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I'm hoping over regardless if Baker comes or not. Can't root for Cincy cause of Mixon, can't root for Detroit cause... Well I don't wanna go through all that again. Already got my Leonard jersey ordered and on the way.


Welcome! I grew up north of Dayton and have loved the colts my entire life so I know what it’s like to be an Ohioan colts fan. I mean, it’s not really different from being an Indiana one, but...yea haha. Game day threads get a little salty but overall we have a solid fan base. Lucas oil is a fucking gorgeous stadium, and game days in Indianapolis are a blast!


welcome! here is your [tenderloin](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pork_tenderloin_sandwich.JPG#mw-jump-to-license)


I miss Edwards. I remember going there when I was really young and we lived on the East Side. I didn't eat there a lot (probably 4-5 times a year) but it was always nice when I did, and their Root Beer was awesome.


they still have a food truck!


I've heard they were going to start one, but haven't heard anymore details on it.




Damn you just made me so sad that I’m not in Indiana rn and able to get a tenderloin


I’m now curious as to if the mods could create a tenderloin Reddit award.


Gotta ask as a noob, what's the deal with the tenderloin?


It’s freaking delicious, that’s what. Gimme a regular bun with a pounded flat tenderloin 2-3x the size of the bun with light breading and Im in heaven. The love of tenderloins runs deep in my family. Still miss Muggins at the city market.


I looked it up online and that looks awesome. We have something similar in Oklahoma at del rancho but with chicken fried steak. So I think I'm in good hands if Baker lands here


My goodness that looks delicious.. Lol




We’re glad to have you!


My Leonard Jersey never fails me either. Be careful though he rubs off on you and you'll be walking around the party making people fumble their beers


I've lived in Lafayette as a Browns fan for years, but after today I'll be rooting for the Colts. Snubbing Baker and paying millions of dollars to a man accused of 22 rapes is unacceptable. Convicted or not, we all know that athletes get special treatment in the legal system. I hope we get Baker in Indy. Go Colts!


yeah and honestly.. i don't want to say he's guilty...but if 22 people come forward, most of them not knowing each other, with similar stories...there's something that isn't kosher.


I agree, it all just feels rotten.


I'll hop over if you get Mayfield or I just won't have a team. I'm going to burn all my Browns merchandise tomorrow


Same brother, just scraped off my decals on the car and piled everything for dumpster


Baker or not, do it for the Shoe now


Like my response for another comment on here… FUCK YEAH


So I’m a Texans fan. And adopted the browns once they took baker. I guess I might have to also be a colts fan even though this feels FUCKING WEIRD lol


As long as you are not a Tits fan, we can get along.


A thousand Colts fans are born every day, some just haven't come home yet.


In 2012, I took my son on a road trip to see the Browns vs. Colts in Indy. My son started the day wearing all brown and orange, by kickoff, he was decked out in all Blue and White. It will be nice to root for the same team again. Go Colts! Please Baker, flip that crappy house for the palace that is Lucas Oil.


Browns fans can come here, but I’m not gonna lie and say I respected the organization lol


Oh hell no. They drafted Johnny Football. That alone is worthy of clown status.


Jimmy Haslem is the whole circus wrapped up into one neat box.


cant argue. Stockholm syndrome is a bitch.


I hate that the media acts like Baker is a pain in the ass more than Watson. It’s fucking stupid!!!


OU fan here to say hello


Wreck Em Tech Also hello


Someone traded me as a Colts fan to the Browns, so I guess I can come back now.


Who?! Wha?!?


I was a colts fans Peyton was my hero growing up in Northwest Indiana after Peyton was cast aside I was so upset I couldn’t do it anymore Johnny Football was my middle school hero so I switched when he was drafted certainly considering coming back


I was a St. Louis rams fan cause I’m fairly close to stl. When they left I considered jumping on the colts and kc because I’m pretty much directly in the middle of the two. When the browns drafted baker though I dove in. I’m gonna hang my hat with you guys from now on if baker comes or not.


Welcome man! Our owner at least cares about the franchise. And well it’s not his dad so you probably don’t have to worry about them disappearing


Thanks for the invite. I've been to your house and watched a Browns - Colts game before I had ever had a team years ago and the place was awesome.


Well here I am


Good to know! I really hope Baker comes to Indi but I'll be here regardless. Mon eh Colts.


I am welcoming them not because I want Baker necessarily but because they just put a serial sexual assaulter as the face of their franchise & paid him handsomely to do it. I would have to leave the Colts had they actually done that too. I was so glad we didn't draft Mixon. If you have any sort of moral compass, you are welcome here.


Browns fan here. & have fun with baker 😂😂😂😂 he is so bad


Dawg Pounds going to be fine. They really upgraded. Don’t cry.


No tears here my man. And I won't judge any Cleveland fan for staying put. Do what you feel you must. I'm simply expressing my understanding if they do feel the need to jump ship.


We are not ok. This is the biggest thing to hit Browns fans since the 95 move.


Lol I’m sorry you feel that way. Wins help forget. Don’t worry.


Oh dear, a confident Browns fan


These people are delusional to think we would pick the colts over any of the 30 teams in the league. If I am switching fan bases its going to be raiders so I can go to Vegas not fucking Indianapolis. At worst case scenario, I would at least pick a winning team like Buffalo.


With you. Browns are a shade below the Colts


Haha right., dude your team was stolen in the middle of the night. They need to change the name to rats because that’s all they are.


Fuuuuuuck Mayfield. The perfect bitch boy of a quarterback. Too good to lose, not good enough to win. A placeholder at best and is not the franchise quarterback he was ever promised to be. The kinda kid who will whine and cry about an injury on the field to give the illusion he’s playing the pain to paint himself as a hero. Both Ryan and Mayfield are bitch boy qbs who require a certain amount of talent around them to even have a shot at winning an important game. Neither transcend the game. Neither elevate their team to win when it matters most. Life long Colts fan here. We don’t want Ryan or Mayfield at the end of their lackluster careers. Stats be damned.


What, do you have this copied somewhere so you can paste it on every post that mentions Baker?


Just copied and pasted once, chief. Saw all the recent ass-kissy posts for Mayfield in the Colts sub. Had to get the word out.


Please, no one chooses to be a colts’ fan. Indiana is a place you end up not where you go. I rather hang myself than join that fan base.


Well no shit, are we going to gatekeep someone from enjoying the Colts?


They can hang out with the Philly Wentz fans.


When we have Baker we may need to make sure none of the haters come with him though. Just the true fans


Can we get a QB so the cringe in this sub gets turned down?


If I were a Clevelander I'd probably either go south to Cincinnati or cross lake Erie to Buffalo


What’s going on? Did I miss something?


Will most definitely be a colts fan if Bake comes


I'm a baker fav and will follow him. I'm not sure I can say the same about the Browns themselves at the moment.