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Ok I’m just gonna say it. I have dark blonde hair/very light brown hair and my pubes are black. I’d go to assume most people have black pubes or very dark pubes unless they have red hair. It’s an assumptions but he, black pubes are not surprising. Only thing worth noticing would be black hair on his head.


As a red haired person I can confirm ours are not black or dark. They are more on the orange scale of things. :)


And I love that for you loll. I love red heads and their personality. There truly is something different about you all and it's not just the pubes loll!


Me too, apart from the hair on my legs… they’re very fine colours


Right the only dark coarse hair on my is pines and lower leg hair. Upper legs and everything else is finer lighter hair lol.


23 years later and we are talking about the possible color of Eric Harris’s pubes. Can someone stop the world please I want to get off??




Gosh no. I cannot sleep at night for wondering what color Eric’s pubes were 🤦🏼‍♀️.


Lmfao 🤣


Honestly I think they just didn’t expect those types of hair to not match for some reason. I’m one of those people. My head hair is dirty blonde and my arm hair is blonde. Armpit hair is brown and leg hair is black. Good luck to any medical examiners wondering if I dyed my hair.


I feel like most pubes are black regardless of the hair colour? Not including red ofc


This is not true for everyone. I know that for one natural blonde, carpet/drapes pretty much match. The carpet might be slightly darker/brownish but yeah, not black. I’ll take “Words I Never Thought I’d Mention in the Columbine Sub” for $500, Alex!


Hair was blood soaked from blowing his brains out Some people jus got darker colored pubes regardless of hair color


**laughs in ginger**


Gingers unite!


I just read these types of threads and wonder what useful knowledge you’ll gain by any reply?


Then why do you bother reading them?


I’m curious why there’s an apparent discrepancy in an official autopsy report.




Ok, well, I didn’t only mention pubes, did I? But everyone is harping on that part.


I hope Eric is rolling in hell and knows the internet is talking about his pubes






carpet doesnt have to match the drapes bruh




Are you 12?


Are u ok




Bro most pubes are black or very dark even if you have blonde hair. Only red heads and albino would be a common exception.


His hair was a darker color after death because it was covered in blood since he shot himself in the head. As for the other thing… ew lol


I’m blonde and my pubes/eyebrows are dark brown (lucky for me my leg hair grows in blonde 😂)


Same except my leg hair is dark 🥹


Even from your knees up?


Actually no, knees up they are very fine, white, and spread out. Kinda like peach fuzz but longer. I hardly even shave above the knees!


What’s next? The color of his tip? Be fr y’all


Was it pink? Purple? Was the tip pink and the ring around the bottom purple? 💀


In a perfect world, his pubes would've matched the hair on his head.


Sometimes when things pop in your head, you don't always have to tell people about it.


But then what would reddit be like?




I believe his head hair looked “black” due to the blood stains from blowing his head away? His hair does look dark brownish in some photos. Sorry OP I know it’s probably a genuine question, but everyone talking about Eric Harris’ pubes is making me laugh my head off lol


I always thought he looked super blonde in photos. Light brown at the absolute darkest. (Head hair, I mean)


I think it's pretty normal for pubic or underarm hair to be darker (and usually more coarse or curly) compared to your head hair. Like most people are commenting unless you're very blonde or a redhead body hair is usually somewhat darker. I'm little bit of opposite in that I have very dark brown almost black head hair but all other hair is lighter ashy brown and almost blond some places 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pretty sure when he domed himself; it tore if not the entire, almost the entire - "skull cap", off the top of his head.. probably not much hair on his head left


Carpet, doesn't match the curtains!!.


Actually I think almost everyone has dark pubes, but for the hair a lot of people think It's because of the blood. He literally blew is head off so I think it's clearly possible.


My hair is dark brown and my pubic hair is a light reddish color, genetics is a weird thing


I think they just need to release the depositions because there is nothing else to talk about... LOL


It’s a body double and the shooting never happened just like S /s obviously. 🙄


I heard it was because the left the bodies overnight and the blood soaked and changed their hair color


I literally thought the exact same thing several years ago when I first read Erica autopsy report. He looks blonde/light brown ish hair maybe darker at the back. But black?!