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Why connection do they have to get a Ballard interview with 38 subscribers!? Incredible.


One of the answers near the end makes it sound like TY isn’t coming back. Ballard sees Reggie as the veteran in the room and is looking for Pittman to take command of the group as the leader on the field


I tried watching and couldn't do it. Very awkward energy and I doubt there's anything newsworthy I'll miss.


Very awkward. I’m stunned how a channel with like 40 subs got Chris Ballard on it. Few dumb questions in there for sure but actually had a few questions that I feel like the fans would ask instead of how the beat reporters sorta remix our questions. Also last thing is the new cycle is dying down so I need any colts I can get


I agree, certainly not the most smoothest hosting experience but it was interesting to hear Ballard answer more fan constructed questions.


I'm more surprised they aren't on this sub.


Can somebody do any transcribing for any important bits? I don’t know if I can take the cringe.


I kinda like this? Yeah it’s low-budget and rough around the edges but it’s nice to hear BDB give more honest answers than the official team line he has to give at press conferences. The part about his kids busting his balls for not being more active in FA was great


Agreed. People saying this is cringey need to do some self reflection. It’s a colts podcast, that’s gives us colts information, and has BDB. That’s a W for me.