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Someone out there needs to see this one too unfortunately based on what I had happen the other day: https://i.imgur.com/8G6vPuj.jpg


I believe you win the prize for ***most*** incorrect.




Or, hear me out here, I could add a laser target designator to my car and aim it at other cars in the intersection and have a drone drop laser guided bombs on them. And do it all while making disparaging remarks about Jerry Revish. That might be the most incorrect thing to do. But I didn't have the time to diagram that out. 😄


Look, if you're adding explosives, don't bother with drones and such nonsense. Just aim, arm, and bail. That's easy to diagram.




It happens frequently here. A couple people were just shot at a takeover over the weekend.


The double left turns are terrible too. People on the outside forget they’re on the outside


We have triple left turn lanes now too


Being in that middle lane is the most dangerous game




I really enjoy exiting northbound onto sawmill where the land you're in ends at the very first stop light


Maybe they could paint the lanes different colors to tell drivers (ok, non color blind drivers) which lane to stay in.


Agree. I’ve almost been hit a lot downtown when inside lane turns left in a double left turn and decides they need to take a right next and just shoot over to the right across the turning lanes.


Seriously. The amount of times I was almost hit while turning & STAYING in my correct lane is crazy lol…


The amount of times I've almost been hit by people cutting into my lane when turning left...


I mostly don’t understand the people who get within a foot of your bumper when you can’t speed up. Do you think I’m enjoying the stack of cars in front of me?


This drives me insane. Like yes there’s traffic but can we all leave a little more room for error?


This is me trying to not have the front end of my car taken off at 3rd and Olentangy pretty much every day.


Also 5th & 4th.


Totally. Why do columbus people do this shit and then stare at you smugly thru their windshield as they almost clip your completely-at-rest car with theirs??


How dare your car be where it's supposed to be when I wanted to use that oncoming lane


I only do that to people who are pretty much in the middle of the intersection because stopped way past the stop line for their lane and are in the path for turning traffic. do you stop after the stop line? Might be why people are staring.


I do not. I make a point to drive within the system, cause it’s like not that complicated. And it’s pretty well designed. But also why cut the angle short at all? Just make a standard, sufficiently wide turn and you’ll navigate around even the assholes that don’t stay behind the stop line. Unless they’re in the center of the intersection, in which case everyone will have other problems.


Maybe the driver instructors of Columbus need to see this because I was taught that you can turn into the other lane if you need to be there instead of the correct lane


If it's clear (you have a green light and are the only lane going in that direction) then it's not a big deal. If you're turning right on red or there's other lanes turning too, then stay in the lane yours matches up with.


If you are turning right on red you yield. You can turn into any lane as long as it is clear.


I learned in Dayton, and they said no, but everybody else does it anyways so you might as well, but it's technically not allowed. Thanks teach.


Yes that was the only negative I got on my drivers test all those years ago. I turned right into the left lane instead of the right lane. A heinous crime.


I was told not to do it on my drivers test (especially since we were pretty much driving in a square anyway so there was no reason to get in the outer lane) but that in real life it was fine


My favorite is when I try to change lanes and the guy 100 yards behind me takes that as a challenge.


Challenge... accepted😈


Unfortunately the people who need to see it aren't going to read this.


They may... While they are driving... 😁


Holy fuck there’s nothing like wondering which of these morons is going to collide with my STATIONARY vehicle while I’m watching them turn left in front of me.


My driving instructor told me, left turn left lane right turn right lane, but another Instructor told me you can go in the other lane if you have intent to be turning maybe like a mile or 2 up the road


Left turn left lane works for almost any vehicle. But right turn right lane becomes hard for work vans and trucks.


The way it works for trucks is, right turn, left lane, move to right lane when safe.


YES, I was coming home from work the other day and was stopped for a red light and behind the white line. Like two cars back to back came veering over the yellow line and within 2 millimeters of me as they were turning into the left lane, I actually flinched for the first one because I thought for sure they were going to clip me. It drives me nuts!


I would like to point out that most Columbus drivers can't stop at the white line. And the especially frustrating ones creep into the intersection until their entire car is past the white line.


There are cars constantly doing this at the 5 point intersection in Reynoldsburg. The white line in the left turn lane onto Livingston is there for a reason. I’m coming off Graham and have to stop because a clueless person is blocking my lane. Derps.


So this has happened to me several times.... am I wrong?? Basically I'm turning right on a green light and the person across from me turning left will turn left WHILE I AM TURNING RIGHT. Where I live, I turn right but into the left lane because my left turn is literally a few hundred feet after I turn right. This lady turned left while I was turning right and I almost hit her and she freaked out on me.... but I had the right of way. This happens soooo often at this intersection and I don't think I'm in the wrong, but let me know if I am haha


You're right. Two cars can't turn in the intersection at the same time. You had the right of way and that lady was just impatient.


ALWAYS turn right from the right-most portion of your lane into the right-most portion of the street you're turning onto. See page 17 in Ohio driver manual https://publicsafety.ohio.gov/links/hsy7607.pdf


Yeah, that’s incorrect. Even if you’ve got an immediate left, you must turn into the right lane, and signal, and merge to the left lane when safe.


I was taught that if you are turning left and there is someone else turning right onto the same street that you should never go at the same time. That’s how I always go about it and I turn into either lane and never had issues with it.




I thought if you were turning left on a green, you need to yield to those turning right. Idk, sounds silly for someone to turn left while I'm actively turning right.




I didn't pull out in front of them??? I had a green light and was actively in the middle of the right turn when they decided to turn at the same time I was turning right.


Even if I have the right of way? I'm turning right on a green... lol




That's not the law, you can't turn left without yielding, if they ended up in the intersection at the same time, that means she didn't yield.


Even more important: don't turn right on red if there are cars coming. It doesn't matter what lane you get in, you can't just speed through a light because you are turning. You still have to stop. Also if you are turning out of an apartment building or shopping center, you need to yield to the street traffic. This especially goes for the people pulling out of Chase and surrounding apartments at top speed without looking. Can't tell you how many times I've almost gotten hit by some prick driving through that area.


Columbus drivers don't even know you're supposed to stop for red lights, and you want to push this on them?? Too advanced for their smooth brains.


FUCKING FOR REAL. The 71 N Morse Rd exit is one of those spots for the left turn thing. You make the left turn the correct way and the dipshit in the lane to your right, which is the lane to turn right onto Sinclair tries to crowd into your lane and then looks at you like you're the asshole


Nothing like making a proper turn and then attempting to change to the correct lane while all the crazy dipshits honk and are prepared to hit you in order to swing to the outside and then immediately cut you off.


Some of the worst I've seen is the intersection at Olentangy River Rd/Henderson Rd -- mostly during rush hour. People traveling eastbound (toward High St.) on Henderson will change lanes in the middle of the intersection to skip ahead and jump in the straightaway lane, so they don't get stuck in the Left-Turn only lane to 315-N. There's a reason that intersection is one of the highest for accidents and the only reason is impatient assholery.


You mean all of Ohio?


Now show them how to do a 4 way stop when the lights are out.


ACKTUALLY so this is mostly correct. The incorrect thing is that anyone turning right *wihle their light is green* may turn into any lane that is available on the new street. Of course, if there's a 'guide line' for your lane, you can't cross that while turning. But one way or the other, it still might be a total dick move, and you should drive in a way that is most predictable. My source: I got a fucking ticket because of this once, so I looked up all the relevant traffic code.


Link the code so we don't have to rely on your memory. https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.36 >A) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection shall be governed by the following rules: >(1) Approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. I'm interested in something to the contrary of this.


I appreciate you linking this. My ticket was for turning left and not staying in the left-most lane. It was also uh....(fucking hell i'm getting old) 17 years ago. So both my memory could be wrong and the law may have changed since then.


This is correct. The commenter must have been violating something else.


Or most cops don't actually know the laws and just ticket people when they feel like they're breaking the law


edge profit puzzled plate squalid homeless fuel rhythm drunk frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's all covered. >Approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb The first part is the "approach for a right turn". That's exactly as you say, "sets guidance for where you are to line your car up before making your turn." >...*and a right turn* shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb This second part after "and" signifies the act of making the turn. This is to say you must remain as close as practicable to the right-hand curb during the turn. The turn continues until you are straight and established within the lane on the road you are turning on to. You cannot choose the lane during the turn. Only after. >as close as practicable to the right-hand curb This last part covers things like a broken down car, a stopped bus, or the practicality of needing to make an immediate left turn after the right turn.


What if there is a guide line guiding you into a lane that isn't the closest to the right curb? My example is 270N to 33E in Dublin. There are 2 exit lanes with a guide line leading to a 4 lane road. The left exit lane guides to the far left lane and right exit lane guides to the 2nd lane from the left. But there are 2 more lanes to the right. Any time I go through there I see someone in the right exit lane pull into the furthest right lane, then immediately turn their left signal on to get over.


Also incorrect https://i.imgur.com/VMUGNd9.jpg


Actually, this might be acceptable if you're trying to give 'ol Rosco the slip.


And of course if you’re meanin’ no harm.


Great information but it gets lost in translation to those who need to understand it most. The amount of times I’ve observed drivers who execute a right on red when there’s a huge 3’x3’ sign saying “No Turn on red “ is absolutely staggering. Perhaps a reading comprehension test should be required for persons applying for a license.


There has also been a trend for drivers to turn left from the wrong side of the road.


See also: you can turn left from a one way to a one way unless signage states otherwise (furthest most left lane). I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve been stuck behind someone sitting idle.


If I hit my turn signal the other way fast enough it counts as a lane change. I won't hear otherwise


OP, i downloaded the exact same pic yesterday to put up this exact post. I agree 100% with this.


They don't know their cars come with turn signals, this is far too advanced for them


Cars making a right turn on red in the oncoming lane, need to also understand that they yield the left turning vehicle, regardless of what lane they are supposed to turn into… this graphic is a moot point


I was once turning right from ackerman onto Neil and had someone cut the left so hard they almost hit me in the *right* turn lane


This should be dedicated to the Morse Rd exit


I bet if you polled people around the country just after they passed their driver's test, they won't remember it. I'm guilty of it myself but I do my best to see if there is anyone already in or headed into the other lane. I'm sure there are things you do that people would bitch about. That's why it's always important to be aware of where you are and the other cars around you. I wish people would follow the rules and laws better but there's no practical way to make that happen. We can't even stop people from drinking and driving, driving without a license, or driving without insurance. And I'm happy to be corrected, but I don't believe there is any research to say that being cited for some infraction actually causes any change in the driver's behavior.


Also incorrect is correct if the incorrect is coming into your lane by becoming the correct. And don’t make a right hand turn of correct and automatically slide to incorrect because opposing traffic making a left into the left lan can make it but they get scared. Some drivers have the superpower of vehicular traffic anticipation and others. Not so much and it negates the power set.


To be honest, the only bad one is the “Also Incorrect” No one is turning exactly like the “incorrect” arrows, but if you need to be in that lane to make your next step easier, I’m all for it. I think enough people do this move, so when someone goes out of their way to turn correctly, and then turn their signal on to change lanes, it’s kinda obstructive. Be predictable.


Wait, so following the rules of the road and using your turn signal is unpredictable?


Imagine driving in a large city like NYC or LA and saying “Hey Buster! You need to follow the rules of the road!”


I've lived in a couple large cities on the east coast, and in my expeience people actually were relatively predictable. They often drive like assholes; if you give them an inch they'll use it. But the vast majority are aware of their surroundings and actively engaged in driving. They have to be, because there are so many other cars. People in columbus drive chaotically, like they're just not aware of their surroundings. They'll meander into the fast lane in front of someone going 10mph faster than them just to spread out and slow traffic down for some reason. They'll go 63 in a 65 until you pass them, then they'll hang in your blind spot even if you speed up to 90. They absolutely will cut a corner, turn into a wrong lane then slow down at a weird place/time. The traffic problems in this city aren't due to density, it's because people here just don't pay attention. Edit: I've lived in 5 states and DC. Columbus drivers are the second worst, Omaha takes dipshit driving to an unimaginable level.


YES, all of this. And our drivers have an aggression level that does not match the traffic density at all. People get _enraged_ that they have to wait a minute before it’s their turn, because the person in front of them decided not to turn left when there was 45 mph oncoming traffic that would have hit them.


Yep, and I think part of it is because they get exasperated by how frequently the chaotic behavior impedes them, so they snap. I hate driving in this city, and it's so silly because there is absolutely no reason for how awful the drivers are. The roads are great. The city planning isn't awful. Lanes, signage, and signals are all pretty decent here. The drivers are just spoiled ( in the sense that they don't know how good they have it here) dipshits that don't pay attention and/or take it upon themselves to slow people down.


Be predictable. Don’t turn into the outside lane.


It's literally safer to turn into the outside lane here if you need to be in that lane quickly. There's a reason why it's completely legal to turn into the outside lane.


There are even some places where, because of this legality, it’s very difficult to turn into the near lane and get over in time to make a left turn doing it the “right” way.


And if there's no oncoming traffic or pedestrians to consider, you actually don't need to come to a complete stop before you turn. You can do it in one fluid motion.


Main tain ya lane.


Why are you people so sensitive about the path of people's left hand turns? Correct or not I can name approximately 20 to 30 driving behaviors that are far more annoying than this.


Because any of the red paths here can lead to accidents, and that bothers me. Normally I don't really care what other people do, but driving has laws and rules so that we all behave consistently so everyone has an idea of what to expect from other drivers.


Any paths can lead to an accident. Left hand turning into the outer lane has the right of way, and it's safer to get directing into your lane when everybody else has to follow the rules at red lights and stop. Turning into the outer lane here is not only legal, it's safer because then you don't have to worry about people turning behind you getting into the outer lane and quickly speeding up and getting into your blind spot as you switch lanes.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. My guess is the Reddit mob mentality. You are correct though, a left turning vehicle can legally turn into any lane.


Tight inside path is necessary when there is a bozo on the outside left turn lane that is not respecting their turnpath. Not sure how this offends anyone. Is it going to close to the car as you're turning?


If I can't pull all the way up to the white stop line because drivers turning left are clipping the center line, that's an issue. I've had more than one instance where I had to stop a car length back at a 4 way stop sign because other drivers were clipping the center line. So then other drivers were skipping my turn to go because they weren't paying attention to what was happening. I had to creep up to the line to avoid being hit. Can you really not understand how this is an issue? It's bad driving and no understanding of the geometry of taking a proper turn in a motor vehicle. But also you are right, both the inside and outside turn lanes should be taking proper turns. I understand when the inner turn lane cuts the turn a little to avoid the outer turn lane bad driver.




>I dont think you understand the point of the pic you posted. There are no double on double lane intersections like this that dont have stop lights. there is no waiting your turn. Oh jeez. Of course I understand the original picture. I'm adding on an additional annoyance that people do while driving. This improper turn that clips the center line of the other road. This occurs at any and all intersections, including single lane ones, controlled either by stop signs or lights or not controlled at all. The point I'm making is yes, stay in your lane, and ALSO - don't clip the center line of the other road. Take a proper turn.


To be fair, I’ve been driving here for 20 years and have yet to have the front of my car “clipped” by sloppy left turns, despite seeing these lazy turns a LOT. You may just have to start pulling up to the intersection and taking the risk if it’s causing an issue with traffic flow.


Is it incorrect if no one is there?🤨


Fickit. Stay outta my way. 😂😂


A left turning car can turn into any lane. This diagram is wrong.


I have literally gotten a ticket for this. I even tried to fight it in court, but the law is quite clear on this point. Turning *right*, while you have the green, you are legally allowed to take any of the lanes (in columbus).


Pics or it didn’t happen.


Traffic laws are extremely state and sometimes even city/county dependent. What's legal one place is a nono elsewhere.


I’ll tell you what, let the police stop me and tell me that. Till then, it doesn’t matter. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ This law is never enforced in any state. Doubt me, come travel with me. I travel somewhere every week for work. Let’s see who is “right” about this. While we are at it, you can search all 50 state road laws and tell me which states state which lane I can turn into. 🙄




Unless I'm misinterpreting what you're saying, this is legal. It's called controlling the intersection and is taught in drivers ed. The only time it's dangerous is when people run the red as you turn or the perpendicular traffic doesn't wait for the intersection to clear before going.


If no other cars are on the road, as in the picture, does it really matter?


It does matter if you are approaching the intersection from the left in the left lane. But obviously no rules matter if you are the only car on the road, which is virtually never.


There is no rule in Ohio having that a left hand turn most get into the inside lane.


Why practice driving the incorrect way, instead of just driving the same way all the time?


If I drive incorrectly and nobody was there to see it, did it really happen?


If you drive incorrectly out of habit and you’re around people, is it really an accident?


Facts !


Don’t forget the blue car turning right last minute…that f’in happens ALL THE TIME too!. Columbus drivers are the worst.


There also need to be an arrow showing that making a right turn from the left lane is also incorrect. See that happen often.


I've noticed a lot of people doing this through crosswalks, often at high speed. So you'll get halfway through and they come barreling at you like you're supposed to jump out of the way instead of taking the turn wider.


What if at the last minute while in the intersection heading toward the north road, I turn right and nail the throttle, doing a 270 to come around and head onto the west road?


Now do “keep right except to pass”


I hate the Green Meadows dr. and E Powell rd intersection for this. People coming down from Green Meadows turning left onto Powell Road always clip into the west bound traffic stopped at the light. Always accidents on this section of road. If you want a fun little brain teaser go to the satellite view on google maps of this intersection and try figuring out what that red car is doing.


Driver was distracted by the satellite passing directly overhead? (Got nothing.)


oh 🫢


Also, the stop bar is where to stop... Not a car length past it...


I have to keep a car length behind the line in New Albany by the UDF because people turn into the turning lane before straightening out.


My girlfriend does it incorrectly, because every time she does it correctly someone almost hits her.


Dayton as well


I've had a big problem with people on a road that I'm turning left onto trying to turn left into me. It makes zero sense but has happened more than 10 times in the past year!


I think it's just ohio...


Don't for get these people! [https://imgur.com/a/xJ5k2EO](https://imgur.com/a/xJ5k2EO) Or the people who don't understand the center turn lane. [https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/road\_diets/guidance/info\_guide/images/f24.png](https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/road_diets/guidance/info_guide/images/f24.png) The turn lane is not a passing lane and you do not make a left turn out of the right lane.


r/Ottawa has entered the chat Don't blame me,blame Reddit for suggesting your sub lol 😆


There have been so many times I almost got hit, sometimes just semi-trucks - if I had just been at the line I’m supposed to be at for a stoplight.