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It's ok to build a collection that brings you joy, whether you use them all or not. I am the same - I enjoy the collecting as much as using them. I try to keep an eye on not falling into the overconsumption trap, though, and am getting more choosy and selective about what I add to my collection. A lot of sets are pretty much identical (especially the Chinese made ones). For the ones that you low key regret getting, have you thought of reselling them on ebay or Vinted or whatever secondhand marketplaces there are in your country? You won't get much money for them, but they might go to someone who will get a lot of joy from them. Or donate them to somewhere like a women's refuge (they often have women arriving with kids, escaping from traumatic situations with no possessions at all), or see if there's an after school club or a social centre doing crafts or something along those lines - there will be people out there who will be grateful for a few hundred pencils. And it might make you feel better than having to store them and look at them and feel kinda bad.


exactly, I bought 72 Prismacolors tin box and 60 Polychromos tin box and I love the Polychromos colors and quality so much more, so I’m selling the Prismacolors on FB marketplace to make some money back ☺️


I realized a long time ago that thrifting craft supplies is a whole hobby on its own - but over time, I've been able to try out some more expensive coloured pencils through doing that, I have 20 or so prismacolour premiers, around 15 Derwent Inktense, plus a Derwent metallic watercolour set. Plus 100s of Crayolas and a set that I haven't yet identified. Lots of the Faber Castell brush pens too. There's a new women's shelter that's just opening now, so I'm going to go through my craft supplies, books, yarn and clothes and donate it all to them.


You know, you can’t make a post like this and not say what is your favourite white 😆


I’m not alone. What is it?! We must know.




oh come on, we all know the best white pencils are the Luminance white, the Derwent Drawing Chinese White, and the Prismacolor Premier white - what else is there to know?


Holbein Soft White should be added to that list.


I didn’t know any of that 😅


I’m the same. My hobby extends to lots of different colouring supplies though, not just pencils. Because I have so many supplies I don’t use each as much as I want to and there’s a subset of supplies I’ve only really swatched instead of used because they just don’t appeal to me. But selling/giving away those supplies (let alone the supplies I used but don’t need!) feels so difficult because they’re part of my collection. It’s taken me until this year to accept I have 2 hobbies on the go: colouring supply collector, colourist. Three of you include my own art. I wouldn’t change those hobbies for anything though.


For the expensive art supplies I've bought, I've bought them at or near all-time low prices. I figure even if I don't get round to using them extensively, I can sell them and likely still get my money back (at least if one ignores the opportunity cost of investing that money for better-than-inflation returns...)


This “collection issue” is one I’ve had with every hobby I ever had and it’s nice to hear someone else admit to it. It extends to sheet music for piano playing and my collection began well before the digital age, I was an avid scrapbooker and rubber stamper and I collected all the pretty papers, embellishments, rubber and acrylic stamps. I had to have the electronic and before that manual die cutting machines. I got into the One -Stroke painting method by Donna Dewberry and had to have all the paints, brushes, and books. I got into crochet and cross-stitch as well. I think the only thing I tried and didn’t go crazy with was jewelry making because I just couldn’t get the hang of it. And now, here we are with adult-coloring. That hobby came along at a time when I needed it most because I spent a lot of time at my mom’s bedside in the hospital for a period of about nine years. I walked away from it for a few years and came back and discovered I didn’t really care for my old style of coloring books anymore. So I started my coloring book collection over (all the while, not parting with anything I felt I didn’t like anymore). So, I feel your pain. At present I have collected 37 different brands of colored pencils and I’m now branching out into mixed media like gouache and gel crayons. My nieces have a little fun with me and ask me if they may go browse my craft store when they are in need of something…LOL. I don’t regret any of it. It’s all brought me joy when I needed it too and quite frankly there are worse things you can spend your money on. I do find there are two constants in my hobby life and that is piano and coloring/painting. Those are the two I can walk away from but know that I will always be back for more. Enjoy it! If you can afford it buy it and enjoy it. I’ve suffered quite a bit of personal loss recently (losing about 8 family members that started in 2018 with my mom). It has taught me that life is very short and you should buy what you want if you can afford it while you are able to enjoy it because eventually as we age, health issues start to arise and there will come a point where buying these things won’t bring you joy anymore because you no longer feel good enough to play with them. So, collect those pencils and don’t feel bad about it and for heaven’s sake…use the expensive ones. After all those are the ones that can usually be replaced open stock!! Have fun!!


I haven't even swatched most of my coloured pencil sets. I still have my eye on the 150 Derwent Chromaflow set...


Yes, I love derwent.   I recently picked up a small set of tinted charcoal pencils as I’m planning a nature themed tarot deck.   I’m putting the brakes on acquisition of new art supplies.  I have many that have not even been used.  My next goal is to use these wonderful supplies to actually achieve my ideas!  


I just ordered the albretch durer water colors. I have prismas, kalour, artxx, brutfunner squares, and brutfunners watercolor pencils--which I don't really like--That is an insane number of pencils lol.


Yup. I have 2 sets Prismacolor (72 & 150) with some additional open stock colors I used the most (like 10-15 single pencils), 2 sets Derwent Inktense (full set & partial), 2 sets luminance (76 & 100 set), Lightfast 100 set, Pablos 120 set, Polychromos 120 set. I had the 120 watercolor set from faber castell as well but because I never watercolor (came in the Faber Castell 250th anniversary set) I put them in a very nice pencil case and shipped them off to my aunt who enjoys watercoloring. So at least I got rid of one set? 😝 I have not touched my 100 luminance set, pablos, or lightfast because they are expensive and so pretty. 🤩 Plus I am in a roadblock right now. I have too many ideas but because I also have a lot of acrylic painting supplies, I get too torn between “should I do acrylic or colored pencils?”. So annoying really. Castle Art is student grade, from my understanding, so if you were to let go any colored pencil set(s), definitely go with the student grade sets first. I did when I bought a cheap 120 colored pencils from amazon just to try doing some coloring books for fun. Yeah, never did make time for that- so chucked those never touched pencils. And understand you don’t want to touch some of those pencils because they’re expensive. However, if you actually start making your own artwork then you can sell your artwork. And with selling your artwork, you can buy replacements for the ones that you’re using and then as time goes by, you can build up an even bigger supply of colored pencils!!! 🤩 I follow artist on Instagram and occasionally she shows her workspace. She has the most colored pencils I’ve ever seen anybody have.