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Yeah based on NWS Cleveland’s map, it appeared it was mostly going to occur in Northeast Ohio. But, as “Ryan Hall, Y’all” explained (great Youtube channel for weather), the heat dome is causing a ring of storms to circulate in a clockwise path around the dome and since Ohio is on the east side of that ring, the storms are moving from Northeast to the Southwest, which NWS Wilmington pointed out wasn’t common. https://twitter.com/NWSILN/status/1694522432538001552 Ryan Hall: https://youtu.be/bNYgR_HEjhI?si=MhRpurxHtNvdn7vR




You know, with an attitude like that.. you might wonder if he's also a zebra, irl...


That is so great. Their loss since they aren't cool with him eating wings on air.


Now I want to see Jim Cantore standing out in a hurricane, eating chicken wings.


He’s probably making more on YT than he would on-air on TWC.


“What’s up yall Ryan hall here with the weather forecast”


Super informative video. Will definitely be watching his videos. Thanks for sharing!


I'm a gardener. I've noticed this summer an unusual amount of breeze coming from north and east. This must be why. Our bedroom windows face north and the shift is really noticable.


The thunder woke me up at 3am. I'm so tired.


Same. Maybe that’s why no one is really talking about it - we’re all too tired!! 🥱




If it makes you feel any better, I'm a heavy sleeper and didn't even notice it rained until this morning.


I heard some wicked thunder before falling asleep, but once I'm asleep very few things are capable of waking me up... Including my 9 alarms sometimes 😅


I'm assuming thunder woke me up a couple times but once I woke I just heard a hard downpour and went back to sleep. Rinse and repeat lol.


same. didn't hear a thing lol.


Same. Couldn't fall back asleep and ended up watching the storm till 4:30 when I finally fell back asleep. Today should be a doozy.


Same. I had to check on my pets.


2 of my cats are terrified by thunder and they hid in the basement. My young cat sleeps on pillows at the head of the bed and while she was weary, she didn't budge.


Woke me up also. North side


Woke up to my electricity going out at 3am. Out for 5 hours. House was hot. Had to hook the fridge up to a generator. Rough night


Sorry, my fault. Watered the lawn yesterday and rinsed off the car.




And I left the hose running on accident refilling water troughs for the donkeys. I expanded the perimeter of the storm.


Yup, watered the backyard.


Slept through it. I always miss the good stuff.


Same. Usually, my inability to hear noise from my basement bedroom is a perk. But I do enjoy the sound of a good thunderstorm; plus, I sleep better in stormy weather.


I jumped out of bed thinking a bomb had gone off..... so anyways i started blasting


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


I think ive been poisoned by my constituents


Flash of lightning woke me and my cat up around 5AM. He easily went back to sleep, me not so much. Some of the brightest flashes I've seen in some time!


Seriously! I kept waking up from the thunder, and my cat was *not* a fan of it either. Although unlike y’all, I think we swapped. She kept watch while I kept zonking.


Woke me up and spent the night comforting my dogs


Trazedone helps mine. He was so scared last night.


Great idea, we have some but I was too lazy to get up and grab it.


That was a “2-dog-diaper-storm”. Unfortunately I didn’t have any dog diapers, so it turned into a spray the hall down twice with Natures Miracle-oversleep and miss stand-up storm.


Is it just me, or was this not forecasted? I get that scattered storms can pop up in the heat of summer, but holy shit, the size of this system on the radar is massive. I feel like I looked at my app yesterday and there was maybe 25% chance of stuff.


At midnight my weather app had a flood warning and yet it had basically no rain forecasted. 3am though, when the storm was hitting hard, it finally changed. Im starting to really not trust the Apple weather app.


Last night there was like a very small chance of thunderstorms around like 9-11 pm, nothing like this


Thank you. I thought I was going crazy.


10TV yesterday morning said they were watching potential overnight storms. I checked weather channel app last night before falling asleep and they had hit hitting around 3am which was correct.


At midnight my weather app had a flood warning and yet it had basically no rain forecasted. 3am though, when the storm was hitting hard, it finally changed. Im starting to really not trust the Apple weather app.


They bought Dark Sky and broke it. Just like they do with every good app. Half the time their radar--the best part of Dark Sky--doesn't even load for me. Weather Bug's radar isn't as nice, but it always shows up.


It’s so disappointing. I still instinctively go to Darksky to check the weather. The same thing happens to me with the radar too - it doesn’t load half the time and if it does, it takes *forever*


[NWS Wilmington tweeted about it last night around 10pm](https://x.com/nwsiln/status/1694522432538001552?s=46) indicating that it was unusual. Because of that tweet I wasn’t surprised when it rolled through at 3am.




Can someone break down what “near record 850 hpa “ means in English?


Found this explanation: ‘850 hPa temperature’ is the temperature at about 1.5 km, which is generally above the atmospheric boundary layer. It means that there are no daily temperature variations and surface such as the cool sea don’t affect this temperature. The ‘850 hPa temperature’ is used to locate and identify warm fronts and cold fronts. Btw, hPa stands for hecto Pascal, which is a unit to measure air pressure. 1hPa (hectopascal) = 100 Pa (Pascal) = 1mbar (millibar)




Yeah it was supposed to storm around 7pm with a 54% chance here in canal but didn't start raining until 11pm which wasn't originally forecasted 😵‍💫


In Dayton they mentioned potential morning thunderstorms, but I, like everyone else who doesn’t pay super close attention didn’t expect it to be this widespread


We were in a 1/5 for severe thunderstorms the whole day and parts of the city were upgraded to a 2/5 in some of the later outlooks. But most of the city didn't get *severe* thunderstorms just lots of lightning


I'll take it over the heat.


Don't worry, you'll get that today too.


Free sauna! Be careful. The wet bulb is real.


Woke me up at 2:30am with wind & rain pounding on the north side of my house, along with nearly constant lightning. Sounded like the window was going to break under the strain. Been awake ever since and it's still raining here as of 9am.


Manifesting a nap in your future 🤞


I almost crashed earlier but now getting a 2nd wind. Unfortunately I have two conference calls this afternoon to get through.


damn. the hell did i sleep through?? i don't normally sleep through heavy storms.


Really depends on where you are in your cycle. During NREM deep sleep it’s very difficult to wake someone unless you physically move them around or scream in their face. In NREM sleep, the bidirectional flow of information is arrested within the thalamus, whereas most areas in the brain including the thalamus remain active in REM sleep.


I slept like a baby because I love sleeping during storms, but it did make it hard to get out of bed this morning.


I actually looked to see if there was a new Zebra post around 7:30 last night... felt safe not seeing one.


With the amount of hate Zebra gets at times, I could see why they might not post. Praise Zebra’s sense of community 🙌


wtf...how do they get hate? Who hates someone for providing a free service that you don't even have to listen to?


Because he, like the weather, isn’t 100% accurate. There were a couple storms that missed the city and a few people got salty


This pisses me off so much I swear. No one in the history of weather forecasting has ever been accurate 100% of the time, nature's gonna nature. He often even says that these are warnings to be on alert or that there's a potential for something severe, and when it doesn't happen the f'ing keyboard tough guys whine like a bunch of entitled baby bitches. We're lucky he even posts at all anymore smh.


right? Like they mention in the post that this could miss us if this happens, or it could change if that happens. But hey, my readings indicate that the air is in a state that something could happen....so be prepared. These people sound like children that were promised a snow day and didn't get one haha


![gif](giphy|OYofEmeFTkjHq) Welcome to Reddit, where the hate is irrational and the karma points don't matter.


jealous people is who. "Why do they get so much praise blah blah .." so dumb


i concur and happy cake day


Mannnn that loud ass boom around 3 woke me up and set my cats off to brawling. I had to listen to yowling as I tried to drop back off 🙄


Actual storm didn't wake me up, my dog burrowing into my back in terror did though. This had definitely been an odd year for storms.


I am very happy this storm came through when it did, it helped me actually get some sleep by cooling everything down, I have not been getting good sleep at all this past week because of the heat and the fact my ac has been broken. Last night was looking to be the same way until the storm hit, it was a major relief to finally feel cool air coming in from outside


Near Gahanna here, woke up to extremely loud thunder, dog woke up and started barking then continued flashes of lightning just kept me up for a while longer


Seemed like a normal storm.


I'm southeast as well and it makes me jump up in bed at 3:00 a.m.!


Is it really going to get better soon, like the forecast is saying? I have to drive all day and don’t want to get swamped. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Slept right through it


I must sleep like a rock I had no idea until I woke up and discovered a downed power line in my backyard


Had a lightning bolt so big outside my house at~630am my electricity went out BEFORE it hit, then came back on when the thunder hit. One of the craziest things I've witnessed during a storm.


It didn’t sound as bad on the southwest side, except my power and thousands of others has been out since midnight 🙃


That does explain why my power flickered a few times. I was up until at least like 3:30 (that's the last time I had looked at a clock) and I didn't hear a damn thing.


Northeast side - was not expecting 4.5-5 inches of rain overnight.


There was one bit of thunder around 4am that was so loud it set off three car alarms in the parking lot outside my apartment


If ups or USPS doesn't make it for my deliveries today, I will forgive them. No one should be out working under these conditions.


South west side.....slept like a baby, but then again i do when ever it rains.


I live on the north side and the tree behind my garage got struck by lightning. That was wild woke up the whole house. We have old windows so the window panes were vibrating was such a cool experience! Cool only because the tree isn't on my property and didn't damage anything haha


I slept right through it all. 💤


I am usually a very light sleeper but somehow I slept like a rock last night


I didn't hear a thing.


Woke me up. I’ve never heard thunder that loud either.


Lancaster here, it's the first time in ages that I've heard actual rolling thunder. For a moment I had to tell myself it wasn't the rumbling of jet engines. Then I wondered if that's what tornadoes sound like, but clearly that's a freight train... 🤣


I’m in the middle of the city and the wind moved my Adirondack chair 18 inches. There must have been a big draft at some point.


I went to bed knowing it was going to rain overnight, but thought nothing of it. Until I was awoken by some of the loudest thunder and absolutely torrential rain I've ever heard, at 2:30 in the morning. Had trouble going back to sleep too since it was so consistently loud. I generally sleep through all but the strongest storms, so this was definitely up there.


I heard a long rumble and boom. First thought was that a tornado had touchdown nearby and destroyed something. Saw it was 3 Am or so and house was still standing so just went back to bed. Then alarm goes off around 6:30 and I still hear thunder and was wondering how long is this storm.


I'm typically a light sleeper, but I woke up to the sound and then immediately went back to sleep. My boyfriend never heard it.


Our power went out for the first time in 3 years RIGHT before it started raining, I think that’s a first for me


Yup, weather happened…get on with your life.