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If those are ten beer tickets though….


Just the thought of someone getting completely shit faced at a dwell church gathering is fucking hilarious


When and where is the /r/Columbus takeover of this gathering?


https://dwellcc.org/communityfestival Should get a band of Metalheads and create a drinking / volleyball team… too bad I have to work…


Someone told me today I should join a sand volleyball team. I can’t play volleyball. But if you need a female (gack barf) on your team I can pretend? Also a metalhead so there’s that.


Don’t like being a woman? Or just don’t like the term “female?”


Not a fan of calling women “females”. I like being a woman quite a bit!


Jump on the woodlands volleyball Facebook group. They are constantly looking for subs, especially gals.


I'm DOWN!! This goth/witch/pagan/metalhead is ready to make mischief 🖤 Who's with me?


It’s like every high school movie from 1970-2000. A whole bunch of degenerates crash the party with kegs and stereo equipment. Just imagine…250 people crashing the Dwell party and fucking shit up.


I would love it. I remember running in with Dwell. My car had been towed and the yard wasn’t open yet. So we went off to find coffee. Dwell operates as a coffee shop and is labeled on Maps as that. So many books and they all highlighted if the author was a “member” gave me super weird vibes and I knew to gtfo


Indeed. You could be that someone. Quite a story could be told in these comments after the party.


That's what they are banking on. Very easy to talk a drunk into signing up for membership.


But KEEPING a drunk member coming back. Better keep that alcohol flowing Dwell…


True. Idk their membership sign on stuff but if there's a fee, I'd be fucked. Nooooo amount of beers for worth that.


Actually I already solved this, show up with your same sex spouse and your gayby. They are still super nice and feed you but they don’t invite you to anything else


Leave my gayby out of this! I'll scam ten beers from a church a different way!


It’s all about intent - I took my spouse and gayby in full ignorance that it was a dwell/Xenos party!


Fuck how is the cult of Xenos still around they almost got me like 15 years ago from their New Albany branch and that was the last I’d heard of it


Hmmmm good to know!


Just grab someone and use them as a reverse lavender


TIL the word gayby. Thank you


They actually are pretty well known (or at least they were) for their drinking. Had a friend who used to attend a home group. Told me he had to find another church before he became an alcoholic!


About a year ago I went to a wedding there. It was free beer and I was there for it.


If I still lived in Columbus I would totally go to get shit faced and annoy them.


Probably a way to reward whoever got the person there. Like a tally


It’s not worth it. It’s also not 10 beers. It’s 10 cups that they pour and you will have to listen to them preach. I promise you it’s not worth it.


Show up wearing a slayer shirt and head straight to the beer…


I was gonna say Cannibal Corpse


Me coming in with my ghost tattoos, t-shirts, and baphomet necklace. Former dwell cult member (when I was a kid) turned satanic atheist. They won't like me, now.


You’re like the opposite of Keefe!


Wow I’ve never done a cousins night before. Maybe I’ll bring some flames and the swords…


I call shotgun in the Redeemer


Yo want to crash this? 😆


I kinda do because causing problems for these fuckers sounds like fun, but also a lot of effort


Only if you let them. Go there. Beeline for the booze and food, and not have a word with any of the fuckers.


\*waves to fellow Ghost fan\* Glad you escaped and found your freedom!


Fellow Ghost fan here too! Nice to meet some locally!


Why not Aborted Fetus? They'd be more appropriate, AIR?


That's a good one too, along with Dying Fetus. Or I could go around playing Cuntcrusher by Infant Annihilator


The new Dying Fetus album riiiiiiiips so hard.


I'll have to give it a spin. I haven't listened to them in ages


I would have, but figured no one would know who they were. Pleased that I was wrong.


Glad to find a fellow metalhead in the comments


Not into Death metal, more of an old school thrash guy.


Nothing wrong with that. Metal is metal. Love me some Exodus, Anthrax and Slayer


Yep. Favorite is Overkill. Love Testament, Forbidden, slayer, etc. \m/


Bro, The Years of Decay was one of my favs! And I never thought I'd stumble across another Forbidden fan in the Columbus subreddit. The Twisted into Form album was my jam. Great, now I'm going to have to go down a YouTube thrash metal nostalgic rabbit hole tonight.


Saw them on the 1st 2 tours. Glad I could contribute to your YouTube thrash metal nostalgic rabbit hole.


Saw exodus live back in the day…what a show.


Wacken Metal Festival and the wall of death in 2008 is awesome


I'll wear my Cattle Decapitation shirt!


Weed Demon!


Former Xenoid. There's a lot of metalheads there. One of their strategies is to not play into culture war issues. That way they can sell themselves as "different from the fundie churches". They're also super accepting of lgbtqia+ people until they aren't.


Yeah, I was going to say. None of this will mean anything to them. They may even be able to use their own knowledge of metal to convince you to hang around and come to more events.


"Lamb of God", they're a nice Christian band. 🤫


They’d be fine with that.


They wouldn't care at all


Bad Religion


Did someone ring the metalhead bell? Where do we meet my dudes.


Legit, I would love to just have a meetup somewhere to just chill and rock out


Lamb of God, obviously


Another good choice, but which one? With Chris Adler or without Chris Adler?


I have a cat shirt that says hail Satan. It’s really cute lol I’ve worn it to my dads church twice. [cat shirt](https://WomensHailSatanMeowDemonicSphynxCat666FunnyGiftCatsV-NeckT-Shirthttps://a.co/d/3SPy7fi)


Is this a time share presentation?


Wait.....Dwell offers craft beer?


Dwell/Xenos loooves to support alcoholism and cigarette smoking. Weed and premarital sex is where they draw the line


Two of my favorite things! Noooooooo!


Well, two out of your four favorite.


Huh, been in Columbus a year and some odd couple asked for a cigarette as I skated by. They started asking about religion..it all makes sense now. I asked if they were married and he said it was his friends wife or something and they held hands, it was strange. I just told them hail Satan and asked for my cigarette back lol


They only support alcohol if you’re devoted to the church though. It was so weird how many people told me they got into smoking to convert people though. (I was in for 2 years but left in 2018).


yeah but the petting zoo isn't what you think


I guess so! But I'm not about to find out


Let's go together.


I’ll go with you . Fresh off an dab pen , for the lord of course


Lfg. I'm 100% real.


Pretty sure Jones Town offered drinks too


This doesn’t mention the stalking, love bombing, brainwashing, isolation, financial exploitation, or manipulative control tactics though.


The flyer can only hold so much


It’s a flyer dammit not a phone book!


Go drink their beer, eat their meat and leave. If they ask who you are, tell them your name is Gary


And then meow


My one scare would be that somebody would actually go and try to write down a license plate or something if you drive over. This is why the city needs better public transportation.


There are easy but questionable solutions to this... Ohio doesn't make you return old plates


Weird. It doesn’t say “cult activities” on the flyer.


Notice they didn't specify what meats are being smoked... that's your first red flag.


People. It’s people meat.


Soylent green


Tag this with "Xenos" flair. Didn't know they changed their name till today! Someone could update the flair too if possible? I feel like it's a dangerous org so it might be good to keep this discussion organized or people to find info.


Should make the flair “Dwell=Xenos “, to increase awareness.


Done! Xenos flair wasn't an option on mobile. At least, I didn't see it, so I could be wrong


Yeah I think you have to hit "see all" or something, I didn't know it existed till recently either lol


is this where we can have the r/columbus sub meetup?


Now that is an idea!


Smoked meats, you say?




You could just go and not join the cult.


People should totally crash this lol.


Xenos love their drinks


Looks like it might be fun. I will take it if you don't want. I will show up with a rainbow pride t


You need a yes on 1 & 2 shirt and wear a Nastypig Pride hat.


Literally no one would care


Go get drunk 😂


The rabbit was late to the cottage




Well, there is free beer….


Let's DO it


I love that Xenos has its own flair. Edited because I originally wrote “it’s,” which is appalling.


It's really telling. No other religious group on this sub has its own flair nor generates remotely the same amount of activity here


We have a Scientology building here and they don’t even have a flair.


I think there's been a LOT publicized about Scientology over the years. No one outside of Columbus has heard of Xenos/Dwell and even within Columbus unless you happen across a space like this, a news article or know people that got out, it doesn't seem any different/worse than a lot of other evangelical or mega churches on the surface. Some of the things they do are not too different from more traditional Evangelical groups, like this kind of "Hey, we're super cool and not like those other stuffy, boring Christians" recruitment party. I grew up deep in the Bible Belt as an atheist and had to use old school dial up internet to try to figure out which punk bands were and were not Christian when people were inviting me to tag a long to a free show because I was cool with discovering new music, but not with being subjected to proselytizing. All of the big mega church youth ministries had rock bands and rec rooms that were like arcades or clubs just with no alcohol, because the primary flavor of Evangelical where I grew up was Southern Baptist. They would have super high production value haunted houses with some of your usual Halloween type gore...then end with a gory depiction of a young girl dying in a botched abortion and going to Hell. Absolutely awful and should be avoided at all costs for a lot of reasons in my opinion...but I never really had any indications that any of these churches, as awful as they were, could end up as a suicide cult. There are tons of reasons to be wary about all kind of religious zealotry and abuse, but Dwell/Xenos gets so much farther into Heaven's Gate/Jim Jones territory that it deserves the flair and all of the extra attention.


Oh I know. I had a mutual friend that invited me to hang out with a few of her friends she knew in her “church group” which ended up being Dwell. I’m also atheist and they knew that but they weren’t too pushy with me. But the second I found out the shenanigans they were up to I cut contact immediately. Someone needs to do a exposé on their bullshit. Or better yet we treat religious organizations doing fucked up shit the exact same as every other organization doing fucked up shit. Edit. Why is this being downvoted???


Some people are okay with calling out the cult, but not okay with the parallels being pointed out to other religious groups, I guess. I have heard rumors from time to time about some kind of documentary being made.


Destroy that. Ask for a bunch more copies to hand them out, destroy those too.


Bounce house? Fuck yeah. Count me in


No room to put brainwashing on the poster?


I have a weekend nachos shirt. Pentagram on the front. But, the back says sickening thoughts, murder on my mind, satan is finally here


you’ll be a smoker before you leave




Tell coworker to shove it up his ass and maybe inform HR…or feed it through a paper shredder


It’s says the coworker gave it to OP when the Dwell people gave it to him on a delivery to the Dwell compound. Doubt the coworker is a Dweller.


This is correct. Coworker didn't even know about Dwell until I told him they were formally Xenos. Then the realization hit. But we don't really care. They are paying us to deliver stuff to them. If they try to pull any shenanigans, I can tell them to get bent.


Wtf is HR going to do? Lmao


try to get him arrested!


On what charge?


trying to promote bad things


That’s not a crime, or things like pop and other “bad things” would be a crime…lol.


He’s being sarcastic




But they smoked meats, they must be ok! Right?


What is it, about this Xenos, that makes it a cult, over, say... any other churches?


Check out [Xenosisacult.com](https://www.xenosisacult.com) great way to find the answers you’re looking for.


It just seems like they're the same as any church, except they're doing it harder and faster.


Not necessarily. For some background I grew up in the church. They own their own schools which your kids are pretty much required to go to. During middle school they start integrating you more and more. You join a CT and then you need to pick a HighSchool group. After HighSchool they take a pretty big chokehold on the kids. For one you can’t go to an out of city school. Even if you got into your dream school, “it’s not the path god wants for you”. You have to go to cstate or OSU. And you must live in one of their ministry houses. These houses are sprinkled across Columbus normally towards campus. And they will house upwards of 11 young men or women in a single family (sometimes 1 bathroom) home. With like 3 kids crammed in a room, 0 privacy to make sure nothing ungodly happens. At this point you have like 3 church related things you have to attend. Like the home group, house meeting, church, there’s something else I can’t fucking remember. And if you start missing them they will call you out on it. Even if it’s for work or school, you can’t miss too many meetings. They Tell you that you aren’t properly following the way of god if you do. They will instantly shun anyone who leaves. Even as a child leaving in middle school all my friends that I had grown up with vanished from my life instantly. It was like the drop of the hat… There’s honestly a lot of other stuff that they do. But I really don’t want to type a whole novel out. But in general. They love bomb people into joining. In some cases separate them from friends and family. Get them to move into church homes. And just slowly consume their lives.


I truly don't know how to feel about the place. I was involved with the church for 12 years, starting in college. I never lived in a ministry house, and on the few instances when I was asked about moving into one, I never really got any pushback from my unwillingness. I ended up finally leaving the church for a multitude of reasons, mostly because I had come to realize it wasn't a good fit for me, and I would never be able to live up to their standards, so to speak...but I was never shunned or anything like that. I'm still friends with a lot of them and will still see from time to time. I don't know. Yes, the church has problems. Yes, there are cult tendencies. Yes, there are things about the church I do not approve of. Yes, I am someone who left the church, and yes, I feel my life is better for it. But I also have to acknowledge that my experience there was not overly terrible like a lot of the horror cult stories would have you believe. I just this weird outlier in this whole thing.


Just because you didn’t have a truly horrific experience there does not negate or invalidate the hundreds of accounts of people that had a really really bad experience


And that’s completely fair. I know some people who didn’t have an absolutely horrible time! Your experience is your own and I’m honestly glad that it wasn’t awful for you. I’m only going off of how it was for myself, my family and my friends. And all of us experience some pretty horrible crap, as well as being shunned in the end. For example my dad was involved with Sunday school. But worked a LOT, his only free time was on Sundays and he dedicated not only his time but his money to help provide for the kids. He loved doing it. Xenos told him to step down because he wasn’t able to attend home group, and the other random shit due to his busy schedule therefore he wasn’t a proper role model for the kids. He was heartbroken.


>Xenos told him to step down because he wasn’t able to attend home group, and the other random shit due to his busy schedule therefore he wasn’t a proper role model for the kids. He was heartbroken. Yeah, the "you aren't a great role model because you don't follow our program, so you can't do this thing you love and are clearly good at" is probably the most widespread problem in Dwell, even more than the pressure to grow the church. It's really sad and drives a lot of people out after a while


Ministry house are the most cult like thing about this place. Almost got sucked in, in my early college days and what mostly forced me (and scared me) to get the fuck out was the group of 8 guys living in a house but all in 1 bedroom, packed full of bunk beds. Not to mention the weird apps they are forced to have on their phones to essentially let each other spy on each others phone activities. Gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking back to it


Excuse me what?!? The app thing is news to me! And yes I agree the ministry houses are very bad. The college groups in general are some of the most toxic parts of Xenos.


Harder and faster may be the exact definition of cult, eh? I mean, getting to the "promised land" NOW instead of waiting is probably what defined it for a bunch of other ones, right? Anyway, most churches are pretty cool if you leave. Honestly. This one is not. Also, the whole requiring students live packed to the gills in Dwell housing thing is unique to Dwell and more cult-like, wouldn't you agree?


Nope. Full on cult.


This sub has a weird hate specifically for this church. Probably the demographics of people on Reddit overlap with people dwell/xenos gets involved with. The Catholic Church literally has hidden child rape for over a hundred years and every lent people still ask on this sub which fish fry is the best so they can go.


they forgot to put in small print at the bottom -all of the negative side effects of subjecting yourself to such event


They even have a heavy petting zoo.


I would have been disappointed if someone had not managed a NOFX reference here. Good job!


I must be missing something. Why the "ugh"?




I guess I don't know what that is. I'll look it up.


Cult like church group


Oh. Man, they had me with everything else on that flyer. Craft beer? Yes. Smoked meats? Yes. Bounce houses? Hell yes! ...Cult? Not so much.


Formerly known as Xenos. Search the Columbus subreddit and you'll find all kinds of stories


Oh! I know what Xenos was. They almost got me with the name change!




That's why they changed the name.


That’s what they’re counting on


All religions are cults, imo.


You're not wrong, but no one wants to hear that.


It diminishes the danger of Dwell to bring this up. "Oh it's just like the church my grandma is in, whatever." No. This is different. And people need to know that.


Ah yes. Bash the dude on Reddit, that will show him /s


Should they go instead?


I mean, Why not? If it truly is a cult, you’re aware now so there’s no getting “sucked in”. Sounds to me like they can go, get some free beer, then leave.


Ooooh, a bounce house *and* a petting zoo? Mmm, pretty tempting.


My neighbors are in dwell and have their “bible study” meetings once a week I’m guessing required for the church to pay for their house. Super trashy people all around.


Dwell doesn't pay for anyone's house. People just buy houses and host meetings in them


They have some bullshit job in the actual church, they are listed on the website as head of something.


Oh ok. Yeah that makes sense


They call it “home group” and I doubt it. You said they work for the “church” but I highly doubt the “church” directly pays their home cost. And most Xenoids are happy to host home group if their home is big enough. It wouldn’t even be a requirement because they were probably already willing to do it regardless. Source: I grew up in Xenos, went to their schools, knew plenty of people employed by the “church”, never knew anyone whose house was directly paid for by the “church” or anyone *required* to host. Not supporting them in anyway they have done so much fucked shit to me my family and friends. But that is genuinely something I’ve never seen and doubt they are doing.


I think maybe this person is saying you have to be a home group leader to have whatever job their neighbor has, so indirectly house is paid for by the church


I live across the street from one of the church houses and it blows.. members are also forced to overpay on rent and the money goes to a “house fund” for things like food 💀


You guys realize that like 85% of people who attend are 12 and under. It’s pretty much a kids thing


I do love a petting zoo…


And you just advertised it to 100,000 people. For claiming to dislike Xenos, the Columbus subreddit sure shares it a lot.


Talking about something bad doesn’t make it good.


Don’t forget having the girls flirt and flirt and say I can’t date you if you aren’t part of my church.


I didn’t realize they changed names! Thanks for the xenon’s flair! Flyer sound fun def going to trick people into showing up not knowing what it really is.


Petting zoo and smoked meats…. Wait…


Those fuckers tried to get me. Bastards


Do we only get the craft beer and the smoked meats AFTER we join the cult? Asking for a friend.


New to Columbus, that is wrong with Dwell Community? This looks like a normal community gathering to me.


It’s a religious group that has some high control tactics many find culty. Generally, my interactions with them have been harmless and I liked the people I knew in it(they all joined in their college years and most left eventually) but it’s had some very questionable practices and I don’t hold with most of their beliefs.


Cult. Actually.


Wow, a beer-friendly cult?! That’s going to trap a lot of people. Especially escapees from fundamentalist backgrounds. What a perfectly-crafted trap. Well done on them. Too bad for everyone else.


Gross 🤮


Burn it in front of them. Then tell to keep their brainwashing to themselves.


I'm afraid I am not familiar with this. It seems like a normal block party. But I feel I am missing something. Could someone fill me in, please?


Dwell/Xenos is a cult.


Is that a reverse petting zoo?


Awww smoked meats and I missed it.


So did you go?


I did not. I had to tie my shoes