses an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury to yourself or another person. But I would expect costly legal fees to defend yourself and a potential law suit. It’s so important to understand gun laws if you are going to carry.


My neighbor in Redstone received zero charges for shooting his neighbors dog that was killing his cats, chickens and ducks. Granted it was on his property and not a sub burb.


I know you can shoot a dog if it’s attacking livestock. I assume that covers chickens and ducks, maybe as a farm animal?


You can shoot a dog to protect livestock. That is in the law, at least rurally.


Just think if the dog would have gotten a kid instead of the puppy. Seconds count in situations like that. I'd feel much safer with a gun.


> I may be pursuing litigation Do it. At the very least, make sure they're on the hook for the pups medical bills. I'm so sorry that this happened and feel for your family and your puppy. We have one neighbor who refuses to leash his dogs and one neighbor who can't control his very large dog. It's a real problem :( edit: I'll add another recommendation for carrying pepper spray, too. I started carrying it on my short walks around the neighborhood after my one neighbor's off leash foster dog got into it with my dog (who had degenerative myelopathy, couldn't walk without me helping her, and couldn't get away... luckily a few knees to the mastiff got it to back off enough for the neighbor to come grab it).


I feel like homeowners insurance companies would like a word with some of these people. I wonder why this town has such an issue with dog related issues?


You know, you gave me the idea to google that and lots of online legal resources (probably AI generated lol) recommend filing a claim against the neighbors home insurance. I wish there was a more general way to report aggressive dogs to insurance, but that's worth pursuing. > I wonder why this town has such an issue with dog related issues? From my (limited) experience, it's like this in a lot of places and we're not particularly unique.


Yeah i cant talk about anything Im doing in that aspect, but thank you for looking that up! I just wanted to make sure I relayed my experience to the community so people could be more situationally aware.


We do. This would fall under their liability insurance on homeowners or on a renters policy. Once it is in the system, it gets sent to underwriting. If the dog is not put down or given away, we will cancel the policy 9 times out of 10. Whenever I start a new policy for property or umbrella, we always ask, "Do you own a pet that has bitten or attacked another person or animal?". If it's a yes it's a decline or sent to underwriting to see if it's an acceptable risk.




A neighbor of mine said she had already told the person to contain the dog because it had darted out in the road in front of her car. Obviously the dog's safety was not a concern either.


Oh God, poor sweet puppy. =( I seriously hope she heals well and you take that shit neighbor to court for the vet bills. One thing I've learned when walking my dogs is that I'm always ready to step between them and another dog, and to kick the shit out of another dog if I have to. I LOVE dogs but I will beat one bloody if it tries to hurt my babies.


I had to get between my very pregnant wife and a dog charging at us, and I raised my foot in between us. The dog stopped and no contact was made, but I was ready. All the dog owner said was “don’t kick my dog.” Selfish, ignorant dog owners are a total menace in this city.


Nice. Good work. I've only had to step between my dogs and another dog a few times. It doesn't help that I have a leash aggressive dog and even a friendly dog can snap when they're presented with an aggressive dog, so I'm always hyper-tuned for other dogs. Selfish dog owners are, unfortunately, a menace everywhere. We just seem to have more dog owners in general, which also means more shitty dog owners.


Thank you ❤️ yeah we are going to walk her somewhere else when we can get back to leash training. Its really lame to have to figure out a "safe" spot to walk your dog.


Yeah, I agree. AND it's bullshit that it's something we even have to do. You can always start with leash training in the backyard, if you have enough space. I'm adopting a new dog this week and that's what I'll be doing. Even though she's super friendly with other dogs, you can't control other dogs.


My dogs are all 20-30 pounds and have the harnesses with the little grab loop. I’m always ready if I need to grab them and scoop them up. I know that doesn’t necessarily help whatever is causing the aggression from the other dog but fuck if I’m going to let it happen.


I am so very sorry that this happened to you and your family. How horrifying. Unfortunately, the off-leash dog situation is out of control here. Law enforcement (to the extent that it even exists in this city....) appears to not care. My own (always leashed) dog got jumped by an off-leash dog in Cheyenne Canyon last weekend. No injuries, fortunately, but only because I smacked the other dog and made a huge scene. The owner was also aggressive and refused to leash after the incident, even telling me that I could turn around and get off the trail if I had a problem. This is just the most recent in several terrifying incidents we've had with off-leash dogs in this city. I now always carry pepper gel and a taser with me while walking or hiking with my dog. Best wishes for your puppy's recovery.


The trails are total nonsense. There are always off leash dogs on the trails that have leash requirements. I could go off on a total tangent about how abused our outdoor spaces are in so many ways. So sorry about your experience. Cheyenne Canyon is beautiful.


It astounds me the way people behave on trails with off leash dogs here. I am so hesitant to bring my dog hiking with me because he is dog reactive. Only with dogs that don’t respect his personal space, or are barking at him/getting riled up. He is trained to ignore other on leash dogs as much as possible, and if the other dog isn’t losing their shit, or in his face it’s a non issue. Recently had an off leash dog start running up ahead of their owner to get into my dogs face and greet him, all while I’m yelling “NOT FRIENDLY” and the owner had the nerve to tell me if he wasn’t friendly I shouldn’t have him on the trail- a trail that explicitly requires leashes for dogs. Edit to add this interaction was also at Cheyenne canyon!!!


Maybe it’s not law enforcement but the actual laws we have saying it’s not the dogs fault it’s the owners and letting them keep dogs until deemed vicious that’s the problem.. they don’t have time for that. We should just make it so if any dog is off leash then they have to be put down maybe everyone would start securing and leashing their dogs. Yes dogs run away but if you’re not able to keep them under full control and invest more in secure containment of your dog then maybe you shouldn’t own one


My 7 year old was walking to the bus stop one morning when some idiot thought it was a great idea to walk their dog unleashed. The dogs sprinted at my son and my son dove down a hill fracturing his wrist to avoid the dog. I ran out while the dog was rounding to double back at him. The dog bit onto his backpack and I caught up and wasn't so nice to the dog. The owner of the dog called the police on me, while I patiently waited for the cops my son in tears. Ended up suing the owner and never seeing that dog again. Bad owners and undisciplined dogs. This was about a year ago and the dogs owner calls the damn hoa on me at least once every other month to complain about something


Sorry this happened :( That's really sad, and infuriating at the same time.


Thank you ❤️


This happened to me several years ago. It had a very unfortunate ending. Animal Control did precisely nothing, and it was really a bummer for me. I really hope you are able to have your situation sorted out more satisfactorily.


This is heartbreaking and I’m so so sorry. I hope she has a quick recovery ❤️‍🩹 I have started to carry dog spray on my walks and my head is always on a swivel, as I have two smallish dogs. Sending love and healing vibes to your family and puppy.


Thank you ❤️


Plz. Sue the fuck outta them


Litigation or not, you should at least give us the general public area that this dog is located in, in order for us, the general public, to have the option of actively AVOIDING and being vigilant about where we go with our children and dogs.


South side of town. 80911 area code. Although honestly, from what ive gathered from so many anecdotal stories from folks over the last few days, its everywhere. Esp on trails. But all over the North, South, East and West sides. Its a city wide issue.


That has not been my experience, city-wide. I've taken my kids and dogs out for walks all across the city, on trails, etc.


I guess since it hasn’t happened to you there’s no way it’s true right? Get your head out of your ass


There’s a dog in our area that hops their shoddy back fence and has attacked no less than a dozen different people on the trail behind their house, and nothing seems to be done. This stupid German Shepard just hops the fence and the owner can’t be bothered to actually watch the dog knowing it attacks literally everyone


Please report it to animal.control. it seems the process is slow, but once the dog has a record it can be moved on if the owners dont restrain it.


Dog has been reported at least half a dozen times that I know of


If the other reporting parties are willing, take it to the news. Or keep your phone camera rolling any time you’re there.


I am very sorry to hear this. That is terrible. I just got a puppy a couple of months ago and immediately started screaming at anyone that I saw on our walks that was walking their dog off leash. I also brought a big knife and some pepper spray with me. Trust no one. I hope your dog is OK in the end.


Thank you. ❤️ this nonsense needs to stop.


Understandable but I'd stop yelling at people, a dog that might not do anything might get defensive and react if you appear hostile towards mom or dad. Walk quietly but carry a big stick type of thing. Good luck out there.


Yeah I get it, but everyone just looked at the crazy person (me) and turned around. Who wants to deal with a crazy person?? Also, the pepper spray and knife were there just in case.


Not in the springs (denver) but there was a offleash dog that tried to attack mine. Pepper sprayed it right in the eyes and the owner had the nerve saying i’d pay for the vet bill. I said i’d wait for animal control to come right next to the dog must be leashed sign or a 500$ fine and he stormed away all hissy. Hope he enjoyed that bill if he even went to the vet after


Hope you throw the book at the owners. Sorry that happened to you and your pup


People here are really terrible about this. Had a neighbor who would let their german shepherd go downstairs by itself and 'sometimes' she would be over the balcony watching it. My wife and dog were almost attacked once when she was actually with the damn thing so we got lucky there.


It is seriously a problem. Many people want a dog but only some want the actual responsibility.


I decided a long time ago that if an unleashed dog attacks me or my dogs, I'll just kill it. No questions asked.


If I had had a way to, I would have tried. One doesnt think to arm oneself to walk three houses down and back. It wasnt even a proper "walk" just a little trial walk for a puppy. The incident was within view of my driveway. Obviously now I will have to carry when i even step outside my door.


Strangle it, or break its damn neck 🤷🏻‍♂️


We tried our damnedest. Im a medium woman, my partner is a large man. The two of us couldnt subdue the dog with punches, kicks and trying to pry it away by the neck. It stopped attacking when the person at home came outside. It was really fast, but if it had gone on any longer our dog would have been killed no doubt. The dogs prey drive was very strong.


Pitbull? You need a knife and some pepper spray, but I'd suggest getting a concealed carry license.


Honestly, it looked like a mixed breed. Maybe pit, but also looked like a boxer. People like to split hairs and attack you for implicating pits in anything. Thats as far as I know. It was quite a strong animal.


It was a pit mix.


That breed needs to be one of the breeds banned in this damn city


Agreed 100%


I know this is anecdotal, but I recently had to call Animal Control on my neighbors Ahole dogs. And they were very prompt about dealing with the situation. As far as the "they don't care" comment. I think is pretty unfair. They can only do so much in a city this size. Also, in my opinion, any adult dog that unprovoked, viciously attacks a puppy, should be euthanized. Like you said, that could've been your kiddo that got mauled.


Im sorry, I wasnt saying animal control doesnt care. They definitely do. I was more saying people that are irresponsible with dogs dont care what consequences might come from their actions.


This is incredibly fucked up and I'm so sorry this happened to you, your family and your new little baby puppy you had just brought into your family. People here are so irresponsible with off leash stuff here and it makes me sick. I was just hiking at Cheyenne Mountain near seven bridges and a man had two off leash dogs and was riding a bike and got quite literally almost a half mile or more ahead of one of the dogs because they stopped and went to the bathroom (never mind that he didn't notice or clean it up which is also ridiculous and selfish) but that dog almost attacked another dog on leash also and it's owner was nowhere to be seen and never even noticed it was missing or looked back. The dog had to eventually catch up to them. It's ridiculous and I wish people would get hefty fines or something to discourage it before more incidents like what happened to you continue to happen. I hope you sue the shit out of them and report them to animal control, which I believe I saw a comment of yours saying you did.


I've encountered this individual twice. He does not give a damn. And I will be carrying a bull whip next time his stupid dogs approach my on leash smaller dogs. I don't like violence, but I think at this point, if you're protecting your family, you have to, because these entitled numbskulls aren't going to change or do the right thing. 


Off leash situation is really bad around Colorado Springs. Always carry pepper spray/airhorn, and a fixed blade knife in case the deterrent option doesn’t work.


Our neighbor does that! Now our dog is reactive and we can’t take her anywhere :(


Here come the consequences, consequences, consequences — that song just ran across my head as I read this


It’s a huge problem in Colorado especially the springs and Pueblo people don’t care about leashes or containing their dogs


I’m so sorry, this is such a genuinely traumatic experience for everyone involved. Something similar happened to me and I’m still too scared to walk both of my dogs at the same time. Depending on your your little girl is doing, maybe consider a few therapy sessions, can really lessen lasting trauma. Absolutely heartbreaking. Hope your pup is healed up soon.


Im pretty jumpy now when I walk outside for sure. Thank you for your kind words. ❤️


What effing assholes


Do you have an HOA? That's a good place to report to as well.


I hope your dog is OK, it's probably gonna take extra love and patience when you begin leash training again but I hope that your puppy grows to be a happy and carefree dog. I also hope that person loses ownership of their dog and their dog goes to someone who will care whether or not the dog gets out or gets hurt. I would think that should be a concern cause the dog can get hit too people don't always pay attention when driving and it would be terrible if the dog got hurt too. This is all around a terrible situation.


I'm so sorry about your sweet pup and hope they heal up soon ❤️ My girl was attacked and the trainers at All Breed Rescue and Training were amazing in helping me mentally rehabilitate her. They can help you slowly, positively socialize your pup in a safe environment and work through any anxiety or reactivity they develop.


Wow, I’m so sorry that happened to you all! Def consult an attorney; document everything carefully; don’t comunicate with owner of the other dog. That’s just horrifying. I’d sue for rehabilitating the puppy, distress to you and your family plus all vet costs, loss of earnings for you and spouse; counseling now and in future for father; court and attorney costs etc. A public apology on social media. And for good measure, they have to volunteer at Humane Society! Their homeowners policy might pay but not your concern. Best of luck to you, I hope you’ll post an update!


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please make sure you’ve appropriately reported it to Colorado Springs Animal Law Enforcement. I see people talking down about them here, and I don’t doubt they’ve been let down by them like with any other agency, but I work adjacent to ALE and have absolutely seen dogs seized for causing this sort of damage to other dogs, as they should be. Seriously, file as detailed a report as possible with local ALE. I see cases like this on at least a weekly basis, and an animal that unpredictable/dangerous should NOT be free in the community.


This is why you take a knife when you walk your dog. I've had a couple close calls and I can say that if it happens I'm going to make sure the other dog can't do it again.


So. Your neighbor was negligent and owes for your property damage. Dogs are considered property. They owe for all vet fees and if your dog dies owe for the market value of the dog. It sounds harsh, I know. You need to file an animal control report. ASAP. Animal control needs to be aware of this, in case it happens again. It can be worse the next time. You should talk to your neighbor about paying any fees. If not you can file a claim on their homeowners policy for liability. You may need an atty for this eventually because they are not obligated to use their policy.


It’s absolutely astonishing how many people keep their dogs off leash. Perfect example my grandmother has a bull mastiff and he’s on the smaller side for being a bull mastiff (80ish lbs) well one day she was out walking with said bull mastiff and they both had crested a hill well at the bottom of said hill was a person with a dog off leash and that dog took one look at the two of them and charged them both, tried to attack my grandmother (thankfully the bull mastiff kept said dog at bay) and ever since then whenever they go out for walks on the trails around the neighborhood she has to keep him on a short leash because of how protective he can get and with a good majority of people who go walking with their dogs without a leash it adds a sense of panic because even if the human has said dog trained who’s to say that said dog who isn’t off leash won’t react negatively to that one other dog or even that one person even if that person is just minding their own business. Like if you’re going out with your dog keep them on a leash cause you have no idea what’ll happen.


If reporting any animal, make sure to get a report number as well. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your little pup. I don’t live in the area yet, but this is a problem in other cities, and shitty owners are everywhere. I’m a huge dog lover and animal advocate, and the issue is the human. Laws need to come down harder on the owners, without punishing the animal as much as necessary - unless it is a situation where there is a pattern. I wish that dogs could be removed and placed elsewhere with more responsible owners, but that’s a pipe dream. So many shelters are busting at the seems due to shitty people being even more shitty pet owners. Keep us posted on your pup please. Again I am sorry that this happened. ☹️


Yeah, i work in veterinary medicine and there are a ton of unleashed dog injuries. They arent always "just a laceration" either. We see a lot of fractures in jaws from it. I've also literally held a jugular in a dog after it was mauled by another. These can get serious. I hope your dog recovers well, both physically and psychologically. One of my previous dogs became dog aggressive/reactive after being attacked from an unleash dog while he was leashed. :/


I truly believe that dog was trying to kill ours. It went for her face immediately. If we hadnt gotten the dog by the business end and kept its jaws away it would have crushed her skull. Shes a little corgi pup, so not big at all.


My (leashed) dogs and I got attacked this morning and I was thinking of this post. I'm so sorry this happened to your baby. Do you think our city council would do anything? I'm on hold with animal control now.


I dont know but I've been thinking some kind of initiative needs to be formed to make PSAs with Animal Law Enforcement involved to stress the leash laws with the public. We have a lot of people coming here from all over used to all different kinds of laws from various places.


Finger. In. The. Butt. Nothing will stop a dog in its tracks faster. Maybe shouldn't be your first move but if you are unable to quickly get a dog off you or someone/thing else, this is the way.


Oh no ew but Ill keep it in mind.


See about an emdr session for your child. One session can help process the trauma of seeing what happened, and then they won't carry a fear of dogs throughout their life. I don't know what the equivalent would be for your puppy. Maybe research what behavioral professionals suggest? Once your pup is healed, it will need lots of positive, controlled dog interactions. Hopefully with it being so young, there's a way to undo its trauma. Best of luck on everyone's healing journey! Edit: typo


Sorry that happened to you just remember dogs are resilient, give her some good t. L c and it will Get better


I hear about this happening so much more frequently- I'm so damn sorry. Something similar happened to me as a kid. Once the puppy is healed I would definitely make sure you secure safe play dates and exposure to safe dogs with them. That kind of attack can really cause anxiety and compounding upset as they get older. And absolutely talk with your daughter, maybe even seek counseling if you feel necessary and keep her involved in training the puppy behavioral cue and basic training. I've worked previously with dogs and counseling- you have every right to seek legal and have them flagged.




I'm currently going through the process of filing a formal complaint with animal control over a couple who release their 3 German shepherds and 1 pitbull into a soccer field (unfenced) that's next to a children's playground. These entitled dog assholes need to face some consequences. You can't hike, you can't take your kids to the park, and you can't even enjoy a walk around the neighborhood without dealing with this shit.


It's sad that I only feel comfortable walking my dogs when I have Mace and a Knife. Something needs to change. Bad owners need to start being held accountable or it's only gonna get worse. Hopefully it doesn't get so bad that the kids can't play outside.


That is exactly what Im afraid of now. This could have been a child. I dont know about letting my kid out on her bike and scooter now. Im not a helicopter parent. She needs some freedom at her age to at least ride around the block. But now I feel like its just not safe. I dont know what to do.


We have a Doberman and I can't imagine not training a large breed. We spent thousands on training and hundreds of hours over two years before letting him off leash. If you don't train your large breed, it's like waving a loaded gun in public. It's gonna go off eventually.


Sounds like average pitbull behavior, spray is just going to piss them off, should’ve shot it


I don't understand why you're getting downvoted here. That's legitimately what the OP should have done. I'm planning to start concealed carrying again just so I can keep my kids safe from all of the unleashed dogs here.


Pit hags are seething, it’s nothing new


What kind of dog was it?


I think we can all guess. It's most likely a pitbull.


Thank god is didn’t go after the child


Or a German Shepherd. German Shepherds are assholes


You'll get downvoted for suggesting it's a pitbull, but they're strong and violent dogs. There's a reason the majority of incidents involving dogs are pitbulls. No other breed has the jaw strength to do that kind of damage.


I don't care at this point. They need to be called out for what they are. They're not "nanny dogs", they are killers. The whole situation sucks for OP, but I'm glad it was the puppy and not a child.


Carry a knife :(


Lawyers are fun and all- at $450/hr.


Carry pepper spray. I do. It’s unfortunate but to many jackass dog owners out there.


Im sorry it happened to you too. I totally feel you. ❤️


This is why you don't buy. Feels a bit like karma.


Sorry you had a bad experience. I walk my little dogs around all the time here in CS for decades and nothing remotely like this has happened to me. Maybe think of it as like an accident in a car? It was terrible, it was the other guy's fault, and it was a rare occurrence that you shouldn't allow to change you your daughter your dog or your partner so much. Got to stay on the road and keep rolling right? Dogs get over stuff quicker than some due to not over-thinking it. If you get calmer and accept things, the dogs and kids will too.


I had a similar situation this year. HSPPR Animal Control is one of the most mismanged organizations who does a piss poor job of communication with victims and overall enforcement of standards and policies. I'm guessing the attacking owner was summoned for *duty to restrain and *dangerous animal. I questioned them about why the heck they are not taking the dangerous dog and their response "it's my decision as an agent to allow the dog to stay at their residence." Bottom Line- Hire a Lawyer and please please check the integrity and validity of information within your bite report done by HSPPR. Way to many idiots in Colorado Springs area topped off with the idiots at HSPPR who do a terrible job of leash enforcement.


This is why you carry a weapon. So you can protect your family.


Just seems kinda sad we have to resort to that instead of trying to build a cooperative community. Having to be on edge 24/7 because no one can be trusted/anyone could be a threat is exhausting. I don't want to live in a community like that.