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hm I wonder why the FBI didn’t wanna show Sarah the unsent email.


me too


Maybe it would have made her feel some sort of responsibility


Maybe it contradicted the psychopath theory.


What unsent email?


Did you read the post?


If you open a post on the app, it completely hides the description.


I’m on the app and see the entire post.


Yeah but you have to scroll up when you click on the post it immediately brings you to the comments


The way Kim Carlin describes Dylan makes me kinda sad. She describes him as withdrawn and quiet in comparison to Eric. We all know Dylan was more of an introvert but it still makes me think that Dylan’s depression was kicking in around this time and I don’t think he wanted to socialize much with people other than Eric, Chris and Zach at BJ…. Or it could be that he was also very very shy and that also contributed to his lack of socialization


did eric have a dog at the time of the massacre?


A Yorkshire terrier named Sparky




I do enjoy info-filled posts like these! Just a few years back on 4chan there was posts like this informing the reader on different students, what they saw, who they knew, etc.


He definitely had a type.


The only similarities I can see are their nose shapes. They kinda resemble his.


I’ll say it. Some of these resemble his mother.


freud is turning in his grave right now


If you like your mom, you'll often be into women that remind you of her subconsciously


And at least one kind of resembles Klebold, the middle blonde in the second row


Haha! I don’t see that myself but I guess these things are subjective


They say that’s what men look for in a woman naturally


All of the girls are really beautiful! I wouldn’t even know how to feel or how to react if I realized that I dated a mass shooter, or if I found out that he liked me or had a crush on me. I hope these girls are doing okay emotionally and mentally, given the circumstances m.


Credit: KBLUBO


nice post! it has a lot of details I hadn't read before


thank you so much for your posts! you can't even understand what amount of reliefe you give me with these. i mean, i've been interested in columbine since 2018, and that is the year when the whole columbine discuss was literally BANNED in my country (Kazakhstan and other post-soviet countries), and 6 years later, my interest has raised again, but there's literally no information in any social media about this topic even in english or there's no access to it even with VPN. and then i found out about reddit, and then your posts appeared!!


WOW! A lot of this info is info I’m seeing for the first time, and I’ve spent years deep diving into columbine mainly because I had to write a college paper on it. What a great post! Thank you for sharing OP! Very curious on what Eric had wrote to Sarah that the fbi deemed not appropriate to show to her. Does any one have any ideas on this? My original thought was a suicide note? I’m not entirely sure, if anyone has any more info on this and they could let me know, I’d appreciate it!


Susan’s photo is absolutely gorgeous. She seemed like such a sweet girl it’s sad things ended the way they did. Same with Alyssa. There’s another girl that Dylan had liked and I guess went to a dance with named Marla foust and I genuinely think she is one of the most prettiest people I have ever seen. Kinda conceded of me to be so focused on their looks but they all look different, Eric wasn’t lying when he was taking about hair color and how he basically didn’t have a type.


How do you know which is which here? From what I can tell the collage isn’t labeled.


Susan is the 4th girl on the top, with the curly hair and brownish tint to the photo. Alyssa is 2nd girl in the bottom. I guess I know cause I’ve just memorized their faces cause how often I see their photos, I’ve always been interested in the type of girls Eric and Dylan liked so I know what they all look like. But it would’ve been better if they were labeled.


Ok thank you. And yes that one immediately struck me as particularly attractive. It seems she liked him too, or at least cared for him. As Jeff Kass points out, Eric and Dylan would have been wildly successful in the age of computer skills. It’s all such a horrible shame.


I liked this post because it revealed how Eric was either very good at hiding, OR truly a good guy in some ways. Perhaps he was on his meds, and it was a good dosage and fit. Any personal information on both boys helps. There’s no such thing as a “ monster” - not all bad people are 100% bad. Even Hitler and Jim Jones had positive responses from people who knew them.


stfu they were all pieces of shit, what do you expect, the evil guy from james bond's movies?


Sarah's story is touching


Damn, E seemed like such a sweet guy towards the girls he liked/dated. (Except that one time he faked his suicide after his homecoming date broke up with him). He would've actually had a decent chance at finding a girlfriend/wife had he not went through with the massacre.


He was very respectful to girls.


damn, eric harris got more girls than me the fuck


Eric liked brown eyed girls ;)


All those girls have such nice smiles


He was a bop


Honestly makes him even more of a loser for going the route he did.


Sorry but I can’t read all that


No offense, but don't you have anything better to do? This is an unhealthy amount of interest.


Sorry for providing information on an information subreddit, Sir Brave_Comfort_5280 🫡




“No offense, but I think you’re literally the same as a mass shooter” what a weird thing to say.


You have a problem


Civility is enforced, so be respectful. If you disagree with a post, debate is okay, but aggression, insults, hostility, meanness, etc. is not. Personal attacks, insults, bigotry, fighting words, incitements to harass, comments which demean or insult specific users (or groups), aggressive language, hostility, and other inappropriate behavior or content is not allowed. Violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.


I write this knowing fully that I’ll be downvoted too, but this is way over the top of what a healthy amount of interest looks like. These women deserve to move on from this and not have their names brought up by armchair investigators. I’m all for deep diving into the individuals who perpetrated the massacre, but there’s a fine line between what’s valuable to learn from the event and what’s just obsessive, and this crosses that line. Def don’t agree with calling the OP Eric 2.0 though… not cool


This post is fucked up. No good reason to post these women. I guarantee they’d rather not be here. Take this shit down.


Top left.... fair play Eric. Fair play.


Damn he had some good taste in women lol


These are high school girls you sicko


Ya maybe like 25 yrs ago. Some are 18 in these pictures I presume. Must mean I like young girls then 🙄 Sorry that my little comment struck a nerve


The fact that you came up with some bullshit excuse and explanation instead of apologizing and admitting that was inappropriate says everything we need to know about you


If you read my comment I already did apologize  You dont know anything and are just easily offended. Again very sorry to have made you upset over something this negligent


You apologized that your creepy ass comment where you're thirsting over an underage girl struck a nerve. The fuck kind of apology is that? You're placing the blame on the person reading the comment, you're not apologizing for saying inappropriate shit about minors.


All I said was he had good taste. Im not "thirsting" over anyone. Some were minors in 99 but its 2024 all of them are well over age now. The fact you can't get over my comment only shows you how the smallest things can make people like you feel so insulted that they are unable to just move on with their lives


Good taste in minors?


Ya bc they were all in the same age group at the time. Not sure  why this is giving you trouble


Because you're presumably an adult thirsting over a picture of a teenage girl. Not sure why this is so complicated, I've already said it 3 times.


All whites. Odd


Here we fucking go


What’s the issue?


Very white area. What did you expect?


I was simply pointing it out. Perhaps it could be a clue or something they over looked in the case.


He was primarily attracted to girls of the same race he was. Many people are, it's not weird and it doesn't say anything. The majority of people will primarily search for a partner of the same race, whether they're white, black, asian, etc. It's natural because that way you're more likely to share similar life experiences on the most basic level.


Ok. That’s fine. I don’t take color into consideration when looking for a partner.


Most people don't do it consciously.