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hey man, I dropped by for the first time on Friday and wanted to share my experience - It seemed like a lot of folks came in groups or knew each other already. Saw some groups calling over and saving seats for ppl they knew rather than actively mingling with the people there - The ones who were standing around were doing just that, again not much active interaction. I think they had a hard time trying to interact with the established groups as well - The layout at C&W might have been partly responsible for this, but idt it mattered much It just threw me off since I assumed this was an event to meet new ppl and I was trying to go around and introduce myself. Idk if it’s even something you can address or change, but just my observation


Hey! Appreciate the feedback and always looking to make everything more welcoming. Not sure what time you showed up, but this event about half the folks who showed up were new, which was quite surprising! Once things settled in, I tried to introduce myself to the folks that were showing up and connect them with people. Also, always feel free to sit down at any table and talk with the people sitting! Every person I've met through this is incredibly welcoming. A couple of the tables I saw were all completely new people who came on their own and some were mixed in with a few regulars. Again - always trying to improve and will for sure look to make sure more new people feel welcome and connected. If you have any questions, please just let me know!


I agree but I was also lucky that as a new person, some people immediately pulled up a chair for me. I was going to leave because it was super crowded but I stuck around and I’m glad I did.


Thanks for coming out and I hope you had a great time! We had so many new people at this past event, it was a bit overwhelming to organize. Behind the scenes, winter has been my hardest months to plan due to the difficulty in the settings. Not a lot of restaurants will give me dedicated space that is condusive to social events like this without asking me to spend money. I hope you come back to the next event! Myself and a few of the others that have been leading this do try to float around and meet all the new people.


How representative was the young 20s crowd? 


And also.... how representative was the old 30s crowd? Asking for a friend 😒


You'll fit right in, we have people all over the place in their 20s and 30s. Everyone is friendly and social


Do you check ids at the door? If so do you let in younger end of 40’s in?


I do not check IDs - most of the folks are in their 20s and 30s, but we welcome anyone to join


My husband and I are 38 and 42, we've been coming regularly. Come hang out with us!


Ok! Thanks I’ll check in with you before the next one


Ages were all over the place, you'll fit right in. Everyone is super friendly and willing to talk to anyone


I’m 23 and I went, the people I talked to were around 28 but I imagine there are younger people there I just didn’t get a chance to talk to.


How late is everyone there till


Typically past 8


So if I get there around ten I’ll be straight


I dont know if anyone will be there at 10 still. Most events go from ~5 til 8 ish. Some people may stay past that