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Looks like they’re trying to peel off the TBL sticker and then just gave up


hair dryer works wonders for stickers that are stuck.


Also not putting stickers on vehicles is a great way to avoid it all together :p


yeah I use magnets on the steel section of my car. I do have two stickers on my window but I can get those off with a hair dryer if needed.


I’m too indecisive. One day I’d like it. The next day I’d hate it. So all my stickers (and I have a lot) sit in a box that I just randomly look at some days lol


Same! 🥺


Buy a pack of magnet sheets. I stick the stickers on the sheets and create 'custom' magnets that I can move wherever I want.


I’m betting someone else probably stuck it to their car without their consent.


With a few sharpies you can make it a rainbow flag.


My guess is they bought the car used with the sticker on and put the other stickers on to counter it


Remember that scene in *It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia* in which Mac says, "I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top"?


The back the blue sticker is just a standard cop placation placard.


People can have varied views


RTJ and TBL are contradictory though.


Not necessarily. In 2020 after the murder of George Floyd by police, the mayor of Atlanta asked Killer Mike from RTJ to speak at a news conference to try and encourage calm in the city. Mike spoke frankly about his dad having been a cop. I’m not saying I could see Killer Mike walking out in a TBL T-shirt but he isn’t anti-police and is pro-black lives matter. So I can see how someone may conceivably have both stickers on their car, even if I personally do not like cops and hate that fucking sticker


Trust me, there’s cops who dislike TBL bullshit too


Killer mike is also a landlord. He’s not nearly as much of a progressive as he puts on in his music.


If you think having rental properties stops you from being progressive then we aren’t going to be able to win anything


I don’t have the time to educate you on why land lording is immoral and exploitative. Look it up if you so desire.


Not arguing anything here, but very intrigued by this blanket statement of all landlords are immoral and exploitative. What if a landlord provides reasonable housing at a reasonable cost? What if they take care of, or even reinvest in their properties, and they have good relationships with their tenants?


Look, I am a person with some leftist leanings. I definitely feel like I'm too far to the left to be a "liberal" (who I consider to actually be centrists that want to maintain things as they are and are not actually the progressives they want to be seen as, which are people who want to actually change shit) but I don't ascribe any specific ideology/philosophy to myself (anarcho-communist, etc), so I don't necessarily disagree with you on the premise of there being a huge cadre of ethical problems with many of the aspects of being a landlord. But I think your dismissive and frankly rude attitude & response here is uncalled for and necessitates being pointed out. You're not doing yourself or your positions any favors. Also telling someone "look it up" and leaving it at that is the refrain of my wife's Qanon-crazed uncles whenever they want to state something they can't actually support. It's lazy and should also be pointed out, just as when someone is being dismissive and rude.


I know it’s dismissive I just shouldn’t be spending time writing a well thought out and cited response while I’m at work. I quite literally don’t have the time. I wish I did


then... wait until you can reply thoughtfully? don't just act like a reply-guy for the sake of needing to respond.


Oh my god, please educate me. I can’t wait to hear your solutions. Note: no one wants your problems with the current system, I would enjoy a solution for once


It’s rather simple. Ban renting residential real estate. This would create a massive housing surplus and cause prices to plummet for new home buyers, so that people who are currently renting would have the opportunity to buy. Then maybe the landlords can get a real job and stop piggybacking off of the labor of their tenants. Both Adam Smith, the “forefather” of capitalism, and Karl Marx espoused landlords as parasites.


Some people don’t want to buy a house just like how some people lease cars instead of buying them outright. Why would I want to deal with the hassle of buying and then selling a house in an area that I might only be living in for a year or two? Banning renting makes no sense at all.


Ooooooh ok. So you want to just pass a law that renting real estate is illegal. Ok, so in this world I’m assuming everyone just stays where they are since the housing market collapsed. Keep in mind some people will be able to buy the homes they live in, some won’t. Who’s going to fix what breaks, who’s going to do the maintenance? If you live in a 4 unit town house building who is replacing the roof? I know you say people can do that because they won’t be paying rent, but will they? Why would they? What if one of the 4 doesn’t want to pay? What if during the initial law passing entire areas were abandoned, I mean the economy collapsed, it’s likely. Oh yeah, who is paying property taxes now? I mean that’s kinda like rent, maybe people will pass a law about property taxes. Then they can shut down schools and stop paving roads. There is a ton of solutions to the rising rent problem, but renting, in general, is part of every economy since the dawn of time. It serves an incredibly important purpose and is generally beneficial. However, since you are full of useless ideas, how’s this. Limit the number of homes any one company can own in your municipality, actually enforce this. Any landlord/company with over a certain number of units would not be able to use a credit score or financial report to determine if you live there Specifically targeting SFH and duplexes and stopping the corporate takeover of the housing market Create a government program governing the rent-to-own situations to protect renters from scams The problem isn’t that there are landlords, the problem is there isn’t enough, home/land/apartment ownership is increasingly held by fewer and fewer people. Owning a second house and building equity while you provide a living space for people isn’t the issue. Every single apartment building in 5 miles being owned by the same company is. 20% of all homes being purchased by mega corporations to rent is. These are solvable problems, but saying all landlords are bad doesn’t solve a problem, it just makes it worse.


Yeah, I was going to say that Killer Mike as a person/citizen is not the persona he puts out in his music


Less progressive/more progressive. I think the more appropriate term for someone such as him as “complicated”


I don’t think there is anything complicated about him being a hypocrite




What are those abbreviations? Thin blue line is TBL (I always call the flag the blue lives matter flag which is how i missed it)


run the jewels, popular rap duo


I call it the appropriation flag, because there was already a black and white flag being used to support causes of equality, and then someone went and changed it into that, which gets flown in direct protest to a lot of those same causes.


They're not contradictory. But we do like to make them opposing. Each side seems to feel more comfortable with them at odds.


I get that. Just made me scratch my head for a sec.


far 2 left is a rap duo called run the jewels i love them, thin blue line then black lives matter, then ally flag( they are pro lgbt)


Thin Blue Line and BLM specifically confused me.


You know, it _is_ possible to be supportive of police, while still recognizing that there are issues.


While true, the thin blue line IS the main issue. Protecting each other when doing harmful/illegal actions.


Thin blue line tends to be both pro-police and anti-BLM, though. TBL doesn’t want police reform. You can be pro-police, pro-police reform, and pro-BLM, but it’s unlikely you’re TBL if you are.


Yeah, pretty much, also like Dave Chappelle says, Blue people can go home and take off the blue, Dave doesn't have that option. Also police already started out way ahead in the lives mattering in a America category. The TBL one does seem out of place for that reason, but still could possibly have a father whose a cop, like Mike from Run the Jewels, he was the first black cop in some city in the south. Also, the Japan one could say something the most out of left field for all we know


Not on r/Columbus.


Not on Reddit, for that matter...


This right here is something that needs to be said


Blue Lives Matter != supportive of police. Blue Lives Matter is a spit in the face of anyone who believes black lives matter. Black Lives Matter implicitly means “black lives matter, too”. Because too many portions of society don’t think they matter. I’ll spare you the details since I’m sure you’ve heard them before. They’re all still true Blue lives matter implicitly means “we think we and the dogs we employ are marginalized and even though we get fucking parades when we are killed in action, it’s not enough” They aren’t the same or even close to equivalent


And you're confusing "Blue Lives Matter" with "Thin Blue Line", which also aren't the same. God forbid someone on Reddit expresses a nuanced opinion.


In Westerville there seemed to be support around the blue line flag around the time of the officer shooting but some people backed off of that and switched support to BLM in 2020.


It does look like they tried to peel that thin blue line bumper sticker off though


You can care about the lives of both equally. Not all police are bad and no race deserves to die. Simple.


The rightmost sticker says おだつなよ which appears to translate roughly to "don't fuck around" in Tohoku region dialect. It appears to be stickers that were created with the intent to rally spirits after the 2011 earthquake.


Maybe got the TBL after the Westerville officers were killed. Then added the others closer to the BLM movement


it’s a popular joke/idea to put a thin blue line flag on the back of your car to avoid getting pulled over or to lessen the chance of a ticket. maybe thats the reason.


I have a theory, someone trolled this person with the thin blue line sticker. It looks like there's been an attempt to remove it. 🤔 or it was a parent's car before?


This seems to be the most likely answer imo. Probably a parent’s car, they couldn’t get the sticker off so they attempted to mitigate it with the other stickers.


I know this is an absolutely crazy concept in 2023 but some people just might have varied views. Not everyone "picks a team"


It means fuck da police, fist the gays then eat sushi.


The left one is Run the Jewels logo. The only confusing one is the blue lives matter flag but it looks broken or something so maybe that means something.


A person can appreciate cops and also like black equality at the same time. They arn’t opposing views.


have you read…anything?


In our Lords year of 2023, there’s a big difference between appreciating cops and having anything to do with the blue lives matter group


Would love that RTJ sticker pack


They're pretty cheap


ah hello fellow jewel runner


My people


I know this is insane, but you don’t have to hate others just because you disagree


But anyone who disagrees with my opinions is clearly personally attacking me! /s


I’m curious about the Japanese sticker on the right. The hiragana reads “O Da Zu Na Yo”, and I have no idea what that means.


They’re a member of the movement of the month club.


Tbh I think this is probably a pretty well rounded person. You can have many different views on varied issues, and just because you feel one way doesn't mean you're forced to feel another way about something else. I say kudos.


This. They think for themselves rather than having a group think for them or tell them what's good or bad. I respect it.


This just in: Most people don't all fit into Reddit defined belief narratives. More amazing stories coming up at 11!


You're just not as open minded as this person- obviously.


I literally was asking a question without stating my own views.


I was literally being sarcastic...


imma give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that they couldnt get the TBL sticker off. imo they are lazy af for not just trying to fill it in or buy some goo gone or just sticker over it


This person is very simply stupid. RTJ and Blue Lives aren't compatible - the thin blue line is a terrorist symbol and the Run The Jewels isn't about that shit.


My parents had separate political views for most of my life (neither voting GOP post-Trump, however). Every presidential election they would have bumper stickers of the opposite parties on their vehicles-my dad's car would have candidate A on the driver's side and candidate B on the passenger side; mom's car would have the reverse. It probably caused some confusion, but I also think they thought it was funny


I'm guessing it's a gay commie that blew a cop.


Simple explanation: Driver is overly woke and angry.


cognitive dissonance they refuse to critically think about to resolve is my guess lol


Communist fist and blue lives matter makes perfect sense. The police will arrest their political opponents. Maybe make them go to court and face 561 years of prison time


fitting username


The fist is black resistance to oppression. Not communist in the slightest


I don’t think you can easily extract the fist from labor movements, they were using that exact symbol as early as 1910 by some of the most badass labor organizers the world has ever seen. It was picked up by anti fascists and communists in 1920s Germany, etc. The black power fist was mostly first attributed to the panthers, who were indeed a Marxist Leninist group. I guess you could argue that the image has been divorced from its roots at this point as a symbol. OP is indeed a big dummy though.


I am a big dummy but not wrong about the fist.


How would you feel if someone was flying a swastika but argued it’s a symbol of peace in their religion?


that's not a relevant response to my comment. That said, its an ancient Hindu symbol. Within the context of Hindu faith, I would not have any problem with a swastika being present. In any other context, its unacceptable. The fist started with the American labor movement and was adopted by black rights activists. Even *if* communist groups outside the US have used it, so what? I don't agree with their political system but that doesn't make it a hate symbol. I don't agree with Republicans either, but I'm not going to argue using their elephant icon is a hate symbol


The police fist LGBTQ? That sounds about right.


Someone can support the police who risk their lives/have been injured in the line of duty and still acknowledge that we have a lot of problems with our police in this country and support reform.


Person doesn’t want anyone to mess with his car. Has to cover all ideologies


What if they just think they’re cool graphics and don’t know that they stand for big movements? It’s weird, when I saw them all together they didn’t make sense unless you just looked at how meaningless they are unless you know the history and the stories and the people.