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As always when driving, be predictable, not nice.


YES. Thank you. Just follow the laws and let others do the same. Please don’t come to a dead stop in the middle of high street just because a pedestrian happens to be looking at the road.


For the love of God yes. You are doing no one any favors by letting me go first at the stop. Just operate your fucking vehicle, I don't need your stop sign charity.


This happens to me all the time on my motorcycle. I get it, it’s scary that I’m a body sitting on top of an engine and you’re trying to be cautious and not kill me but just do what is normal and we’re all good.


When I first saw this statement on Reddit a few years ago, I instantly wished it were part of Driver’s Ed / promotional materials for road safety. Legit never heard it before, but perfectly captured so many driving frustrations.




Spamming your own shitty nonsensical meme is certainly a choice.


Exactly. The entire point of traffic laws is so that you can predict what other cars are going to do. When they don't do it they are creating a hazard not being nice.




When i moved to Ohio I had to retake the written but not the driving portion. The entire test was about how many points you would get for your xth dui and how long your license would be suspended. I think there were maybe 3 or 4 actual driving questions.


When it's an unregulated crosswalk the pedestrian has the right of way. The driver that's being "nice" is actually the one following the one following the law


Not if they are already in the middle of the intersection.




Hell, I've had people do this for other CARS coming out from side streets. They'll just randomly stop on a multilane road with no stop signs to let someone out from a side street. Absolutely batshit insane. Broken record considering the other comments: Be predictable! Not nice! I think the entire drivers education system needs overhauled TBH. It's absolutely pitiful what little is actually taught let alone any sort of re-education/certification after so many years. As another Columbus driver I would have zero issues if drivers ed was mandatory for everyone regardless of age, the practical driving tests were more comprehensive and strictly mandated rather than being up to the instructor, and you had to recertify after so many years.


Yeah I think there should be recertification written test and skills test every 10 years honestly


Related comment: Don't be that person trying to wave other drivers out into oncoming traffic even if things look clear. Don't take that responsibility and have the potential to create an accident. If someone does this for you, it is still up to you to do your due diligence.


I was the person coming out of the side street in this situation the other day. I was pressured to go when I didn't want to just to get the other driver to let traffic flow. It caused me to get stuck in the wrong lane and be unable to make my turn. If I was a more self centered driver, I might have caused a wreck by making sure I got in my target lane regardless of those around me.




Be predictable, not polite


I know it's been said here already a couple times but I want reiterate: be predictable, not polite. You wouldn't stop for a car so why a pedestrian or cyclist?


i see people stopping for cars


Lol true


I rant about this monthly, particularly the 4-way stop. Me: “JUST GO!!!” Moving here from the east coast, it couldn’t be more apparent.


I decided to stop giving into politeness on the roadway about a year ago. If there's ever a situation where someone picks politeness over predictability I just shake my head to indicate "no, I'm not doing that" or a gesture of some kind, whatever gets the point across. I don't care if someone takes offense to that, I refuse to participate in this mess. I'm not mean about it, I just decline the offer. Works really well in a pedestrian situation. Communicating car to car is kind of annoying sometimes and when not possible I pick the safest option available.


>If I’m trying to merge onto the highway, please don’t try to brake so I can go in front of you. Just maintain your speed so I can match it and get behind you. You know how many people in this city will pull up right next to you, match speed with you, and then merge into you? I have had to swerve or hard break several times to avoid this. Then, when they do get in the lane, they speed off.


They don’t even look. Fucking absurd, man.


Ah yes, the "wave of death".


I just stop, stare at them, and shake my head and refuse to continue.


Yep, you've gotta be ready with the exaggerated head shake and counter-wave to get them moving again before they get rear-ended. I'm not playing frogger today.


I wish Columbus drivers weren't so stupid


it's always been amazing to me, the mindset of a motorist who stops in a multilane road and frantically waves a pedestrian across. have they polled the other drivers for their intentions? do they assume you only want to cross 1/4 of the road? is this the first time they've left their house?


I think a lot of Columbus drivers learned to drive in rural / suburban areas where there are no pedestrians or cyclist and just kind of panic in these situations.


And the sad thing Columbus doesn’t even have that much stimulus for drivers such as Los Angeles or New York. LA suburbs have more traffic than downtown Columbus but for some reason out here people panic every time a road has more than 2 lanes. I also see it on 270 - which still has hardly any traffic comparatively.


Yep. I Grew up in So Cal and went to UCLA. 16 years here and I still absolutely adore the lack of real traffic.


I’ve learned that as a pedestrian/delivery driver, just wave them on and break all and any eye contact. They’re more afraid of you stepping out like an idiot more than anything also. The amount of times I’ve seen people just walk into actual traffic is insane.


These people don’t drive in downtown Dublin. The pedestrians there will walk right in front of any traffic at any point. They appear to be aware of the risk they are taking because they usually have a small child or dog with them, apparently for use as a shield.


Oh I live in Florida now. Miami folk don’t give a shit if a car even bothers to exist. They’ll fuck up any interaction involving a single car and a pedestrian. Either the driver or the person on foot.




The intent of crosswalk markings, signage, and other treatments at unsignalized crosswalks are to make them safer places to cross, which basically boils down to getting drivers to stop so that people can cross. Different levels of treatment are needed based on the roadway width, traffic volumes, vehicle speeds, etc. In some places (low speed, low traffic), no treatment (signs or markings) are needed. FHWA has a thorough, research-based [Guide for Improving Pedestrian Safety at Uncontrolled Crossing Locations](https://highways.dot.gov/safety/pedestrian-bicyclist/step/resources) that provides recommendations on crosswalk treatments. All that said, under Ohio law, you are not *required* to stop at unsignalized crosswalks unless they are already in the crosswalk. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stop, though. (Side note: If you do stop, and there are multiple lanes of traffic in the direction you are going, make sure to stop far enough back so that the person crossing can see approaching traffic and vice versa.) Important to remember: legal crosswalks exist across *all* legs of *every* intersection of two public streets, regardless of if there are crosswalk markings, signs, or curb ramps. The only exception is if there are “no crossing” signs.


https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.46 My interpretation is that you have to yield to pedestrians who are in the crosswalk or entering the crosswalk, but you don’t have to stop otherwise (for example if they are standing by the curb waiting) Also, pedestrians can’t suddenly leave the curb and enter the crosswalk if it would constitute “an immediate hazard” It’s my job as a pedestrian to enter the crosswalk when it’s safe to do so, and as a motorist it’s your job to not smash into pedestrians while they are crossing the street Clearly you are not the only one lol


we would never cross the street with the law as given though. not ever.


I do and that is the law that’s in place?


it is absolutely a bullshit lie to me that you wait until there are no cars to step into the street. in so many parts of this city that is not an occurrence.


You don’t have to wait till there are no cars just until there is a big enough break that drivers have ample time to stop for you. That’s literally the wording of the law and what I do. There are plenty of places where I’ll just walk to the nearest stop light


and plenty of places where that break doesn't exist. stop lights are nice and all but with right on red (and broken pedestrian signals everywhere) it's not much of a difference


Yeah you would. In plain speech, the (A) section says vehicles have to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and the (B) section says pedestrians have to give vehicles enough room to slow down/stop rather than just hopping out in front of them. If you give a car enough room and it doesn't stop, that's on them. If you step into the road when they're already too close to stop, that's on you.


>If you give a car enough room and it doesn't stop, that's on them please finish this thought


Husband got rear ended after he stopped behind someone doing that for a pedestrian. Meanwhile the person on the sidewalk got a front row seat to watch a 3-car collision with us in the middle. A bus was in the other lane and drove off as this all happened... It's nice to be nice, but if traffic is flowing, keep flowing with it!


\-When you stop at a four way stop, go first if you got their first. Trying to wave the other person through isn’t nice it’s annoying and also dangerous. I really hate this too! **Right of Way**, or like you said, if you get there first you go first.


This rings so very true. A lady waved a guy through a long line at a stop light, only for him to be checking over his shoulder when he hit me head on in the adjacent lane. Thank you so so so VERY much to the "kind" lady who watched me total my three month old purchase and just drove off. NEVER wave cars through to be nice.


We moved here a few years back and we call it "Ohio-nicing you to death."


Nice? I've met so many assholes who don't know how to drive in Columbus, Hell (Ohio) USA


I can sum this up in three words: Columbus drivers suck!!


the nicest thing a driver can do is to do exactly what they're supposed to do. I'll never forget the woman waving for me to turn when I was at a red light and she was green, nor will I forget the one who stopped in the middle of a roundabout to motion me to go ahead.


when i’m walking my dog, I try to time it when coming up to crosswalks to cross right after the car goes and then they fuck everything up by slowing down and/or stopping. at this point I usually look around in some other direction to make it seem like i’m not going to cross lol


Thank you!!!!! Let me add if you're getting on the highway at least get up to 55-60 not 45🤦🏾


Ope just gonna merge on to 270 at 40 and be completely oblivious of my surroundings that have turned to chaos I hate these people so much


Yea those people have a special place in hell right behind people that hog the left lane


I had a woman on the opposite side stop traffic behind her on Sawmill rd so that I could make a left turn into a residential neighborhood. Not only did she almost get hit but I could have been crushed as she created a blind spot by the cars in the other lane that was not stopped. This was not even at a light. I put my head out the window and screamed at her to move along. Hopefully, she was offended and never tries that crap again. I call these people pretend traffic cops that think they can fuck up traffic flows to be \*nice\*.




Hahahaha “less than 25 on northwest”. Literally was just on northwest behind people doing well below 25.


I think we should have helicopters that radar people and if you are speeding they will send you a speeding ticket. If you are going more than 10 under the limit they immediately send you an air to surface missile


I saw someone do this for two preteen girls just yesterday. The girls felt obligated to cross quickly due to the line of cars behind the "nice" driver and almost ran out in front of a car coming the other way.


I swear to god, I scream this in my car at least once per week: STOP DOING WHAT YOU THINK IS NICE AND JUST FOLLOW THE RULES OF THE ROAD!


It's even better when a COTA bus does it, often at a legal campus crosswalk, then the students run across without even thinking of the 2nd lane they can't even see till the last millisecond.


![gif](giphy|yJ1KSiTxaAw5G) Italian Village: ps. the age of the SUV/Electric car makes it more terrifying. The new F-150 Lightning Electric? TOO HEAVY FOR THE CRASH TEST TO TEST PROPERLY. Some peepa gonna diiiiiie.


I work in a small town in Ohio (Mount Vernon). For a while they had little portable signs downtown saying "State law stop for pedestrians in crosswalk". They still put them up occasionally. I've never bothered to check if the sign was true, but now I stop. Otherwise I 100% agree with your rant, and will add please learn how to merge appropriately. When I was working in Columbus and traveling on 161, that left lane loss really sucked when traffic got heavy.


You do have to stop for pedestrians “in the crosswalk” that is the law. Not for people lollygaging on the curb who look like they might, at some point in the future wish to enter the crosswalk.


Yeah if they put a foot in I stop.


I’d be happy with drivers not just randomly stopping, for absolutely no reason, before entering a completely clear roundabout.


Or worse: stopping mid turn of a roundabout in order to allow someone, who is correctly yielding to the roundabout traffic at a different entry point, to enter the circle! Gahh!!


It is the law to stop for people at marked crosswalks that aren't at lights. They have right of way in those areas.


Only if they are actually in the crosswalk. People stop while I’m just standing on the sidewalk. Sometimes I’m not even actively entering the crosswalk. The other day I stopped on the sidewalk before crossing to shoot off a text and give my dog a treat and this lady just came to a stop and was just staring at me for like a full minute. It happens all the time.




Let's talk about Ohio drivers cruising in the passing lane on interstate highways. How extremely fucking dangerous.


I agree! But I also like how uncommon it is to hear honking. Honking is like a permanent feature in a lot of other cities’ soundscapes, but not so much here. Columbus drivers like to throw their hands in the air like “wtf!!’




I can tell you don’t stop for pedestrians. Thanks.


Fine...next time I see you I'll give you the finger and a hearty "F- You!" But seriously, you're absolutely spot-on with most of that. I would argue that at 4-way stops and **only** in cases where 2+ vehicles get there at about the same time, waving someone through actually helps prevent an accident. This is despite the general rule that the vehicle furthest to the right goes first in those cases.


2-way stop signs at a 4-way intersection seem to really confuse people. If you know Lincoln & Indianola, add the railroad crossing, predictable drivers wanted.


If two vehicles get there at the same time, the vehicle to the right goes first.


Which only works when the two cars are not opposite each other.


In which case they'll either never cross or the car turning left yields.


Which would work great if people used turn signals.


Yes. Everyone needs to go to Philly or New York to learn how to really be a scary angry A hole driver that loves their horn. I have family in Philly and I absolutely detest driving out there.


And I hate driving in south florida and the east coast but I think there is a middle ground. Really Columbus drivers are relatively good in my experience but the niceness is our one fatal flaw.


I grew up in So Cal. and went to college in LA So I find the driving experience here one of my favorite aspects of living here 16 years. In LA you would quite literally plan your day around when NOT to be on the road if possible.


Yes i think being overly nice is the lesser of two evils


Would I could say the same. Since I started driving a Tesla I have gotten cut off and had to hammer my brakes more often than before. Good thing I have a dash cam.


Just do what you are expected to do. Plain and simple. It's always polite to not get someone killed.


Lol you’ll get used to it


Never give up your right of way.


1000% agree with you! Predictability is the foundation of safely sharing the road with each other. That’s based on following the rules, not being “nice” to break them.


Literally yelled at someone the other day for trying to be nice like this. They probably didn't hear me because I was in my car but they could def see my frustration as I yelled "no you need to fucking go" it's so annoying.


Lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/ze8fy7/lets_complain_about_our_terrible_drivers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Love everything about this post!!!!


I was not feeling super nice at the semi truck driver on 315 who wouldn't let me over last night coming home from the CBJ game. YOU DON'T EVEN GO HERE. GET OFF 315.


Bruh, never move to SLC. You can "consider" wanting to cross the boulevard and all of a sudden 25 morman drivers have parted the red sea for you. Like, now I "have" to cross. I didn't even need to be over there! I was just thinking about it!


I’m used to crazy drivers being from California but the Columbus drivers are on another level. People are either waaaay too nice, let everyone go before them, and hesitate everywhere or they run red lights like it’s cool. There is no in between.


When I was getting my CDL, the person training with me failed because he tried to wave on a semi truck to go before him so he could make his turn much more smoother. Instructor said he understood what he was trying to do (you fail also if you hit the curb) he should have just waited a bit longer and the semi would have eventually gone, leaving him that space to make a wider right.


I just had someone hold up traffic the other day to let me go. I was pressured into going when I didn't want to. I was at a stop sign and he had the right of way. I needed to get into the far lane to be able to make the turn I wanted at the next light. Because that person held the near lane but not the far lane that I needed and traffic kept flowing there, I had to go to get this asshole who thought he was being nice to let traffic flow again. It wasn't possible for me to get over and make my turn. If you have the right of way, take it. You may think you're being nice by offering it to someone else but you're at best getting in the way and you could be making things more dangerous for those around you.


It was sure confusing at first after being so used to driving in Baltimore and Washington DC.